Page 66 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The, Gold Bug, Apri110, 1947 Milestones We Had Fun, Mary Wright Silvey Sophisticated Tomboy Vo.iceJ, ... Support Your By CHARLES G. BROOKS Anyway! two That of' the the unification Government! by SHEILA SIEGEL student governments on the Hill is to other college newspapers as comments in items appeared (The following be a fact would appear to be the first Automatic membership in the At the ripe old age of eight Mary step in intelligent and forceful student on the Gold Bug of February 6 last. We thought our readers might be in· representation and government at in the repercussions h~~~e~; ~Z;ee;~f~:tnd s:~r:cSt o~, ~::~:.~~ S~;Ys:~~~~1e:o~~~st~~~e ;;:~ Western Maryland. At any rate it is terested "experiment".-Ed.) of our little the students' sense of duty than to dress up in her mother's clothes. a step toward either useful and ration- Under the arresting title of "HOW that in the SCA. Only the Rather paradoxically, she claims to al student control of more of his life NOT TO WRITE" the Loyola Grey- threat of a change in the eetab- -. have been a tomboy. or it is merely another step toward i.-o1tl1d printed these statements if lisbed order of things brought Now, twelve years later, tall and lethargic to tyranny, elected such may be (among others): the applied government out a crowd of supporters on vaguely juno-eeque, she is about to ' of a student body. "A recent issue of "Western Mary- both sides in the recent SCA graduate from Western Maryland land's Gold Bug, a four page five election. Approximately twenty- College. Her two years here have And yet the fact of a representative column semi-monthly, newspaper tried five per cent of the student body been studded with scholastic honors student body (and it may be that very hard to be funny. It suceeded took part-a record number for and high offices. A constant Dean's discriminating interest is shown) (sic) in being sophomorically silly, that organization. Lister, Bozie has also been president implies the necessity of individual immoral and, in parts; if not blasphe- Mass meetings which have of McDaniel dorm, vice-president, of participation and at least a small mous, at least on the very verge of been called throughout 'the year "I'rt-Beta, treasurer of the Student amount of interest that the governing being so. "- have been very poorly attended, Christian Association, and secretary g"OUP will not stagnate and resolve "The usual hilarious 1985 dateline, in spite of the fact that a major of Iota Gamma Chi. into a mere formality, but will pursue an article wistfully claiming that change in organization was be- Always interested in dramatics, a dynamic course of constructive WMC's football team will play mem- ing contemplated. A recent she has participated in church, high thinking and action. bers of the big ten conference, as- meeting was, in fact, dismissed school and college plays and held the The fact of unification implies the sorted April Fool calendars and play- because only about a hundred office of president of the dramatic possibility of a single voice in ex- bills had us rolling in the aisles. people came out for it. club of Salisbury State Teachers' lI1a111Wright Silvey pression of mutual interests of both " if the Goldbllg (sic) is The big issue that was before College, where she spent her fresh- males and females' on the campus. published under the aegis of W. Md., the student body, concerning the man and sophomore years upon grad- caught. "Almost" was added as an The obligation lies upon the individual shall we presume then that this col- unification of the two govern- uation from Salisbury High School. student to elect those people who will lege approves of such blasphemy? afterthought. be representative of their ideas and ~~~!~'t~S~~t ~~o~~~ ~~ft ii; Athletics·have also been one of her Bozie also mentioned her fondness interests. Because the representation We'd better not. To do so would be to through these organizations that favorite activities, which brings up for the sun, fresh air and Ocean City. is to be by dormitories there will lack, say that a college sustained in part the students negotiate with the the subject of her pet peeve. "What From what we gather, during the to a greater extent, any control by by an annual state grant, and a relig- was pro- boot, administration. We need a is it?" we queried. "Squash," she summer she is a regular "beach- organizations of arbitrary member- ious institution to Rather would we ungodly. fessedly strong student government---one replied. We pondered. "It tastes comber" who tans beautifully. We ship. that is really representative of horrid," she continued. Relieved, we contemplated the situation. The next It is to be expected that fraternity attribute the piece to mere sound and student opinion-if we want our thereupon decided that it was vege- question was a natural. "\Vliat and sorority politics will playa large fury, signifying nothing." College of Reading. Penn- Albright point of view to be considered. table and not athletic. "Rathel' dance about your social life, Boz ?" "\Vell," part in the election of students to the sylvania, did us the honor of putting Demonstrations such as the than eat!" were the next words we said she, "it's quite 'odd, but I've student government, which speaks us on exhibit.ion. Do you suppose they " walk-out" staged in the din- never gone with anyone not named poorly for the organizations concern- chm-ged admiesion? ~~: SeA Officers ... Charlie." "Oh yes, and another ed. It has been the observation of "At Western Maryland College, ~7~o~~1~1~rl;:'in~ff~~~~afg~f thing I like is people who ask ques- some that the loyalties of people be- Westminster, Md., the editor-s of the have complaints, they should be (Continued from page 1, column 2) tions." We blushed becomingly. "Not long too often first to local, arbitrary aired through a qualified repre- too many, of course," she added. groups, when, if those loyalties be- college paper, in their last issue, took sentative in a sensible, aduU A fifth committee, that of Publicity, Tactfully we left. longed more to the entire group, more the matter of the freedom of the press way. which treats the dissemination of And in approximately two months would be gained in the long run by literally. \Ve are wondering In the near future we will be news. is not included under the nation- she will be leaving to fulfill her am- all. the sheet ever was allowed to be asked to elect representatives al emphases, yet is an integral group bition to teach English and public An exa~ple of the possible in- sent through the mails - Drop down according to the system voted in the local set-up. The chairman of speaking in high school and eventual- creased force of student opinion is to the Office of Student Publications most expedient by the majority this group has not been named. ly, after taking her master's degree, the Activities Committee through and take a g ander at the paper some- time." of the students. We must choose The purpose of this Christian in college. _ which all plans for major social events with care. Remember also that organization is to interpret and apply Besides all this, she expressed the must pass. Up until now, and even if we do not direct our gripes the principles of Christianity on the desire to "go places and do things." now, it has been faculty dominated. and suggestions into the right campus. No lines are drawn as to \Vell, Bos, we hope you do. Here's At least one display of unfairness channels, instead of wasting our membership. Every student and fac- wishing you the best of good luck has been exhibited by the Activities breath on the world at large, we ulty member of WMC is automatically and goodbye! Committee this past school year. By Great fleas have little fleas upon their are apt to get exactly nowhere- a member. The SCA movement in- whom or why such little mixups have back to bite 'em, which will give us even more eludes those who are members of been precipitated is not too clear, or And little fleas have lesser fleas, and cause for complaint. churches as well as those who, because Dr. Holloway ..• at least unadvisable to publish; how- so ad infinhum. 'We must support our student of past experience or present quest- (Continued from page 1, column 5) ever, increased representation of the The great fleas themselves in turn government if we want it to ioning, are not ready to become students is desirable, if only that crit- have greater fleas to go on, function properly. Surely we do church members. chology, sociology, library science, icism and condemnation may be While these again have greater still, not need a minor crisis to rally The SCA is not local in origin. The and philosophy. Thc art and music directly laid at the source of trouble. and greater still, and so on. us! most recent of the annual national sections, which originally presented Until now there have been four fac- -Anonymous. -THE EDITOR. assemblies was held from December only one-subject courses, have been ulty members and two students com- 27 to January 31, 1947, at the Univer- greatly strengthened. The music de- prising the committee. Recently Dr. sity of Illinois. This is the town meet- partment was enlarged to the extent Holloway has, according to AI Res- and to accept the obligations involved. ing of the SeA movement; its actions that it was recently accredited by the nick, promised to allow an increase in Well, little by little things probably Friday, April ll-Piano Recital, Miss' determine the program objectives and National Association of the Schools the student representation that will move on. Yet with an active attitude on the part of the individual, as was Helen Brainard, Alumni Hall, 8:15 policies. Policies adopted are mand- of Musk. make it a ratio of four to three. Let not shown during the last student p. m. atory and give direction to campus The successor to the presidency has us hope that it may soon be fifty- things might move a Broadcast, Station WFMD, 5 to YMCA's, YWCA's and SCA's not yet beer announced. It is the fifty. Certainly a college exists for body meeting, Any privilege or right faster. little 5:30p. m. throughout the country. Each associa- understanding of the Gold Bug that the students, and upon that premise is incomplete and unstable without Saturday, April 12--Junior-Senior tion is locally autonomous, at the the Board of Trustees will appoint a the students should be given the the acceptance of the uecompanying Prom, Gill Gymnasium, 8 to 11 :45 same time being a responsible mem- nominating committee who will then opportunity for both to accept the res- responsibilities. own activities ber of the national organization. select the candidates for the position ponsibility their p. m. Monday, April 14---Zadel Skolovsky, Pianist, Westminster High School, 8;15 p. m. I Mystery Seri'al Thursday, April 17-Western Mary- land Little Symphony Orchestra, Alumni Hall, 8 :15 p. m. - - - - The Drake Case - - - - Saturday, April 19-Phi Alpha Mu Alumnae Card Party, McDaniel Chapter III for you, so I had the manager let me concerned." managed to hold his own. After all, Lounge, 2 to 5 p. m. G-reen and Gold (Resu-me, Drake, concealed in the in. .. As 1 said, I hate barging in "You see, we found in the apart- he kept telling himself, I'm not unin- Rush, Alumni Hall. 8 :15 p. m. apartment of a man who had been like this, especially since the matter is ment where the killings apparently telligent. It's just that I'm not used Monday, April 21-Breadcast, Station blaclmwiling him, sawall. ee-oonoiot of so little concern to you. Nasty occurred a file of very interesting in- to this. But I'm in it this far and WFMD, 5 to 5:30 p. m. shoot the blaolomailer, Sarcotti. Un- business, too. But I suppose as an formation about some very interesting I've got to- keep on. Rhodes had said Tuesday, April 22-Recital of All a,ble to esca:pe, DrakfJ killfJd thfJ un- author you aren't entirely unaware of people. You see, the murdered man- nothing at all about the letters 8ar- Organ-Students, Alumni Hall, 4:20 known murdfJTfJr al1d made it appear life's seamier side." rather, one of the murdered men- cotti had, and that was the only thing p.m. that Sa1'cotti had done it just as he Drake moistened his lips. "What was a blackmailer." The detective that really mattered now. Neverthe_ Wednesday, April 23-Voice Recital, was dying. Then, having put the can I do for you, Mr. Rhodes?" turned to face his host. "Your name less, the way he jumped back and Miss Frances Bartley, Alumni Hall, ji:nishing tOllches on h~ PfJrlect crime, "Oh, just a little routine question. was among tllOse we found, Drake." forth from one thing to another was 8:15 p. m. he slipped out of the bl~ilding juM a-8 ing. Are you sure I'm not troublink' Drake's mind suddenly began to distracting, and Drake was glad the h'ue and cry was aroused .. He you? I know you must be kept pretty work very fast. -He determined to get when his inquisitol' finally asked if he spent 1nost 01 the next day in a bor busy by your-" better control of himself. No matter, would mind going down to headquar- THE GOLD BUG lui blo'lld. Now, late that afternoon he "No, no--do go on!" he thought, how good or how bad tel'S for fingerprinting, another rou- Drake broke in a little too loudly. his sorrows with a beal~ti- d)'owning things are, my losing my wits won't tine procedure, he called it. Offid~l .tudent newspaper 01 Western Mary retul''IlS to his apartment.) "'"Vell, all right then. There's been help. He's trying to trap me, now, so "Just one more thing, Mr. Drake," land College, publlshed seml.monthly on a murder-two, in fact. No one of im- he mustn't know too much. I'll say .. he added. "How long did you say Thursday. dnr!ng Octoher. No,·ember. Jann God, I feel wonderful! he thought. ary. February. Marcb and April. and monthly A little dizzy, but wonderful. He portance. Two cheap crooks." but by that time Rhodes had begun to you'd known Sarcotti?" during September, December. and !{ay. ED tered a8 "eoond class matter 8t WestmInster liked her. Her name was-what was "They were-they were killed, you ask questions in quick succession. Drake barked out flatly, "I said I Pm! Ollie", under the Act 01 )IBrch S, 1879 say?" "Last night? I-oh-I was out with didn't know Mm at ail!" it? Kitty? Katie? Maybe she said Subscription Price S2.00 a Year Kathy? He unlocked the door of his "Yes, Some underworld feud, no friends last night. At the Mocambo. J "Oh, yes," Rhodes agreed, as apartment and went in. doubt. In fact, they may have killed can give you their names-" though he had forgotten. "You can go Editor·in·chIel . • •.. Fern Ray "Mr. Drake?" A man was lounging each other." "Of course you can, Mr. Drake. We on home now, Mr. Drake. Just stick around town, will you? And by the Managing Editor •.. ., .. JcanCohen against the mantle of his living room. "lIfay have?" Drake found his can discuss it later. Now, how long Xe,osEditor.. ~c:';;::dH~i'r~~:~ IDrake stood still in surprise. The thtoat was very dry. had you known Sarcotti?" way-here's something I believe you Sport. Editor , James O. Elliot stranger drew, almost apologetically, "Yes, maybe. At least, all the evi. "I didn't know him at all." lost." He reached into his pocket and FeRt"ro Edito,". . •. Jack and Jan Rogers "You what?" carefully laid on his desk a small Copy Editor... . .•..• Belly Lee RobbIn. a badge from his pocket. "My name dence points to that, but-well, never Theoda Lee Kompanek mind. As I was saying, there has been "I said I don't know anyone by jade cuff link, carved in the form of a Sud!' P!totograpber .. .... Cnrl Webb is Rhodes-Bill Rhodes. Homicide that name." mask of tragedy, and engraved with BUSINESS STAFF Squad. I hope you'll pardon this- a murder-two murders, rather, and, i3nsine.a Manager ..•..... Phyllis HOuck shall I say this invasion? I had no as you understand, it's customary to "I see." the initials C. D. Advertising Manager Ted Quelch idea how long I would have to wait make routine checks of all the parties This went on for some time. DTake (to be continued) Circulation Manager .. Jim Ogden
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