Page 56 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 56
"4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 21, 1947 Short Story Advertisement (?:'d~=.,:.: . . . . I Lette'rs Westminster Light Society Contest Ends "W 6 lead you from virtue to (Continued from page 1, column 3) man answered, "Just in time, Sarcotti magically into place. Perhaps only a To The Edrtor happiness." -just in time". few seconds had passed-the murder- . They Rest In Peace: A symposium I edged silently around until I was er was just lower-ing- his gun-when [Continued from page 3, column 6) "Churches once held sacred of murder narrated by, of all things, deeper in the shadow but could see I carefully took aim and fired. He to the more orderly. and enlightened are now but heaps of dust and a very SUbjective gun. (December 12) into the other room. My host had swayed a little and fell backward to of the society, who will be designated ashes: and yet we have our t minds set on the desire of gain. The Grave: Murder is still the sub- risen and was standing with his back the fioor. by various shapes of metal on their , We live as thougli we were go- ject, but it has been narrowed down toward me. The newcomer was about I worked with coolness and speed. shoulders, a lesser sentence might be ing to die tomorrow; we to only one husband. The tortured six feet from Sarcotti, facing me. My I carefully wiped off the gun and invoked. build as though we were going blood pounded in my temples. I felt pressed it into the warm fingers of There will be the presence of dis- to live always in this world. Our soul of the wife speaks on even after walls shine with gold, our cett- death. (January 16) I would surely suffocate. Yet the vie- Sarcotti; then I placed his hand where cipline; no man would think of even Inga also, and the capitals of Between Buses: Monologue in a itor seemed entirely unaware of me. it had been and let the weapon slip thinking something which might harm our pillars; yet Christ dies be- diner about an alcoholic saved by the His hat was pulled down so that it loosely to the floor. Next I mentally the future g~ory of his system. In or- fore our doors naked and cast a deep shadow on his face and paced off the distance from where der to cultivate this commendable vir- hungry in the person of His infiuence of the girl he loves. [Junu- will poor." ary 30) in that dimness I could see his dark Sarcotti was to the place I had stood tue of discipline, each person with in the darkness. It was about three have the privilege eyes fixed on Sarcotti. of carrying This is a glimpse of Nondescript: -St. Jerome in Letter CXXVII - futility in a bar room-the picture of "Yes, just in time to let you have it, feet. I gently gripped the dark stran- him a rifle, Model M·1, A~1. W welcherl" I didn't see a flash, but the ger under the arms and dragged his We would all be able to wear all of a a nonentity who realizes his nothing. feet farther eder, ness by observing others. (January report jack-knifed back and forth body backwards, three painstakingly our previous service ribbons and unit from the walls of the room for what away of criticism. without fear citations Sarcotti, from 30) We proudly announce: seemed like several seconds, Scarcotti smoothing out the marks his heels And no one would have to worry too Mr. Harry Yingling crumpled like a popped paper bag. made on the rug. With one final glance much about an income tax. prob- There is also the aver-present at my work, I stepped quietly to the A thin wisp of smoke was issuing F.T.A. ! from the gun the stranger still trained door. lem of health. Each and every man JOHN EVERHART heart had been. heard a sound that shattered my self. ing an hour of dismounted drill each ~~;;l;l~~~~~~7474~l1i: on the spot where the blackmailer's My hand was on the knob when I will be granted the honor of perform- SMITH Be REIFSNIDER I was paralyzed. My God, I thought, possession. Someone was knocking on day, at the climax of which the Incorporated The College Barber I'll never get out of here. I can't show the door. • . . glorious words will be broadcast: LUMBER-COAL and Bobber myself or he'll kill me, too. I'll have (to be continued in the next issue) "You looked good today, men!" have time to One would certainly WESTMINSTER, MD. to wait some time after he leaves and ;:~~~hbo~Cat~~eeo~~e;:u:;e~ :~:i::~ AT THE FORKS ~:eth:~ot:' .~~:eo~e :::~~ve::::,~ Dr. Lorenz. • • killed with my gun or this one in my (Continued from page I, column 2) to guard duty to prevent the theft of Gibson Guitars ~~~d~t:; :~:~ ~~:~ ~:: ~!~~:~at through the music of his own flute." :;:m P;;:r:~tYT:i~ :o~ ~~a~~~yv:~!~~ Selmer Band Instruments I Radio-Elecrronic Service for shape in my mind. Pieces fell swiftly, pa~~h:;e;fz b~~kO;eevi!:e f:ru~~:~:~ ::~~:u:h;o~:;!~a~foe:.d~eth:iliim~a!~ and exceed several hours Suddenly the pattern began to take per night, formation of book sellers. At present Stu', Music Studio, ALL POPULAR BRANDS he is nearing the completion of a col- surpassed the effective creative period OF RECORDS 32 W. Main St. 2nd Floor Decca, Columbia. Victor, Wine's Sport Shop ~~;:~~s ~ P:~fi~~~o~~~try which he of either Plato or Aristotle, accord- ~ Westminster, Md. Majestic, Capitol. etc. Dr. Lorenz received his A.B. degree in~:o t~r'q!~:~~!e;. of philosophical Phone 585 Needles 46 Penna. Ave. re- Popular, Swing and Classical from Harvard, where he graduated import, they would be readily A phil. magna cum laude in English, his M.A. solved into simple problems. Down Beat-Instruments Use Our Record Booth to Full Line Of Sporting Goods from Harvard, and his Ph.D. from osophical inquiry into the problems of Hear and Choose Your evil, the nature While working for his doc- of God, the problem Popular Sheet Music Favorite Selections Stanford. .he taught at the University .. 0'£ personality, .and other such knotty torate Accessories Radio Electronic Service MONARCH CLEANERS of Wisconsin, the University of Texas, subjects would be unnecessary. The Recordings Made 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 the University of California at Los ruling class would by then have pub- ·CLEANING and PRESSING ~:~!~~'and the Maryland College for !~s~~~:e t!~a~a~:;~a;~so: t~:~:; Regulatlons.. Any dissertation on Phone 484 questions of any but a very light na- Run Right to Flowers for Every Occasion R. L. McDonald Colonial Music Co. ture would be lacking, because we READ'S Stewart N. Dutlerer Westminster, Md. Instruments of Distinction would then belong to the glorified es- who ever heard tate of machines-and There would For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries FLORIST Gibson Guitars of' a machine thinking? because no one be no complaining and all your King Band Instruments ever had it so good before. Radios Portable Most assuredly, those who think we DRUG STORE NEEDS Pennsylvania Ave. Complete Line of Accessories should abolish the ROTC are in pro- 15 E. Main Street, Phone 350 Compliments For All Instruments found and treasonable error; the hesi- , BONSACK'S Compliments ci this matter is the present fees do not 34 W. Main St. tant should be converted before it is of Md. Westminster, too late. The best time to attend to instant; I'h3nge your course now to include the Late registration ROTC. 'go into effect for a whole week. And when all mankind has reached Benny's Kitchen Complimenb > SODAS LUNCHES T. W. Mather & Sons this beautified estate.we our human stock may with all turn reasonableness aside so that Mother Nature can pro- Where old friends meet 01 J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Westminster's Department ·duce another creature who would then be worthy of the honor of the deserip- and like to eat Store of tion, "In God's Image." Successor to Cassell's Good Service and Values Sincerely, Strictly home cooked food , The Store of New Fashioned "ROTC's most ardent supporter, WESTMINSTER Je,welry and Old Fashioned Ed Cushett." 59 W.e Main St., Westminster Honesty Westminster 654·J Times Building Westminster Phone 300 East Main St. .CARROLLEEN Westminster, Md. COCA COLA Studio Individual Coiffuret Theo. F. Shaeffer Barnes Appli;lDceService Distinctive Portraitures Beauty in its Entirety 66 W. Main St. Bendix Home Laundry Family Groups Master Plumber All kinds of Electrical School and College WESTMINSTER. MD. COMPANY and Repaired Appliances Serviced 92 W. Main St. Speed Queen Washers and Photography-Kodak phone 359·J Ironers Finishing 45 EAST MAIN STREET Good Luck Westminster. Md. WESTMINSTER, MD. to the Phone 793 Ba~ketball Team! Anytime-Anyplace ·Margaret & Earl', Phone 39 BO~NGJERS The Artcraftsman CHARLES MAGEE SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS Md. Westminster, II ICEC~1M . 80 East Main Street CONVENIENT PARKING SPACE Opposite Post Office It Pays To ~ok.Weli 1\ Y, MILE SOUTH OP WESTMINSTER TAILOR.MADE GIFTS Avenue Barber Shop Visit The- SEATS 70 COMFORTABLE BALTIMORE BOULEVARD Specializes in gifts for Wher~ The Students Go ON ROUTE 140 college students 85 Pennsylvania A~e~ue .
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