Page 62 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The Gold Bug" March 6, 1941 .======== Advertisement Westminster Light Society (Continued froih page 3, column 2) Zip Picks From The Bench "W 6 16ad you from virtu6 to bookshelves that lined the waUs of the with an increasing certainty that he Dear Ed. • happin688." room he saw volume three of Studie8 was safe from suspicion. Only one I took another beating last By James C. Elliot There was the Door to which I in Co1ttemporary Liuraturs, by Con- thing worried him-the letters; he week. It locke like it's time for (Sports Editor, The Gold Bug) found no Key, rad Adrian Drake, Conrad Adrian had not gotten them, and he didn't me to strike for a new crystal There was the veil through ball. I did call for a split with Battles on three fronts-that's the which I could not see. Drake's Americana Anthology, and know where they were. Everything SOlTIelittle talk awhile of ME the book which had earned him more in his life hinged on their being kept American U., but called the way to describe Westem Maryland's and THEE money and more fame than all the secret, or at least on their meaning win here, so a double loss. sports activity this week-end as tbrltl';' There was-and then no more rest combined, his great novel, Ths r.emaining secret. That was the prob- For this week: Terror teams-basketball, boxing ana of THEE and ME. Broken: Bough. - lem. How much did they reveal? For Ortenzi, Eastern Inter-colleg- wrestiing----compete in as many tour- Then of the THEE in ME who Things were clearer now. He re- months he had been trying to puzzle iate champ, Boxing naments. works behind Corieto, Heavyweight finalist, Coach Bruce Ferguson's cagers, led The veil, I lifted up my hands membered with great lucidity the it out; until now he could scarcely E a s t ern Inter-coJlegiates by high-scoring forward Walt Sibiski, to find events of the previous 'flight. He went differentiate what he had actually A lamp amid the Darkness; and o~r them again and again, each time said in them from 'what he had since Boxing will be the first to carry the Green I heard imagined he had said. Larrimore, 165 lb. Mason-Dixon and Gold colors into action when they As from without-"THE THEE He knew now that that was what winner, Wrestling trot out on Catholic University's court WITHIN ME BLIND!" Kern, Heavyweight Mason- in Washington, D. C., at 10:~0 to- -The Rubaiyat. SMIrn & REIFSNIDER had made him do it last, night-the night to test their ability against Incorporated .fear of being found there when the Dixon winner, "Vrestling Where the fog of individual LUMBER-COAL shots were heard and having to ex- Western Md. to upset Mt. St. that of Mt. St. Mary's in the first personality has been cleared Mary's, Basketball round of the r..lason-Dixon confer- away, the eternal Truth shines WESTMINSl'ER, MD. (Continued on page 6, column 2) ence championship playoffs. out, resplendent in all its beauty American U. to beat Washing-. .The Terror quintet can be likened and harmony. ton College to the hot water in Albert Norman F.T.A.! Johns Hopkins to beat Randolph Ward this winter. Considering the Macon ~a.;.~-x~;t·Z~~~~~1It MONARCH CLEANERS Wedding Engraved Loyola to slaughter Catholic U. five's appearances in Gill Gym this Announcements season, its best full game effort was CLEANING and PRESSING Invitations Yours truly, that against Mt. St. Mary's, whom it Colonial Music Co. and meets tonight. The Mounts lost but Instruments of Distinction Phone'484 Calling Cards three contests during the regular and one of those was to campaign, Gibson Guitars R. L. McDonald Coffman's Card Shop Won Lost Pct. the Green and Gold in Gill Gym in 34 15 .680 mid-season, by a 51 to 42 count. King Band Instruments Wesuninster, Md. Opposite Bus Terminal Portable Radios • Did Very Little Wrong did very little wrong The Terrors Complete Line of Accessories that night, and a duplication of that For All Instruments effor-t in the playoffs might very 34 W. Main St. Barnes. Appliance Service easily earn them the title. Opposing Compliments of T,heo. F. Shaeffer Bendix Home Laundry teams would do well to recognize the local lads as potentially formidable T. W. Mather & SODS· Master Plumber All kinds of Electrical foes. Phone 300 Appliances Serviced Last year the Terrors upset a good CARROLLEEN Wesuninster's Department 92 W. Main St. Speed Queen Washers and Loyola quintet by a 50 to 35 count in and Repaired the semi-finals, only to lose to Ameri- Ironers Store of 359.J Phone 45 EAST MAIN STREET can University, 50 to 39, in the finals. Maryland's But 1941 was Western Indi.vidual Coiffuret Good Service and Values Wesuninster, Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. real banner year. Coach Ferguson's Beauty in its Entirety Phone 793 green clad engel'S, led by Irv Biasi, Lee Lodge and Frank Suffern, scored 66 W. Main St. two one-point triumphs, the last, 39 to WESTMINSTER. MD. '38, over Loyola in the Johns Hopkins Typewriter and Adding NOW Gymnasium to return to the Hill with The Ar.lcraftsman For your convenfence you can the championship. Compliments Machine Repairs leave your Laundry Bundles • Three Times In Finals Western Maryland and Loyola are of RENTALS and Dry Cleaning in Old the only teams in the conference to Main 80 East Main Street reach the finals three times during Davis Typewriter Co. the history of the tournament. Be- sides the two years mentioned above, Opppsite Post Office 32 West Main Street the Terrors in 1942 went to the last RADIOS. FURNITURE, Wesuninster, Maryland Open game of the tourney before bowing to Loyola's Greyhounds, 42-33. and _WLOR.MADE GIFTS Telephone 585 Mon._Tues. 9 to 3 Loyola, with the nation's second ELECTRICAL Wed.-Fri. 9 to 12 highest score in Jim Lacy, J'r., is fa- APPLIANCES Specializes in ,gifts for Agency vored to take the crown, but this writer, going out on a big limb, looks J. Stoner Geiman college students L. C. Smith Typewriter Westminster Laundry to the winner of the Mt. St. Mary's- as tonight Maryland Western clash the new champion. 77 West Main Street Carlo Ortenzi, captain and coach of this year's Terror ring team, who will take three of his leather-pushers to State Rosenstock's Ladies' Shop Penn Eastern tomorrow to compete in Boxing the Intercollegiate CHARLES CARROLL Association tournament this week-end, is not at all pleased with the fact that as the favorite HOTEL 67 E. Main Street, Westminster, Md. he has been installed light-heavyweight capture to the • EASTER TEEN QUEENS crown . • Recalls Scholastic 'Tourney Carlo recalls that in 1938, while he DELICIOUS CHICKEN was a student at Southern High in DINNERS Be the belle of the Easter Parade I Baltimore, he was favored to win a scholastic ring tourney and was beaten Come down to the Teen Shop today for in the finals. In the 1942 regular season cam- the smoothest selection of gldmour paign, Carlo, at 165, dropped one de- Good Luck cision-to Jack Gilmore of Maryland. girl suits, coats, matching bonnets In the intereollegiates that year be in the avenged the defeat when he defeated Tournaments 'n date dresses. Super styling for the Terrapin in the finals. It is the general consensus of opin- Margaret & Earl's you and your budget. ion on the Hill that those who favor Carlo to win this yearls light-heavy SANDWICHES crown know what they're talking about. SOFT DRINKS The Mason-Dixon wrestling tourna- • ment, brought to Gill Gym through Di- Maryland the efforts of Western Havens, rector of the conference, president of Athletics Charles gets un- and will The der way Saturday afternoon displaying find Coach Bill Anderson Coffman-Fisher For Smart in Jack Larrimore, 165, and Bill Kern, who are heavyweight, two grapplers undefeated through six dual matches Company Clothes this season. Four of these tests were with con- ference opponents, and would seem to DEPARTMENT STORE indicate that both of these Terrors Shop will make things warm for their tour- ney antagonists. Rosenstock's Wine's Sport Shop II E. Main St. Phone 102 46 Penna. Ave. Full Line Of Sporting Goods
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