Page 46 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 46
The Gold Bug, Jan. 30, 1947 For Women Only Sororities Give Cup Juniors Present Plays from page 1, column 3) (Continued Bullets First 01 Scholastic Honor Lee, will be played by Martha Adams. Thursday, January 30, SCA Movie, "Two Smart People" To Iota Gamma Chi Nancy Haskin will be Dr. Dodge, a Cage Foe Friday, January 31, De Long Voice Recital, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. with the inter-sorority scholastic cup woman physician, and Ruby Stein Iota Gamma Chi will be presented will be the Princess Olga. 1, Preachers' Dance, Gill Gym, 8-11 February :46 p. m. Saturday, All the plays are to be staged Sunday, February 2, Beginning of Religious Emphasis Week at a tea on Thursday afternoon, Feb- the junior dramatic art students with by of ~~::!:r;;o~a~~~r~;~~~j~;sp:;~~;~ Tuesday, February 4, Grace Murray Organ Recital, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. ruary 16, in McDaniel Lounge. the assistance of Jack Neville, an art Iotas The be guests in the physical education department, ~ Wednesday, February 5, Basketball, Hopkins, Gill Gym, 7-10 p. m. . Inter-sorority will Council who of the major and a senior dramatic art stu- have is OIl her way to Columbia University Thursday, February 6, Inter-Sorority Tea, 4-5:30 p. m., McDaniel Lounge planned the occasion. Dean Hilganir, dent. where she will engage in a year's Friday, February 7, Basketball, Mt. St. Mary's College, Gill Gym, 7-10 p. m. Mrs. Jefferson, and the Iota sponsors, graduate study. Miss Manahan, Miss Snader, and Miss Rupert To Be S(A Guest Saturday, February 8, Dean Huganir's Tea, Lounge, 3-5 p.. m. Mrs. Joseph Kittner, a former stu- Girls' Basketball, Gettysburg, Blanche Ward Gym, 2 p. m. Perry, will also'be present. (Continued from page 1, column 4) dent and outstanding athlete at West- Monday, February 10, Assembly, 11:30 a. m., Dr. Donald Andrews. After the cup has been presented The proaram, will be carried out ern Maryland, will assume the re- French Club Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 7 p. m. to the Iota president, refreshments of further in halls of each dormitory in sponsibility of Miss Parker's classes Thursday, February 13, Delta Sigma Kappa Tea punch and cookies will be served. the form of prayer meetings which this semester. Friday, February 14, Argonaut 'Valentine Tea, McDaniel Lounge, 4-5:30 1945-46 was the first year that will be held each night by the various Western MaryJand gil'ls have been scholastic rivalry had existed be- members of the SCA. In addition to practicing arduously for their for-th, Saturday, p.. 'l1 15, Black and White Dance, Gill Gym, g._...11 :45 p. m. tween the sororities on the hill. The this, philosophical discussions, led by February coming intercollegiate basketball decisions for the contest were based faculty members and their wives, are frays. On February 8, Gettysburg on the sororities' scholastie records being conducted every Friday night College win meet Western Maryland's from 1945-1946 ... A silver cup for the and will continue for several weeks. basketball sextet in Blanche Ward seA Sponsors Movie purpose was not obtainable until the Gym. The game is scheduled for 2 Two Smart People is the movie Voked. .. ; , I present time. Compliments A series of rush teas for the fresh- p. m. sponsored tonight by the SeA. It is Oil February 15, Western Mary- being shown at the Carroll Theater (Continued from page 2, column 5) men have been planned by the sorori- of land's team will travel to Emmits- and stars Lucille Ball and John Ho- ties. The first of these affairs will be burg to engage ill their second game diak. forms, particularly the physical,. is given by Delta Sigma 19, Kappa Mc- on Heagy's Barber Shop in Wednesday, February of the season. This contest with St. Tickets are being sold at forty cents crude and even occasionally stinks Daniel Lounge, 4 to 5:30 p. m. ~~~~~x~:: Joseph's College will begin at 3 p. rn, each by representatives in the dormi- with barbarism-but who said we Any girls who are not members of tories, and the proceeds of this pro- were anything but barbaric! Thus, Three will follow on the subsequent Advertisement t~ basketball squad, but who are in- duction will go toward the WSSF let the example be set by the broth- Thursdays-Phi Alpha Mu, February We,lInin,ter Light Society 27; Sigma Sigma Tau, March 6; and terested in securing transportation to fund, as the SCA reports that it has er's keeper; then let the brother help Iota Gamma Chi, March 13. • the St. Joseph's game, should contact now received only about half of its himself-or God help him. "IV e lead you [rom: 1Jirtue to Miss Roeelde Todd. $2000 goal. News from the military depart- SMITH " REIFSNIDER happines8." ment by way of rumor speaks of a blue-lapeled military man severely Incorporated We, the members of the west- condemned for something or other LUMBER-COAL minster Light Society, join in contrary to regulations. Some mighty WESTMINSTER, MD. rejoicing at the achievements of (Continued from page 2, column-S) When I realized it was the end, I general was seen. towering over him Our Good. Brother Altfeder Jeanne's face when 1 told her I had really went to pieces. Then it was hollering ill a deep voice, "'1 can have during his sojourn upon our lost my job. All she said was "Oh, Rosewood Asylum. That's where I've you court marf.ialed for this." The campus, and weep for his physi- Steve!" It just about tore my heart been these two years. I guess I was Compliments cal absence from our daily con- in two; she looked so Bad and forlorn pretty bad off. But I'm all right now; little soldier ill blue lapels (not a sultations. However, we feel of the newly-formed class of member standing there. And then she started 1 haven't had a drink in six months. officers composing the rot c officers of that Brother Altfeder has sue- to cry. Each sob seemed to be a knife Yes, I'm going back. cesSfully app'Iied the principles in my heart. She didn't say anything After I got on my feet a little, I club) stated something to the effect upon which we have founded but she knew why I was fired. wrote Jeanne a couple letters but she that the violation was not immoral BONSACK'S this society, and -that he may But I couldn't stop drinking. I never answered them. Mom came to because of the nature of the organi- now safely mingle with the un- tr-ied. I'd Jock myself in my room and see me regularly but she never knew zation. My, my, these great big bad SODAS LUNCHES enlightened. try to i-ead, but 1 was beat. I knew anything about Jeanne. I'm better generals!-But this is the way of We therefore, Brother Alt- I was beat. Jeanne was wonderful; now; I'm going back. I'm going to rumor. feder, this day grant you the she tried so hard to help me. She'd see Jeanne again .• Maybe she'll give Now let us compliment something say, "Steve, you've got to beat this me one more chance. Maybe if I work besides' the admirable raising of ac- privilege of allowing you to ac- Alma thing. You've got to; for us." God, I real hard. Maybe Jeanne still loves ademic standards at the college (and cept from your beloved of your Mater its certification tried. me. Maybe people don't change. it is admirable), perhaps the weather Compliments of Then it happened. One night I went That's my bus. So long. of late or something. accomplishments here. Our kin- to Jeanne's house. I had just lost T. W. Mather & Sons dred minds extend to you our another job and I was good and congratulations and sincere drunk. 'When Jeanne saw how I was, Phone 300 J. WM. HULL, Jeweler trust for your future happi- she was scared her folks would see. Suc~e.ssot to Cassell's . Westminster's Department ness! I wls too drunk to tare and when her Oil CARRQLLEEN Store of folks came to see what was going The Store of New ~ashioned I said some pretty nasty things td' , Jewelry and Old Fashioned Good Service and Values them. About college and nice boys. Individual Coiffure. Honesty The old man told me to get the hell Beauty in .its Entirety out of there and never come back. Times Building Benny' 5 Kitchen They must have worked on Jeanne 66 W. Main St. East Main St. pretty hard, because when I called WESTMINSTER, MD. Westminster, Md. Radio-Electronic Service for the next day to apologize I was told ALL POPULAR BRANDS Where old friends meet she wasn't home. I kept calling. OF RECORDS ....andJike to eat 'r Decca, Columbia, Victor, Majestic, esc: Capitol, Barnes Appliance Service Compliments of Wattn the hearts 01 Needles Strictly home cooked food those you love Bendix Home Laundry Popular, Swing and Classical All kinds of Electrical SEND VALENTINES Use Our Record Booth to 59 W. Main St., Westminster and Hear Your Choose Appliances Serviced Rutan Chevrolet Co. Favorite Selections and Repaired [rom Westminster 654-} Speed Queen Washers and Radio Electronic Service Ironers Watch for Latest Coffman's Card Shop 45 EAST MAIN STREET Models of Chevrolet 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 WESTMINSTER, MD. Opposite Bus Terminal Phone 793 It Pays To Look Well Run Right to JOHN EVERHART Theo. F. Shaeffer READ'S Visit The Master Plumber For Fine Cosmetics, Toit~tries Avenue Barber Shop The College Barber 92 W. Main St. and all your Where The Students Go and Bobber Phone 359-J DRUG STORE NEEDS AT·THE FORKS Westminster, Md. 15 E. Main Street, 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Westminster, Md. Save With Safety Typewriter and Adding At The The Artcraitsman Rexall Drug Store Machine Repairs BO~~J~ RENTALS Old Spice, Friendship Garden, Cara Nome, Orloff and ,'ICE CREAM 80 East Main Street Berganot Toiletries Davis Typewriter Co. Listen to the Jimmy Durante- 70 COMFORTABLE SEATS Opposite Post Office Garry Moore Rexall Dtug 32 West Main Street Radio Show every Westminster, 'Maryland CONVENIENT PARKING SPACE _T AILOR·MADE GIFTS Friday evening 9:30 P. M., WCAO and Telephone 585 ~ Y2 MILE SOUTH OF< WESTMINSTER WFMD Specializes in gifts for SCHMITT'S Agency BALTIMORE BOULEVARD college students REXALL DRUG STORE L. C. Smith Typewriter ON ROUTE 140 55 E. Main St. Phone 298
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