Page 48 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 48
The Gold Bug, Jan. 30, 1947. four Sororities, Along The Way Gold Bug a policy of presenting to New Staff Appo/ntecl Four Men Get Degrees the students as clear an understand, One frat Elect (Continued from page 3, column 5) ing of the basic considerations of both (Continued from page 1, column 1) At WMC Convocation angles of any question before jump- Working under Miss Houck on the opportunity that they were granted to ing into a problem with full force of business staff will be Ted Quelch as Four men were graduated from of "injustice done." New Officers present representatives. by means of ire and attitudes is too compromising advertising manager, and Helen Ray Western Maryland College with Bach- opinions their Perhaps this elor of Arts degrees at the mid-winter student More steps in and William Cook re- othy Anderson Elections for new sorority and fra- this direction could be taken by the an attitude for the staff of any news- as circulation manager replacing Dor- convocation on Tuesday, January 28. paper to adopt. But in the final reck- President Fred G. Holloway presented ternity officers are now being held. students and administration. Why offing, we believe that the heads of -spectively, the commencement address. The grad- The Preachers chose the following not have an assembly often to air both little boys,. trying -to determine Although the issue of February 20 uates are Ira Israel Altfeder, William leaders for the coming year: presi- -student gripes and in this manner will he the first issue with the new Earl Bowman, Kenneth E4lward Bur- dent, Nelson Wolfsheimer; vice presi- give the student body a more complete which is taller, (the students vs. fac- staff in control, the old and new edi- dette, and LeRoy Edwin Gerding, Jr. dent, Charles Dhlad; secretary, Wal- understanding of various problems I ulty and administration) will not tors and staff members will cooperate major, economics lace Raubenheimer; treasurer, Rieh- It seems to us, and very definitely bump against the ceiling without set- in a publication on February 6. After from An Baltimore, and plans Altfeder is to enter ard Brown: chaplain, Wayne Cowan: so, that students, faculty, and admin- tling anything, if such an attitude is the issue comes off the press on that and sergeant-at-arms, Homer Earll. istration are guilty of failing to see established, but will end with their 'I'bursdev evening, the combined staffs into business with his father. The Gamma Bets will hold their elec- that there are two sides to any ques- feet upon the ground, with a feeling will hold a joirit celebration in the Bowman, originally from Linwood, tions Friday, January 31. The Black tion and of failing to discover what that they should shake hands and de- Gold BUg office at 8 p. m. when an Maryland, now resides in westmm- and Whites and Bachelors will wait each side has to offer in the way of cide that bath are very tall and that ihstailation of new staff members will stet. He majored in economics. until May to ,change their officers. solution or suggestions before taking both can conquer the world, or at be held, BUrdette, also an economics major, However, due to the withdrawal from antagonistic actions. least the other beys in the neighbor- The new Edlto"'r, Miss Ray. has pre- plans to assume a position with an in- school of Roger Saltzgaver, the Black As a voice of the student opinion hood, if they wor-k together as a very vlously occupied the positions of copy surance firm in his home town, Mt. and Whites elected a new sergeant-at- on student gripes, we suggest for the tull and straight combination. edlbor, news editor, and managing edt- Airy. arms, Fred Holloway, Jr. And with this - we'd better say tor. Her other campus activities hi- Gerding, who majored in history, All of the sororities have made "Farewell." elude membership in the Glee Club expects to enter his father's law of- changes in their official lineup. Delta Margaret Ruppenthal, and Eunice Ev~ -The Edit(JJ'. and the Argonauts. fice in Baltimore, Sigma Kappa held its installation ser- ans. vices Monday_night, January 27, for Iota Gamma Chi has made a change the following newly elected officers: in its presidency. Jo Hauver Doggett, president, Eleanor Pearson: vice presi- who was recently married, has re- dent, Christine Royer: secretary, signed and Betty Schmidt, former Jackie Kilham: treasurer, Ann Cain; vice-president, will take over as presi- alumni secretary, Eleanor Lee: ser- dent. Evelyn Clark has been elected geant-at-arms, caroline McNabb': vice-president. • chaplain, Dorothy Kullmar. Sigma Sigma Tau held its elections Phi Alpha Mu held elections: Wed- on Tuesday, January 28, and chose nesday, January 21. The new officers these officers: president, Shirley are: president, Marian Stoffregen: Jones; vice president, Sarah Martha vice president, Betty Powell; secre- Moore: secretary, Arlene Chen: treas- tary, Jane Dollerd ; treasurer, Janice urer, Betty Shockley; alumni secre- Divers: chaplain, Beverly Holland: tary, Catherine Frounielter: sunshine sergeant-at-arms, Peg gr Nichols: committee head, Esther Gutbub; ser- alumni secretary, Annabelle Glockler; geant-at-arms, Jeanne Stein; and In- sunshine committee, Jean Lummis, ter-sorority. representatives, Louise Charlotte Goodrich, Dorothy; Ruppert, Reese and Jean Kelbaugh. Colonial Jewelry Company 32 W. MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 303 FRI., JAN. 30 TO SAT., FEB. 1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 "TWO SMART PEOPLE' "INSIDE JOB" Lucille Ball John Hodiak "F~TAL WITNESS" Double Feature SUN., FEB. 2 TO WED., FEB. 5 ''THE TIME. THE PLACE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 AND THE GlRL" "S9UTH OF CHISHOLM TRAIL" Dennis Morgan Janice Paige Charles Starrett THURS., FEB. 6 TO SAT., FEB. 8 SUN., FEB. 2 TO TUES., FEB. 4 "NOCTURNE' George Raft Lynn Bari ;'THE VERDICT" Sidney Greenstreet Peter Lone SUN., FEB: 9 TO WED., FEB. 12 Joan Loring, "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST' W~DNESDA¥, FEBRUARY 5 Alan Ladd William Bendix "NAVAJO KID" Bob Steele THURS., FEB. 13 TO SAT., FEB. 15 "THE SECREI' HEART' THURS., FEB. 6 TO FRI., FEB. 7 Walter Pidgeon Claudette Colbert "IRISH ROSE" June Allyson Buster Crabbe SUN., F~B. 16 TO TUES., FEB. 18 SUN., FEB. 9 TO TUES., FEB. 11 "TJlE MAN I LOVE" "ANGEL ON UY SHOULDER" Andrew King Ann Baxter Claude Rains WED., FEB. 19 TO THURS., FEB. 20 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 "CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA" "THROW A SADDLE ON Claude Rains ,Vivian Leigh THE STARS"
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