Page 64 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The Gold Bug, March 6, 1947 Relief for China Jay Vees Boast Sports Bro~dcast Sought By USC (Continued from page 4, column 3) murder-s. He dresser! hurriedly and Winning Recorcl (Continued from page. 1, column4) went out. Once on the street he the finals of the tournament which United Service to China embraces a plain why he had come. If it had walked several blocks before finding Western Maryland's junior varsity will be held that night in the Recrea- five point program to create a better only been involvement in a business a newsboy. He bought a paper and courtmen split even in their final two tion Hall. will be aired over sta- The program understanding of China by the Amer- scandal or trouble over a woman or ducked into a nearby hotel lobby to encounters of the 1947 season, win- ican public. ! I something remotely reparable--but scan the news columns. Not a word ning from Loyola and losing to Johns tion WCBM in Baltimore and WOL in Washington. On October 10 the thirty-fifth an- this! about it. That could' mean anything. Hopkins, to draw the curtain on a The ElBA Tournament is the sec- nivesary of the founding of the Suddenly he thought of the papers. God, he was beginning to get jittery. successful campaign. ond largest boxing tournament in the Chinese Republic will be celebrated There might be some account of the Off the lobby there was a bar. He The 1947 record stands at eight country., the Nationals held at" the with appropriate activities. The sec- slid on to a stool next to a lean-look- victories and but two defeats. Get- University of Wisconsin dur-ing- . the the study Dr. Newlin ... ond point, the introduction of an edu- ing blond. After the second swallow tysburg and Hopkins are the only last week of March being the on~~~lIe cational program featuring he saw in the mirror that she was blemishes on the slate, and the loss to exceed the I;iastern tourney. . of China's people, should be a sound (Continued from page 1, column 2) watching him. She had a beautiful to Hopkins is partially erased by an beginning for Chinese - American modernist, Arnold Schoenberg, is her face but {she looked hard. When early season triumph over the Blue loss as the result of a second-half Jays. friendship. boo k, B-ruckner_Mahler_Schoenbe-Tg. their eyes. met in the mirror she rat- Loyola's Greyhounds presented lit- Blue Jay rally. Sale of Chinese-inspired merchan- Recently acquired by the college li- tled the ice in her empty glass and tle trouble last week as they bowed, Len Zawacki and Jack Spicknalf dise, such as Christmas cards, sta- brary, it was published on February remarked sardonically, "You remind 46 to 37, in a :fast-moving contest. paced the Terror scorers, and were tionery, recipe books, playing cards, 24 by the' King's Press of Columbia me of my brother." Drake laughed. Coach Mike Philip's charges func- ably assisted by Joe Macie, Ernie matchbooks, and pencils, stimulates University in New York. "Want another drink?" She shrugged tioned like a well-oiled machine to Burch and Al Resnick. The all- interest in China. Every article is Schoenberg, because of his new ,a pair of beautifully tailored should- come away the victor. around floor play of Ed Elliott, Bob popularly priced for volume sales. technique and "radical" work has ers, "That's what I came for." The Baby Terrors led the Hopkins Harmon, Al Bright, Vance Hale and United Service to China was for- been condemned as a breaker of tradi- Drake began to feel better. frosh at intermisslon-ttme, but the Jim Bradley contributed much to the merly a part of the National War tton. "My book aims," said Dr.. New- (to be continued) Green and Gold suffered a 85 to 88 successful season. Fund, but since the dissolution 0:( that organization, it has been neces- doning tradition, he is actually the sary for it to campaign for its own great modern so far from abun-IF=;;;;::=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~l lin, "to show that representative of the funds. The goal for 1947 is $8,000,000, Viennese classical tradition of Bee- which amount will enable fifty-seven thoven, Haydn, Mozart, and Schu- agencies in America an~ China to bert." This tradition, continued in the carryon their work. nineteenth century by the symphonic The fifth project is the collection of cemposers, Anton Bruckner and Gus- useful materials-books, clothing, etc. tav Mahler, was directly transmitted -for China, to help overcome the to Schoenberg by Mahler, for they desperate shortages of these articles were good friends. in that country. To the Chinese people the Five Point Program is a means through which greater progress can be achiev- ed. It represents the kind of assist- JOHN EVERHART ance which helps China help herself. Dr. D. S. Sanford has accepted the The College Barber chairmanship of the Westminster campaign committee for United Serv- • and Bobber ice to China. If anyone is interested in helping with the work or in con- AT THE FORKS tributing money or other articles, get in touch with Dr. Sanford. CLIFFORD'S Save With Safety • At The Westminster's Leading Rexall Drug Store Jewelers Old Spice, Friendship Garden,~ Cam Nome, Orloff and Berganot Toiletries Flowers for Every Occasion Listen to the Jimmy Durante- Garry Moore Rexall Drug Stewart N. Dutterer Radio Show every Friday evening FLORIST 9:30 P. M., WCAO and WFMO Pennsylvania Ave. SCHMITrS Phone 350 REXALL DRUG STORE 55 E. Main St. Phone 298 It Pays To Look Well Visit The Avenue Barber Shop I Where The Students Go 85 Pennsylvania Avenue 'kJ~,Ald. 'kJ~,Ald. WED. to THURS., MAR. 5 to 6 THURS. to FRI., MAR. 6 to 7 ''THE PERFECT MARRIAGE" "GAS HOUSE KIDS" Loretta Young David Niven "CRIME DOCTOR'S l\l~NHUNT" SAT., MAR. 8 FR!. to SAT." MAR. 7 ito 8 "WINGS OVER WYOMING" ''FIGHTING FURY" George O'Brien Lightning (dog) SUN. to TUES., MAR. 9 to 11 "RED HOUSE" SUN. to WED., MAR. 9 to 12 Edward G. Robinson Lon McAllister "CALIFORNIA" Ray Milland WED., MAR. 12 "CRIMINAL COURT" Tom Conway THURS. to SAT., MAR. 13 to 15 "THE MIGHTY McGURK" -'" THURS., to FRI., MAR. 13 to 14 Wa!lace Beery "GLASS ALIBI" Green Years Kid and "SUSIE STEPS OUT" SUN. to TUE., ~AR. 16 to 18 SAT., MAR. 15 "STRANGE WOMAN" "FOOL'S GOLD" Hedy Lamarr George Sanders Bill Boyd SUN. to TUES., MAR. 16 to 18 WED. to SAT., MAR. 19 to 22 "GALLANT BESS" "SHOCKING MISS PILGRIM" in technicolor Betty Grable Dick Haymes Marshall Thompson
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