Page 58 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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"!_ 6 The Gold Bug, Feb. 21, 1947 Hinlicky Advises Veterans Gamma Beta Chi Junior Plays ... Divers, Sause, And Glockler Win Biology Scholarships (Continued from page 2, column 5) On Education, Insurance Elects Hall Prexy Snyder. Stage managers are Chris- Annabelle Glockler have been award- Sause, and Gladys Janice Divers, At the regular meeting of the Gam- tine Royer, Betty Little, and Fred ed the Milton Hendrickson scholarship Veteran-students attending college payments, should immediately bring ma Beta Chi on January 31 officers Holloway. The electricians are Frank in biology by the Alpha Mu Chapter under the GI Bill or Public Law 16 any evidence of payment to the atten- for the second semester were elected. Jaumot and Donald Bailey, while of the 'I'r-i Beta biological fraternity. and contemplating a transfer to some tion of the nearest Veterans Admin- William P. Hall was chosen as Broth- Martha Powell, Betty Blades, Martha Under the auspices of the scholar- other institution during the summer istration contact representative. er Chi. Assisting him in his new Adams, and Marcia Koblegard will ship they will take courses at a bio- are advised by Mr. Hinlicky, Veter- When a discrepancy appears be- duties are Lee Landauer, Vice-Chi; serve as costume mistresses. Anna logical laboratory, not yet selected, ans Administration training officer at tween a veteran's personal records of Edward Nygren, Gamma; Charles Hess, Nancy Haskin, Mary Wright during the summer of 1947. Western Maryland College, to notify his payments and VA accounts, the Warner, chaplain; Kenneth Volk, Silvey and Robert Mathias will take The scholarship fund was estab- their VA regional office so that a sup- veteran should visit his nearest VA sergeant-at-arms; Willard Donley, care of the properties. lished in honor of Milton Hendrickson, The screens for If The Shoe Pinch- plemental certificates can be issued office at once and list dates, amounts Beta Pi; Edward Cushen, Vice-Gam- the first member of the Western Mary- them. and methods of payment, in addition ma; and Harry Christopher, Vice- es were designed by Jack Neville and land chapter to be killed in action du-r- It is especially important for the to all numbers appearing on can- Beta. Jim Dudley will continue to be executed by students of advanced de- ing World War II. Recipients of the veteran to advise the VA early if he celled checks or money order receipts. master of the pecuniary realm of sign. Murals for The Devil and Dan- awards are sent to study at a summer plans attendance at ~me institution If payment was made by cash, dates the remainde-r of the year: iel Webster a-re by Donald Bailey laboratory, preferably in" the interval students. from in a regional area other than the one and receipt numbers should be fur- Simultaneously, bridge and pinochle with assistance be provided art by Charles between their junior and senior years. Music will in which the school he is now attend- nished. This information will greatly ing is located. -, aid the VA in tracing records. tournaments we-re inaugurated. A Hammer. The vete-ran can eithe-r write di- In this connection, all insured vet- ladder-type competition for table ten. rectly to his regional office at 1315 St. erans are cautioned to retain recorda nis for the remainder of the school ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE As the woodcutter said to the tree: Paul street, Baltimore 2, Md., or no- of all premium payments made in any year was also instituted. GOLD BUG I clove- you fo-r sentimental resins. tify V A through his training officer. form whataoever-c-eancelled checks, If the veteran-student contemplates money order stubs, and so forth. summer courses at the institution he Also in all correspondence with the • is now attending, he will not need a Veterans Administration relative to supplemental certificate. He should, their NSLI policies, veterans should however, notify his regional office of always include their "N" or "V" num- his intention in order to assure con- bers, and if they have more than one tinuance of his subsistence allowance. policy, their "FN" or "FV" numbers. Students intending to make a These are NSLI policy or certificate change should complete and forward numbers, not service numbers. to their regional officeForm RV 7-146, copies of which are being distributed to training officers, guidance centers and regional offices. G.R IFF IN' 5 Veterans who receive "lapse no- tices" on their National Service Life Headquarters Insurance when they are confident they have made all of their premium fee SUNDAES-LUNCHES Compliments CANDIES of Opposite Carroll Theater Heagy's Barber Shop Engraved For Wedding Announcements Complete Selection Invitations See Your and Calling Cards College Jewelers Coffman's Card Shop Colonial Opposite Bus Terminal 32 West Main St. Save With Safety Typewriter and Adding At The Machine Repairs Rex.1I Drug Store' RENTALS Old Spice, Friendship Garden. Orloff Nome, Davis Typewriter Co. Cara Berganot Toiletries and Listen to ehe Jimmy Durante- 32 West Main Street Garry Moore Rexall Drug Westminster. Maryland Radio Show every Friday evening Telephone 585 9:30 P. M .. WCAO and WFMD Agency SCHMITT'S L. C. Smith Typewriter REX
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