Page 57 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 57
The Gold Bug, Feb. 21, 1947 . , Terror Boxers Look For First • From The Bench Green And Gold Quintet Win In Test With Bucknell By JAMES C. ELLIOT • Faces Tough Weekend Sports Editor, The Gold Bug Coach Carlo Ortenzi's Western Coach Bill Anderson's wrestling By James Cotter Maryland leather pushers will be squad is deserving of much more punching for their first triumph of praise for its work during the current Conference I ing by Walt Sibiski, the Green, while the season when they meet Bucknell" campaign than the record books will I Mason-Dixon holding the Shoremen scoreless, over- University in a return engagement in show. came an 11-point deficit in seven min- Gill Gymnasium, Saturday, March 1. Here is a team of hard-working Standing of th.e Teal1l8 Pet. utes to tie the game at 50-all with This clash will end the regular cam- matmen who have entered every ~;:;~:;~ u: . ...]' l 1.000 less than two seconds to go. paign for the Terrors, who will then match this season after first spotting Loyola .v ~ .900 Then, with the home fans going .833 prepare to compete in the Eastern the opposition ten big points. .750 wild, they went on to win by that lone 'Intercollegiate Boxing Association Coach Anderson has had no appli- ~\~sz~i::~~~YLAND:i ,;i:; .6OG point. soc tournament at State College, Pennsyl- cants to train for the 121 and 128 Bridgewater ,,~ .501} • Mounts Avenge Loss W".hingtoll .... .385 vania, March 7-8. pound classes, and as a result, before Rnndolph·1[acon,. .333 The following night in a dimly-lit The Gree'n team tested the Bison! actual grappling began in the various TOWoOD Teachers .286 gym at Frederick, the Terrors were .250 away earlier in the season and came matches, audiences were informed ~~W~~idetU. .068 hopelessly snowed under by a defi- home with a 4-4 tie. Other matches that Western Maryland was compelled Western Maryland. by virtue of its nitely "on" Mt. St. Mary's five, aveng- found the Terrors, tying Coast Guard to forfeit ten tallies. 49-48 triumph over Catholic U. Wed. ing its earlier loss. and losing by close margins to Penn Deducting these counters from the nesday night, clinched a berth in the State and Army, always powers in the scores of the opposing teams, the Ter- Mason-Dixon playoff, east. rors would show a record of three As the basketball season rapidly • Palmer Out With Injuries wins and_two defeats rather than five draws to a close, the Terrors find Western Maryland will be witl1o~t defeats. themselves faced with five tough Ma- the services of Dick Palmer in the • Kern, Larrimore Unbeaten son-Dixon Conference contests in the 145 pound division for the first time Ernie II1cFadden Honors are certainly due Heavy- next nine days, starting with Ameri- this year. Palmer, who had made a 130 pounder who has been unbeaten weight Bill Kern and Jack Larrimore, can U. in Washington, D. C., tonight creditable showing during the current since clash with Penn State who steps on the mat at 165. Both are and then playing- host to the same campaign, was injured at West Point, unbeaten in five tussles, and, being team in Gill Gym tomorrow night. and Americo Vita, a new student this show two triumphs apiece, while Den- freshmen, will provide a fine nucleus Loyola's Jim Lacy and Co., who de- semester, will attempt to fill the gap. ny declsloned his Bucknell opponent. for Anderson's 1948 team. feated Western Maryland in Baltimore Ortenzi, at 175, has been the chief Kern's record is quite impressive last Saturday, 59-43, invade the Hill point-getter for the Green and Gold, when one considers that he is just 18 Tuesday in what will be the last home and hopes to carry an undefeated rec- years of age and has turned back op- game of the season. ord into the intercollegiates. He was Zip Picks ponents who were outstanding in ama- Remaining tilts find the Green and 165 pound champion in 1942. teur wrestling before he entered high Gold traveling to Johns Hopkins next • McFadden Has 3 Straight Dear Ed: school. Thursday and Saturday, March 1, vis- Ernie McFadden, 130, who has been For the first time I must in- • "Jack Silver" Most Improved iting Randolph-Macon in Ashland, Vir- unbeaten in three starts since the form you that I came out on the From his record, John Silber, 175, ginia. The outcome of these tests will Penn State meeting, looms on the Ter- losing end in my predictions. who inadvertently slipped into the pa- determine whether or not the Terrors ror roster as another point-maker This has been a crazy basket- pers as "Jack Silver" after the Gal- will compete in the loop tournament against the Bisons. ball season. Results have eon- laudet test, appears the most improv- in Washington, March 6-7-8. Other Green team members who tinually contradicted the pre- ed of the Terror team" scoring falls • Stagger Mt, St. Mary's will display their wares before the over his last two adversaries. Since the last issue of The Gold "home folks" for the first time are dictions of my visitations. This writer feels that Coach Ander- Bug, the team has not fared so well. This week I pick: Dave Myers, 125, who has improved son may display two champions in After dropping a rough and tumble steadily and gained a draw at West Western Md. to split with Kern and Larrimore when the Green skirmish to Hopkins, in which fifty- Point; Bob Dubel, 135; John Sgariglio, American U. and Gold competes in the Mason- five personal fouis were cailed, the 155; Don Denny, 165, and Joe Corleto, Basketball (win here) Dixon tournament in Gill Gymnasium, Terrors turned around and etaggered > Paul Zlonkevicz heavyweight. Sgariglio and Corleto Western Md. to beat Bucknell Saturday, March 8. a fast-breaking five from Mt. St. Tall, rangy Terror center, second in Boxing Ortenzi, McFadden, Sgarglio • Cagers Face Rough Road Mary's, 51 to 42. scoring with 102 counters A rough and treacherous Sports Calenc/ar and Corleto to win matches ahead of Bruce Ferguson's cagers who Then in the outstanding game of road lies against Bucknell. will have to play some good basketball the season, a strong Washington Col- Terror ConFerence Scoring Friday. Fehruary 21_ Western Md. to beat Hopkins lege quintet, which had outclassed Tot~l Buketball, AmericanUniversity,Washing.. Basketball to nail down a berth in the 8-team the Green at Chestertown by 16 points, G. ss m ton. D. O. conference playoffs in Washington, au es WreMlin~,LoyolaOollege,Baltimore. Western Md. J.V.'s to beat got quite a shock when it was over- ao es Saturday,Fehruary 22- D. C., March 6-7-8. taken and defeated in an overtime 47-- " Baoke:h"ll,AmericanUniveraity.Gill Gym. Loyola, Hopkins and Ameri- Before the Catholic University tilt dash in Gill Gym by a score of 57 " " naSlum.7 p. m.}'ebruBry25- can U. Basketball Wednesday night, the Terror quintet, to 56. " o , " aa Gymn .. ium. Yours truly, , ar 7 p. m. with six games to play, showed a good • Overcome II-point Deficit a , Thursday. February 27- loop record of five wins and four loss- Due to the splendid floor game of a , Ba~~~:~~~~/ohnsHopkin. University. es, standing in a tie for fourth place a a , Saturduy.)larchl_ Won Lost Pet. with Mt. St. Mary's. Center Paul Zlonkevicz, John Adamo- vich's ball-stealing, and timely shoot- Ba.ketbu'l.Rendolph-Maeon, Ashland,Ya. Bo::::.g,BucknellUniversity.Oill Gymnast 30 11 .732 • Three Clashes With Leaders Rille, MarylandUniversity.CollegePa;rk. Without looking at the remainder of Inlramurals the schedule, one would be wllllng- to Matmen Travel To Encounter bet all the lost desserts in the dining Gamma Tau Fraternity However, when you learn that three Alpha hall that the Green team was "in." Strong Loyola Team Tomorrow of the six remaining clashes are with the leas-ue-Ieading- Loyola and Ameri- Clinches First Half Crown By Wayne Cowan can University fives, and a fourth The Western Maryland wrestling Weights and capped the last thrre finds the Terrors traveling to Johns By Al Resnick squad will be out to break into the weight classes. Once more the forfeit Hopkins. to whom they lost in their The Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, win column tomorrow when they trav- of ten points in the 121 lb. and 128 own backyard by 11 points-well, you taking all its games decisively, clinch- For Women Only el to Baltimore to meet a strong Loy- lb. classes proved to be the margin of get what is meant. ed the first half A Loop basketball ola team at Evergreen. victory. Triumuhs in the other two contests crown and opened its bid for the sec- Revenge will be in the air when the Jack Larrimore continued on his with Catholie U. and Randolph-Macon, ond half crown by defeating Gamma Cagers Top grapplers tangle with the Jesuits on unbeaten, unscored-on way, defeating both away, are sorely needed, and it their home mats, since the WMO Jim Kuntze by a 9 to 0 decision. Bill isn't necessary to say the Green and Beta Chi, 34-31, in what has proven Bloop Gettysburg teams have failed thus far this year Kern remained undefeated, winning Gold lads will be in there' attempting the closest test of the season. Delta to gain a single victory over their by forfeit. John Silber proved. too to rifle that leather through the Pi Alpha was the first half Baltimore rivals in any sport. The much for Bill Halyona and gained a twines. winner. In their initial game of the season, soccer team met with its worst loss fall at 4'30". In their opening tilt of the second 0+ the season 3 to 0, and last Satur- The Western Maryland varsity mat Jay'Vees Hope half, the Bachelors were off to a slow Western Maryland's girl cagers de- day's basketball game was lost by a start as Jack Price and Ken Volk of feated Gettysburg in Blanche Ward 59-43 coun_t. squad succumbed to the holds of a For Ninth Win the Gamma Bets constantly found the Gym by a score of 21 to 14. The vis- iting Bullets never held a lead, and, tough Gettysburg JayVee by another Suffering their fifth straight loss 21-13 count on February 11. Once range to send their team off to a 14-2 after forcing a 13-13 tie at the close last Satiirday at the hands of Gallau- Victorious in eight of nine previous lead. Led by Reds O'Hara, Curly' det by a decisive 21 to 13, the Terror more Kern, Silber, and Larrimore starts, the high-flying junior varsity Coffman and Carl Mendell, the Blue of the third pcriod, saw the Green and matmen painted that same picture gained victories for the losing home quintet will attempt to trap victim and White narrowed the margin to Gold steadily pull away to triumph. Last Saturday the Green team trav- again as they lost all of their lighter team. number nine when it journeys to 24-14 by halftime. efed to Emmitsburg and won its sec- Washington, D. C., tonight to encoun- Starting rapidly in the second ond start by topping Mt. St. Joseph's, ter the strong American University stanza, the Bachelors, after tying the 38-25. Held to a narrow three-point yearlings in a test preliminary to the count at 26-all, drove into the lead advantage at half-time, a late Terror varsity tilt. on a one-hand shot from the foul surge decided the tilt. "Dutch" Rup- The Baby Terrors will face the Dip- circle by Mendell and continued on to penthal and Gladys Sause led the scor- lomats again tomorrow night at 7 the triumph which wasn't decided un- ing with 17 and 14 points respectively. p. m. in Gill Gymnasium, til the: final whistle. The hoopsters will be seeking their Last week's 39-37 victory over a Other second half A league clashes third victory tomorrow when they en- stubborn Loyola jay vee five at Ever- found Delta Pi Alpha and the Gam- counter Mt. St. Agnes College in green may prove to be one of the high- ma Bets taking the measure of Pi Blanche Ward Gym at 2 p. m. lights of the current campaign. This Alpha Alpba's Black and White The results of the girls' class bas- rivalry will be resumed Tuesday on quintet. ketball tourney are as follows: the home court, The final contest of the season will Division I , , , w. T. Pts. be played away Thursday with J obns Inlramural A League Junior A . , ~ , , Hopkins. SophomoreA , , , , , , According to Coach Mike Phillips, Stllnding of the Tea'M ~~~~~;'~tA these last four engagements should (Alpha GammaTau First :HaUWinner) Division II Pts. L. Pt•. provide the acid test for the Green AlpbRO,,,nmaTan W. , , , Junior B . _.. W. , , f' 1 , , , , , and Gold. Delta Pi Alpha ...... , , , SophomoreB , , , , , , The squad, which has lost only to a GammaBeta Obi .... , , , FreshmanB , , , Independent•..... powerful Gettysburg five, has ac- Pi AlphaAlpha. Junior C Pts. L. , , , , John Silber Jack Larrimore quired reserve strength through the Gamm~Beta Ohi W. , , , Division III W. Two Green and Gold grapplers who promise to give good accounts of them- addition of Bob Harmon and Walter Delta Pi Alpha , , , FreshmanD ........ , , l 1 Pf Freshman0 , , , AlphaGammaT~~'::' selves I.u: approaching Maaon~Dixon Touma_lIJe.nt Hajluk. Pi Alph,.Alpha .. SophomoreC ,..
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62