Page 61 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 61
The Gold Bug, March 6, 1947 . . . The Drake Case . . . Letters Pixie's Plea For Peace CHAPTER II ebriating himself until he finally felt To The Editor (Continued from page 2, column 1) Then on December seventh, (Re81t1Re: Drake, concealed in the he could sleep without dreaming of world. In Egypt during the Old nineteen hundred and forty-one, apu?·tment of a man who has been murder. He was confused. He couldn't (Continued from page 2, column 6) Kingdom, a housewife accident- war carne to Sam's horne. Sam's blackmailing him, eeee an ex-convict figure it out. It must have happened M pay enougb. And more than ally made the first loaf of bread. son was killed; Sam saw the shoot the blackmailC1', SUTfJotti. Un- to somebody else. enough, it seems to me. Her name's been forgotten- blood and was sick at heart. able to escape, Droke kills the un- Now he sat on the side of the bed, Suppose we figure thirty-two weeks you're not even positive she This might not have happened if known murderer a,'nd makes it. appear his head in his hands. It all seemed to a school year at about $400 room lived in Egypt,-but that's an Sam had seen the blood of a that Sm'cQtti did it just as he waa a bad dream, though he was fully a- and board; that's $12.50 a week. A unimportant detail. The fact is Chinaman ten years before and dying. __Then, having pnt the finish- ware that a few feet away his dress room off-campus, from the ones I that the result of her actions has had realized that what is good, ing touches on hUl perfect crime, he suit, his gloves, his cane, the white know of, runs from $5 to, at the most, affected you who live thousands is good for ali, and what is bad, is about to leave when there is a knock silk scarf, and the black coat with the $8 a week for two people. Let's take of years later, if you've eaten, is bad for all. the average and call it $6.50 or $3.75 J at the door .... in the pocket lay ready to automatic \u~;a~::~~~:~e~~e::~Y;nV~~~~~:;: witness that it was not a dream. per person (and that includes heat, seen, smelled or made bread, or Sam Wroble's living room again. Just the other day I was in even kno,""the significance of the three etc.). lights, at Dinners He padded across the carpet in his His wife, a bit greyer now, was The man in the hall called once more, eere feet. In the shower he closed places closest to the Hill cost from the word "bread". I can't tell sitting by the window, knitting. you what the future holds, but I $ .65 to $ .85; lunches (that is, at least "Mr. Sarcotti, are you all right?" his eyes ~nd let the water cloak his can tell . you that your actions The black ribbon draped over Then he turned the knob. Locked. shoulders in a warm wrap. He won- as much or more than we get in the will affect not only your genera- the picture of a soldier had not $ .40; cost about and He rattled the knob a time or two, dered vaguely what clothes he should dining hall) in the Grille, 'with enough tion, but also those that follow. yet faded. Sam was sitting in breakfast then turned away, calling to someone put on-what was he to do today? coffee, fruit juice, and doughnuts to The results of your actions will the same old chair, reading. He else as he went, "You go back inside, How does one spend the day after satisfy most of us, we'll put at $ .15. still be alive when the dust of read of fighting in Greece, of MarYi I'm going to get the janito\ to one has committed a murder? Thank The total weekly expense under such your bones has been blown from homeless starving hordes of break open the door." God Stevens was off today. Sunday. an arrangement is about $13.00. Yet pole to pole. I've noticed that ev- people in Europe, of famine Mary was never quite sure if she He raised his eyes to find himself which would you rather have, Mar· eryone's actions affect everyone really saw or only imagined seeing a tying the belt of a white terry cloth garet and Earl's Friday night" steak, else. That idea may seem far- and pestilence in India, of riots and turned hi China, to the tall figure in evening dress swiftly robe before the mirrored bathroom French fries, peas, salad, hot rolls, fetched to you, so I'll show you comic page. He did not hear the and silently slide through the shad- wall. It startled him, meeting his and coffee" ,or liver? an example of the consequences moans; he did not see the blood. ows and down the stairway as she own face suddenly like that. He de- I think, even if it aU ends with the of an action that occurred dur- closed her apartment door. cided he needed a drink. same poor food we have had for so ing your lifetime. Sam, you are one of the mil- That was Saturday night. He found the bourbon he had been long, we at least have a right to know It was a crisp fall day in Sep- lions for whom this was written. The next morning Drake awoke drinking the night before in the kit- why, but not in vague generalities tember, nineteen hundred and Please hear and see. Please real- with a terrific headache. His eyes chen. Empty. Damn. Finally In his about costs and scarcities. The Col- thirty-one. I was perched on the ize that another's misery will af- focused only reluctantly on the glit- study he found some scotch. Slumped lege "isn't doing us a favo'r by feed- radiator in the living room of fect you, that an injustice to tering chrome and blonde maple of into the before his desk, he saw ing us. We are paying for it. It's an Sam Wroble, Chicago, U. S. A. anyone is an injustice to you. his bedroom. Sunlight was flooding in the typewriter the article he had investment of our parents', or Uncle Sam was reading about Japan's I really don't care about these across the thick wine-colored carpet. been writing Saturday morning- Sam's money. We have a right to invasion of Manchuria: he details, but I'd hate to have to He had sat late over a fifth of bour- "\Vhitman's American Man"-for the know exactly what grade of food is scarcely noticed the line that in- watch evolution all over again. bon after he had come home the night New Republic. In one section of the bought by whoever has charge of the formed him of the deaths of (We thought that the writer before, slowly and deliberately in- (Continued on page 4, column 2) purchasing and how much is paid for some Chinamen. The death of a of this editorial had something It, Chinaman thousands of miles Terrence. removed meant nothing to Sam. worthwhile to say. We would like to encourage others to sub- No Racial Problem In Brazil Dear Edito7',' He couldn't hear the moans, feel mit such thought-provoking es- • Longer Hours for Library. I have been wondering what, the the widow's tears or see the says for possible publication at (Continued from page 2, column 3) blood. Sam turned to the comic any time.-THE EDITOR. possibilities are concerning the much page. A few men in Italy also with her. • Racial Prejudices Forgotten discussed idea of opening the library read the news, but they did not This is not to say, however, tha~ It would be well to note here that on Sunday afternoons. Many students turn to the comic page. They Joshua Zia ... Brazil is without class prejudice. For after the Civil War many disappoint- stay on campus on week-ends espe- saw that Sam Wroble and mil- among the aristocratic minority there ed Southerners went to Brazil to start cially for the purpose of "catching lions like him didn't care about (Continued from page 2, column 4) still exists a "purity of blood." These life anew as independent farmers. up." Why can't the facilities of the a Chinaman. They didn't turn to families have consistently refused to Some could not adjust themselves to college be made available to them? the comic page; they turned to ment personnel, and no one without a marry not only with the negro and the new life and the heavy work but Other colleges have made use of this Ethiopia. Sam didn't care about permit could get ill. The rest of the the Indian but also with any Euro- the majority who remained forgot plan with reasonably good results. a few thousand "blacks" either. people, including Joshua and Doris, peans of immigrant stock. But the their prejudices against the negroes Would it also be possible for the had to trek five miles out into the He still couldn't see the blood. I masses of the people take equality of and the Indians and stayed to con- library to stay open longer or per- was there and saw it. It was the countryside each time there was a race for granted. Brazilians of dif- tribute much to the Brazilian eulture. haps open earlier? Many students, same as anyone's blood, and the raid and wait in the fields unm the. ferent colors and ancestries live in In 1940, during the census taking, having a full morning schedule, have raid was over. close association with one another. an amusing incident happened that a really tough time returning over- pain was as intense as pain is to June 15 found them in Kunming, No one is black or white-all are proved that women are the same re- night books. Attempts to have friends anyone, but Sam could not see Brazilians. gardless of where or what they may return them are somewhat unsatisfac- the blood. Soon the story of the Chinese end of' the Burma Road. It was the only way out of the coun- Ethiopia was repeated in Aus- .National Holiday be. The final results of the census tory and, to say the least, hard on try, and transportation was so scarce Every year the Brazilians celebrate showed that there were more female one's friends! tria, Czechoslovakia, Po~and and a national holiday dedicated to the mulattos than male. An investigation Sincerely, Sally Andrews. numerous other countries. Sam they had to stay a month before they didn't care-c-at least not enough It was could get a plane into India. new Brazilian race-the Dia da Raca. committee uncovered the fact that the a converted transport, and they spent The new race would be a combination samba, a song which extols the charms (Good idea, but we need more opin- to do something about it. Th?se of the various races, including the and beauty of the mulatto, was re- ions. Give us something to work countries were many miles seven very uncomfortable hours on yellow, but the largest pro~ortion sponsible for this phenomenon. Most with!-Ed.) away. Sam saw the death lists, plain metal benches. consists of white blood. 'I'heir con- of the young ladies who had signed • Three-Hour Exams? but he saw numbers, not peop~e There followed three miserable cept is that a mixed race cannot be themselves as mulattos bad no right Dear Editor,' like himself his family and hIS months in Calcutta and Bombay, in inferior to a pure one and that it has to that title but they, through the 'In- €an you tell us if all these rumors neighbors. He couldn't see the the midst of the summer heat. They much better chance of producing a fluenee of the samba lyrics, decided about the reintroduction of three-hour blood. didn't know anyone there and had superior type. Proof of this is best that they viould rather belong to that final exams at WMC are true? utterly nothing to do. But at last, on Three iVorried Freshmen. illustrated by the fact that Brazil exotic and alluring racial group than (Nothing official so far, but it is un- VtUoot ... October 26, they boarded a United leads all the other Aryan countries of to any other. States Navy transport, which had to Latin America in the fine arts and in der consideration.-Ed.) (Continued from page 2, column 4) go due south to avoid Japanese sub- scientific research. This is not an attempt to start a • Let's Have More Letters! we say that itja primarily by and ~ol' marines. They stopped at Melbourne, But, you may claim, they. do not miscegenation program in the United Dear Editor: the students. And in reply to opposi- and then the Solomon Islands, where have the same problems WhICh we States. But I believe that the crea- I notice that the last issue of the tion from some few groups of stu- they picked up some First Division have. They have not been indoc- tion of a better world is not only pos- Gold Bug included more letters to the dents, we inquire as to why they are IMarines. By this time there were trinated from their youth in the su- sible but probable. However, we must editor than you have printed for a here. There is enough talent and in- 7,000 people on the boat. Josh had to periority myth of the white race; first of all rise above the erroneous long time. I think this is a wonder- share a cozy little cabin with 150 to con- therefore, it is easy for them to ac- attitude of the supremacy of the white ful thing. Having a dignified and re- terest at Western Maryland magaaine, other men, while Doris rubbed elbows to a more literary tribute cept as equals their yellow, black or race. To believe in this myth is to strained way of expressing opinions although the reading public may pos- with an assortment of nurses and red brothers. follow in the footsteps of the Nazi on campus problems should have two idealogists. Noone person is su- sibly not be great at first. missionaries' wives. The ship had to (1) it ought to reduce perior to another regardless of race, good effects: the pointless and often Now, even with all of this it is remain completely blacked out. Meals appreciably J. WM. HULL, Jeweler color or creed-for is it not true that harmiul griping that always goes on i-ealized that most revitalizing ideas were served only twice a day-at ten water was rationed. and four-and Successor to Cassell's we are all the children of God? in a group like this; and (2) it ought endanger an occasional tradition. (Or At last, in November, they landed is it indolence?) And perhaps the best to channel complaints and suggestions objection that could possibly be set at San Pedro, California; the trip The Store of New Fashioned into some fairly purposeful lines. forth is that it might be constructive. across the ocean had taken forty days. Jewelry and Old Fashioned Run 'Right to Why not, if you have room, set Lord, save us from that 'evil! We But from there on it was easy. Red Honesty READ'S aside a regular page, or part of a might not stand. Cross girls met them at the boat and and encourage more page, for letters, hotel rooms in Times Building contributions? And, perhaps, doomed to fatalism took them to reserved wired his sister Los Angeles. Joshua East Main St. For Fine Cosmetics. Toiletries One of yow' readers. from the beginning, we may close in Washington (Mme. Chu, the wife Westminster, Md. and all your (You write the letters. We'll pub- with but one philanthropic thought of the Chinese military attache) and directed to the members of the illus- DRUG STORE NEEDS lish themt-Ed.) trious ROTC. Don't forget the reg- shortly after Thanksgiving, the two ulation requiring you to don your wanderers were in the East. 15 E. Main Street, BOWL uniforms for the milItary ball; don't It was Mme. Chu that arranged for Westminster, Md. forget that all members are to act Joshua and Doris to come to Western like dignified young men; and do~'t Maryland, through the Methodist in Bethesda. Benny's Kitchen Modern Post Office forget that there is another. dance 10 fifth semester here and Josh, who had This Church is their Recreation Hampstead on March 15th! Near . Radio-Electronic Service for a hundred and thirty-five hours and Where old friends meet ALL POPULAR BRANDS over 200 points usually carries 22 OF RECORDS hours a semeeter=-vbecause he just and like to eat Decca, Columbia, Victor, For COmpliments doesn't have enough to do." Doris Majestic, Capitol, etc. Complete Selection says, "He crazy J think." He has con:- Strictly home cooked lood Needles of plated his pre-medical course and IS Popular, Swing and Classical See Your now majoring in physics. After his 59 W. Main St., Westminster Use OU\' Record Booth to College Jewelers graduation in May he plans further Hear and Choose Your BONSACK'S study, possibly at Johns Hopkins. Westminster 654-J Favorite Selections Colonial Josh lives in Albert Norman Ward Radio Electronic Service 32 West Main St. SODAS LUNCHES because he wants to learn as much as he can about AmerIca and American 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 ways.
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