Page 47 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 47
The Gold Bug, Jan. 30, 1947 In This Corner Boxers Only Terror Team Active On Local Indoor Teams Need Weekend As Bucknell Bisons Are Met More Space For Practice By James C. Elliott By N. J. WoIfsheimer Western Maryland mittmen, with Captain Om-lo Ortenal and heavyweight (Sparta EdH,or, The Gold Bug) Joe Corleto pacing the attack, hope to break into the win column for the first time Saturday night when they jour-ney to Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, to ex- One need only take a look at the basement of Albert Norman Ward change leather with Bucknell University. Hall and see the boxing and wrestling rooms to realize that the winter sports Several lineup changes may be effected for the Bucknell match. In an effort are operating in crowded quarters, as were the fall teams. to strengthen the squad, John Sgariglio and Ortenzi are knocking off pound- Prior to the war the boxers had a nice set-up. as they had two condition- age to drop into the 155 pound and 165 pound divisions and make room for ing rooms and another for sparring, but with the moving of a fraternity room Don Denny at 175. Ortenzi was the 165 pound champion in 1942. Dick to the sparring room and the wrestlers to one of the conditioning rooms the Palmer, who previously fought at 155 pounds, has successfully moved into _ place is too cramped. The fighters do not have enough space to set up a ring the 145 pound bracket. Ernie Me Fadden plans to drop down to the 130 and the wrestlers are dodging a pole when they practice. pound class and Bob Dubel will ta~e over the 135 slot. Both of these teams have nice-sized schedules when one considers the • Jensen Leaves College three year layoff of sports at western Maryland. The boxers, as a matter Developments of the last week brought unwelcome news to western Mary- of fact; meet the largest colleges of any of the Terror teams and still have land followers when it was announced that Coach Jensen would leave college not the facilities to practice properly. at the end of the first semester to accept work in New York City and finish • Space In Basement Of Gill Gym his studies there. Ortenai, who was aiding Jensen in his duties, will fill the At present the basement of Gill Gynmasium is being dug so that a con- crete floor can be laid 811dif the powers that be decided to make room for • Terrors Lose, Tie the boxers and wrestlers it will be a step in the right direction. The present The Green Terror boxers, r-etur-ning to the ring for the first time since boxing and wrestling rooms could be used to store the equipment that is 1943, have made a very creditable showing thus fat' in the season. In their presently under the gym Joe Corleto 1947 debut they bowed to Penn State at State College, Pennsylvania, by a 6 A decent rifle range and handball courts that will not interfere wi-th the Terror Heavyweight has won both to 2 count, while last weekend the Terrors battled a good Coast Guard progress of basketball could also be placed in the basement of Gill Gym. fights this year. Academy team to a 4 to 4 stalemate. There is a definite need for a swimming pool, but that should come aiter the sports that are already installed at the college are properly taken care of. • No, No, A Thousand No's Hoopsters Resume Play In the seven years that this writer has been acquainted with the athletic Still the scenic Against 'Jays Wednesday program at Western Maryland, the 'Post outstanding purchase of equipment has been the electric scoreboard for the basketball games. Holft Field has no stands capable of holding the crowd, no scoreboard, no enclosed press-box, no locker rooms close to the field for the teams to use at basketball history, has so far been half time, no rest rooms, no shelter for the fans in time of inclement weather, I Mason-Dixon Conference I disappointing. Most interest, however, and 110 fence to keep out the gate-crashers. If we had as many yes's as lies in the Mason-Dixon Conrerence no's the athletic plane would be OK. P •. and tournament and Coach Fergu- When the college constructed the then "New Dorm" (Albert Norman Deiawa,'Il 1.000 son's team, in the thick of the run- Ward Hall) in 1939, the plans were to move the windswept tennis courts from ~~~¥E~~U"~~RYLAi,'D: .875 ning there, still has a chance to atone .857 their present location to a position near Gill Gym. This had a two-fold pur- Johns Hopkins . .750 for earlier defeats and chalk up a .625 pose. First to get new courts closer to the men's gymnasium, either on the Mt. St. Mary's .•. . .600 successful record for the 1946-1947 .500 Bridgew~ler to the side or rear of the gym; secondly, to have a nice-looking approach a visiting ~;:~~~fJf~c~~;~.:.:.. .S75 season. The Dickinson game saw the aaa men's (still uncompleted) quadrangle. When Prof. Hurt greets .375 local quint's spirit at its highest level tennis team he usually has to apologize. for the condition of the tennis courts. g:i~~~x,~·Macon .200 and if kept there, they may still be 000 The wind, rain, and soil ruin the courts before they are ever used. A com- the team to. beat in conference play. position court, such as is installed in many colleges and playgrounds, is what Opening the stretch drive for the Mason - Dixon Conference is urgently needed here if we are to play intercollegiate matches on our borne western Maryland's Green crown, Wrestlers Have Terror courts. John Sgal'iglio five entertains the Johns Hopkins • Table Tennis Finals In Gill Gym quint on February 5th, and the high After losing at Penn State, Red came Emmits- 2 Bouts In Week The finals of the Gold 811g Table Tennis Tournament will be run off on scoring Mountaineers from through with a win last week. Tuesday, FebrualiJ 11, at 8 p. m. in Gill Gym, so that everyone interested burg two days later, in Gill Gym. By 'Vayne Cowan in seeing tne finals will be able to have a seat. Fi1UJ,lswill be a best 4 games 'Vith a ten day respite from court out of 7. The win?Wl' gets the Gold Bug Trophy for ptn'manent possession. battles, Bruce Ferguson's boys should The Wcstcrn Maryland wrestling Winners at Penn State were 01'- Ortenai scored a be all set to hit top form, and stand team will journey to Baltimore next tenzi and Corleto. over his Nittany knockout technical Intramurals a good chance of snaring both tilts. Saturday to meet Johns Hopkins, Lion opponent in one minute and 33 champion .or the Mason-Dixon confer- ence, in an effort to gain their first seconds of first round, and was fol- Bachelors Show Power conference win. lowed closely by Corleto who eked out a decision over heavyweight Al Ne- As might be expected, the Jays wiU be bolstered by experience and some meth. In Early Season Wins outstanding performers. Bill Ander- pounder, was Western Maryland 135 by McFadden, son, Terror mat coach, is quite anxi- barely decisioned ous to have his boys participate in as Bondi of the Pennsylvania team, By AI Resnick many matches as possible since their while Sgariglio, carrying the Green win. great lack is in experience. and Gold colors into the 165 pound In'tramural A League In their second game the Gamma division, lost a much booed verdict to Bets defeated the Black and Whites • Kern. Larrimore, Undefeated Penn State's captain, Jack Tighe. Alphaonm::n::~~8 Qf th3 Tt::O- ~l1 ~s. 64 to 20 as Harold Hammergren ed away with a decisive 28 to 10 de- Triumphs in these two clashes for Washington College's matme~ walk- Delt.. Pi Alph ... 2 ripped the cord for 31 points. Jack \Vestern Maryland would have result- OnmrnB Beta ·Ohi. . 2 Price followed closely with 21 points. cision of the home team boys last ed ill a 4-4 tie for the match. Independents .. 0 Wednesday in Gill Gym. The Green Pi Alpha Aiph.. 0 Superior speed and height was a dom, B League inating factor in the lop-sided win. and Gold's only wins were registered • Ortenzi, Ccetetc Undefeated Standing. of !he T{:-II Pts. In the "B" League, eighteen when co-captains Jack Larrimore and Against Coast Guard, Ortenzi and Preachara saw action as they went on ~eea~e~~~t fi~!~1~;:d. Pi:~: t~::~ Corleto were repeaters, while Mc- ~f~~{::~~:~~~~'... ! i ~ to defeat the Black and Whites 36 to 22. With twelve men scoring, the men are undefeated thus far and !~t~de~ic:~e:g::i~I!:b~:mt~eth~~~!~ FLASH ... Alpha Gamma Tau's bas- strong purple team took a fast lead ~~:i:~s~e~r:i1t~:~e:s~~a~~i::s.Ofo~~;· team to gain a draw. One of the Con- ketball team defeated Delta. Pi Alpha which they never relinquished. The Walt Sibiski 55 to 39 in the A League last night, Bachelor's "B" team defeated the Big Terror freshman is leading team John Silber went the limit losing his :~:i:utg:;:t~~~~h;~::;:~'nfo:tal~~~n:; but the Preachers nipped the Bach- Gamma Bets 45 to 14 as Bill Kern of in scoring. match by a six to two decision. forfeited the 130 pound class bout. elors 26 to 24 in the BLoop. the victors whipped five field goals McFadden's victory was a first Intramural basketball started off through the hoop. The losers in the III league competition the local • Lose To Bullets round TKO while Ortenet and Corleto with a roar as Stan Kulakowski led contest then defeated the Black and team stands ahead of Mt. St. Mary's In their first match of the current knocked out their adversaries in the for fourth place with a 3 and 1 rec- the Alpha Gamma Tau five to a 40-28 Whites "B" team in their next con- season, the Terror grapplers bowed third and second rounds, respectively. victory over Gamma Beta Chi. A test 33 to 6, as Harry Yingling paved ord, but these victories have all been to the Gettysburg squad 20 to 17 in a Sgariglio's win was eccred via the over the weaker teams of the circuit. forfeit win by the Delta Pi Alpha the way with 20 points. After triumphing 48 to 37 over Cath- match held in the victors' gym. decision route. from Pi Alpha Alpha leaves the olic University, the Sho'men of Wash- The loss of 10 points in forfeiting league leadership in' a knotted posi- ington College pulled ahead in the the 121 lb. and 128 lb. classes cost the tion. Dear Boss, final minutes to take a 65 to 49 ver- team the match. Winning along with In their second game of the young Felt good hitting t.he old Larrimore and Kern in their initial Previous to the Bullet entanglement, days later the Green season the Gamma Bets whipped the stride again with a 5 and 2 dict, but three largest point total of efforts was Rowe Moore wrestling in the junior varsity had defeated the piled up their Black and Whites 64 to 20. A new record lafit week. the season in swamping Gallaudet 61 the 155 lb. class. Wally Raubenheimer Westminster Americau Legion Post, non_fraternity team has been entered This week I pick: fell victim to a close decision and SiI- the Massachusetts Ramblers (com- in the intramural competition. The Western Md. to beat Bucknell to 42 on the local floor. bel' also went the limit, gaining a posed of college studeuts), and Dick- team is expected to center around Joe Boxing • No Revenge From Devils draw . inson College's junior varsity. Gianelli and Hank Corrado. All non- Washington College to beat 'Vith no more non-conference tests At present Coach Phillips' squad is this frat men are eligible to play on this Delawal'e Basketball scheduled the totals find them on the Jay Vees Start composed of Len Zawacki, A1 Resnick, year Western for squad. Ortenzi, Corleto, Sgariglio, Maryland, Joe Macie, Jerry Burch, Jack Spick- The Bachelors held a 10 to 8 first McFadden and Palmer to short end of a 0 and 4 count. In nail, Lefty Elliott, Dan Bradley, Al quarter lead, and at the end of the win matches against Buck- successive nights both Dickinson and, With Streak Bright, and Vance Hale. half the Blue and White team held a nell Gettysburg took the measure of the So far it has been difficult to single corresponding lead of 18 to 16 over Western Md. to beat Johns Hop- Hill aggregation by decisive victories. Western Maryland's junior varsity out outstanding ball players beeause the Gamma Beta. Every evidence of kins Basketball The D'Son game in Gill Gym proved courtmen will be seeking victory num- the team has operated as a smooth a nip and tuck battle was seen. Western Md. to beat Mt. St. to be the best of the season for the ber four when they encounter the machine with aU members taking a Ken Volk for the Gamma Bets scored Mary's Basketball Terrors, however, as for three quart- Johns Hopkins' yearlings next Wed- part in the victories. Resnick and El- half of his team's total during the Yours truly, ers they played their finest ball of the nesday in a 7 p. m. preliminary game liott put on scoring sprees, and first half. The score was tied at 18 year and at one time led 41 to 37, but at Gill Gymnasium. the floor work of Spielman and Za~ to 18 shortly after the third quarter the Pennsylvania lads were not to be The Baby Terrors were riding the wacki deserves comment. The back began, when Red O'Hara and Art Won Lo,' Pet. denied and grabbed a 70 to 55 victory. crest of a three-game victory wave boal'd work of big Joe Macie has been O'Keeffe started to find the mark as 26 6 .810 What has been expected to be a until they were turned back by a an import\lnt factor in the thr~ vie~ the Bachelors edged into a 40 to 28 ballJler year in Western Maryland powerful Gettysburg five last week. tories.
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52