Page 54 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 21, 1947 Milestones Voiced. ..• International Education Letters Furthering By Jane Llanos By CHARLES G. BROOKS To The Editor According to a recent magazine sur- Those who stimulate the world to Horizons vey, one of the ten most important plan was disrupted by the outbreak progress It takes but little to see that Dear Editor: the stupid are undoubtedly of World War I. Later, in 1926, under advances made in 1946 was Recently, it seems, the question of cultural the League of Nations, an Organlza, ones. the formaj.ion of the UNESCO. Now tion of Intellectual Cooperation was anyone not thinking as we do has not sororities on the Hill has begun to It is with pleasure-and some. trepidation-that we take pen_in you may well ask what is this established. The failure of this set- fully reasoned the situation out, has simmer. I have read and reread the hand to compose our first edi- UNESCO? Is it a biscuit, the com- up was due partly to the wor'ld-wide not avoided the use of too many letters submitted by "Me" and" Me torial. It is pleasant to contem- poser of Rumanian Rhapsody or an- economic upheaval in the 1930's, but stereotypes. They are all maladjust- Too." Regretfully I must admit that plate a year of stimulating social other Reader's Digest medical phe- more fundamentally to the refusal of ed, however, and must be expected to they ale right to the extent that contacts and profitable experi- nomena? (With apologies to R. D.) the United States to participate in see false things through false eyes. sororities cause "siJIy prejudices" ences. But even the stoutest of UNESCO, or if you prefer, the the League after we had been so in- An internationalist is merely one and" hurts." However, I believe these hearts might skip a beat at the United Nations Educational, Scientific strumental in its creation. who holds a grievance against his re- "hurts" will mend without too much prospect of such a challenge as and Cultural Organization was estab- The future for UNESCO, however, spective nation, and therefore would difficulty and that these two letters the editorship of a college news- lished in London in November, 1945. seems much brighter. The past war subject the entire world to ignorance displayed only one side of the issue. me state my position let First, paper. which entails so many re- At the invitation of England, dele- and the atomic bomb have finally suc- and possible slavery by doing away sponsibilities. gates of forty-four countries met and ceeded in making us conscious of the with patriotism. Our country is God, clearly: I am non-sorority, but I am Many people do not realize the adopted a charter establishing a fact that science and technology have ~'all others be damned!" Anyone in favor of keeping sororities on the influence that a paper such as world-wide educational organization. reduced the world to so small a com- who would give up the slightest bit Hill. girls on The 350 (approximately) the 'Gold BU,q may exert. Al- This new agency was designed to pass that no nation can live alone in of our national sovereignty is a WMC's campus are too large a group though it is important to please maintain peace through "mutual un- isolation, and that world cooperation traitor; and worse than that, he might and interest the student body, it derstanding and the free exchange of and the understanding of these new even be a spy for the" damned Reds." not to be broken down into smaller must be remembered that sub- ideas." advances in science are necessary for Now these Russians are plotting units. Suppose only individual selec- scriptions do not stop here. In It further recommended the greater the continuance of the peace. The against the world; they are also plot- tion guided this division. What a addition to alumni all over the international exchange of students and bonds of nationalism should be subsi- ting against us. They scheme and mass of tight cliques would exist! This does not mean that cliques do world, the Gold Bug is received teachers and provides also for the diary to the bonds of science. plan, they bite and ban. They stink! not exist under the present system, by many collezes and universi- "free exchange among all countries of There is a seven-point program rea- It is upon this basis that we must ties throughout the country, sev- publications and other educational ma- dy for action as soon as the formal regiment ourselves, we must disci- but that through sorority associations era! biz newsnapers such as The terials"-presumably without censor- tasks of organization can be taken pline ourselves to the grueling tasks many of these cliques are loosened to a considerable extent. that are bound to come. God gave us New York Times and The Eve- ship. care of. It calls for hastening the Furthermore, sororities give the up- ning Sun. and such organiza- This, of course, is not the first at- work of scientific rehabilitation in the civilization and we must further and perclassmen a greater incentive to tions as the Methodist Board of tempt to establish peace through an devastated areas of the world and ,for protect it. become acquainted with the freshmen Education. Everv half year the international education organization. the "undertaking of new international Now it is certainly obvious that if paper is examined by the Associ- Such an idea was first advocated as scientific projects." (It is interesting we are to perpetuate ourselves, our and to make them feel that they are ated Collegiate Press and ziven far back as the seventeenth century to note that no mention was made of race, and our "American know- a part of WMC. When I came here, I was looking a rating in comparison with oth- by a Moravian bishop, John Amos Co- the atomic bomb.) how." it is necessary to support those forward to club membership, particu- er naners of its size. menius. The most successful attempt Another important phase of the institutions now existent. They are larly for that" in-group" feeling that Such far-reaching eontecta to date (proposed incidentally by an UNESCO charter is the stipulation true and tried. They have prevented is a part of sorority. That I am not mav not be Iznored. We must American woman, Mrs. Frances F. that each member nation will be "obli- war, except when unavoidable, and think in a broader sense than the Andrews) was the International Con- gated" to report periodically to the they will save us forever and ever, a member has not changed my atti- narrow confines of our camnus ference on Education at the Hague in Organization on its laws, regulations Amen. tude toward these organizations. have been criticized for Sororities would allow. Through the Gold September, 1914. Unfortunately the (Co~tinued on page 3, column 5) Any good. young, red-blooded the prejudices they arouse and for BUfI we show off our college. American knows that these foreleners "catting." It seems to me that the Yet we must not overlook the just don't know bow to lie. Merely fact that. after all. thp. G()1d B1t_q ll g-lance at the Chinese: take notice of feeling between sororities is quite -is nubllshed nrlmarilv for the 118e It Ever So Humble the number of automobiles they have over-shadowed by the tension be- the tween some of fraternities students of Western Maryland per thousand people and the number campus. As for the gossip in the on College. We want everyone. stu- By A VETERAN we have, and they have been living club-rooms, I am sure it could be no dent and teacher alike. to feel for 6.000 years. Or the Italians- worse than what I have heard in the frep. to contribute mater-ial or to "@?%$ 'o"&/?@&$! What hap- the above conversation was heard those indolent, foolish Italians who grilI and especially in the girls' dorms. criticize constructivelv at any pened to the hot water? I thought through the west wall of my little do nothing- but sin~ all of the time. In some schools the so-called "in- time. Suggestions may be placed they fixed that thundering hot water apartment in what most people seem Besides, they smell and they produce dependents" have organized their in the box outside-the bookstore. heater yesterday! I've got a first wont to call VetvilIe. Yes, as un- bad armies. We need not mention the own clubs as a balm to their injured It will be the policy of this period class and how do you expect a believable as it may seem we are at decadent French who are now more prides. paper to present information fellow to shave with this ice water?" last actually occupying one of the than ever decadent. The Poles have There are merits that sororities about armroachina event" ann to Then a wee feminine voice from new little apartments built by the always been objectionable. And the possess that no other organizations avoid "etste" news wherever another room answered in almost government, with trie aid of the col- Germans, good Lord, they reek. with • on campus can offer. Their faults are possible. We do not wish to be apologetic tones: lege and Dean Schofield, for married everything- under the sun. ' ~ largely the faults that everyone- In the first place, we have got to par-tial to anyone groun on the "You see, dear, they are going to veteran students and their families. sorority or non-sorority-possesses. Hill; neither do we wish to on- fix the hot water heater when they And they are really wonderful except Christianize them if we have to kill I maintain, Me and Me Too, that pose any zroun. Rather. WP. will come to fix the grate in the stove so for a few minor inconveniences such them doing it. In the second place, sororities are worth it. try to maintain a f!tir dis+t-ibu- they can see if the stove pipe they as not being able to keep the big we must introduce a materialistic Another O'Pinion. tion of space for the activities fixed yesterday works, and they are dirty coal stove (which was substi- economy into their lives even stronger of everv orzanlzation. going to fix the latch on the ice box tuted for the nice little, dean, eco- than now exists. Money for money's (Editor's Note: Here are some Finally, we would like to ac- so that I can open the door all by nomical oil heaters which were ong- sake-and go to college to strengthen comments on the issue of February knowledce our (fpht to the for- myself. And John, don't .shout so. inally intended for use) going long previous ideas, to learn how to make 6, which we thought might be of In- mer shrff. e>lnpci8.ITvto the edi- Do you want the neighbors to hear enough to keep the "three rooms, even more money. terest to our readers.) tor-In-chief Miss Margaret Stat- you? You know how thin these walls kitchen. and bath" heated; also oc- Within our borders we have. ler. Her competence and her only a little to worry about. There To thll Gold Bug: calmness even under the direst are." "I don't care who hears me. I'm casionally' having' to wade through are the foolishly self-styled Christians Nothing will ever happen to thi! knee deep mud in order to reach the stress have been a constant in a hurry and I'm mad. I'm going to school; and having workmen of all who insist upon (when they are not world as long as the kids in it can source of inspiration to her fel- give those guya a piece of my mind .. shapes and sizes drag their big muddy occupied with fighting each other over get out a paper like the last Gold low-workers. nllrjn{!, her admin- mumble ... mumble ... mumble ... " feet in and out across the nice clean, who's who and why) taking it out on Bug. Nothing. As long as kids can istration the Oold Bua Increased Yes, the little woman was right, for (Continued on page 3, column 3) those horrible Jews. All gentiles are smile and be kind, instead of caustic in size and interest. in keening (Continued on page 3, column 3) in their humor sheet, the world is with the ternoo of today's world, safe. wherein evervthine seems to he But, if they ever see dear old Presi- )1ettinq big-ger and better. We Margie Statler Future College ProF dent Lewis' grave in that fast becom- feel that we could not find any- ing famous cemetery in town, they where worthier footsteps in 'W1toJ. 'W1to. e; ~he eIIdL will find him whirled into a powder. which to follow. Such expressions in a good old -The Editor. preacher-ridden journal should whirl By MARY HERSHFELD him plentyl Carryon, kids. And kiss Rusty for And then there was the case of the physics professor who went off the Margaret Statler is one of those problems, Gold Bltg ads, stacks of me, will ya? Caleb O'Conner. beam studying the Einstein theory. too, too rare individuals who can live notes on the racial problem in litera- When the men in the white jackets in the midst of a whirl of play re- ture; those everlasting Chesterfield To the Editor of the Gold Bug: came to put him in a strait jacket hearsals, Argonaut meetings, educa- ads for the Gold Bug, personal cor- After reading your February 6th he argued that it was impossible; the tion courses, bridge games, Gold Bug respondence, Gold Bug SUbscription issue I am sure and absolutely posi- jacket must be slightly curv(,d. editorials, and a Makosky seminar blanks, education notes, and Gold tive Richard did open the door and and still come up with a 2.9 average Bugs. KILROY WAS THERE!!! Subscribers. One of Your THE GOLD BUG and a completely unruffled disposition. would doubtless have gathered by this (Continued on page 3, column 4) known it, we Had we not already But life wasn't always so compli- Official _tudent new
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