Page 71 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 71
The Bug,Apri124, 1947 Terrors Trave To Loyola From The Bench Coach Hurt's Netmen Test For Diamond Test Tomorrow By James C. Elliot • Mt. St. Mary's Team Today Playing .500 ball in the Mason-Dixon Conference with a record of one (Spo·rtg Editor, The Gold Bug) By Wayne Cowan victory and one defeat, the Green Terror baseball team will go after its second league triumph tomorrow afternoon when it travels to Baltimore to With a golf bag in one hand, an Undefeated in two outings at this writing and rushing into the middle meet the loop-leading Loyola Greyhounds. umbrella in the other and overshoes of a tough, rigorous and heavy schedule, Coach Frank Hurt's tennis charges Coach Charlie Havens' nine has developed into a unit potentially capable on his feet, this writer tramped will clash with Mt. St. Mary's this afternoon at 3 p. m. on the home courts. of turning back any team in the conference. Pitching has been good and around over eighteen holes of golf Following in rapid succession will be matches with Georgetown on Sat- fair, while batting and fielding have ascended to the heights and descended through a steady downpour Monday, urday and American University next Thursday, both matches being played to the depths. , April 14, almost, missed his dinner, in the Nation's Capital. Gettysburg will be met May 2 at home and Dick- almost probably caught pneumonia, I) Al Malene Goes Route inson will be tested the following day in Carlisle on the Red Devils' home In the season's opener at Washington College two Saturdays ago, Al and had the displeasure of final- courts. Their first match rained out last week, Hopkins' Blue Jays will come Malone went the route for the Terrors, granting eight hits while striking ly seeing Leo Halsbeck, on the to Westminster May 10 and the Terror tennis team will travel to Emmitsburg out seven, and th~ Green team returned to the Hill with an 8-to-5 victory. eighteenth hole, drop a 10-foot putt for a return match with the Mounts on May 7. to give Loyola College a 5 to 4 golf J~~: '1~!~~ • Carrying Fine Record tr-iumph over Western Maryland, host W~s~:r:hr~~a;:la!~:s g~:I~ c~;e t~: ~:~t ~~m:~~:;e~a::m!:e to the Greyhounds. The team will be carrying a fine record into action, not only rev the fourth inning when, with the Terrors ovich. It really goes without saying that present season, but for the past tennis squads as well, when they tackle the trailing, 1-2. Art O'Keeffe, Green and A wild ninth inning rally which rest of their schedule. Never in history has a tennis team carrying the Gold shortstop, drove one of Shore- netted six Terror runs fell short of the writer was acting as caddy for Green and Gold colors gone down before a Georgetown or Mt. St. Mary's man Bob Grove's slants into left cen- the Greyhound ace. Oh, the humil- team. College when ter for three bases to clear the loaded overtaking Washington the Hill last iation, exasperation, vexation, and In their only two appearances so the oration! Shoremen visited sacks and send his mates into a lead Saturday and eked out a 10-8 win At that particular moment the for this season the varsity racqueteers they never relinquished. over the locals. Terror golfers moved to the head of Frat Softball have downed Washington College • Logan Performs Well the writer's blacklist, but subsequent twice in straight sets for every man Last Friday the 'I'ci-rcrs traveled to • Three Hits In Eight Innings performances have changed their Gets Unclerway with the exceptions of No. 6 singles Gettysburg to meet the Battlefield Held to three safeties and two standing. in the last match. The teams have met Bullets in a non-conference fray. Bob runs through the first eight innings, By Ed Maithy on the last two Saturdays with West- Logan performed on the hill for the Green and Gold batters hopped • Most Improved Team ern Maryland finishing on the long Off their Green and Western Maryland, and, although all over the offerings of r-elief hurl- Gold golfball record, the stand as the Tuesday marked the opening of the end both times by 9-0 and 8_1 scores seekers beaten, 3-1, turned in the outstanding er Bob Grove in the ninth, and most improved team on the· Hill. 1947 Interfraternity Spring Sports respectively. hurling stint of the young season. brought Shoreman pitcher Gray to Since that fateful afternoon of the program when the Pi Alpha Alpha • Moore, Stern Improved Logan, displaying excellent con- the mound to put out a fire that had fourteenth, Coach John Makosky's and Delta Pi Alpha softball teams en- The two most improved players on trol, held the Bullets hitless until two reached conflagration proportions. charges have literally "lit into" the gaged in the first game o:f the season. the squad in the eyes of the coach hands were down in the fourth. Then Six Terrors circled the bases in suc- opposition. The Preachers are in quest once more are Rowe Moore and Norman Stern. two singles and a double mixed with cession on a walk, two singles, a dou- Juniata bowed on the Terror camp- of the softball Championship which Stern has been advised by his doctor two errors afield resulted in two tal- ble, and two triples. us course, 6 to 3, last Thursday, and they very ably captured last year, and to refrain from playing this week lies for the hosts. Another unearned Ernie Leap hurled eight 2/3rds in- this past Saturday the Makosky-men displayed considerable power to since his sacroiliac duct is out of run crossed the plate in the sixth, and nings and was touched for eleven hits traveled to Washington College and trounce the Black and Whites and place, and this deals what may be a the Terrors, who could fashion but beiore giving way to Ken Monroe. dropped th~ Shoremen by a 7%-1% gain revenge for the de:feat they suf- death blow to the lineup. Moore five hits off the twirling of Gettys- Numerous errors contributed much to count. The Shore team included Ernie fered in volley ball. Charles Havens, moved up to displace AI Resnick for burg's Bacon, tasted defeat for the the Terror downfall. Cookerly, who knocked golf balls Director of Athletics, was on hand to the No. 4 p~sition. around over the Terror campus while throw out the first ball. The team has come through in fine The other two teams were listed to Western Marylancl Cinclermen Open attending school here this past sum- see action against each other in their fashion thus far and has shown up Ying- very well. Kenny Volk, Harry mer. Ernie, tnctdentatlv, met defeat Campaign At Washington College at the hands of Walt Sibiski, 3 and 2. first games this afternoon. ling, Ken Volkart, Moore, Resnick and Stern have won each time hand- • Twelve Games Scheduled • McQuillen Goes To Toledo Of interest to Western Maryland Twelve games are scheduled for the ily, both in singles and teamed in By TOMLARSEN regular season. Each team plays each doubles. sports followers will be the ne,!-s that The Eastern Shore of Maryland was invaded yesterday by the Terror Glenn McQuillen, former Western other team twice during the cam- The results of the last match with track team, the beachhead being estaUished at Washington College in Ches- Maryland diamond luminary, has been paign. The final game will be May Washington College is as follows: tertown. sent by the St. Louis Browns to their 19, and starting time for all remain- SINGLES That it was strong competition the Green and Gold faced was amply farm team, the Toledo club of the ing games will be 6 :35, E. D. T. For- Volk, Western Maryland, defeated proved by the results of the meet between the Shorernen and Johns Hopkins, American Association. feit time will be five minutes later, Davis, 6-1, 6-0. in which a strong Hopkins team took a majority of points, in most events by and in case of rain, the game will be Yingling, Western Maryland, de- small margins. played on the next opening night. feated Bean, 6-1, 6-2. The Terrors left yesterday morn- Members of varsity teams are pro- Volkart, Western Maryland, defeat- il "'eltther Hampers Practice ing with a tentative lineup of track- hibited from playing on a 'Frat' team ed Shetterly, 6-1, 6-0. It was a great challenge to the men, and a probable lineup of Green in that same sport. A schedule of the Moore, Western Maryland, defeat- Terror team which has been held up and Gold representatives as follows: games appears elsewhere. ed James, 6-1, 6-0. in its sessions by adverse 100 Yard Dash-Carroll Wallace, • Golf Tourney Monday Resnick, Western Maryland, de- weather conditions and a lack of Tom Eletcher, and Arnold Kovler. The Interfraternity golf tourna- feated Blake, 6-1, 6-l. equipment for proper training. Mem- 200 Yard Dash-Stan Abrams, ment will be held Monday at 1:45 p- Ringle, Washington, defeated Car- bers of the team spent much time Wallace and Kovler. m. Each club will enter a three-man ter, 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. constructing a broad jump pit, and a 440 Yard Run-Don Egner, Rog team, and the regulation eighteen DOUBLES pole vault standard of proper propor- Simpkins, Rod Austin, and Abrams. holes will be played. Volk and Yingling, Western Mary- tions was fmally improvised with the 880 Yard Run-Simpkins, Don May 1 is the date of the Inter- land, defeated Davis and Bean, aid of some volley ball net standards Pinholster, and Ernie Birch. fraternity track meet. It is not yet de- 6-0,6-0. and some adept carpenter work. by One Mile Run-Dan Dalgleish, cided what events will be included in Volkart and Resnick, Western one of the team members. Ralph Goldman and Egner. t he meet, in which all clubs will be en- Maryland, defeated Shetterly "The will is there," said Coach Two Mile Run-Egner and Dalgle- tered. and Blake, 6-0, e-i. Jack Hansma, adding ruefully that ish. Six matches are scheduled for the Moore and Stern, Western Mary- the team is in the condition now that 220 Yard Low Hurdles-Charlie tennis season. Each club will play ern Maryland, defeated James it should have been in three weeks Hammer, George Hankins, and Gru- three matches, and teams will consist and Guer, 6-3, 8-6. ago. ver Martin. of four singles players with no • Penn Relays Saturday High Jump--Dan Welliver, Martin Glenn McQuillen doubles. SOFTBALL For Women Only Added to those handicaps previous- and Shaeffer. Glenn, during the two years he was ly mentioned, Jack has had to juggle Pole Vault-Ernie McFadden, Milt a member of the varsity Terror nine, April his line-up for the impending Penn Herbert and Doug Beekes. boasted batting averages of .580 and 24, Thur.-Gamma Beta Chi Women's Sports Alpha Gamma Tau. Relays at Philadelphia, Saturday. Discus-Tommy Price, Curly Coff- .500, hitting the apple almost as hard Men who should have been training man, and Koontz. as is that top slice of bread, and dis- 28, Mon.-Pi Alpha Alpha vs. for the 440 yard run have had their Shot Put-Jesse RegIe, Koontz, and played enough ability from ..his out- Gamma Beta Chi. In Full Swing talents diverted to other events which Joe Corleto. field post to be granted a contract 29. Tues.-Delta Pi Alpha V3. Alpha Gamma Tau. may render them ineffective when JaveJin-Coffman and Price. with the Browns. • After several weeks of practice, the Western Maryland vies with big time Running Broad Jump-E i v i n d He spent the summer of 1938 with May 2, Fri.-Pi Alpha Alpha vs. spring sports are in full swing, Soft- ball, tennis, archery, and golf head the competition at Philadelphia. Barth, Price and Coffman. them, and was farmed out the next Alpha Gamma Tau. list of activities. The intramural soft- season for seasoning until the latter 5, Mon.-Gamma Beta Chi. vs. ball games are slated to start this Green Ancl Golcl Golfers Improve part of the 1941 campaign when he 6, Tues._Delta Pi Alpha vs. week. The sophomore team will be Delta Pi Alpha. was recalled by the Browns and stay- faced with strong competition to re- After Dropping First Two Games ed with them until the Navy required 9, Fri.-Alpha Gamma Tau vs. tain the championship which they won Pi Alpha Alpha. his services in 1943-44-45. • Powdered Apple At Toledo Gamma Beta Chi. last year as freshmen. Plans have been made for a tennis By Bob Dobel After his discharge from the Navy, 13, Tue~.-Gamma Beta Chi vs. match with the Clifton Park Tennis After losing to George Washington Glenn returned to the Browns last Pi Alpha Alpha. Team of Baltimore. The games will be Ul1iversity and being nosed out by summer und was with them through 15, Thur.-Alpha Gamma Tau vs. played 011 the Western Maryland Loyola,4 to 5 , Coach John Makosky's tile first game of the current season Delta Pi Alpha. College courts, but no definite date Green Terror golfers came back before being sent to Toledo. 16, Fri.-Al,rha Gamma Tau VB. has been set. strong to-trim Juniata and Washing- It was during his stay at Toledo in Pi I...pha Alpha. On May 13, the Carroll County ton College by scores of 6-3 and 7%- 1940·41 that he enjoyed his greatest 19, Mon.-Delta Pi Alpha vs. Track and Field Meet will be held at 1~~ respectively. success with the stick, powdering the Gamma Beta Chi. Taneytown .. Of:ficials are needed for The squad found di:fficulty in round- apple for averages of .333 and .329 TENNIS this event, and anyone interested in ing into playing condition for the first and winning a berth with the Browns. April oificiating or desiring further infor- two matches because of bad weather 30, Wed.-Pi Alpha Alpha vs. mation should contact Miss Roselda and course condition. However, tbe Delta Pi Alpha. Tol'1d. previously uncertain outlook toward Hendrickson, Ralph Barrett and AI the season has been replaced by a Jacobson have been alternated in the May 5, Mon.-Gamma Beta Chi vs. moderat.ely optimistic view. final position. Alpha Gamma Tau. Batting .300 or Over • Holloway Consistent Point_Getter • Own 500 Record 7, Wed.-Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Gamma Beta Chi. Playing in the leading position; Losing to Loyola, at home, and win- PIUlI"' Ab ll. Captain Fred Holloway is proving to ning from Washington College at 12, Mon.-Delta Pi Alpha vs. Elliott, E. 7 3 .429 Alpha Gamma Tau. be a consistent point-getter, and the Chestertown, the divot-diggers own a 14, Wed.-Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Kulakowski, 5 .400 balance of the team is well-rounded. .500 record against Mason-Dixon Con- Alpha Gamma Tau. Margarita 13 .385 Holloway, Walt Sibiski, Mike Phill- ference foes. To date Loyola leads the O'Keeffe 10 .300 ips, Carl Mendel, and Al Bright have Mason-Dixon parade with three vic- 16, Fri.-Gamma Beta Chi vs. participated in every match, and Bob tories against no losses. Delta Pi Alpha.
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