Page 74 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 74
The Gold Bug, May 15, 1947 Milestones Mary Fleda Davies Editor Elite Sleepers, 'WhoJ 'Who. (jn ~Iu!. t:ildL Awakel by Tom Sands and Sheila Siegel When I was graduated from Mary Fleda Davies was born and photos and copy under which she was Western Maryland College in Three weeks ago we presented bred in Sparrows Point. She went to buried before the Aloha went to press. 1918 to return to my home two hundred miles away, I learned an editorial exhorting the stu- grammar school there and also at- "Mary," we said, "what's !your pet that separation from College dents to support their student tended Sparrows Point High School, peeve?" "Well" she replied, "I dent Hill did not affect one's love for government. It didn't have much where she began her editorial career have any brothers or sisters and I it, except to increase it. I found effect. on the school paper and year book must confess that people who say 'oh, that, instead of being the cam- As a matter of fact, the stu- staffs .> Now she is ready to graduate an only child' in a tone insinuating pus where I pursued my college brattiness degr-ee annoy to the nth dents of Western Maryland Col- from college, leaving a long trail of me considerably. It's not our fault" education, it became hallowed lege are even more indifferent editorships behind her. stte added plaintively. We were ground. "Tall-and-slimness" than before---if that is possible. naturally curly hair and very blonde, forced to agree. I next discovered that 1 had characterize Mary Fteda, who is proud of her "Here" she said, "have a pretzel." suddenly become a member of a Sh~r~e itl~h~e ~~t~~ ;~!i1o~~: Welsh background. Dylan Thomas, "'·e did and then asked, "Oh, by the great fraternity, that wherever suffering weather? Are we too the young Welsh poet, fascinates her wa~, Mary-what's your favorite I met graduates or former stu- involved in our end-of-semester food?" "Oh gee, 1 just like food,- dents of Western Maryland I studies? -though she admits she doesn't al- period! !" was the response. met persons who revealed to me ways know just what he's getting- at. Whatever the cause, it is im- (Who does?) She also likes all types of music, a sense of common joy and com- perative that we emerge from During her sophomore year she was except Gregorian chant, and even mon pride that was both unique this dreadful state of lethargy president of Albert Norman Ward took piano lessons-"long enough to and inspiring .. Myappreciation and do something 1 Hall. However, when the men re- play better than she does," in her of the quality and strength of How many of us are aware turned to Albert Norman, Mary re- own words. Her favorite classical this fraternity has increased that a small number of energetic treated to McDaniel. We might sug- composers are Mozart, Chopin and through the years so that I al- -and conscientious-people are gest that though there is no such in one of the editors' chair and tilted Wagner. ways get a thrill when I meet an back to it a comfortable angle-- working hard to accomplish the animal as a male house president, thereupon stopping the presses and She likes bridge, traveling, being alumnus of Western Maryland, unification of the student gov- Mary would be an asset to any dorm. on a farm during the Bummer, and whether of the class of 1896 or ernment-for which we as stu- During her summer vacations Mary causing havoc in the pressroom. school. 1946. The most intense com- dents voted? They cannot do it worked in Baltimore on the Evening Though very appealing, MalOYhad not An English major, with minors in radeship exists among those alone. At times they need our Sun as a copy-girl and later in the charmed the machinery. It seems she history and sociology, Mary "served who were contemporaries at back against a button had leaned help. We would gripe to high sports department. She has even had which automatically brought the rna- a term" of practice teaching in Rock- college. Yet I have known full heaven if we thought for one the rare distinction of having stopped ville High School in April. Though well how, especially as one minute that a "clique" was try- the presses. It seems that after copy chines to a halt. prepared to teach, she says she is grows older, this fraternity ing to railroad a favorite candi- has been turned in and the last edi- The next editor's chair she occupied undecided as to exactly what she is spans the years and brings an date into office. Yet a mere tion has gone to press, most of the was legally hers, as she was formerly At going to do. Newspaper work is one tog-ether in one vast and rich feature editor of the Gold Bug. handful---. approximately twen- reporters leave and the copy-boys and present she is editor of the Aloha. of her main interests, so she'll proba- fellowship. ty-students appeared at a recent girls run rampant through the offices. bly explore the possibilities in that If you will watch the return- meeting whose purpose was to On one particular afternoon Mary sat As a matter of fact, she has just re- field mtrond the copy-girl stage. ing "old grads" at Commence- nominate candidates for the cently emerged from a mountain of ment you will see what I mean. presidency of the Women's Stu- If, as you graduate, you will dent Government. Obviously, Plea For Moral Leadership Volced..... join the interested fraternity of about twenty people were inter- Western Marylanders that meet ested in the outcome of the elec- weekly at Washington, and at tion. By JANE LlANOS • by Charlell G. Brooke least annually at such centers Yet the student government is We dislike to write last columns, as New York, Philadelphia, Bal- the students' only direct, repre- " A civilization like religion accuses white, there will be no peace for any- for they too often tend to become timore, Hagerstown and Cum- sentative means of contact with itself when it complains of the tepid one.. sentimental as do the words and ora- berland, you will taste this joy the Administration, as has been faith of its members .... it accuses We Americans have somehow lulled tories of students and speakers on that will bless you as it regular- pointed out previously. It is bad itself when it complains of the hatred ourselves into a dangerous compla- graduation days. Yet, at the risk of ly blesses those of us who ex- to be cynical, but all the evidence of other men and not its members.'" ,cency. 'Ve envision and sincerely de- all of that, we will attempt to suggest perience it. points to the fact that many of We have only to pick up our news- a few things in relation to the senior During your days on College us voted in yesterday's election papers today to realize how true this sire a world at peace but our dreams class and graduation. Hill yon have regarded my work in the air. only because we were compelled is. The accusations and the name-calf- remain only castles brotherhood We There are those who leave the as one of president with stu- preach Christian and to go to the assembly at which ing between the great powers make peace of all peoples, but do we prac- campus with tears forming in their dents. From now on that will no the election took place. one wonder and fear the consequences ticeit? eyes, with melancholy reflections upon longer be. We can only regard This deplorable state of af- of daily events. If we, the citizens of the events of the past three or four one another as fellow alumni, as fairs exists not only in our atti- Western Civilization, do not band to- Fortunately there are a few far- years; they hate to leave, for theirs members of this great fratern- tude toward the student govern- gether with all the resources of our seeing leaders in the world who today has been, it is asserted, a happy and ity, sharing together every gift ment, but in almost every activi- minds and hearts and souls, we face are striving to mend the broken pieces full life here. Perhaps the true case which this privilege brings and One of the sharing together in the on-going of world relationships. ty on the HiJ.l. (The Gold Bug destruction in the fprm of atomic is they are merely afraid of trusting is no exception.) Everything is energy. most active persons in this fight is themselves in a life that will not be of our Alma Mater. I am grate- left to a willing few, while the But the danger confronting us to- Madame Pandit of India. sheltered, in a life that will depend ful for the privilege which has rest sit back and wait, ready to day does not lie in the atomic bomb, Madame Pundit, has been called more upon their ability and initiative been mine in working with you. I wish for each of you every gripe on the shortest notice.; but in the hearts and minds of the the voice of dependent peoples than -this, and above all in a life that happiness and all success, an- Indeed, if we observe closely world. For" no one can be perfect- at the UN conferences. Her life has may require active thought. It is a ticipating happily my associa- enough, we will "discover that ly free till all are free; no one can been devoted to asserting the rights sheltered existence that is experienced tion with you in the alumni cir- this same attitude of indiffer- be happy till all are happy.:" Unless of ali" peoples to independence. "I by most of us on this campus, unique cles of Western Maryland. ence and lassitude, brought into there is peace the world over for the speak not only for India, but for all in its distance from much of reality. such sharp focus on our campus. black and the yellow as well as the those countries, which are under the Certainly there will be few who -FRED G. HOLLOWAY. carries over into national af- heel of alien militarists and cannot will not regret leaving, for it is hu- fairs. The people of the United speak for themselves." man nature to cling to an easy life leadership. Once again the mistakes States make .notorlously little Letters This apostle of freedom was born when independence threatens. But of the past will have to be corrected If we as students remain so To The Editor wealthiest families of India. She was upon hearing that they are soon to sound ill oratory, in thrilling and in- use of their democratic powers. forty years ago into one of the perhaps the class will feel bolstered and once again Alumni Hall will re- completely unconcerned, what reared in the best traditions of Indian take the place of their elders in world (Continued on page 4, column 1) t are we going to be as citizens? (Following are excerpts from a and English cultures. At four, she There is small hope that people Jetter received by Col. T. K. Harrison. learned to read and speak English, will get what they want if they Contributions to this worthy project and for six days a week she wore ... The Drake Case ... don't ask for it. may be placed in the container in the Western clothes and followed Western bookstore that pur- designated for In our last editorial we sound- pose.-Ed.) customs. At twelve, after the or- [Resume: Drake, concealed in the 1 don't know who he is even now. ed the alarm. The students shut thodox Indian custom, she became en- apartment of a man who had been I hid when he came in and 1 saw it off or ignored it-and rolled Dear Friend, gaged, but at eighteen she broke this blackmailing him, saw an ex-convict him kill Sarcotti. They had been argu- over for another forty winks. What shall we fear and what can engagement and later married a man shoot the blackmailer, Sarcotti. Un- ing about something. I don't remem- This time we have poured ice make us discouraged when our friends of her own choosing. able to escape, Drake killed the un- ber very well. I was too .frightened to water on the drowsy heads. believe in us so much? We sail for The Nehrus became interested in known murderer and made it appear be able to think clearly. I never 'When are we going to wake up China, wanting to go and having the freedom of India with the rise of that Sarcotti had done it just as he should have done it. But it seemed so and realize that we're all wet? courage to meet the unknown, know- Gandhi. They gave their wealth and was dying. Then, having put the simple at the time. 1 couldn't see how -THE EDITOR. ing we are not alone. their lives to this independence move- finishing touches on his perfect crime, 1 was going to get out of there unless ... The Grace Church in Roches- (Both her father and her hus- ment. ter has gone beyond the giving of band died as a result of the long he slipped out of the building just as I shot him. 1 didn't mean to kill him. and aroused. Drake looked hope- hue was the cry I didn't think-" equipment by designating THE GOLD BUG their World Service giving support, years of suffering in jai1.) Lieutenant Rhodes of the Homicide lessly from the stenographer to $500 of Madame Pandit's long fight for the him for sev- Rhodes. Squad, who questioned Offioial.lndent n"","pllperotWe.ternMary thus adopting us as their mission- independence of India has steadily eral hours, at last produced Drake's "Well, that's the story, Lieutenant aries abroad under the Board's Parish increased in intensity with the years. Abroad Plan. . .. The West End She has spent long periods in jail, carved jade cuff link, which he ex- Rhodes." He looked down at his hands Methodist Church in Rochester is also ~f;r!~~~~~;~;~;~~:;:~;~fi:~~ from her plained he had found. The sight of it for a moment, then asked appren- but not once did she swerve do you think they henaivcly, "What threw Drake into utter confusion. He Poot Olllce, under tlle Act of Much 3, 1879 designating a block of it's giving to- convictions. In 1945, at the San Fran- ward our support under this arrange- broke down entirely and ended by con- will give me? They won't hang me, Subscription Price $2.00 a Year ment. cisco Conferences, she became the un- fessing the entire story.] ...vill they?" of India and of official representative We have no missionaries at our Rhodes sank back in his chair EDITORIAL STAFF mission there now, but our Chinese all the subject Asiatic peoples. She "Well, Drake," Rhodes said quietly, thoughtfully, "Hard to tell; the man Editor·in·chlef ..• • •.. Fnn Ray declared at the conference that" there "1 guess that explains everything. you killed had a long cr-imnal record; Managing Editore ..........•.. Jean Cohen leaders have reopened our Boys' and will be no real peace on this earth so Somehow Sarcotti got his hands on Edward Ouehen Girls' School, and have two hundred these letters and started to blackmail in fact, he had just broken out of jail New. Editor. . Lenore Holfman long as there are peoples who are de- when you saw him. They may let you Sport" Editor Jamea O. Elliot children in attendance. Bishop Z. T. nied justice .... you. You paid him for a while, then Feature Editon.. . •.. Jack and Ja" Rogere Kaung of North China is urging our off with ten years. Then again, it Copy Editors.. • ••••• Belty Lee Robbl". I am not suggesting that we don reached a breaking point and shot Theoda Lee Komp.nek quick return. him and his accomplice. Am I right?" could be life." SI"I'I' Photographer •. .. Oad Webb Our address in China will be the martyr robes and follow the first "No. It wasn't that way at all- ".... Or death," Drake supplied. Methodist Compound, Peiping, China. "cause" that appeals to us, but we, as Rhodes stood up. "I'll have the flueines. :!IlRnager .•....•.•. Pbyllis Houek How grateful we are for you, our the future leaders of our nation, though 1 don't suppose it makes much sergeant take you out now, Drake. A,h-ertising Manager .. ..Ted Quelcb should remember that "a man to be difference now. I didn't kill Sarcotti. but before you go, here is your cuff Circulation Manager. .Jim Ogden friends in the service of Christ, who a man must haVe a few ideals for T was talking to him in his apartment lived and died for Chinese and Amer- which he will fight.'" link. It didn't betray your presence icans alike. Your friends, when that other one came in." at the scene of the murder. I picked Anna He"", Eddi .. Wright. Glady" 8au"". "Didn't you know him?" it up when I was browsing around in Marian Meredith, Joyce Parker, Shizu Yam. Ruthlydia and Wesley Day 'Antoine de Saint EruP8ry. 1:1lchi. Bob Grumbine. Martha Powell, Anne (WMC '31) 'Herbert Spencer. "No, I never saw him before. your apartment. .." Little. Tom Lar"~II, Ralph Goldman. "Angel"l:'at:rl.
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