Page 51 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 51
The Gold Bug, Feb. 6, 1947 Terrors Get. Big Time Football Schedule Green Teams By F. Hullowhead, Jr. Terror Hoopsters To Meet Top Grid Teams, We've built our "greater" college here, 'Expected To As necessary, sports fJ,ppearj Top Nation With New Stadium To Be Built lefllitlgs e1)e11l0ne- (So drop your fJ,ll it's just Top Nation 'CaUBe after the thought lor in fun!) . 18 Straight Wins' hel·e's And our grid gfJ,me- In one of the most drastic changes By Rantland Price- ever made at Western Maryland, the' The nation's best is our big aim. _ Riding along on the crest of a 29 'h new football schedule was announced Western Maryland's return to "big We've really outdone MarylfJ,nd, game winning streak (the one-half and with it the fact that the team time" athletics after a long layoff has Got twenty coaches for each man game being by virtue of a 63-7 half would be in the "Big Time" of ath, been hailed in sport circles through- And change them eve; other day, time lead over the Oklahoma Aggies letic circlea. . out the nation. So finally Curly Byrd must say: in the second half of a collegiate A new etatdlum, to seat 90,000 When President Frederick C. Kel- "If I had ClfJ,rk we'd really roll- twin-bill in Chicago which was just fans will replace the present Hoffa wwa'll made it public at hi8 weekly We'd beat the Green in any bowl." reported over our private P.O. wire), field by the time that the rejuvinated preS8 conference yesterday that the But with Fritz Havens at our helm the Western Maryland Terrors will Terrors take the field in October, once powerful Green Terrors would The Terrors rule the football realm. meet an underdog (although unde- Harvard remains on the revised again take to the gridiron a8 one of Now let'B get down to all the [cote, feated) West Virginia Urriveraity five schedule as the opening game, but the country's leaders, it immediately Of players, runs, and paBS attacks, tonight in the Baltimore Memorial then follows contests with Georgia, sent 1lp the athletic Btock of the And then jttst mention but a few Field House before a sell-out crowd Notre Dame, Michigan, Stanford, Weetminstc)" eoQege. Of those, who'll meet their Waterloo of 21,648. Pennsylvania, Texas A & M, Army Since this Western lI1aryiand band Coach Nat Holman's squad has The tilts Is leat'ed by all the gridiron land. been scrimmaging daily with an out. and Southern California. Penn, and Michigan, Georgia, with Name the p[fJ,yers?-I'1l make no classed Baltimore Bullet team in the Army are scheduled for the new bones_ local gymnasium. Crowds of from five Hoffa Stadium. We have got one, who goes by Jones, to ten thousand have paid as much as According to Director of Athletics A Smith, a Robb, a Brown, a White, $3.00 to see the squad in these after- Carl W. Mavens, the coaching staff We know their names don't sound noon scrimmages since they cannot will be increased to take care of the quite right, see them in actual competition be- But still we'll win 'em all-you'll see, cause of the lack of tickets. huge squad that is expected to reo port for spring drills on March 10. Without the help of OO"KKeeeef- feesskkii. This year's squad as was true with FootballSchedu/e • Coaches Contacted of talent. As far as plays are here concerned, last year's, boasts an array scorers are It is expected that Richard "Dick" The nation's five highest We'll mention only that we've earned members of the starting quintet while Barlow, present Harvard coach and All the championships this year, the other ten members of the squad Sept. 27 Harvard, Cambridge, Mass. former coach at Western Maryland For scoring ?nark8 we havr;J no peer; are scattered within the first twenty. Oct. 4, Georgia, Holfa Stadium will resign his post at the New Eng- Our cha/'ging line, OU1' plunging five ill collegiate and professional Oct. 11 Notre Dame, Cleveland, O. land University and act as an advis- backs. scoring. The starting five are such Oct. 18 Michigan, Hoffa Stadium ory coach here. Contacts have been Why tell you more, you know the accurate shooters that they always Oct. 25 Stanford, Palo Alto, Calif. sent to tell or twelve of the ranking facts. Nov. 1 Pennsylvania, Hoffa Stadium college and professional coaches 'in Too, fwholarship is very high-- score by rotation. Thereby, no player ad- NOl·. 8 Texas. Austin, Tex. the country to work in as assistants than point two a gains more They need all "E's" to get them by. vantage over the other four basketer s. Nov. 15 Army, HolTa Stadium in the new set-up. Names are being Enough of all this "big-talk" stttff, Nat Holman has introduced the Nov. 22 Southern California, Los withheld until the men definitely ac- Here's our schedule-Cit ain't so hither to unheard of 'triple pivot' Angeles, Calif. cept the new posts. rough) which stars the sensational activities Seven scouts have been signed to Dick Barlow We'U take it Boft the first weekend, of Mfl,ximillian Zilch, towering 7 ft. comb the mines, bushes, cities, plains, And make a journey to South Bend as they were smothered by a 321 to 4 highways and byways so as to get When one takes a look at the record To play the Irish: Fdday night 2 3/6 in., center (measured with a count. All four of the loser's points the best possible material for the new that the Terrors have compiled over To smooth the kinks and feel steel bepe at 20' centigrade); Egbert came by foul shots. Thus the Green Terror team. a period of years, the action of the right Snodgrass, sensational basketball find and Gold is the only team ever to hold • Players Still Amateurs administration is not surprising. To test Northwestern the next noon""':' from the backwoods of Tennessee and an opponent scoreless from the floor. Despite the scouts and the new When Dick Ha~low coached at West. (They've had this practice none too Mott Gano from New York's East Holman's aggregation has appeared coaching set-up, the team will still be em Maryland and Charlie Havens soon) Side, ~oth of whom are above 6 ft. 9 all over the nation in such basketball strictly an "amateur" team, observ- was one of his star players, the Ter- Thr;Jn just a rest before they're dtte in. The starting guards, J ohn Jones, centers as Chicago, Cleveland, De- ing all the NCAA rules. No player, rors had one winning streak of 29 To meet the Hoosiers and Purdue, a local lad, and Inky Blaustein, 4 ft. troit, Philadelphia, New York, City, regardless of his ability will be al- games! 8 in., midget who manages to find his Ohio, Wi8., and Dakota, and Westminster. Included in their lowed to play if he is not enrolled in • Tough Schedule And end the trip with Minnesota. way running between the legs of op- list of victims for the current 'cam- the college. All players must go to position players till he nears the bas- Next year, however, will be tough It's for u week they've been away paign are Kentucky, Villanova, Army class when not playing football and for the Terrors to field a winner due And drop home now for quite a staYj ket when, with a propulsive loop, he and Navy, Notre Dame, U.C.L.A., must try (at least half-heartedly) to to the fact that they will be moving They now can seat ten thousand too- grabs the rim of the basket and grip- Alabama, N.Y.U., St. John's, Rhode pass the course that they decide to firmly, ping the ball through drops immediately from a small time sched- The place is jammed to Bee Pitt U, the hoop. Zilch then lowers him gent- Island, Bowling Green, and North take. No player will be allowed to be ule to one of the toughest in the na- And Brown and Army, Yale and- ly to the floor. Carolina. paid more than $100 a month by the tion. Since travel has been relaxed, Pennj The starting five has gone the limit Post season bids have been accepted college, but can get spending money there will be little trouble in getting They've barely gotten warm'i_,d up in only one contest. In an effort to to National Invitation Tournament in by selling tickets, endorsing footbaU air transportation for the trans-eon, whrn Madison Square Garden and the Red equipment, making motion pictures, "tinental trips that the team will be (From what 1 hear they're running determine the team's full strength, Cross Tournament. The Green and betting on the games, throwing the Coach Holman allowed his first team forced to make. yet). charges to go the route against the Gold have been rated top-heavy fa* games and collecting fire insurance • Stadium To Seat 90,000 Why don't we schedule Diekinson?- 'G_niversity of Maryland Terrapins. vorites in both tournan'!ents. They on all buildings that he can destroy . The new stadium, that is now un- And since you asked,' it was grefJ,t The Old Liners looked like terrapins have also accepted post season bid to by fire. der construction, will certainly be fun, meet the U. of Toronto and the U. of able to take care of most of the local They didn't mind their getting beat, Mexico on the foreigner's home courts. fans as the plans are to have 90,000 The hundred points was quito [!ll Zip Is Un-Masked They will close the season with an ex- In The Bag covered seats in the new Hoffa Sta- "reet"- hibitfon game with the University of dium. At his press conference Presi- The little part they thought so quaint: After working on the paper for Mexico in San Francisco. Dear Boss: dent Kolloway stated that he was not Our men each had ~ pail of paint, many years, the daily guesser always certain if the college would install And eve,'Y time we'd make a score has remained in complete hiding ex- {Cont.t from Col. 1) Here are a few more predic- lights to facilitate the playing of We'd swab 'em with a little more; cept for sev~ral members of the statl' more people than the Madison Square tions that came out of the night games. Dormitory space will be Their men began to get quite green- (the paymaster). Zip always works Garden in New York. This last week crystal ball the other night. provided in the new studium for all Now we don't play the Carlisle team. behind locked doors and has a burg- was the largest crowd-getting week Have to keep the record and the personnel of the football team and When came the time for Delaware lar alarm hooked up so as to warn of ail, as the arena was used every boys better come through for according to Director of Athletics To plfJ,y, alas, they were not there--- him if anyone is in his outer office. night in the week. Starting on Sun- Carl Mavens the college will have a Forgot the days when they were Most of the time the prognosticator d.ay, the college ice hockey team Western Maryland to slaughter varsity, junior varsity, freshman and t!ll!-gh, works in. a dark room gazing at his played an exhibition game with the the following teams: 150 pound team next season. All sur* Said "Your team is too big fJ,nd crystal ball. Montreal Canadians of the National Army, Boxing plus football players will be farmed rough!'. Whereas the Associated Press uses League and battled the pros to a 4, to Navy, Wrestling out to the University of Maryland for Alumni liked this team, by gum! a concensus of opin- 3 decision. Monday' night saw the Kentucky, Basketball more seasoning. Homecoming Day, they all did come...! ion 'for their predic- wrestlers defeat Oklahoma A.&M. be- Pennsylvania, Gymnastics It is good to see the colleg, take its A special program was on tap, tions and Paul Wit- fore 7,000 fans, while on Tuesday Yale, Swimming plaC6 in. the letuling colleges of the A doubleheader-what a scrap ~~i:I~:t~~ma~;~r~ Thursday nights the basketball Minnesota, Ice hockey and country. No longer will anyone have The second game turned out to be-- team extended its streak before Dartmouth, Skiing to apologize lor the smallness of any We only won by eighty-three I in his guesses, the packed houses as they swamped both Harvard, Indoo~ Polo of the college age'ltcies. Playing teams And both those teams to every man Kentucky and Stanford. Wednesday like Notre Dame, Army, and the oth* (Big Southern Cal and lI1iehigan) ~ ~o::~s ~::om~i;:;;~ Yours truly, ers on the schedule will prove to ev- Said Wow! that our team was the tal ball to get his: eryone that Western Maryland be- best; ~ winners. This year longs with the Ivy League rather And sure it was-we'd tr;immed the Zip has predicted Zip's record: than the Carroll County Grange. rest.- Zip correctly on 392 (Continued from page 2, column 4) Won Lost Pct. No doubt one factor that influenced For three straight years we'd not games and still has ert E. Lee, recently took first prize in 392 0 1.000 the college to change its policy was been beat, not a losing game. the West, Taneytown Road Rabbit the manner in which the basketball the football world was at our feet,- The gamblers are not' allowed to Breeders' Association contest. team has been able to win 18 straight But crowning glory had not come, get at Zip and when he is approached No profile of Professor MeatJoafer contests against the best teams in the Until one day the BfJ,lto. Sun outside of his office for a "tip" he is would be complete without a profile FOR RENT country. When the new arena was For columns I!poke of J.H.U. very· close*lipped \ and will not state of Professor Meatloafer. (See cut.) constructed on the campus, many con· And all that Navy's team could do- who will win the game for fear that Also, mention should be made of his Parking space sidered it to be a "White Elephant", It prai8ed the MOU1lts at quite some the losing team will lose heart and unique and fascinating lectures. His but the good teams here soon proved length, not be willing to play a game that class attendance is held up by ropes that the students and town's people And talked of Maryland's latent they know they will lose. from the ceiling. We include below 10' could fill the 20,000 seats. strength; Some of the world's historians have for the benefit of our reading public, your ear • Arena Gets Crowds But Terror fans were not d8nucL- likened Zip to Albert Einstein, but Professor Meatloafer's chart for the The arena has been tremendously Th4 page'8 end-the leftkand, side Zip is a very modest newspaper .man busy business man, used recenUy to successful. Already it has pulled In Were four short wOl'ds by N. J. Gupp: and calmly stated, "Einstein illustrate one of his more interesting See Dean Tree (Cont. on Col. 4) "W8surn M(Lrvland's coming upl" made a mistake". and enlightening lecture!.
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