Page 53 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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MARGARET QUEEN OF STATLER HEARTS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 62, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 21, 1947 Juniors Head Shackelford Of Short Story Contest One-Act Plays To Be Given Dean's List Hopkins To Talk Clos~s February 25 of By Junior Dramatics Class attitude It is with a prevailing class presents Curtain time will be 8;15 p. m. as the junior dramatics Over One Hundred Here March 3 melanch:olia that the Gold Bug an- three one.~ct ~lays on .February 28 ~n Alumni Hal!. The plays will be under its Dr. Richard B. Shackelford, of the nounces the end of the. short story Attain "B" Average Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, contest. the able direction of MISSEsther Smith, who has returned to the campus after will speak on "Russia in the Balkans" Of the six stories selected for week- two years of absence. During her absence the dramatic art department was Juniors won top honors for their in an assembly on March 3, at 11:30 ly publication by Dr. Marshall and guided by Miss Ruth Watts. class with forty-nine members on the Professor Makosky, the best entry Stephen Vincent Benet is the author of the main play of the evening, Dean's List for the first semester of p. m. in Alumni Hall. will be determined by members of the The Devil and Daniel Webster. The fantasy to be presented here was con- Dr. Shackelford spent a year and a the scholastic year 1946-1947, Miss half in Budapest while on a military student body by indicating their de- densed by the author himself for a one-act presentation. The tale, from Martha E. Manahan, registrar, an- cision upon the ballot provided on American folk-lore, takes place in New Hampshire in 1841. Originally the nounced recently. mission to the Balkans during World page three of this issue. The ballot production was given in New York as an opera, and was later made into a War II. Earlier in the war he was The senior class had thirty-eight with the Johns Hopkins medical unit then is to be placed in the Gold Bug movie, "All That Money Can Buy," starring Walter Huston. members, and the sophomores thirty- box outside the bookstore before 6 The play is, as stated by Miss Smith, "one of the most ambitious ever two, making a total of 119 students. in the Pacific. Dr. Shackelford act- p. m. on February 25. It is hoped that put on by the junior dramatic art students." The cast is one of the largest More recently, If freshmen were eligible for the the high interest of the students, both ever to perform on the stage of Alumni Hall. Dean's List, twenty per cent of the ed as military adviser to ex-Secretary in entering and enjoying the stories, The cast, incompletely announced student body would have achieved of State Byrnes at the Ministers' will promise a 100% campus partici- at the time of the last issue, will in- this honor. Conference in Paris. pation. clude Robert Mathias as Jabez Stone, The regular schedule for assembly An average of "Btl or better is re- Due to the dearth of humorous sto- Mary Wright Silvey as Mary Stone, quired to make the Dean's List, which day'f" will be followed on March 3. ries worthy of publication, Shulman Arthur O'Keeffe as Daniel Webster, carries with it the privilege of un- fans notwithstanding, 'the additional Pred Holloway as Mr. Scratch, limited cuts. Dorothy Anderson prize will be discounted and the win- Charles Hammer as the fiddler, The following seniors are included: ner will receive the original award of George Wilson as Justice Hathorne, David Bennighoff, Jean E. Brant, $5.00. Charles Clarke as' Justice Hathone's Charles Brooks, Fred Brown, J. R. To Give Recital Following is a brief resume of the clerk, Hillmore Langrall as Simon Dudley, Robert Hendrickson, Fern contest stories: Girty, James Cotter as Walter But- Hitchcock, Fred Holloway, Jr., Frank Miss Dorothy Anderson will present ler, Carl Webb as King Philip, John Jaumot, Elmer Jensen, Hillmore Lan- an organ recital on Tuesday, February Today i8 Tuesday: First indication Gruber as Blackhead Teach, Duane grall, D. E. Lewis. Paul Miller, R. 25, at 4:20 p. m. in Alumni Hall. of th; complete stream-of-conscious- Saltzgaver as Smeet, James Leonard Mills, J. H. Price, Ken Volk, George Miss Anderson is a senior chem- ness trend among the lit~rari on the - as Dale, Edward Cushen as Morton, Wilson, Don Woolston, Joshua Zia, istry major who has been studying Hill. This is the story of a man whose and George Spittel as Green. Dorothy Anderson, Frances Bartley, under the direction of Miss Orace mind has become unhinged by the The village men will include Kline Betty Burgee, Anna Lee Butler, Vio- Murray for three years. monotony of his e~eryday life. (No- Haddaway, Donald Bailey, James let Carr, Arlene Chen, Thelma Eyana, She is organist for Baker Sunday vember 14) Hackman, George Davis, Ned Masen- Ann Fullerton, Emajane Hahn, Jean School and frequently plays for SCA. Apples? I Love 'Em!: An incident heimer, and Galen White, while- Kath- Hastings, Amy Maxwell, Betty Mill: During last spring she was organist in a boy's childhood which provided ryn Wheeler, Marian Meredith, Mar- er, Jean Murray, Mary Wright Sil- of St. Mary's Evangelical Reformed the most cheerful story of the group. cia Koblegard, Betty Blades, Betty vey,·Shirley Snyder, Shirley Starkey, Church in Silver Run, Maryland. Although the affection of the girl was' Art O'KeefJe Powell, Norma Wright, Elizabeth Margaret Statler, Marian Stoffregen, The presentation on February 25 unreturned, the ability to turn hand Amoss, Annette McMahan, Martha spring-s after falling from a tree will and Shizu Yamaguchi. will be Miss Anderson's first complete not save him from love. Maybe that is SCA Plans Special Powell, and Alice Brodrick will make Junior Dean's Listers, are: C. G. reeitql, up the village women. Alcott, Raymond Bennighof, Ed~ard' The program will include the rot- the sad message! "tNovember 23) PlaygoC1"8, by Sir Arthur Wing (Continued on page 4, column 2) Services For Lent g~;:~~':o~~~ gu~~,J:n!~,F~t:~ lowing: Pinero, will be the second production Kulakowski, Seymour Lemeshaw, J. Prelude in E MinOT Bach "Dead in Such an Age!" All cynics of the evening. The plot centers about F. Mann, Robert Mathias, M. L. Rice, Eight Partitas on Home Ec Club Host At are invited to this second Lenten ser- the age-old servant problem, with an Philip Schaeffer, Russell Sellman, 0 How Cheating, 0 How Fleeting vice of the SCA. English twist to it. Selected to com- Jesse Starkey, Orrin Wroten, Betty Bohm State-Wide Meeting This program, a follow-up of Religi- prise the cast of this play are George Anniger, Helen Becker, Catherine Pastorale ~ Franck ous' Emphasis Week, will be held on Wilson as the Master, Christine Roy- On Bishop, Catherine Buckel, Madeleine Intermezzo Dickinson Western Saturday, February 22, the Wednesday, February 26, and will er as the Mistress, Kathryn Wheeler Maryland Home Economics (Continued on page a, eolumn 4) Toc~ata and Fugue in D Minol'_Bach take the form of a discussion led by as the Cook, Mary Margaret Dom all Club will be hostess to several other Rev. W. W. Delaplain of the Metho- ciubs of !'.farYland in McDaniel dist Board .ot- Education. The meeting the Kitchenmaid, Marcia Koblegard as' Lyle Johnson as the Parformaid, Biographies O'f Jones And Lanier Lo~nge •. at 2 p. m. on March 5 will be conducted by the the Housemaid, Anna Hess as the Miss Onica Prall, acting director of wesleyans, At 6:45 every Wednesday Published By Dr. Lincoln Lorenz home eeonomics at Hood College, wlll during the Lenten season, the Rever- Useful Maid, and James Leonard as morning the Odd Man. apeak about her experiences in Greece, where she was in charge of child nu- end John B. Jones will lead a commun- The third and final offering of the Two authoritative b'iographles reo trition last year- under the auspices ion service. The Reverend John B. evening will be If The Shoe Pinches, cent1y' acquired by the college library of UNRAA. Cooper of the Church of the Ascension by Babette Hughes. The play, which should be of special interest to the: A fashion show, presenting clothes ,...ill serve communion every Thursday is a sophisticated comedy, has an all student' body; because they are the made last semester by the horne eco- morning at 6:45. On the other morn- feminine cast. Those who will take work Of a member of our faculty, Dr. nomics students, will be featured on ings, the chapel will be open immedi- part in it are Betty Little as Veroni- Lincoln Lorenz. With a varied teach- the program. Tea will be served by ately after breakfast for prayer and ca Pelf Martha Adams as Laura ing and writing background, Dr. Lor- members of the Western Maryland meditation. Lee, Nancy Haskin as Dr. Lodge, and - enz came to the Hill in September to club. The climax of the entire Lenten Ruby Stein as Princess Olga. join the English department. This is the first state-wide meeting program will be a communion service Assisting Miss Smith on the direct- For his life of Lanier, Dr. Lorenz of home economics clubs since the to be held on Wednesday, A"pril 2. ing end of the play will be Shirley attempted to gather all the first-hand war. Representatives from Hood Col- The leaders of this service will he Dr. (Continued on page 6, column 4) infonnation available at Brunswick, lege, University of Maryland, and St. David Bradley and Dr. Reuben Holt- Georgia, Lanier's birthplace. Much Joseph's College are expected to at- haus. Student participation is expect- time was spent in the eountryside tend. ed to increase during this season. Students Urged which bad a great influence on the Dr. Holloway will speak to the poet's works. Sunday School on March 22. His sub- As a matter of local interest, it Snyder, Wilson To Speak ject will be the Old Testament proph. To Get Tickets was Lanier's grave in Greenmount In First Post- War Debate; et, Amos, who in pre-exilic Palestine Cemetery in Baltimore which provid- attacked problems still pertinent to- For Symphony ed the incentive for the biography_ Emmitsburg Is Opponent day. . In place of the usual tombstone there The regular Sunday night chapel Free tickets to the annual spring is a polished red boulder from Geor- Debating will return to the Hill on service on March 22 will have the concert of the National Symphony gia, upon which is engraved "I am Much of the detail he recounts ap- March 1when the Western Maryland Reverend John B. Jones to discuss Orchestra will be available for stu- as the sun", a quotation fro~ one of pears for the first time." debating team meets Mt. St. Mary's the ever-disturbing question, "What dent distribution in McDaniel office Lanier's poems. The official stamp of approval was at 4 p. m. about the problem of evil?" .... on February 21. After the publication of The Life also placed upon it when the U. S. Shirley Snyder and George Wilson of Sidney Lanier by Conrad-McCann, Navy bought a thousand copies for will take up the negative side of the Under the direction of the world- Inc. in 1938, Dr. Lorenz turned to the' the use of ship libraries. This is a issue, "Resolved: That labor should :famous Hans Kindler, the orchestra figure of John Paul Jones as hi!! next tribute to the accuraey of both char- be given a direct share in the man- will give its eleventh perfonnance at study. Due to the greater factual da-; aeter portrayal and technical mate- agement of industry." Western Maryland College in Alumni ta necessary for historical work, the rial. Future debates have been planned Hall on March 18. As the concert is time spent on research for Jones' life With Lanier's life a freer interpre.- with Loyola College in Baltimore and Anyone planning to attend expected to be one of the most popu- took five years, most of which were· tation was possible, and the attempt with Drew University in Madison, the Military Bail, which is to lar and best attended musical events spent at the United States Naval' to instill in the book the spirit of the New Jersey. One of the topics select- be held on Saturday, March 15, of the season, the students are urged Academy in Annapolis. man, his poetry, and his musie was ed for future discussion is "Resolved: is reminded that admission is to get their tickets early. Writing during the pre-war period very effective, aceording to the re- That the United Nations should be •by invitation only. Also for sale at this time is a num- Of debunking popular heroes, Dr. Lor- views of the Fort Worth Star-Tele- changed immediately into a world ·or- Applications for invitations ber of tickets for outsiders, although enz sought to counteract this effeet. gram, which spoke of his "facile ganization." will be accepted no,v by any very few are available this year. The Using the existing reeords, from prose style which speaks almost in Other members of the debating proceeds, however, help finance the which a number of original discov- the language of Lanier." The Boston group include Wayne Cowan, Harry member of the ROTC Officers' concert, and it is requested that the Club. The admission fee of $2.00 eries were made, he produced a work Evening Transcript stated that ''his Schreck, Stanley Simpson, and V. B. will not .have to be paid until students take only tickets which will of whieh the Christian Science Moni- (Lanier's) pity and joy were made Smith. The organization is sponsored definitely be used. If unable to attend tor said: "Almost no phase of Jones' audible, almost visible and touchable, by Dr. Lineoln Lorenz, debating in- invitations arc distributed. the concert, the student should return l!fe escapes this new bio~rapher ...• (Continqed on page 4, colunID 4) structor. the ticket to McDani~l office for sale..
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