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DRAKE SPRING CASE SPORTS ·PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 24, No, 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, April 10, 1947 rrainard, Newlin Are Soloists Jacobson, Lavin President Holloway Accepts With WMC little Symphony Star In Musical Appointment At Drew; Begins by LENORE HOFFMAN With an unusual and ambitious tempted by the orchestra. If you happen to stroll by Alumni program, the enlarged Western Mary- The program will open with the Hall some evening soon and hear a New Duties In September land College Symphony Orchestra, gay; ever-popular lIfardage of F'i- great ru ror, don't be alarmed. It's under the direction of Mr. Philip gU1'O Overture, by Mozart. only the sophomores rehearsing their D,·. Fred Garrigus Holloway, prcs-_ of Drew will not be unfamiliar to Dr. Royer, will present its sixteenth an- Five professional musicians from big musical show, The Green amd Gold ident of Western Maryland College Holloway. He will be tt'ansfer-i-ing- nual spring concert ill Alumni Hall the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra !"tu8h, which- will be g"iven on Satur- for twelve years, has announced his f'rom one alma mater to another. Af- on Thursday, April 17, at 8:15 p. m. will augment the forty-piece orches- day, April 19, in Alumni Hall. appointment as dean of Drew 'I'heo. tel" receiving un A. B. from WMC in Featuring Dr. Dika Newlin and tra, composed of students and faculty This musical, which promises to be logical Seminary at Madison, New 1918, he graduated from Drew Theo- Miss Helen Brainard, the perform- members. This will add. two oboes, a great success, is full of laughs, corn, Jersey. The announcement was made ance wil! be highlighted by Mozart's one viola, one cello, and one bass. ~nd a host of sophs, who have donned to the trustees of Western Maryland logical Seminary in 1921. Until 1923 he was a fellow at Drew University Double Concerto in. E Flat Major. When inaugurated in 1931 by Mr. grease paint to take their places be- at their meeting on April 9. The new Graduate School. This will be the initial presentation Royer, the orchestra gave its first con- hind the footlights. duties will be assumed in September'. Dr. Holloway held pastorates in the of a duo-piano composition by the col- cert in the Old Main Recital Hall, The billing includes such talented Although associated with the Hill Ma,·yland Conference of the Meth- lege orchestra. Short original caden- now the art lab, and was only one- sophs as AI Jacobson and Helen for over twenty years, as student. Church until he became a pro- , zas in the first and third movements third its present size. " Lavin, who decide to share the professor, and president, the campus fessor of biblical languages at West. have been composed by Dr. Newlin. crowded WMC conditions together, She and Miss Brainard are well- and Carol Krebs and Don Bailey, minster Theological Seminary in 1927. of his degree Tn 11)32 he received known musicians and members of the Haagerup To Speak whose love affair has its complica- Doctor of Divinity and was named music department. ......._ tions. Jack Lcchliter will provide His pres- A work noted for its beauty and Of Native Denmark plenty of laughs as Master of Cere- president of the seminar-y. of the col- cnt position, as president technical dexterity, the first three monies, and the WMC band will be on was assumed in 11)35. A year movements of Symphony No. 7 in C hand for musical background. Dickinson College conferred on Major, by Schubert, will be given.·AI- Before Argonauts The script was written by Phil him the Doctor of Laws degree. though called the "symphony of Weaver and Betty Amos, who are di- In addition to his college duties, heavenly length", it was never played Miss' Alice Haagerup, our exchange recting the show, and was chosen by Dr. Holloway last year assisted in a in Schubert's day due to its difficulty.· student from Denmark, will present the sophomore class from among sev- reviaion of the New Testament. He Today it is seldom heard and is to a talk at the last formal meeting of eral other original scripts. The main is also vice-president of the National (late the most exacting work yet at- the Argonaut Society in Mcflnniel Lounge on Friday, April 18, at 7:30 theme of the show is a satire on the Association of Schools and Colleges p.m., when the Western Maryland fac- crowded postwar conditions prevail- of the Methodist Church and member TriBeta Members ulty and many of the students will they have on several young coeds. Dr of sion of Chaplaincy, Ecumenical Meth- Comrnis, and the effects Senate, ing at WMC today University the hear her SPeak formally for the first the Commission Attend Meeting time about her native land. spoken !lfarshall, and who helped audition now odist Council, and of the Association on those acphs chose finally Teacher Education who has Haugerup, Miss previously to the Wesleyanettes, filling the main parts, is sponsor of of American Colleges. Fifteen members of the Alpha Mu will tell about customs and conditions the affair. To the present students, however, chapter of the Beta Beta Beta bio- in Denmark, dwelling chiefly on the All of the laughs and entertain- he will be best remembered for his logical fraternity attended the North- educational system. Planning on ment are available for only 30c. Tick- Dr. Fred G. Holloway ~ presentatfnns of stirring chapel ser- eastern Regional Convention at Drew further pre-medical study next year ets will go on sale soon. Be sure not vices, the informal poetry readings University on Saturday, March 29. mostly sciences and English this year ~;:;:':, n;~:';,f,::na:~'~:;;:X:;!; Bartley Will Sing and record concerts in his home, and she has been studying in Denmark, The chief speaker was Dr. Francis the hospitality given annually to the Ryan, assistant professor of zoology at Western Maryland. On October 31, freshmen. at Columbia University, who spoke 1947, ~[iss Haagerup must again be Also memorable has been the phys- on the topic of" Biochemical Mutants back on her native soil. Brainard Will Play In Alumni Hall ical growth of the school dui"ing his of Neurospora." Election of officers for next year Accompanied by Mr. Oliver Spang- administr ation. ,New buildings add- Also included on the program were from the junior class will also take ed were Albert Norman Ward Hall student speakers from Drew Uni- place at the meeting on April 18. Works OF Newlin ~e:~ ~~i::n:r~:i::s !:~:!~Yo~il~l~re:::; and Gill Gymnasium. Levine Hall versity, Gettysburg College, Thiel The traditional Argonaut banquet Featuring six original pieces by Dr. in Alumni Hall on April 23, at 8:15 was rebuilt as a music hall. Dr. College, Randolph-Macon, and West- will be the last activity of the year. Holloway was also instrumental in ern Maryland College. David Ben- Dr. James B. Ranck of the history Dika Newlin, Miss Helen Brainard p. m. This is the first time that any raising $300,000 for building pur- nighof represented Alpha Mu chapter department of Hood College will be. will present a piano recital on Fri- student (except organ) has given a poses whtch has not yet been utilized. with a talk on "Some Tests on DDT the guest speaker, and students grad- day, April 11, at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni recital in Alumni Hall. In the college curriculum, several Her program will include: Hall. as a Contact Insecticide." uating with honors from the class of departments have been added: psy- Three faculty members, Dr. Lloyd '47 will be admitted as fellows. Plans The program will consist of the Detc vieni, non tarda!·, M. Bertholf, Dr. Isabelle Isanogle and for this formal banquet will be dis- following: from Le Noeze di Figa)"o Mozart (Continued on page 2, column 3) Professor Bennighof, accompanied cussed and committees appointed at Ch1·omatie Falltasy a1u/ Fugue Bach Regnav(!, ·I!el eileneio, from the WMC delegation. the meeting next Friday. Sonata. in B MinoT. _ Chopin Lucia doi Ltumaner-moor: Douizettl Jun."orProm F'antasiestiick.e Schumann I mrncr Ieiecr WiNI mein Schl1l1nnul Six P.iallo Pieces _ _ . Newlin Schubert W"II F Brahms Duties Of Newly-Elefted Officers Grand Etude _ joined the Western Auf dem Wasser._ .=. '_"_'. _F"n"- • eature .. _Paganini-Liszt un Rev< Ap"" Miss Brainard --- Debussy J h and year Listed By Retiring SeA President Maryland faculty student last body through is Les Papillons -.-- ,_. Chausson M known to the La Chevelurc several cOllcerts, the most recent one 0 nny oran by ROBERT GRUMBINE being the sonata recital with Mr. ~:d~e~~::::nn~:t~:'~~p~~;~nt:,iebling With more than two hundred ballots Philip Royer on November 14, 1946. from Car·men Bizet The traditional Junior-Senior Prom having been cast for the office of She and Dr. Newlin, also a member Ave Maria .._... ... Deems Taylor will be held on Saturday, April 12, president, the March 19 election of the of the music department, will playa Th1·ee Songs Dika Newlin 8 to 11:45 p. m., in Gill Gymnasium. 1947-8 SCA cabinet was one of the double concerto at the forthcoming Friendship Music for the affair will be supplied largest attended on record at WMC. spring concert of the Western Mary_ Contrasts by Johnny Moran and his Baltimore Gorden Lee Groby was elected pres- land College Little Symphony Orches- ROmal!Ce orchestra. ident and Sally Smith vice-president. tra. Gil·ometta Sibel1a Decorations which will create an The new treasurer is James Ogden After graduating from Oberlin In lhfl Silenl.:c of Night Rachmaninoff atmosphere of spring have been whose responsibility is the supervision College and the J uilliard School of At the Well ...Hageman chosen ~or the occasion. _The seniors, of the World Student Service Fund Music, where she studied under Josef Miss Bartley, a senior music majO) who will be guests of honor of the drive. Edgar Hammersla, former and Rosina Lhevinne, Miss Brainard working for honors, plans to continue juniors, have been sent individual in_ freshman representative, was elected toured as a member of a trio and ac- her voice studies in Philadelphia or vitations and will be admitted, with to the office of secretary. Marion companist to a cellist. New York next fall. She is very their dates, free of charge. The rest Auld and Joseph Culotta replace active in campus affairs, claiming of the student body may pUl"chase Ninita Barkman and Hammersla as membership in the College Players, tickets for $2.00, includhlg tax, stag freshmen representatives. Australian Envoy the SeA cablnet, the Argonauts, the or drag. Incorporating the suggested nation- choir and the glee club. She is trcas- al program emphases, the SCA on the Will Speak Here urer of Iota Gamma Chi sorority .. Several junior class meetings have Hill presents the f9110wing five div- been held during the month in order isions of responsibility: Mr. Norman J. Makin, Australian to discuss plans for the prom. It was The Committee of Christian Faith ambassador to the United States, will Clothing Drive Sponsored dedded that the dance would be semi- and Heritage strives to extend the Robert Grumbine visit Western Maryland College as a By Wesleyanette Group formal and that corsages would be optional. recognition of the fundamental equal- guest of the Faculty Club on April ity of all men because of our common The third group is that of Social 15. He will speak to the Faculty Club The Wesleyanettes will sponsor a The following committees were wOl·ship to God. In this department, Responsibility, which includes polit- and all interested students at 8:15 p. clothing drive during the week of chosen by the class: Bob Dubel and headed by William Donahoo, Christ- ical effectiveness, economic justice, m. in McDaniel Lounge. April 21 to 26. . Adelene Hopkins, co-chairmen; Bev ian beliefs, worship, Bible study, racial equality, work in the com- His topic is tentative as yet, but In every dormitory a representative \Vallace, decorations; Don Brohawn, churchmanship, evangelism and inter- munity, higher education, and prev_ will deal with either Australian re- from each floor will be appointed to orchestra; and Margie Eierman, pub- religious activity are included. ention of alcoholism. This committee conversion or Australian universitie~. make room-to-room ·collections. All licity. The next division is that of Personal is headed by Virginia Dodd. Mr. Makin is the Australian repre- clothing collected will be sent to the The invited sponsors include Dr. and Campus Affairs, Phyllis Weaver World Relatedness is a fourth sentative to the UNESCO, over clothing center at New Windsor and and Mrs. Holloway, Dr. and Mrs. and Wayne Cowan, co-chairmen. emphasis, over which Mary Hersh- which he presided during the month eventually shipped overseas. Marshall, Professor and Mrs. De Christian vocations, personal rela- feld presides, and which deals with of February. His visit here will be Everyone is urged to cooperate in Long, and Dr. and Mrs. Spicer. tions, recreation, association proced- world organization, missions and work one of a series which he plans to make the drive. AJl old clothing which Tickets for the affair went on saJe ures, campus government, and Campus, with students from other nations. to several American universities and still can be worn will be gladly ac- in McDaniel Hall office Monday ana social life fall under their realm. (Continued on page 2, column 2) colleges. cepted. may be purchased at any time.
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