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DR. HOLLOWAY'S INVITATION GOLF FAREWELL TOURNEY PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 24, No. 15 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. M.y 15, 1947 Cushen And Smith' Gain Student Presidency Pan-Hellenic Dance Features Stein, Meredith Underclassmen Ele,etion Held Royce Stoenner ts Orchestra - Star In Broadcast Honor S~niors At Assembly On May 19 at 4:30 p. m., the West- Commencement 77th Annual The ern Maryland College Radio Players will be held on Monday, May 26, in Governments Continue Featuring the biggest band at WMC since 1942, the Pan-Hellenic Council will enact an original radio drama, will present Royce Stoenner and his Orchestra in Gill GymnaSium on Saturday, November'8 Child, by Meredith Page Alumni Hall at 10 ~. m. The speaker for the occasion will be Dr. Nolan B. To Work Separately May 17, from 8:15 to 11:45 p. m. and Virginia Lee l'racy, over station Familiar to mid-westerners before the war, after discharge from the army, WFMD. Harmon, Jr., who will talk on the sub- Ed Cushen was elected president of Stoenner organized a new band with the assistance of Skeets Morris and J anet First presented by the National ject Religion in Life. the Men's Student Government at an Bruce. Morris was a successful band leader, vocalist, and trumpet player in nroadcasting Company and later over The annual Baccalaureate Service assembly of the student body yester- his own right; and Miss Bruce, a former Chicago model, had been the featured the Ohio School of the Air, Novem- will take place on Sunday, May 25, at day. singer with the original organization until the beginning of the war. The bcr'8 Child i!!I the first biographical 10 a. m. in "Alumni Hall. President Because the other two candidates, combined strength of two capable leaders and musicians has produced an or- drama the group has attempted. The Fred G. Holloway will deliver the Pat Chatterton and Kitty Brown, chestra which has had successful engagements in the better ballrooms in the story teUs of the life and struggles of address. withlfi'ew from the competition, the West and at proms in every college in the Big Ten and the Big Six. Although Louisa May Alcott and how she wrote The class of '47 will be kept buslY presidency of the Women's Student playing all types of dance music, their arrangements are predominantly sweet. Little TVomcn, a book familiar to all these next few weeks with the many Government was ceded to Sally Smith. Admission tickets, now on sale in girls and a best-seller in its day. activities held in their honor. The first The girls elected Annabel Gleckler McDaniel Hall, are $3.00 per couple. Featured in the: cast are Ruby of these events will take place on May house president of Blanche Ward Dress is semi-formal and no corsages Stein as Louisa and Marian Meredith 21 at 4 p. m., when the traditional HaU, and Phyllis Houck house presi- will be the rule. in the role of Marmee. Other actors rose cup ceremony will be held in dent of McDaniel Hall. Sue Dixon is The Pan-Hellenic Council, sponsor include Ned Clark as Bronson Alcott, Robinson Garden. The ceremony is junior representative, while the fu- of the dance, is composed of repre- Tom Larsen -es Ralph Waldo Emer- given each year by the girls of the ture sophomores chose Joyce Parker. sentatives from all the Greek letter son, Charlotte Goodrich as a. twelve- junior class as a tribute to their sen- Senior representatives for the men sororities and fraternities on the Hi'll. year-old soldier boy, Ann Shuppert ior friends. include Phil Schaeffer, Wayne Cowan, Arl O'Keeffe, president of the Pan- as May Alcott, and Norma Wright as Sally Smith, class secretary, will and Paul Kaetzel. The juniors chose Hel and Inter-Fraternity Councils, Beth Alcott. take the silver cup around the senior Bob Gemmill, Frank Stephenson, and and Eleanor Pearson, president of the Production of the show will be circle, and PhWllis Houck will present Stanley Hamilton. Representing the Inter-Sorority Council, have appoint- under the direction of Mrs. W. W. each one with a rose. sophomores are Joe Giannelli Dan ed committees to arrange var-ious Meeks, with tbe assistance of Don ,Each senior girl will be the sub- Welliver and Sam Knepp. ' dance duties. Bailey, Carol Krebs, and Jean Cohen. jec.t of a verse and an i"?itation. Mary'" The n~w constitution will be ready The general chairman is "Scoop" Nooember'e Child will be the last Alice Hershfeld is chairman of the to present to the students and admin- Wolfsheimer, who is supervising all of this year's series of broadcasts. ~e:~:r~~:,m1~t;;, ~:~~ ~~~~~e~e~~etl~ ~:~~~~~. at the beginning of the fall activities and aiding the publicity committee. Publicity is also handled Banquet Speaker Eleanor Schilke, Martha Adams, Jean com- Student Government by Tom Price and Martha Powell. In Kelbaugh, and Mary Frances Keiser. charge of the program is Don Bro- To Be Dr. Ranck Dot Wilder· heads the imitation Arm- Plans Picnic Supper hawn, assisted by Roy Carter and Royce Stoenner mittee along with Mary Catherine Marion Stoffregen. Dr. James B. Ranck from the his- Fielder, Sue .Steelman, Betty are Organizations Elect lVt:!\rgaret Eierman, Joe Thompson, tory department of Hood College will iger. and Rutn.Anderson. Harvey Stone Park will be the picnic, Don Bailey, and Frank Jaumot, be the speaker at the annual eemi- the A special being prepared for scene of a student-faculty govern- by occasion by Pat student the Patterson sponsored and designing- unusual and attractive dec- formal Argonaut banquet to be held Marian Meredith. ment, on May 20. The picnic supper orations; Christine Royer has charge Officers For '47-48 at 6 p. m. at the Charles Carroll Hotel of invitations and tickets. Clean-up on May 19. Dr. Fred G. Holloway will That evening the freshman-senior will take the place of the regular will be directed by Boh Grumbine, Officers of the Tri-Beta Fraternity give the invocation for the occasion. lantern chain will take place. The dinner in the dining hall. are invited to bring Faculty Ken Volk, Betty Schmidt, and Shirley were elected at the annual picnic held Students who will graduate Cum girls will assemble on the brow of the wives and children. Sandwiches, their Hoffa Field, and the po- hill overlooking Laude or Summa Cum Laude will be Jones. on May 10. Those' elected were Anna- taken into the society as fellows. As procession will proceed down the steps tato salad and all the fixings arc on Faculty sponsors of the dance are belle Glockler, president; Gladys is customary, Dr. Bertholf will lead to the field, where the formations will the menu. Games and entertainment Dr. and Mrs. Holloway, Dean and Sause, vice-president; Marie Lawson, the ceremony. take place. will be provided. Mrs. Free, Miss Wilsie Adkins, and secretary; and Eleanor Collins, his- Other members of the faculty who Joyce Parker, who is in charge of One of the main features of the Professor and Mrs. Hurt. torian. evening will be a softball game with Betty Jean Ferris has been elected will participate will be Dr. Summers, the entire event, has requested all president of the Wesleyanettes f~r Professor Makosky, Mr. DeLong, and girls p~ticipating to wear white. faculty and students on opposing Pi Alpha Alpha 1947-1948. She will be esststec and by Dr. Wills. The class of 1947 is the last supervisor of the lanterns which each is sides. Volunteers for the faculty eo-chairman, Beatty Zimmerman, to be taught team include Dr. Spicer, Dr. Marshall, regular class by Dr. Virginia Dodd as vice-president Gives Library Dorothy Scott as secretary-treasurer. Wills, who retired at the end of their freshmen must make for herself. Eva Mr. Jones, Prof. Bradley, Major Du- Mae Davis and MeJva Ho-over have Bose, and Mr. Havens, who will be it is partic- year, so that freshman Sunday School officials will be Vir- Memorial Books ginia Dodd, president; Walter MacJil- ularly appropriate for him to assist in written the words for the freshman catcher. Carroll Wallace will pitch Lillian Lines, bestowing on them the Town song to the high honor for the faculty. tune of "Dark girls' vice-president; ton, boys' vice-president; and George they have achieved. Strutters' Ball." The senior farewell The facultjy needs more men. Any- • As a living memorial to members Coulter, secretary-treasurer. Rena Arrangemenls for the banquet arc song, with lyrics set to "Auld Lang one interested may contact Al Res- ()f the Pi Alpha Alpha fratemity Fuss, Jackie Clemett, WaYne Cowan, being made by Margal"()t Statler, gen- Syne," wa.s also writte~ by th~ girl~. nick or some member of the student who lost their lives in World War II, and Paul Kaetzel were selected as eral chairman, Anna Lee Butler, in- The selllor farewell dInner gwen by government. The student t.eam has the following books have been pur- counselors. vitation chairman, Phyllis Houck, President and Mrs. Fred G. Hollowazy-, not been selected yet. The game is scheduled to begin at chased for the Western Maryland Iota Gamma Chi announced the place-card chairman, Rnd Christine will be held on May 16 at 6 p. m., at College library: election of Phyllis Houck as new pres- Royer, flower chairman. the president's home. 5;30 p. m. Human Embryology, by Bradley ident, Sue Gordy as vice-president, ll Patten, in memor}' of Milton Hen- Mildred Shipley as secretary, The Senior Class Offers IIExcursion May 23; and drickson, '38, former president of Pi Felen Lingenfelter as treasurer. Alpha Alpha, biology major, Air intersorority representative will be Corps; . ~ Maradel Clayton; historian, officer, Fred Holloway, Jr. Heads Extensive Cast Mary DeBign for Agg'reBBWn, by Peter de Alice I{ershfeld; sunshine Mendelssohn, in memory of John Doris Ritter; and alumni sccretary, Eichler, ex '45, history major, In- Betsy Taylor. E:X;(lUrsw1t, an original, amusing uation is develojJed more completely Jr. portrays the pious old man whose fantry; Jean Kelbaugh will head the Sigma than that in most such plays. paternal associations with his passen- Tra'll-sporta,twn-Eco1Wmic Princi- Sigma Tau sorority as preside"t. and tender fantasy by Yictor Wolf- Enacting the leading role of Cap- gers help to alleviate the disconso- ples and PracticeB, by Johnson, Hueb-· Martha Adams and Eleanor Schilke son, is the production to be presented taht Obadiah Rich, Fred Hollowa.Y, (Continued on page 4, column 4) by the senior class on Friday, May 23, ner and Wilson, given by Dr. Sarosi wHi. be vice-president and treasurer, at 8:15 ~ in Alumni Hall. The (Continued on page 4, column 2) lll. reflpectively, and Virginia Walters, play, WhICh is under the direction of secretary. Sunshine messenger will be Miss Esther Smith, will beg-in the 100 Students Show Work Mary Elizabeth Tood; alumni secre- COmmellCement activities. tary, Jean Stein; sergeant-at-arms, The theme of the play celltcrs ahout In Annual Art E~hibit Clara Garlock; and intersbrority a pleasure boat that has plied for members, Jean Daughtrey and Hazel thirty years between Manhattan and On Friday, May 16, the annual art Weeks. Coney Island, and is about to be laid exhibit will open from 8 to 10 p. m., Phi Alpha Mu's new officers include up. The compassionate old captain, in Smitb Hall, and wjJl continue Katherine Brown, president; Anna- pretending to anticipate life on land, through the following T\lesday. belle Gfockler. vice-president; Mary is cognizant of the fact that he is Altogether, one hundred students Ruth O'Kelly, secretary; Frances playing false to his passengers in will be represented this year. Among Keiser, treasurer; Betty Little, alum- turning them back so soon after their those exhibiting are Jack Neville, Mae ni secretary; and Jean Sause, ser- departure on the S. S. Happiness to Langrall, Jackie Kingsley, Helen geant-at-arms. escape the dreary life on land. Frantz, Miriam Harbaugh, Helen President of the Pi Alpha Alpha His decision to steer the ship for Lavin, Martha Powell, Margaret fraternity for next year will be the last voyage toward an isbnd Eierman, ReQccca Haile, Beverley George Carr. Jesse Starkey will be south of Trinidad, wher!) the men and Wallis, Ann Wilson, June Smith, Don- vice-president; Orin Wroten, con'es- women can live peacefully together, ald Bailey, Charlotte Goodrich, Duane ponding secretary; Bob Keys, record- leads to an unexpected experience in- Saltzgaver, Joyce Hinkle, Bill Henry, ing secretary; Tom Barnes, treasur- volving both human and social prob- and Pat Dumire. (Continued on page 4, column 3) lems. The social content of the sit-
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