Page 75 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 75
The Gold Bug, May 15, 194' Two Golf Tourneys Here Saturday From The Bench Netmen Boast Western Maryland To Play Host To • 7 and 2 Record Mason-Dixon And Invitation Tests By JAMES C. ELLIOT By Bob Du,bfll By Wayne Cowan (Sports Editor, The Gold Bug) Fifty-six golfers from fourteen colleges will tee off in the combined May, the month of graduation, is As spring sports thunder down the eighth annual Western Maryland Invitation Tournament and the inaugural here, and the sports-minded who deal home stretch Coach Frank Hurt's ten- Mason-Dixon Conference Tournament, to be held on the home course Saturday. with more than yesterday's or today's nis team proudly displays a record of Included in the aggregation are four representatives each from Hopkins, results arc concerned about the out- seven \tns against two losses, with Loyola, Randolph-Macon, Towson Teachers, Hampden-Sydney, Washington, look for the year 1947-48. three matches remaining on the Mount St. Mary's, American University, Western Maryland, Lehigh, Balti- agenda at this writing. Some of the first things to enter more University, Gettysburg, Dickinson, and Maryland, who will participate the minds of many are "Whom will we The varsity racketeers are schedu- for team and individual trophies. lose through graduation?" and "Will led to journey to Newark, Delaware, With the exception of the last five, which are non-conference schools, all their absence be sorely felt!" on Saturday to meet a strong Dela- entrants will be eligible to win both titles, which will be determined by the Needless to saw, any athlete who ware team. Then next Wednesday, scores of thirty-six holes of medal play. Matches will begin at 8:30 in the has risen to a berth on a varsity 'team with the chips stacked high and re- morning and will continue in the afternoon. will be missed. His place must be venge in the air, th~ Green and Gold • Hellowav To Lead Terrors (in with the undefeated filled by one who wasn't good enough will tangle pIa!)!') Loyola combine on Led by Captain Fred Holloway, Western Maryland's divot-diggers will conference to displace him the season before, or the home courts in the season flnuls, be defending the invitation tournament title won last year. Other represen- by one who was not available in that Fred Holloway tatives of the Terror four are Mike Phillips, Carl Mendell, and Bob Hend- Anxious For Victory season. • Every man on the squad will be rickson. • Will Lose Seventeen anxious to taste the fruits of victory On the basis of his season's record Seventeen men will be lost to seven against the Green and Gray from Bal- Green And Gold Nine- Invades with several rounds in the low seven- Western Mar-yland varsity athletic ties, Holloway is regarded as a threat teams before a new school year hits timore, since the sextet has been the for individual honors. With the ad- only one to down the Terrors in con- the Hill. Only the boxing team es- ference play, and this by a 7-2 count. Penn State For 2-Game Series vantage of playing on a home course, capes the hatchet which win sever the Captain Ken Volk was the lone singles coach Makosky's proteges should be active relations of more than one who man to come through on top while Showing a record of but one Munroe went the route for the able to make a creditable showing for starred while wearing the Green and tr-iumph in four Meson-Dixon Base- hosts, granting but five hits, and both team honors. Gold. the No.3 doubles, composed of Rowe ball Conference· outings, and two-for- of the visitors' runs were unearned. • Loyola Conference Favorite Terror football, under Coaches Moore and Roy Carter, gained the six in overall competition, Western Cal Pettit, Terror left-fielder, en- Due to its undefeated Mason-Dixon Charles Havens and Bruce Ferguson, other victory. Maryland, back on the diamond for joyed a perfect day at the plate, record, Loyola has been installed as gets underway bright and early next Captain Volk has more than proved the first year since ~943, will attempt garnering two singles, being hit by a an early favorite to capture the con- fall ,...ith Harvard furnishing the op- his worth in the No.1 slot b,y etching to hit the win column again when the pitcher ball, and walking in four ap- ference crown. position at Cambridge, Massachusetts, a highly-pleasing record of eight won Green and Gold invades State College, pearances at bat. The invitation tourney is rated as a and one lost. His only loss came at September 27, but four familiar faces the hands of Jim Tewes of George- Pennsylvania, 'tI, trrow and Satur- • Return Engagement To Loyola toss-up, with University of Maryland, will be missing from the starting line- ~~~~s;ne:g;:: t Prosperity was short-lived with the Lehigh, and Dickinson entering formi- town in straight sets. ;on~!:~:~S Nit.tarry up. Green team, however, when Loyola dable Hne-ups.: Carlton Mendell, blocking back; the Batting .223 a a- team, which is played a return engagement with the To date, the Green Ter-r-or dub- Norman brothel'S, Bart and George, about .030 off a}'l average claiming Terrors on Hoffa Field and scored a swingers have a six won and eight who played tackle and guard, respec- near respectability, the Terrors have 10-7 triumph in a wierd ball game. lost season record. Faring well tively, and Art O'Keeffe, who proved had the weather as their greatest op- against Mason-Dixon foes, the golfers a thorn in the side of more than one ponent this spring. Actually, Monday I rest in second place in league play opponent from his quarterback post of this week was the first real base- behind the Loyola Greyhounds. -all will .take their talents else- ball day the Hill has seen. Three tilts • Meet Lehigh Tomorrow where. have been r-ained out and two others Lehigh will be encountered to- • Instruction to Henry were played in weather hardly fit for morrow on the home course in a re- Mendell and O'Keeffe are also football. gular six-man match. The Pennsyl- spring varsity athletes, the former be- • Bow To Loyola, 12 to 6 vanians, who are highly regarded in ing seen on the golf links, while Art After jumping into a 2-0 lead in eastern collegiate golf circles, will cavorts around the shortstop post on the first inning of their clash with stay over for the invitation tourna- the diamond. Bart and George Nor- Loyola's Greyhounds in Baltimore, ment. man have probably instructed brother the Green team saw twelve opposing Anyone interested in caddying- Fri- Henry to carryon in their absence base-runners cross the plate, and day or Saturday should contact Fred from the gridiron. Henry is a fresh- bowed to the conference second-place Holloway or Bob Dubel. man this year, and is a candidate for nine by a 12 to 6 count. Drawings and starting times for a line position. Munroe wa~ the most effective the tournaments are as follows: Johnny Jones will have a hard task Green and Gold hurler, granting but 8;30 A.M. Phillips (Western Maryland). By· Collego) strom replacing varsity soccer ;nemberr, two hits and no runs after relieving 1:00 P,M. "nd Kelly (Washington St. M~ry'.) (Mount Bill Merrhnan and Tommy Price. Both in the Loyola half of the fifth. 8:34 A,}1. Oskin (Lehigh), Middleton roe- gained wide recognition in the East Han-y Yingling Getting off to a seven-run lead in I :04 P.M. tysb\lrg). and Robertson (R~n' dolph·Macon) for stellar playing. Another senior Harry Yingling has posted a 6-3 the first inning, Coach Havens' 8:38 A.M. Sehle\lnes (Towsonl. B •• t (Hamp' who saw some varsity action is Tom . charges bounced back to break a O'Leary. Price will also be lost to record, and at the present moment is three-game losing streak when they Stan Kulakowski ~::::::' l!:!~~;r;l~U$~::kip:i,a.:::::: (Mount straight of three 1:12 P.M. (Loyola). a record Charniga sporting and Jack Hansma's track team, being ac- wins. Ken Volkert has won five while easily turned back Baltimore Univer- Terror third baseman who leads St. 'Mary'B) quainted with the discus and javelin. losing four in the No.3 slot. Al Res- sity on Hoffa Field, 11 to 2. batters with .389 average 8:46 A.M. Mendell (Weaurn Maryland). and Is (Randolph·Macon), 1:16 P.M. enberg Wally Raubenheimer has provided nick and Rowe Moore have managed Scott (Towson) the only hole in Coach Bill Anderson's 8:50 A.M, Brummitt (Lehish), Jacobson L. 1:20 P.M. and (Wa.hington College), one more victory to his credit with 6 Delta Pi Alpha Remains Unbeaten wrestling team, and the outlook will similar records, although Resnick has Salty"ink (LL ::~~l~~ns) (American U.). Mead • Four (;{lIfers In Last Action 1:28 P.M. (Johns Hopkin.), and MRY (Hampden·Sydney) All four of Western Maryland's re- • Stern Meets First Setback By Ed Matthy 9 :02 A.M. Hopper (Dickinson). Liebman Norman Stern, vying in the No.6 presentatives in the golf tourneys position and nursing a bad back, re- 1:32 P.M. (Maryland). and Oristinn (Mount mentioned elsewhere on this page will mained undefeated in four matches As the interfraternity softball sea- feat by a 5-0 margin, while Tuesday 9:06 A.M. ~~n,r..i:?~~~(Western Maryland), be seeing action for the last time. Be- until he met his firat setback last son rapidly nears a close, Delta Pi found Gamma Beta Chi tripping the 1 :36 P.1!. HeelBDd (Dkklnaon), and Kibley (American U.) sides the afore-mentioned Mendell, Alpha is found leading the field with Bachelors, 3-1. n:10 A,M. Cassedy (Maryland), McInerney missing from the '48 squad wlll cbe Saturday at Gett;ysburg, losing in a record that to 'date is unmarred, 1:40 P.}.!. (Leloi!!:h). and Schermerhorn (Randolph-Macon) Captain Fred Holloway, Bob Hendr-ick- straight sets to Jim Lehman. showing four wins against no losses. 9:14 A.M. Holloway (Weswrn Maryland). champs Terror Tratk Team Volk and Yingling playing together son and Mike Phillips. Mike's name FaIling before the defending 1:44 P.M. Feely (W ... hin~ton College), ..nd (Loyola) B, Saltysiak had already been etched in the West- in the No. 1 doubles have won six were Pi Alpha Alpha twice and Gam- 9:18 A.M. Clark (Mo.ryland). Carrington ern Maryland records for his pre-war while losing two for the best doubles ma Beta Chi and Alpha Gamma Tau Places 6th In Meet l:4S P.M. (Gettysbur~). and Howard record. The No. 2 doubles, composed (Hampden·Sydney) football prowess. of Resnick and Volkart, has a 6-3 once each. Tennis -Will suffer a blow well below record, while the No.3 duo with its The Bachelors are running along Last Saturday Western Maryland's ~:~~ ~:~: ~r~ns(;on::~n)(,A::r~~]1~')(J~ho:~ Hopkins) the belt, for Coach Frank Hurt must in second place with three wins and 9:25 AM. Finnesay (Dickin.on), H ... lheck find operatives to replace three veter- varying makeup is the only slot on one defeat, while the Gamma Bets and track team 'travelled to Frazer Field 1 :56 P.M. (Loyola), and W. Rosenthal (BB! (Get Dodds ans who have been winning for West- the doubles card to have a lower the Black and Whites, following the at the University of MartYland to com- 9:30 A.M ~::.'~~~) (Maryland), (Randolph·Mo.· pete number of wins than losses, 4 and 5. with ten other colleges in the Dunville ty,hurg). 2:00 P.lI. ern Maryland since 1941. Captain Ken Terrors yesterday defeated Dlckln- latter's 4-3 triumph Tuesday, are Mason-Dixon Conference track meet, eon) (Mollnt Volk, Harry Yingling and AI Resnick, tied for the third slot, each with one in which the Terrors placed sixth. 9:34 A.M. Ca._llan.n (Dickinson), St. Kat. "Mary's), P.M. Sheekla (Le- 2:04 Nos. 1, 2 and 4 respectively, will go, son College 7 to O. victory as against four losses. hl~h), and Meeker (Washington College) Resnick also having seen action with The Preachers came through with Catholic University, Johns Hopkins 9 :38 A.M. M~rriman (Tow"on). T .. Y lor Bruce Perguson'a cagers. W AA Makes Athletic an interfraternity title May 1 as they and Delaware University, the .latter 2 :08 P.M. (Hampden-Sydney). S. Rosenthal Kaohlin Coffman-"Curly" to those took the track championship. A total the host team, gained the first three (Baltimore). and , Snow (Amari· can U.) who know him well-will throw the Awards At Gym Party of thirty-five points 'Yas accumulated places in that order with scores of TiJ::,me quoted is Eastern Daylight Savings javelin and broad jump in Green and by the winners during the course of 59, 56 and 54 points, respectively, Gold colors for the last time against The WAA completed its sports sea- the seven events. while the Terrors were garnering Dickinson next_ Wednesday. son with a party last Thursday in The Bachelors placed second with eight. Balling ·Averages . Be s id e s the already-mentioned Blanche Ward Gym. The evening's 25% points, the Gamma Bets follow- None of the Green and Gold runners Player A'. , , R. Po' O'Keeffe, Coach Havens will be with- program was climaxed by the pre- ing with 16% points. The Black and placed, but the field events found Ei- Douglas , 1.000 , , .889 out the services of outfielder Charlie sentation of awards to those who had Whites had but one entry in the meet. vind Barth gaining a second in the ~:,~~:o~.siri " , .BS3 Chlad and the versatile Fern Hitch- amassed sufficient points during the Another championship was obtained broad jump with a leap of twenty-one Thompson " , , .313 " , cock when Jine--ups are handed to the year. by the Preachers when they topped feet, two inches, Tommy Price finish- Ad"mO"ich " , . .250 '" Elliott-, E. " , , ", umpire before baseball tilts next The highest awards, "M" letters, the other clubs in the interfraternity ing fifth in the same event ,vith a leap N~:~rita .222 spring. were presented to Jo Doggett and golf meet. over the 20-foot mark, and Curly Munroe. K. , .222 .214 To these seventeen starring athletes Anne Cain. WM monograms for 800 At thIS writing, Delta Pi Alpha Coffman taking third in the javeJin ?;i~c~e!~k " , , .190 " , it goes without saying, hut we'll say points were given to Annabel Glockler, forged ahead in the drive for the ten- with a toss of 167 feet. Fo",n"'nH " , .011 it, that Western Maryland wishes you Gladys Sause, Louise Scott, and Sally nis championship. In the first two Dyke , " .000 .000 "lIfalone The Terrors have one more appear- the best of luck in all your future Smith. matches thEIr defeated the Black and ance to make this spring when they Stephenson , , .000 .000 I,ogon endeavors, whether they be extended A total of fifty-five freshmen were Whites and Bachelors, in that order. Leap .. , .000 further into the field of sports or awarded class numerals for their by scores of 4-0 and 3-2. In a thhd travel to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 'Ved- ~~~~jm.n , .000 000 whether the'y take you into some faithfulness to one or more point- match the Gamma Bets handed' the nesday, to test the Dickinson Red Devils in a dual meet. other work worthy of your talents. giving activities during the ~eason. Black and Whites their second de-
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