Page 17 - TheGoldBug1947-48
P. 17
The Gold Bug, Nov. 14. 1947 Terrors Set For Homecoming Tilt On The Inside ... Meet Dickinson Red Devils; Terrors Point For Victory by Bob Dubel Sports Editor, The Gold Bt~g Western Maryland's gridders will kick the lid off Homecoming festivities Homecoming! That means a day of \vhen they face the Dickinson eleven tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 on Hoffa bustling activity, and the football Field. game with Dickinson tops the list. Charlie Haven's warriors are resting at the .500 mark for the season The Terrors have quite an incentive with a 3 and 3 record, so they are anxious to subdue the Red Devils to chalk to drive them to turn back the Red up a winning percentage. The Terrors have been drilling conscientiously for Devils. First, Westen] Mar-yland has this test all week because they remember only too well how Dickinson eked never lost a Homecoming Game, and out a victory last season, after the Green and Gold had led through most of this year's squad just is not the type the contest. to deviate from this habit. If anyone • Dickinson Defeated Drexel thinks this outfit does not have Dickinson has had a spotty season to date, but is now on the upgrade with plenty of fight, he did not see the a convincing victory over Drexel last week in the books. GelTY Miller, half- Delaware tussle---it was a bruiser. back, and Francis Noonan, quarterback, are the big guns in the Red Devil And, secondly, the Terrors have a .500 attack. record with 3 wins and 3 tosses. and Dickinson and western Maryland have not met a common foe, so a com- they want to push on over this .500 THo Margarita Al Paul parison of scores is impossible. Head coach Ralph Ricker has a light, ".youn6 mark. 8!trly Tilo was at his best in the "Moon" ha.s been a big cog in the, Ter- team which is in the building process. The squad lists five seniors, but most Maybe it is a little late in the sea- ?'ough battle with Delaware. ror defense b'om his tackle position. d the players are freshmen and sophmores. . son, and I know I harp on the subject Western Maryland participated in a bruising battle with Delaware, but too much, but the school spirit around the squad is still in suprisingly good physical condition. here smells-in fact, it stinks! The Soccerites Meet Hickory Sticks Delaware student body had plenty of • Blue Hen Contest Rough day Shore Teachers life with its cheering and all around Junior-Senior Tilt The contest with the Blue Hens was rough and muddy. If the .Terrors had display of support----on a rainy had been able to capitalize on a 'few breaks it might have been a closer game. at that! Western Maryland has al- by 'Vayne Cowan After getting off to shaRey start in the first half, the Terrors held the Hens ways been known for its unlimited Takes Spotlight to seven points in the final half. In the third period a touchdown drive was spirit and friendly atmosphere. Why Coach Johnny Jones and his varsity started, but it bogged down within the shadow of the Delaware goal posts. change things now! Lets get behind soccerttes left last night for the deep Next Thursday the Western Mary- Hank Corrado and Joe Giannelli led the first half attack, and they were those Green Terrors and give them Eastern She' and Salisbury where landers travel to Towson State Teach- assisted in the second half by Al Jacobson, Julian Dyke, and Stan Kulakowski. a highly touted State they will meet something to fight fpr l 'I'eaehers eleven today. ers College to face their third col- All the Delaware tallies were earned the hard way. The center of the And why limit this spirit to foot- Salisbury has a veteran squad which legiate foe. This season, so. far, our Western Maryland line was tough, with Harry Bush, Johnny Sgariglio, Tilo ball? Let's give more attention to all boasts greater strength than that stick-swingers have met with stiff Margarita, Joe Corleto, and, Al Paul shouldering the burden. extracurricular activities. We might displayed in last year's game, played cpposftion. The Terrors ring down the curtain on the 1947 football season next Satur- even revive the custom of saying" 0'1 the Hoffa Field turf when the On November 3 they played at day when they meet Johns Hopkins at Homewood in Baltimore. It is a "natu- "hello" to feUow students as we walk Green and Gold staved off a last half Notre Dame, and after a long, close ral" with both teams pointing to the by. - effort to win by a 4---3 count. Both f:ght, the score held at 0---0. Both contest. Both aggregations have pro- Getting back to football-the 'I'er., teams this season have had similar teams were" on," and the game be- Junior Terrors duced convincing victories over Cath- rora were nosed out 25-20 by the Red wins over Towson Teachers and Dela- carne a tough scramble from one one University and Washington Col- Devils last fall in a game which was ware, so the game shapes up as a real striking circle to the other with Htt.le Face Merchants lege. To date, Hopkins has a four second to none as far as excitement scrap in anyone's book. Jones is look- mid-field play. won and two lost record. goes. This year, 'though, Dickinson ing for his charges to corne through Outstanding backfield defense W!l.S The Western Maryland junior vars- Western Maryland student tickets will arrive without Doug Rehor, a once more and to bring home the first evidenced particularly by "Dutch" ity football team will meet the West- will be accepted at the gate at Home- little all-American, who could toss piece of bacon for the big Home- Ruppenthal, whose spirit and fight minster Merchants Tuesday nigbt in wood. Alumni and friends of the col- that pigskin in any league. Dickinson commg dinner. was an inspiration fOTthe rest of the a game postponed from last Tuesday lege will have to write to Hopkins without Rehor will probably be an en- Plagued by the lass from the start- teem to protect that goal. because of heavy rain. for tickets. tirely different outfit. ing Hue-up of right half Jim Hack- Last Friday the lady Terrors played Playing against tough _opposition Stan Kulakowski, halfback, and People up Carlisle way are high on man and halfback Pete Calias, the Mount St. Agnes at home and lost to all fall, the Baby Terrors have had a Carlos Ortenzi, guard, have been se- Francis Noonan, pony-size quarter- boaters have lost three straight tilts superior opponents 2-1. The Moun- dismal season, so they hope to hit a lected as acting co-captains for the back. He weighs less than 130 soak- since they won their last game fr0111 ties had the advantage from the start winning stride against the local ag- Homeoming game. ing wet, but he is rated as an impor- Delaware, 4-1. Hackman, aggravated o.f having practiced as a team sev- gregation. This will be the first time The probable lineups fo)" the Dick- tant cog in the Red Devil machine. by a-back ailment, called it quits for- eral times a week and of having rre- they have played under the lights this inson-Western Maryland contest are: Although they were shaken up in the season, while Callas was injured quent substitutions. year. the bruising battle with Delaware, tIle ill the e~rly minutes of the Maryland Our girls, on the other hand, had In their outing last Saturday, the Cotter LT LE Koblish Paul Terrors are in good physical condition game when attempting to head the never had opportunity to practice Junior Terrors bowed to a powerful Ma.rgarita Towe with the entire squad available for bHII.His head met with an Old I..iner's teamwork and, unless in a class gnme, ~ullis Prep outfit, 29-7, in the mud on LG Thompson duty. noggin and be was knocked out. X- had not played for a week. They Hoffa Field. The game was well-play- Bush C RG Sacek Sgariglio Guest And a rough game it was! Dela- rays at the University Hospital in were, therefore, out of condition. ed under adverse conditious, and the Corleto R1' P. R. ware was penalized well over a 100 No SUbstitutions were made until junior varsity showed signs of coor- Paxton, yards-mainly for clipping and hold- the last minute of the game, and it dinated attack. A pass from Stan Piavis RG Pooley ing. Those two types of offenses do was a tired, discouraged team which Fieldmnn to Bill Monroe provided the Tulla.i QB Noonan Giannelli LHR not exactly represent good, clean shifted to strictly defensive play the touchdown. Kulakowski RHR Miller football. second half. The Baby Terrors have some prom- Abbott The Terrors fought hard and th .., The one goal scored was by Sue i~ing backs in Stan F'ieldman, Pa;]1 Corrado FB Paxton, P. L. game was much closer than the score Dixon, one of last year's all-Maryland Tereshinski, and Chuck Gannon. Hank indicates. III fact, the Green and Gold insides. Showing a speedy dribbling Norman and Joe Macie provide an of- (Continued from column 1) lost a couple of scoring opportunities attack was JeaJl Minnis, left wing. fensive threat and defensive power on zIe, he wore a bright red helmet with that might have made it quite a con- "Mac" McMahan, goalie, put up a the flanks. Buck Watson played a a nose guard which was borrowed test. good showing, and had many saves, hard game at tackle, while John Gru- from a high school at the last mo- In ·the first period, after Delaware but had little SUppOTtfrom the back- b~r is the standout of the center of ment. That red helmet was all over had tallied with a quick touchdaw'1, fleld players who 'missffi sQv('rul de- the line. the field on defense. the Tenors bulled their way the en- fense shots because of the slippery Next Friday the Junior Varsity Julian Dyke is coming along as a tire length of the field, with Hank ground. travels to meet the Bainbridge Naval lall carrier. He ran with plenty of Corrado and Joe Giannelli carrying", The class games show a much Trainillg" Station Commodores. The power against Delaware. only to be halted on the three-yard bTighter picture. Heading the fray lit ~ailor~ do not have the powerhom;e I'm picking'Western Maryland ove~' line. this time are the juniors with one ttey had duling the war, but they do Dickinson. Stick with those Terrors! If one man's determination could win and no losses. The seniors have have a team of near college calibel:' have won, Western Maryland would (ille win and one tie, the sophomores ED the Baby Terrors will have thei~' have come home in front, 40-0. Stan one tie and one loss, and the fresh- hands· full. Kulakowski was pointing for victory men, one loss. George Piavis, ex-Terror guard, is v_,-ithall his heart as this was his last The outstanding game of the sea- assisting Tom Tereshinski with t.he chance to defeat a Delaware team son will be that between the juniors squad. which had sct his team back twi::e and the seniors, as both have good, is scheduled for next Tuesday after- lkMC Ranked ('42 and '46). e\enly-matched material. This game Hank Corrado and Joe Giannelli were the big guns in the first half, noon. and Al Jacobson came to their aid in The seniors trounced the freshmen Tops In Football the second half. Jake has definitely Joe Thompson 5-1 Jast week, with Marty Witter, arrived in the Terror football picture. center forward, scoring four times In the New York Times of the past Besides being a sharp passer and a Baltimore showed that there was no and Anna Hess once. The halfback Sunday appeared a rating of the shifty runner, he is a keen competi- sl,dous concussion, but his rig';lt ear defense in Kellam, W"ntz, and Harper leading teams in the country. West- tor:""_that means a lot. was severely cut. was notably good. ern Marylanders should take pride in The center of tbe line is holding u!1 After leading thl'ough t~le first half The juniors beat the favored sopho~ having their team placed in the group well with SgmigJio, Margarita, Cor- of the game by a 1-0 ~ccre follow- n.'ores 3-1, with Miles, center for- with the same rating as University leto, and Paul forming a solid wa!L ing Ernie McFadden's fir~t perioJ ward, slamming in two, and Mj;nis, of Chicago, Drake, Fordham, Univer- They have been receiving a tot of help counter, the Green and Gold lost a left wing, one. Prominent on th> for- sity of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Uni- lately from Bill Kern, "Ug" Yaglin- tough battle to Bucknell 4 to 1. It ward line was right inside player Bet- versity of Oregon, and Tulane. ski, Bob Martin, and Gene Fehlman. was a hard fight all the way and the sy Taylor~ who showed unusual fight This ranking was made by Charles Since shifting from tackie to guard, visitors from Lewisburg, Pa., were and stamina. No substitutions were Crowley, who is head coach at Co- Martin has more than proved his forced to come from behind in a la~t made. lumbia, and Western Maryland is for- AkJacobson worth. He is a hard, fast charger. llalf rally to heat an underdog wAle The sophomores held the seniors to tunate in being recognized as one of Jake rates a11wng the best passel·S Jim Cotter played like a mad man eleven. a one-a~pjece tie Monday. Brown, the leading teams of the country by and runners on the Terror squad. in the second half at Delaware. In the The Terrors are resting on the .500 senior wing, scored for the oldsters, such a greavcoach. third quarter, he stopped four plays mark in Mason-Dixon Conference play and Lenz, inside forward, for the The University of Maryland ap- in a row. with two victories over Delaware sophomores. Neither team was up to peared in the rating in the group be- She: What a pity that handsome Despite the mud, Si Tullai was University and Towson Teachers and its usual form, but the fullbacks, Don- low Western Maryland. men are always conceited! easy to spot. Because of a sore snoz- two defeats at the hands of Wash- ley an~ Sanner, show':Jd a powerful (From The Gold Bug, December 1, (Continued in column 5) ington College and Loyola. ddensive combination .. 1926.) He: Not always, little girl. I'm not.
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