Page 67 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 67
The Gold Bug, April 10, 1947 Spring Training Begins Western Maryland Nine For Green Terror Eleven Plays Opener Saturday By Ed lUatthy By James C. Elliot Spring practice has officially gotten under way for the Western Maryland (Sports Editor, The Gold Bl.I.g) 1947 football team. Nearly forty gridders have taken part so far, with many promising newcomers, along with a host of vetera{ls from last year, . Over forty 'Per-i-or- baseball candidates can be seen working out daily 011 Head Coach Charlie Havens, aided by Backfield Coach Bruce Ferguson, seems Hoffa Field as Coach Charlie Havens is faced with the task of shipping a to be lining up a quite formidable squad. starting nine into shape for the season's opener with 'Washington College, Missing from the ranks will be five departing seniors, all regulars last Saturday, at Chestertown. season. Carlton Mendell and Art O'Keeffe will leave starting'positions to be Rain and wet grounds forced cancellation of the Yale game here last filled in the backfield, while Sig Jensen and Bart and George Norman will week, and have hampered practices considerably, but the squad was welcomed leave vacancies in the line. It is still far from certain as to who will replace by a beautiful warm sunshine Monday, and the field responds quickly to such them, and the answer most likely will not be known until fall. treatment. Returning in the backfield will be Hank Corrado, who played an out- standing game at fullback last season. Only a freshman, Corrado, one of • Starting Lineup Questionable several New Englanders out for the team, proved to be the high scorer for With the limited action seeu thus far, and at least two capable performers the state of Maryland in 1946. Al Jacobson, another returning backfield ace, I(on Volk fighting for the call at each position, Coach Havens is forced to be non-com- proved to be a very capable companion to Corrado with his passing and mittal in the naming of any possible starting lineup until later. The work- running ability. _. Veteran Net Ace, Once Again Ready outs held thus far have indicated that he is beginning to get a fail' idea of Coach Havens is still trying to develop a better kicker than any he has To Wear Terror Green and Gold the players' potentialities, and several appeal' to be leading contenders for now, and thinks that this may be one of the weaknesses of the team. certain positions. • Giannelli A Likely Candidate Green And Gold The outstanding performer on the squad from all indications seems to Joe Giannelli seems to be a very I1-Catholic U. home be Tilo Margarita, a burly figure who handles himself well both behind the likely candidate for a starting post. IS-Washington away Netmen Prepare bat and at the plate. He is not so tall, about five feet seven inches, but tips home 25-Randolph-Macon Other returning backs are Simon Nov. I-Hampden-Sidney away the scales at a solid 185 pounds. Besides having a definite head for the Tuilai, James Roch, Julian Dyke, 8-Delaware For Shore Test diamond game, he has a powerful and accurate throwing arm which promises James Formwalt, Stan Kulakowski, I5-Dickinson home to give enemy baae runners much trouble during the coming campaign. Other Alovsious Malone, and Bill Seibert. 22~Johns Hopkins away Coach Frank B. Hurt's tennis squad, backstops include Jim Cotter, Gene Feldman and Bob Douglas. Tackle George Piavis, guard Joe minus 1946 regulars Sigurd Jensen Carletto, end Jim Cotter, and center and Jack Lechliter, and facing a tough • Hurling Staff A Large One At third Stan Kulakowski, Julian Harry Bush will be the starting line- I6-game schedule, is working hard The hurling staff is a large one, Dyke, Bill Merriman, and Wally . men back. Others who have a good these days as Saturday's initial match composed of about ten aspirants . chance of filling in due to their pre- with the Shoremen of Washington Three of these are southpaws, all of Raubenheimer are battling for a starting spot. The hot corner requires vious experience last year are Harry College at Chestertown is rapidly whom have seen action in inter-squad a fast and skillful fielder with a fine Bright, Bill Anderson, John Silber, drawing- ncar. games. Pacing the left-handers ap- Al Paul, Al Yeglinski, Walt Piavis, The squad of nine men, six of whom pears to be Ernie Leap, who also has throwing arm, and in one of the above Chuck Kobosco, Walt Dorsey, Carlo have carried the Green and Gold been seen to the bat on the horse- mentioned Havens should find a reg- Ortenzi, and Bill Kern. colors into competition in years past, hide with gentleness. The other ular. Promising newcomers include Doc had been practising daily for several portsiders are Ed Elliott and John Shortstop affords a bigger problem, Summers, Gernand, Rico Vita, Jimmy weeks in Gill Gymnasium due to in- "Sandy" Noble. Elliott is another as Coach Havens has two efficient Hughes, Franny Richards, Stu Wer- clement weather. Tuesday of this hurler who is not out of place with a performers in Art O'Keeffe and ner, Tilo Margarita, Sammy Knepp, week found the racquetesrs going bat in his hand, and may easily see Frank Stephenson. The latter leaves Bob Martin, Gene Feldman, Waldo down-town to work out on the West- some outfield or pinch-hit duty. little to be desired by a coach in field- Hadjduk, Henry Norman, Joe Macie, minster playground courts. ing ability, but is somewhat weak at and John Gruber. Ken volk, number one on last year's the plate. Jim Formwalt is another • Travel To Play Harvard team, is again ready to go, along with applicant for the shortstop position, This year the Green and Gold team returning players Harry Yingling, and wields a heavy bat. will carry a nine game schedule, with Ken Volkart, Al Resnick, Rowe Moore • Hitchcock Has Experience only three of the contests being and Roy Carter, nll of whom have Fern Hitchcock, John Adamovich, played at home. They are with Cath- seen service on Hurt-coached teams. Ray Via and Wilson Webster are olic University, Randolph-Macon, and • Three Graduate in June competing for the nod at second. Dickinson. The Terrors will travel Volk, Yingling, and Resnick will be Hitchcock, who is a senior, saw action north to Cambridge, Massachusetts. wielding their racquets for the last on Coach Haven's pre-war nine and for the opening game of the season, time as western Maryland represent- this experience plus a seemingly September 27, with Harvard. atives, graduation in June taking their natural knowledge for the game The tentative schedule is as follows: Bruce Ferguson talents elsewhere. promises to stand him in good stead. Sept.. 27-Harvard Backfield Coach of Gridders in Ninth Newcomers to Coach Hurt's well- He may also prove to be one of the Oct. 4-Gettysburg Season at Western Maryland rounded squad are freshman Norman more consistent hitters on the squad. Stern and sophomores Douglas wea, Adamovich is one of the team's fore- ver and Gruver Martin. Stern has most cornpetitqra, and will probably Track And Field Team'Prepares shown enough ability to stand a good see plenty of service. chance of breaking into one of the six Joe Thompson, a junior, and fresh- For Washington College Meeting starting singles positions. Terror athlete, man Walt Sibiski are leading the volkart, a versatile is listed as a hurler on Coach Ha- fil'st 'base applicants, which include by TOM LARSEN Delmar Wareheim and Jay Brewing- vens's diamond team, and western Charlie Havens Spring has just turned its shining newness toward Hoffa Field where daily Maryland followers may see him in Director of Athletics and Head Grid ton. Neither Thompson nor Sibiski athletic activity holds sway in a big way. With the baseball team batting action on both squads this pring. He Coach, Now Dividing Time Between are strangers at the initial hassock, and both have been noted to drive the balls around over the quarter mile oval, the aspirants for berths on "Smiling is a capable performer in both sports, Diamond and Gridiron horsehide to the far corners of the Jack" Hansma's track team, preparing for their- opening test with Washing- holding down the number three spot AI ton College at Chestertown, April 23, are hard put to duck at the proper on the 1946 net team. Volkart Monroe, Armand Gold, Ken field. fly chasers are trying out Thirteen and Bob Logan are the right- moment when a horsehide comes whizzing towards them. But it gives them • Yingling, Resnick Improved practice at rapid changes of pace, which mayor may not be a good thing. Harry Yingling and Al Resnick, the handel'S who have seen the most inter- fo)" the Tenor outfield, and, as with The assistant coaches helping Coach Hunsma are no neophytes in track former a pre-war- regular under Coach squad clashes thus far. Vclkarb's con- the rest of the team, Coach Havens until he has a better activities themselves. Carroll "Curly" wallace is giving the benefit of his Hurt as a freshman back in 1941, are u-ibution may be limited, however, as can say nothing abilities. Garden aepir- he is one of the starters line on their on Coach experience and example in the track, or running events, coaching the experi- reported as much improved and will Frank HUTt'S tennis team. Other men ants include Harry Bush, Charlie enced and green runners alike in such things as fast starts, running form, both place among the first four pacing, and hurdling and finishing form. singles positions. Resnick was number carrie'd on the roster as hurlers are - Chlad, J. Dorgan, Joe "Tony" Gian- four last spring, while Yingling Al Lovelace, L. McClure, Ken Mun- nelli, Bob Harman, ~rnold Kovler, D. Price Aids In Field Event Coaching returned from the service in time to roe and Vance Hale. Morris, Cal Pettit, Ted Quelch, Tommy Price, the milk-barman of Ocean City, is saging his protegees in play with Coach Hurt's 1946 summer • Infield Whipping Into Shape Kelly Rice, J. Shaw, Len Zawacki, the know-how of putting the shot, javelin throwing, discus hurling, high and school term. The infield is rapidly whipping into Paul -Zlonkevic. Giannelli and Chlad broad jumping, and pole vaulting-the so-called field events. Able assistants shape, and promises to be a fair one have shown power at the plate, but to the coaches, and the team members in general, are Manager Dave Sartorio defensively, if not so potent at the ali are comparatively unknown quan- and his doughty assistant, Joe Culotta. plate. tities. The events shape up tentatively in in the line-up of hurdlers along with the following manner, with many of freshmen Jim Hanldns, John Brad- the men doubling and tripling in sev- ley, and willowy Tom Barnes. 1947 Golf Prospects Indefinite As eral categories: Doug Beakes, Pole-Vaulter In the 100 and 220 yard dashes, Cloudkickers in the pole vault are New Campaign Gets Underway Wallace leads off some good men like Doug Benkes, spring-filled junior who Rod Austin, a junior, sophomores knows his way over the standard and George Hankins and Stan Abrams down again, Ernie McFadden, a sen- By Bob Dubel and freshmen Tom Fletcher, .Arnold ior of soccer and boxing fame, anrl The loss of two key men, Captain Dick Hausler and Eddie Johnson, from }I:ovler, Ed Matthy and Charlie last spring's squad makes it difficult to evaluate the prospects of the 1947 Hammer. fr~~~~i~gMi~~g~erj~e~~ has' George golf team. However, according to Coach John D. Makosky, it is probable that Hall Candidate For 440 Hankins, Bradley and Hammer re- it will be a better rounded team, even though the first few positions may be The 440 yard runners, and likely peating, with sophomore Gruver weaker. contenders for berths on the mile re- Martin and freshman Dan Welliver Back from last year's outfit are the new captain, Fred Holloway, Alan lay team, are Bill Hall, a senior, reaching up for higllest leaps. Jacobson, Bob Hendrickson, and Bob Dubel. With the addition of Mike sophomore Don Egner, and fresh- Tossing the discus is Tommy Price. Phillips and Carl Mendell, who played prior to the waT, this group should men Jim Hankins, Tom Doolittle and with a co-tosser, Cecil Eby, a fresh- form the nucleus of the squad that will be supplemented by Al Bright, Ralph again Fletcher. man, throwing the heavy plate quite Barrett and Dan Bradley. Coach Makosky feels that he will be able to rotate The 880 yard event has Rog a distance. these m'en to give them all an _opportunity to'play and gain experience. "Speed" Simpkins from the jU.nior The shot-put event finds weighty Frank B. Hurt Opening with George Washington University, the club-swingers face a ranks, and freshmen Dan Pinholster, competition between Jesse Kagle, Western Maryland Net Coach long schedule. Along with George Washington and Mason-Dixon Conference Ernie Birch, with the "mighty mite" Walt Dorsey, a sophomore, and 1resh- ... Prepares Charges For foes, the six-man aggregation meets Juniata, University of Maryland, Gettys- Doolittle repeating. men Joe CorJeto and Waldo Hadjuk. 16 Game Schedule burg, Baltimore University, Dickinson, and Lehigh. The long-winded mile run finds Broad JumpWell Represented The 16-game schedule marks West- Egner doubling here, with Ed "Lefty" The broad jump is well represented ern Maryland's return to pre-war • Mason.Dixon Test Here collegiates on May 31, at the Naval Elliott, Ralph Goldman alld Dave ip its participants who are seniors, schedules, which numbered as high as The Terror divot-diggers will serve Academy at Annapolis. Dalgleish of the freshman ranks as Curly Coffman, Tommy Price, Wal- nineteen contests. Coach Hurt has dir- as hosts for the Mason-Dixon Invitnt- Also figuring in Coach Makosky's running mates. lace, and freshman Eivind Barth. The ected the Terror netmen since 1936 ion Tournament on May 17. At this present or future plans are John Manager Dave Sartorio is a par_ javelin will be thrown by Price, Wal- and has at least five championships time, it is not definite if the team Blades, Jerry Ginsberg, and Dave ticipating manager, trying for a place lace and Cecil Eby. to his credit. will participate in the Maryland Inter- Wallich.
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