Page 70 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 70
'2 The Gold Bug, April 24, 1947 Guest Editorial Brat Letters Frances Bartley That Bartley To The Editor by BETTY'SCHMIDT (Although we feel that perhaps these columns have been stocked too "I'm a preacher's kid, which ex- Bart attended Wesley Junior College, There is a vital case of civil plains a lot!" fully already with criticism pro and liberties yet to be decided in When Frances saw J was puzzled, where her dad is president. "I really con about that February 6 issue, we had to watch my step. I had to be an these United States. That is the she hastened to explain. angel and the strain was horrible." believe that the following communi- case of amnesty for conscienti- "I used to cause a major sensation • cations possess some value in the con- It was at Wesley that Frances be- ous objectors of World War II by taking my doll, Sweetie, to al! the gan to study music seriously. She troversy.-Ed.) who were imprisoned for viola- prayer meetings, sitting on the front played an active part in the student tion of the Selective Training row, and teaching her hymns. And I government and in the dramatic dub, Dear Editor: and Service Act of 1940. While was always throwing tennis balls too. most of these men are now out against the side of the church to see Bart, who is majoring in voice and A hearty AMEN to the Loyola of prison, in many states they how close I could come to the stained minoring in English, came to the Hill Greyhound's criticism of the Febru- have no right to vote or hold glass windows." a year ago last fali. She gave us her ary 6 issue of The Gold Bug! public office, becoming "second "Ever break one?" I queried weak- first voice recital in February, '46~ As an alumnus of W. M. C., a one- class citizens." ly. on the most slippery, sleety night of time editor-in-chief of The Aloha, and a member of the staff of the late de- In December, 1946, President "No," she said. Then she volun- the entire winter. parted Western lIfaryla.nd College Truman appointed a three-man teered quickly, "Before I started go- We became acquainted with Eran- Monthry (parent of The Gold Bug) board to decide upon this ques- ing to school I used to run away ces as an actor when she appeared as I was thoroughly disgusted with that tion. Chairman of the board is every day. I was always paddled when Holger in Why the Chimes We issue. Owen J. Roberts, former Su- I came back home, but that didn't have seen her since in her wonderful- preme Court Justice. The other help any. One day when I was wan- Iv hilarious interpretation of Elsbeth On the other hand, let me say that members are Willis Smith, for- dering around the neighborhood, a in Janic. She plays Tessie, a girl from you are doing an excellent job on the mer president of the American playful collie dog knocked me down Brooklyn, in the forthcoming senior regular issues. They, fortunately, are as much a credit to the college as Bar Association, and F. J. and began to lick my face. Was I play, Excursion. the supposedly funny issue was a dis- O'Niel, former vice-chairman of scared! Fortunately an old man who Martha Washington and did a min- Bart is a member of the glee club, the American Legion American- was passing rescued me. I never ran uet with George!" the choir, the College Players, the credit. Keep your hand to the plough! ism Committee. As yet this away again!" Bart fell in love for the first time SCA cabinet, and the Argonauts, and Very sincerely yours, board has reached no conclusion "When did you start to sing pub- on her first day in junior high school. is treasurer of Iota Gamma Chi soror- Gerald E. Richter, concerning this matter. These licly?" I ventured, feeling this a safe His name was Eddie and at Christ- ity. W.M. C., '26. men are the duly appointed arm topic. mas timc he sent her a box of choco- She likes dancing, banana splits, of a democratic government and "When I was six," she 'replied. lates (via his eight-year-old brother). British accents, philosophy, and peo- will be influenced in their de- "They wanted someone to sing a solo "He was so bashful. I saved the box ple and life in general. "I'm one of Dear Editor, cision by the kind of public in Sunday School, so I raised my and name tag. A few weeks later we those moronic happy people-I have Several casual readers of our Feb- opinion they know exists about hand. Mother had a fit, because she had a quarrel and I tore up the name moods, and how I have them!" ruary 6 fling in The Gold Bug find the question of amnesty. thought I didn't have a voice. But I tag, but I saved the pieces for ages." V,rearing shoes and getting few the contents not only unamus'ing, but, Even beyond the shores of the had to sing then, 'cause I'd said I And it was in high school, too, that credits for her music courses are as they prefer to express it, bordering Land of Freedom amnesty has would." Frances won the statewide dramatic Bart's pet peeves. "I practically live on the blasphemous. been granted to political prison- I changed' the subject abruptly. contest. She did a scene between at the music hall." If these reader-s will inspect the ers of Germany, by General "When did your dramatic career be- Mary Queen of Scots and Elizabeth. Frances plans to continue her study editorial, "Preparedness in Heaven," McNary in December, 1946, of gin?" I wanted to know. The prize-$25.00. , of music in either New York or Phil- the strong suspicion that the author Japan, by General MacArthur, "Well, the first play 1 was ever in After graduation from high school, adelphia. was not poking fun at ally of the and of the countries of many of was at grammar school. I was a fire- higher conceptions of the Deity arises our allies, by their respective place fairy. The same year I was and grows stronger. The central governments. Should there then . The Drake Cas~ ... theme of the article was hardly so be hesitancy about returning small as to be limited to the ameliora- civil rights to men who were im- I VtUce4 ... tion of the plight of the conscientious prisoned because of legal diffi- Chapter IV his desk. "Bring in the Sarcotti black- objectors, although that was admitted. culties or a moral or ethical dif- By CHARLES G. BROOKS (Resume: Drake, concealed in the mail letters and your shorthand pad." ly a part of the whole desired objec- ference with their government? apartment of a man who had been Drake let his head sink between his tive. Actually this incident is not Although nearly every period of blackmailing him, saw an ex-convict hands. He had lived in such fear for A plot employing as characters so long that now the only sensation without precedent, inasmuch as time is crucial in one form or another, shoot the blackmailer, Sarcotti. Un- he felt capable of was exhaustion. various personalities considered as in the history of the United the small college is about to weather able to escape, Drake killed the un- A girl came in, handed Rhodes a representing the Integrating Force in could, we -",""C._ m. __ States there have been nine pres- a particularly 'important crisis in the known murderer and made it appear file of papers, and sat down. the Universe had done it just as he idents to grant amnesty to politi- sense of competition with larger insti- that Sarcotti Then, having put the "These letters were written by you blasphemous, if there were i dying. was cal prisoners. It is in such a tutions of heavy endowments and of finishing touches on his perfect crime, to a young woman, weren't they, there but a snappy repartee sans edi- category that conscientious ob- greater facilities in the field of higher Drake?" Drake nodded. fying motive. But here was an arti- jectors are usually included. Can education. This being- a transitory age he slipped out of the building just as "Please answer aloud." cle which actually supported the was cry hue and the aroused. He it be that we are less democratic encompassed by many conflicting spent most of his next day in a bar "Yes," Drake said dutifulfy. Christian philosophy of life, an ar- than we were in the past? Per- absolutisms, each one right chiefly You were corresponding with her ticle which emphasized the difference haps not, for public support has from its own respective and somewhat drowning his sorrows with a beautiful concerning a novel she had written, between signing one's name to a be- been given to granting general narrow viewpoint, tl)e necessity of blonde. When he finally went back to were you not?" lief and understanding and executing Lieutenant he found his apartment, amnesty to men convicted be- maintaining modern and progressive Rhodes of the Homicide squad who "Yes, I was." Darts of that belief-s-and of any other cause of moral, religious, or small colleges seems to be of para- "She had sent it to you, because beliefs which are of lasting value to political convictions, by the mount importance for the perpetuat- questioned him for several hours, first the human race. To be very blunt, it and later American Veterans Committee ion of the liberal arts field. in Drake's apartment, at last the de- at you are a noted critic and the author seems to us that there is no point of what is hailed as one of the great- Police Headquarters; and the C.I.O., as well as by There can be no doubt but that the tective produced Drake's carved jade est books of our time, The Broken whatsoever in maintaining actions in- scores of individually prominent field of education has passed from the cuff link, which be explained he had Bough-oh no, this was written before r-onsistent with principles which have to be most work- been demonstrated fact of sponsorship under more domin- America'hs. ant institutions into a separate and found.) the book was published, wasn't it? At able, and have been accepted by that We as members of a demo- unique place of its own in the reality Drake's head seemed to spin. He any rate, she wanted your opinion of person as such. cratic state can ill afford not to of living. tried desperately to remember. He her work. In this, the earliest dated support the grant of amnesty to Dr. Holloway will leave college with was quite certain he had worn the letter, you told her you thought the You may notice that disparaging celestial characters the conscientious objectors of a record rooted in many improve- cuff links the night of the murders. _book was of no merit. A month later, remarks about" while those individuals " were passed World War II, for at stake is a ments, ranging from the mental to the But wouldn't he have noticed one was in this second letter, you were ap- maintained such an incongruous fundamental issue of civil liber- material. Foremost among these has gone when he took his shirt off? No parently replying to a communication ties, concerning which Justice been the turning of the student trend not that night. He wouldn't have from her in which she reminded you course of action. \Vhen a more con- plan was adopted, the whole sistent Frank Murphy, in a Supreme away from the superfluous excesses noticed anything that night. that you had failed to return her tone of the satire changed; a feeling Court decision recently made the in the athletic field and back toward He sank back in his chair wearily. manuscript. Is that correct?" of joy arose; the" celestial charac- observation: "All of the mobili- the educational field. It has not been "Just tell me one thing, Rhodes. Did For a few seconds only the faint ters" had once again risen to their zation and all of the war effort done spontaneously and it is not com- you find any letters in Sarcotti's rubbing of the secretary's pencil broke creative roles. These" celestial char- Drake answered will have been in vain if, when pleted; rather, it is a slow process ~eap;me~t-I mean letters written by the silence. "Yes," Finally he said. "She had acters" had a typically human na- quietly. work, all is finished, we discover that which has required careful attention Rhodes looked at him inquiringly, ture when they forgot their as they to the raising of the academic stand- but became higher creatures in the process we have destroyed ards again, a process which is still in waiting for him to say more. Drake ~:r~!:el;t t~:~ ~~~: ::l~te:o:~ ~~~kh~~~ remembered it. 'Yhy be bothered with the very freedom for which we motion and is as yet far from complet- persisted, "You remember, in my Something had happened to the one insignificant trivialities, when there fought." ion. apartment this evening you said she had kept! I answered that I'd is a higher attainable fabric to work Since the beginning of the history something about my name being pang on to it long enough to show it for? of Western Maryland as a college, the found. You said that's why you came to a publisher I thought might be The question exists whether man- THE GOLD BUG presidents have been of the clergy, a to question me... don't you remem- interested, but I advised her to forget kind can rise above the petty conflicts in general, it and writing all about fact which requires neither commend- ber?" and erect a new and higher order of ation nor condemnation. Yet, judging "Yes. Drake, I-remember, and now because it just wasn't her line." civilization, or whether we can have from the undertones and trends of I understand what those letters mean. Rhodes spread several more sheets nothing to hope for than another dis- opinion among the responsible stu- He lifted the receiver of the phone on (Continued on page 4, column 5) integrating process. This thought. dents and among others connected in paraphrased from the clcs'iug com- one way or another with the college, there is some valid objection as to ments by Dr. Arnold Toynbee in a Subscription ,Price $2.00 a Year lecture at Johns Hopkins University the advisability of asking another during our spring vacation, was a minister to preside as president now. statement of the theme of the article The objection would appear to lie, not Thursday, April 24-Nora. Prentiss, Benefit Movie, Carroll Theater. Editor·in-ohief . .. Fern Ray so violently challenged. Dr. Toynbee, • Man&ging Editoro .. . J.. n Cohen in the fact of a president being a min- Friday, April 25-Nora Prentiss, Benefit Movie, Carroll Theater. research historian at the University Edward Cuben ister, but in the fact that a capable Saturday, April 26~WSSF Bazaar, Blanche Ward Gym, 7:30 to 10:45 l'ews Edito,' .. Len"," Hoffman of London, is one of the few special- Sport, Editor.. . Jamco C. E!Hot person would soon be called away p. m. ists who can transcend his field and Futuro Editor". ..Jack and J&n Rogers again to otber higher clerical duties. Friday, May z-c-Pteno Recital, Jean Murray, Levine Hall, 8 p. m. Copy Editoro.. . .•... Betly Lee Robbin. realize the place of that field in this Tbeod8 Lee Kompanek Western Maryland, at the termin- Saturday, May 3~May Court and May Day Play, Amphitheater, 2:30 f;tKlf Pbotogr"pher C8.1 Webb ation of Dr. Holloway's term as pres- p. m. May Day Dance, Gill Gym, 8 to 11 :45 p. m. higher type of living we should be ident, will be in need of an executive t Monday, May 4--IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 7 p. m. working for. Houck capable of directing the college into Thursday, May 8~WAA Picnic, Harvey Stone Park, 8' to 10 p. m. So there! And at least read the Quelch article again. Ogden channels leading toward higher stand- Friday, May 9~Violin Recital, Robert Snyder, Levine Hall, 8 p. m. Sincerely, ards in the educational world and the Monday, May 12-French Club Spring Fete, Robinson Garden, 8 p. m. expansion of facilities in the field of Tuesday, May 14~Organ Recital, Betty Miller, Alumni Hall, 8 :15 p. m. Ed Cuehen, Frank Jmwwt, cated by Dr. Holloway. Thursday, May 15-Art Exhibit, Smith Hall, 8 to 10 p. m. Charles G. Brooks, Nick Pieacomo, (Contrinued on page 4, column 2) HarrJ/ Yingling,
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