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GUEST THE DRAKE CASE EDITORIAL CHAPTER II PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 62, No. 12 VVESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E_,_VV __ E_S_T_M_IN_S_T_E_R_,_M__D_. M_a_r_ch__6~,_1_9~47 Officers' Club Radio Dramatists National Symphony Led By Hans Kindler M k' D'M' 18 For WrNlD Will Present Adapt 'Lord Jim' F eatures. F ranc s mor 0 narc h . I On March National Sym- Military Ball ing the Western Cavalcade," featur- phony Orchestra, 18 the directed by Hans The "Collegiate College Maryland will give its annual spring Kindler, radio players, will again be heard on ,.concert at 8 :15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. Alaskans Provide Music; the direction of Mrs. W. W. Meeks, a In keeping with college tradition, WFMD 011 March 17. Under station Admission By Invitation radio adaptation of the novel Lord semi-formal attire will be worn to the affair. Jim, by Joseph Conrad, will be pre- The orchestra will present the fol- Next Saturday, March 15, the mil- sented. The program will originate lowing program: itary department of Western Mary- in McDaniel Lounge frOIJI 4:30 to Chorale Prelude, Wachet land College will bring back to life 5 p. m. Symphony No. 88 in G Major_Haydn its annual Military Ball, which was Lord) Jim is the romantic tale of a Adagio--Allegro one of the social highlights on the young Englishman who, in a moment Largo campus. The dance will start at 8:30 of unparalleled panic, deserts his ap- Minuetto: allegretto p. m. in Gill Gymnasium and conclude parently sinking ship and loses his Finale: allegro con epu-ito • at 11 :45 p. m., music being provided honor and friends. As a result, he Intermission' by Hal Mclntosh and his Alaskans. goes to a faraway island, eventually Symphony in 0 Minor .._...... Franck Admittance is by invitation only, becoming' a hero to the islanders and Lento--Allegro non troppo and the cost will be two dollars. All to a lovely girl. Through treachery, Allegretto those wishing invitations should see his hard-won self respect is again Allegro non troppo a member of the Officers' Club. It is challenged and, to save his honor, he Concert tickets are free of charge suggested that all those coming at- goes knowingly to certain death. to the student body and may be se- tend formal, although it is not com- as The cast includes C. R. Schaeffer as cured in McDaniel Hall. Donahoo William announcer, pulsory. All ROTC members will at- The National Symphony has been tend in their uniforms, Captain Marlowe, Homer Earll as rated as one of the six outstanding Captain Breirly, Donald Bailey as Sponsors include Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lord Jim, C. E. Clarke as Egston, C. Dr . .pans Kindler symphony orchestras in the country. G. Holl~way, C~lonel and Mrs. Carle- R. Schaeffer as Stein, Marion Mere- Almost a hundred musicians make up ton Smith, Major and Mrs. Charles dith as Jewel, William Donahoo as Glee Club To Sing Three-Hour Service the winter orchestra, and they follow G. DuBose, Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Tamb-Item, C. E. Clarke as Cornelius a busy schedule. In addition to its Free, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. and Homer Earll as Captain Brown. Planned By Students regular Washington concert schedule, Havens. Mary Davies will have charge of In Baltimore Ch-urch the orchestra conducts many tours to and colleges, public schools, festivals The dance is being put on by the sound and music effects, and Ann Under the direction of Miss Grace For Good Friday performs with opera and ballet com- ROTC Officers' Club, which numbers Shuppert will act as assistant pro- Cordia Murray, the Girls' Glee Club On Good Friday, April 4, there will panies. Its summer 'Watergate con- about twenty members, and any pro- ducer. of Western Maryland College will be a three-hour service in Baker certs in \Vashington, D. C., are known ceeds from the dance will go to the Mrs. Meeks wishes to announce present a program of religious music Chapel, sponsored by the Wesleyans throughout the country. Otaccrs' Club. that all notices of tryouts, and all at the West Baltimore Methodist and the Weeleyanettes. The service Much of the orchestra's success is . notices concerning future playbacks Church, Charing Cross Road near In charge of all arrangements is of records will be posted on the bulle- will be centered on the seven last attributed to Dr. Hans Kindler who Carlo Ortenzi, president. Members Edmondson Avenue, on Sunday, words of Christ and will be divided carried the infant symphony through of the corsage committee, Carl Men- tin board, second floor Lewis Hall. March 16, at 3 p. m. old masters and into seven twenty-five minute medita- the first of its fifteen years. FOUT pre> -. the Anyone who wishes to take "part in a Music from dell, 'George Norman and Al Res. future broadcast is urged to contact from more modern composers has tions. These meditations will include vious attempts had been made to or- nick, will take orders for corsages. Mrs. Meeks. special music and a talk on each of ganize a symphony orchestra in In addition to the choral The decorations will include virious been chosen. Frances Bartley will sing the last words by various students. Washington, D. C., but they all had numbers, small arms and implements of war, two solos by Bach and Miss Murray Between each portion, music will failed. It was left to Dr. Kindler to along with many flags and banners. Tri Beta Initiates be provided by organ and voice solo- achieve success and establish his now Much of the credit for securing the will play an organ composition by ists. The entire service will last from famous orchestra. Franck. orchestra, which is rated is due to Don Seven Members The following program has been twelve to three p. m.; however, stu- Born in Rotterdam, Holland, in among the tops in Washington, prepared: dents may come and go between each 1893, Kindler made his official debut Brohawn. Seven new members will be initi- Up, Up! My Heart, with Gladness portion. as cello soloist with the Berlin Phil- ated into the Western Maryland chap- Cruger The complete program will be: harmonic at the age of seventeen. He in 1914, already Contest Winner! ter of the Beta Beta Beta biological Glory to God._ .... __...__ Palestrina "Father, forgive them, for they know came to America European cellist,' and a distinguished not what they do." will take The ceremony fraternity. place tonight at the hoine of Pro- He Shall Feed His Flock... Handel Jack Ammon took the position of.first cellist with The GOLD BUG announces the The Glee Club "Verily, I say unto thee, today thou the Philadelphia Orchestra under winner of the $5.00 prize in the short fessor Bennighof. In Love My Savior Now Is Dying shalt be with me in paradise." Stokowski. In 1929, at the height of Martha Adams, Betty Amos, Elinor story contest to be Jack Rogers. Collins, Donald Fedder, Dorothy Jac- Bach Gordon Groby his brilliant career, he played 110 Jack is a sophomore and is major- obson, Norma Kiegler, and Mary Ada I Follow' Thee Also ..._.__ .. _ ..Bach "Woman behold thy son! Behold thy concerts in one season. ing in nistory. The prize story is en- Twigg are the new members. Miss Frances Bartley mother!" titled Between BU8f!8. Following the formal initiation Rejoice in the L01·d Alway ...... Purcell Virginia Dodd National Association to Praise o For a Heart My God Runner-up was Apples? I Lone there will be a social hour, including Gibbons "My God, my God, why hast thou for. Them, by Jane Llanes. refreshments. But the Lord [g MiTid/11l saken me?" Accredits WMC's of RiB Own.._.~ .. Mendelssohn "I thirst." Margaret Statler Music Department Dr. Newlin To Play Original Work Long Hast Tholt of God .... Lindeman Bob Grumbine The music department of Western Stood, o Church The Glee Club "It is finished." Maryland College recently became an On March 11;Gives Book To Library Piece Hercique .. Franck Martha Libis associate member of the National As- Miss Grace Murray "Father, into thy hands I commend sociation of the Schools of Music. The my spirit." Featuring an original piano work, ye Sons and Daughters =.Ogden department's official membership was Dr. Dika Newlin will give a recital of the King. __ ._. ..._..Liszt announced at a meeting of the asso- in Alumni Hall on Tuesday, March o Jeen, Thou the Beauty Art ciation in St. Louis, Missouri, Febru- 11,-at 8 :15 p. m. The program will Sowerbv Boxing Tournament ary 25 and 26. ~Ir. Philip Royer, consist of her Sinfonia for piano and The Lord Bless You music professor, attended the conven- Beethoven's Variations on a Waltz by and Keep Y01L ..._ Lutkin To Be Broadcast tion as the college representative. A. Diabelli, Op. 120. The Glee Club In December, Dr. Carl Eschman of Written especially for this occa- A special broadcast of the program the University of Denison (Ohio) ex- sion, Dr. Newlin's work is called Second Term Officers "Sports Parade" will be made from amined the it for department and recom- mended Association National sinfonia rather than sonata to dis- Elected By Bachelors the Recreation Hall of Penn State Col- tinguish it from works in the more lege this Saturday, March 8, from 4 membership. The department now of with the music departments; rates conventional "sonata form" and to New officers for the Alpha Gamma to 4:30 p. m. over all Mutual Broad- outstanding colleges and universities sio;o:nifythe "symphonic" effect of its Tau Fraternity 'fere elected at a re- casting System stations. strle, containing several effects not cent meeting, and will preside for Western Maryland, represented by all over the country including Smith, University, (, uamlly heard on the piano. Although the remainder of the semester. Art Captain Carlo Ortenzi, Dave Myers, Oberlin, Northwestern at Los An- of California University played without pause, it is in three O'KeeITe is the new Alpha; Tommy Rico Vita and Joe Corleto, will be par- movements. Price, the vice-Alpha; Roy Carter, ticipating in the Eastern Intercolle- geles, and Syracuse University. Music the Gamma; C. Coffman, th.e T~u; students may now transfer to any One of the most remarkable works giate Boxing Association's tourna- colleges or universities accredited by of piano literature, the so-called Pete Youngblood, the chaplamj and ment along with Penn State, Virginia, the association without loss of points Mike Phillips, the sergeant-at-arms. Diabelli Variations of Beethoven is On February 14th the fraternity Atmy, Syracuse and the Coast Guard or hours. seldom heard today because of its un- Academy. Present plana call for The accepted college or university usually long duration as well as its Dr. Dika NflWliTi held its annual party, and plans have Swney :McLinn, sports editor of remains an associate member of the difficulty. It includes thirty-three va- it has probably never been heard be- been made for the spring banquet on " Sports Parade," to interview coaches organization for two years, and if May 6. A ping-pong tournament was riations and is the longest known fore," Dr. Newlin stated. In prepara- and some of the fighters of the par- qualifications are maintained during composition for piano, lasting ap.. tion she studied with Artur Schnabel, inaugurated after the repainting of ticipating colleges on the coast to that time, full membership is received. proximately one hour. This is longel' who is considered the greatest living the clubroom. On order is a blue and coast broadcast, which win be heard The requirements of the depart· than most symphonies, except those interpreter of Beethoven. cream tiletex floor for the Bachelor over two or three hundred stations. ment have not been substantially it should be By 4 p. m. on Saturday of Bruckner and Mahler. The outgrowth of three years of haven. seems to indicate that possible to furnish the semi-final re- changed, except that a minimum of Everything "I feel very privileged to be able to study with the outstanding Austrian the Bachelors will capture the inter_ sults and also give the pairings for thirty-six hours in music courses is offer this work in a community where (Continued on page 6, column 2) fraternity hasketball crown. (Continued on page 6, column 5) required of all majors.
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