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GUEST FRAT SPORT EDITORIAL SCHEDULE PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 24, No, 14 WESTERN ~IARYLAND COLLEGE, WES~MlNSTER, MD. April 24, 1947 Students Choose Snyder To Be Crowned Queen Of May; Moliere Play SG Candidates Tophatters Will Furnish Musi~ For Dance With an overwhelming majority. To Be Given the unification of the Men's and women's Student Governments. was Spring Fete Planned decided upon by vote at a recent meet- iug of the entire student body. The By French Students present student government, under the combined leadership of Emajane A cosmopolitan aura of gaiety and Hahn and Al Resnick, has appointed charm will transform Robinson Gar- a committee to investigate success-' den into the traditional French Fete fully working governments of other on May 12, at 8 p. m. schools. Constitutions from colleges, Under the direction of Mlle. Sna- such as Syracuse, are being studied, der, th~ Cerate F?'ancaie is making all and until R decision is reached the open-an- theatre of the garden for WMC organization will operate with- their annual intercollegiate program. out a constitution. The feature will be the presentation At the April 21 meeting nominat- of Moliere's gay three_act comedy, ions were made foi- the officers for George8 Dardin; next year. These were selected from In addition to Western Maryland members of the present junror class. students, guests have been invited Time for political stump speeches will from Hood College, Gettysburg Col- be allotted the candidates and their lege, Johns Hopkins University and campaign managers at a special Unlverstty of Maryland. ' assembly next week. The nominees The title role of the farce, that of are Don Brohawn, Edward Cushen, Jackie Kilham Shirley Snyder Betty Schmidt Georges Dardin, is played by James Bob Dubel, Carlo Ortenzi, and Sally May day, a WMC tradition, will be Sause is, junior duchess, Jeanne Stein Mary Thurman Pyle, the story centers Cotter. M. Cotter, who recently Smith. celebrated in all of i~s' spring finery and Joan Johnson, attendants; Betty around the happiness which an apple transferred his campus fame from After various voting methods were Oil Saturday, May 3. The day's fest- Staley is sophomore duchess, Martha can bring to several individuals. It the football field to the dramatic stage discussed, the following proposal by ivities will include the crowning of the Powell and Janet Rauhenheimer, will be directed by Mary Wright with the' sophomore Green ami Gold Gordon Groby was approved by queen, the presentation of The Apple attendants; freshman duchess is Ann Silvey and Emajane Hahn, and the RU8h, plays the peasant who marries majority vote: of Contentment by the College Play- Larsen, at.tendanta, Pat Burgess and cast includes Betty Little, Marcia above his station~with subsequent "J move that, in the absence of a ers, and a semi-formal dance in the Sherry Donovan. The flower girl and Koblegard, Pat Patterson, Kay difficulties. His deceptively demure, constitution for the combined student evening. crown bearer, who are usually chosen Wheeler, Norma Wright, ~ Dorothy but aristocratic wife, Angelique, is governments, the following special Events will begin at 2 :30 p. m. when from among the children of the fac- Kullmar, Helen Lavin, Betty Amos, portrayed by MUe. Christine Royer. rules be adopted by this body: the queen, Shirley Snyder, will be ulty, this year will be Judith Jones Carolyn McNabb, Alice Broderick, Mlle. Royer also recently starred in 1. That a president and vice-pres- crowned by Dr. Holloway. The cer- and John Royer. Betty Lee Robbins and Virginia Wott. the junior one-act plays. ... iqent be elected, to take office in Sept- emony will take place on back campus and Betty Jane Groby will enact The climax of the day will be a Kaye Buckel and John Bradley play ember; in the natural auditorium, weather the roles of the pages who herald the semi- formal dance, which will be held the fond parents of Angelique. The 2. That one of these be a man, and permitting. If it rains, the entire arrival of the queen and her court. in Gill Gymnasium, 8 to 11 :45 p. m. villain, as charming as French vil- one a woman; program will be held in Alumni Hall. Trumpeters will be behind the scenes Decorations for the affair have been lains usually are, is the lover Clitan- 3. That election of the president be The court, which was elected. by the to provide the necessary music. designed to create gay spring sur- dr-e, enacted by Gordon Gruby. by simple majority; the person of the student body, includes members of all After the queen has been crowned, roundings. The Tophatters of Balti- The roles of the comic servants are opposite sex receiving the next high- four classes: Betty Schmidt is the she will be honored by the present- more will provide the music and the played by Aileen Taylor and James _ est number of votes to be the vice- senior duchess, her attendants, Evelyn ation uf the play, The Apple of Con- queen and her court will be guests of Leonard, Mlle. Taylor being Claudine, president; Benson and Jackie Kilham; Gladys tentment. An original fantasy by (Continued on page 4, column 1) a coquette, and M. Leonard, Lubin. 4. That nominations be made for Colin, another servant, is enacted by the office of president from the Millard Knowles. members of the junior class at this Chopin Featured W AA To Hold 'Pjcnic IRC Group Elects Mlle. Audrey Dixon will sing Ma meeting, the electron to be held with- Nor-mandie and Mlle. Dorothy Rupert in one week; In Harvey Stone Park will sing Pleurez ftf ee Yeu:c. "5. That the Men's and Women's Stu- In Piano Recital Todd President Catherine Frounfelter will act as dent Governments remain fully effect- Harvey Stone Park will be the scene narrator for the play and M. Edgar ive to the end of this semester, at By Jean Murray of the annual Women's Athletic Election of officers for the coming Hammerala will be the master of which time they will be dissolved, each Association picnic on May 8, from 8 year was the chief feature of the ceremonies for the entire program. by formal action of its own members; Miss Jean Murray, the only student to 10 p. m. All members in good stand- International 'Relations Club meeting 6. That the present undergraduate from this year's graduating class who ing of the WAA and all those inter- on April 23. Those selected were Nettle Library To Display members of the Men's and Women's is majoring in piano, will present a ested in belonging or becoming I Mary Todd, president; Jane Lianos, Student Governments' councils,' or an recital on Friday, May 2, at 8 p. m. acquainted with the organiaatioa are vice-president; and Eleanor new interim-council, remain in office until in Levine Hall. invited to attend. Athletic numerals ship, secretary-treasurer. The after Religious Books a new constitution bas been adopted." Miss Murray's program will consist for the past year will be awarded and leader took office immediately the pro- refreshments served. and will plan the election of the following: grams for the remainder of the year. Religious Book Week, May 4 to 11, Three Snyder Will Present Sonata, Bagatelles __._...__.._ Beethoven A report on the inter-collegiate con- has been established in memory of _ Chopin (Iubs To Sponsor Opus 53 .. Beethoven day held at Swarthmore },ff).zurfca in G 1I1in.or __._ ference recently attended by four IRC May 10, 1933, the were when thou- in burned books College and sands of ViolinRecitalMay9 Mazurka in F Minor _._... .._ Chopin representatives also was given at this Germany because they conflicted with Chopin WSSF Bazaar Mazurka in A MinOT meeting. The four representatives Nazi philosophy. On Friday, May'9, Mr. Robert Sny- Waltz in A Flat Major _""__ . Chopin The annual WSSF Bazaar will from the Western Maryland IRC, With the slogan "Read books of der will present his senior violin re- Polonaise in E Flat Minor._ Chopin transform Blanche Ward Gym into a Doris Vansant, Jeffrey Smith, Mary spiritual value", the National Con- cital in Levine Hall at 8:15 p. m, He The Pavane Granados gaily decorated mart on Saturday, Elizabeth Todd, and Hal Travis, dis- ference of Christians and Jews has will be accompanied by Mr. Oliver Sarabande Grovlez April 26, from 7:30 to 10:45 p. m. cussed the work of the conference, prepared a list of books of Jewish, Spangler. Gigue Rubenstein Hot dogs, cokes, ice cream sand- which included a model UNO. Catholic, and Protestant interest. The program will be as follows: The last three are dance forms of wiches, doughnuts, and cup cakes will In outlining the achievem~nts of the Throughout that week many of the Sonata: No.4 in D Jlfajor Handel the eighteenth century, written by IRC during this past year, the retir- books recommended by them will be Berceuse ..~ ..... _.. .__ Grieg modern artists in the style of today. be on sale at the various booths and ing president, Wayne Cowan, indi- on display in the library. Students Adoration .._.._. __. Borowski This will be Miss Murray's second stalls. Several cakes will be raffled cated that there has been increased are- urged to make use of them. off. Meditation from Thais "._ .. Massenet formal recital at western Maryland For entertainment there's a choice interest in the organization, and, al- . Memoi1's of My People through a .Schon Roemarin: __ .._._ Kreisler College, her first having been given though too few veterans have shown Thousand Years, by Leo W. Schwarz, dancing, and bowling, Perpetual1l1otion __:_._._.__. . Bohm during her junior year. Sbe has been of pitching pennies for roulette, The interest, those attending have partici- and The Odys8rJy of a Faith, by prizes. Sonata No.7 in C MinoT_.__.Beethoven active in the college choir for three mystically inclined will enjoy having pated to a great extent. ~ Bernard Heller, a history of Jewish Mr. Snyder began playing the vio- years, is a frequent Dean's Lister, their fortunes told. Merry clowns in culture, are among the classics of lin while still in grammar school. In and belongs to Sigma Sigma Tau motley will enhance the carnival Glee Cluh Will Sing Jewish literature. 1944 he came to Western Maryland sorority. atmosphere. John Henry Newman., hy non-Cath- College as a transfer student from Each organization on the Hill has At Reformed Church olic Charles Frederick Harrold, con- Bucknell, where he studied with Pro- a Betty Little Elected charge of one booth or activity. All tains an analysis of his ideas, with fessor Charles Stickney and was of the profits this year will go to the 0]] Sunday, May 4, at 4 p. m., the the circumstances of his life that member of the University Orchestra. Head Of Argonauts World Student Service Fund. Bob Girls' Glee Club of Western Maryland prompted them. Another book of At present he is a day student study- Grumbine and Sally Smith are gen- College will present a program of re- Catholic interest is Francois Mau- ing with Mr. Philip Royer and is con- Officers for the coming year were eral chairmen of the affair and Joe ligious music at the Westminster Re- riae's Christ's Image. cert master of the college orchestra. chosen at the recent meeting of the Culotta heads the clean-up committee. formed Church. Harry Emerson Fosdick has writ- Argonaut Honor Society. Selected to The program will include selections ten several books of spiritual value, take office in the fall were: Betty Lit- by Handel, Mendelssohn, Liszt, and among them On Being Fit to Live tle, president; Sally Smith, vice. other masters. In addition to the num- With, a collection of typical sermon president; Phyllis Houck, secretary; bers by the girls' chorus, Miss Fran- essays, and Living ltnder Ten8Wn. Western Maryland College will and Gladys Sause, treasurer. The Interfraternity Council has ces Bartley will sing TheBe Al'e'They, Georgia's fighting former governor, adopt the daylight-saving time sched- The retiring officers are: Margaret announced the date of the Pan- by Gaul, and I Waited fOl' the Lord, Ellis Gibbs Arnall, states his philoso· ule on Sunday, April 27. Statler, president; Arlene Chen, vice- Hellenic Dance to be Saturday, by Mendelssohn, will be sung by Miss phy and analyzes some of the major The Blue Ridge Bus Company is president; Anna Lee Butler, secre- May 17. Louise Scott and Miss Carmela Cox. problems of the South and the nation going to conform to prevailing condi- tary; and Fred Brown, treasurer. Music will be provided by Royce Bach's Tocrat~ and Fugue inD Min.o)· in The Shore Dimly Seen. The ex- tions. There is no expected change in Committees were also formed to Stoenner and his orchestra. Admis- and Reger's Benedict'llB will be played cellent One God, by Fitch, presents a their present schedule to and from prepare for the banquet on May 19, sion is $3.00 per couple. No cor· by Miss Betty Miller at the organ. clear picture of all three religious Westminster. at which Dr. Joseph Ranck of Hood sages. The Glee Club is under the direc- factors with fine photographs to il- College will be the guest speaker. tion of Miss Grace Cordia M~rray. lustrate.
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