Page 45 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Jan. 30, 1947 o.. "BdIJoum." Farewell I "When the 'k~ow-nothings', who preached the doctrine of (Continued from page 2, column 1) racial hatred should corne into one in which two 'little boys argue control, I shall prefer emigrat- about who is the taller. Each little ing to some country where they tyke goes up on his til) toes, then make no pretense of loving lib- By PROFESSOR JqHN D. MAKOSKY stretches to his full height, then up go erty, to Russia, for instance, I'm sure that everybody up to the with the college and its obligation to not block the substitution of an- the arms high into the ail', then one where despotism can be taken President will agree that the absence the mind. other proof, complrably difficult, child jumps up on a chair, the other pure, and without the base al- system is an infernal nuisance. (I use An absence system should advance if conditions seem to warrant it. follows, up they go on 'their- tip toes, loy of hypocrisy." words The Gold Bug can print.) Ev- this aim, at the same time allowing 5. "Dean's List": If the aim of col- up go the arms, and on and on. Noth- • A. Lincoln erybody would agree that forgetting maximum freedom consistent with the lege is to develop the intelligent- ing is proved, nothing is settled. The "Wit and Wisdom of the whole matter would be perfect if maintenance of a functioning plan. ly discriminating mind, and if at same things happen with many Abraham Lincoln", it would work. It won't, because Certain features of our newly inau- . Western Maryland this situation campus problems. The more antago- H. J. Long 1. The dominant student motive is gurated system deserve special com- is tested primarily by course nistic the students become, the more regrettably not love of learning, ment. grades, it seems just to reward stubborn the faculty and administra_ and 1. Abolition of fines: absence from proof of such development with tion become. Letters 2. No faculty member is that com- class should be governed only by 6. Good college citizenship: The new is wrong. In the first place, there are special privileges. The gripes are right; the approach bination the necessity for such absence, of Francis Bacon and 10 The Editor Mark Twain required to poll an not by the financial resources of system does not answer all the reasons for most of the undesirable quorum. unpressured the absentee. questions: a penalty for the stu- It was as a result of these frailties 2. Elimination of excused absences: conditions. For example, the adminis- (Continued from page 2, column 4) dent who cuts seven times and tration does not add $15 to each stu- of human beings, yo'tmg and old,-that So far as achieving the prime then cuts some more; the stand- fellows could gather there for discus- somebody 'way back thought up the purpose of intellectual enlarge- dent's board for the second semester Dean's who sions instead of the biology room. This grading system. The idea was to sup- ment by the techniques of Amer- ing of the cuts before Lister holiday; for no reason, as many of the protests habitually would also bring the fellows on cam- ply motive in education for that size- ican college routines is con- the penalty in a course where al- of students would have you believe. pus closer together. As it is, they find able segment of the population which cemed, there is .no difference at ready an examination is given; Common sense should tell students diversions in questionable places. otherwise wouldn't bother. all whether absence is for neces- the responsibility of faculty this. (See page 3.) What say? Can something be done? Even the grading system proved to sary oi· avoidable causes. Students have the common fault of Yours, be a leaky dike. An a~tonishing num- members to approximate uni- becoming hot-headed without inquir- Geotflc Gordon. ber of "students" will trade a handful formity in administering the sys- ing for these reasons, without investi- tem; the problem of the student Dear Editor: of quality points for three long week- who feels an obligation to take gating and thinking through the situ- I was very interested in the letter ends; will sacrifice a letter off an all the cuts any system allows ations with any use of intelligence. submitted by "Me" in the last issue English grade in order to acquire a him--all these are at present left The leap of criticism is made; the of the "Gold Bug" concerning sorori- black eye; will rob Peter Geology of up to "good college citizenship." reasons are discovered later. ties here on the Hill. One fact is quite class attendance in order to study for One fundamental we should all rea- • Two Sides To Every Problem in avidence-c-the writer knew what a test in Paulitical Science; in plain lize. Our system differs radically from The biggest fallacy exists in the she, was talking about. And the few terms will cut classes, with various that of' almost every other American student's inability to realize that the I have discussed it with, have the educatlonal Iosses, for all sorts of rea- college in one particular. Though administration and faculty are usual- same opinion. sons. Hence the absence system. there are exceptions, in general we ly intelligent enough to r-ealize that Any organization which is itself but Now the purpose of a college is in- have no course final examinations, these various conditions that occasion a part of a larger organization must tellectual. I would define its objective counting from one-fourth to one-half gripes are true. They are aware of certainly justify its existence by con- as seeking to attain, for as many of of the course grade. And we have no the educational difficulties and of the tributions to the whole or it should its associates as possible, the distinc- system of major or degree exemtne- problems that face students with the be eliminated. Only selfish attitudes tions of the intelligently discriminat- tiona to test the summation of the ed- increase of board or with the lack of would allow it to exist. In w!;lat way ing mind-in tastes and information, ucative process. As a result the stu- certain facilities that would be more have any of the sororities at Western in reasoning power' and meditative dent's development is primarily the desirable for student welfare. But Maryland proven their right to be? depth. A college naturally tries to do' accumulation of his separate courses, there are reasons why such conditions What constructive service do they other things, too--in general to pro- guided as well as he and his advisers exist, and if the student body would render? I must confess, I can't dis- vide as normal, healthy, and vital a can do the job, but with us essentially take the time to investigate these sit- covel' any. life situation as its pecularities allow; just one course and then another. Un- uations to the ground floor before And if one could find a reason, there but these are secondary and must be 3. Two weeks' cuts: The idea is to der such conditions, every class meet- emotions into action, are so many problems created by their arranged 8'0 as not to interfere with allow a reasonable amount of ab- ing takes on greater importance. In arousing their would appear in a more the results existence they hardly seem worth the the intellectual aim. Analogously, the sence, no matter what the cause. a mathematics p~oblem where there favorable light for both students, fac- while - silly prejudices, irreparable church may feed the hungry, cure the After that amount has been ex- is no check, every separate operation ulty, and administration. "hurts"-what attainable goal do so- sick. inform the ignorant, comfort the ceeded, granting that the West- must be carefully attended; in a rorities offer? Theoretically there may unhappy; but if it cease to administer ern Maryland system is education course where no review is possible, Approach a problem with the idea be some to be sure, but social sorori- to the spirit of its members and the by a plan of an accumulation of every new phase of the subject must of understanding the problem, not ties on this campus (and most others) world, it has lost its raison d'etre. So courses, it should be the obl'iga- be thoroughly mastered. Just so eb- with the notion of reversing the opin- ions of someone else, and more prob- have -failed to gain them. tion of the over-cutter to prove seneca are more serious in an educa- A very few years back, Brown Uni- The value gained (if any) for a few, that he has mastered the matter tional program with little summation. lems will be solved in an intelligent versity decided to do away with their can never balance those principles lost of the course. This "reasonable Perhaps ways may be found which fashion. sorority system because of such feel- on the campus as a whole--we cannot amount" of absence is fixed at have both flexibility and meaning to On the other hand, on some ,rob- ings. The result has been a closer expect to build a better world if we one-eighth of the course, surely give greater cumulative and unifying ,lems we agree emphatically that the unity and loyalty to the college and must live in animosity and petty jeal- a generous proportion. , cffect to the intellectual life of stu- faculty and administration fail to see a greater spirit of good will and co- ousy in such a small group as ours. 4. Penalty: An examination seems dents at Western Maryland. When that the students have sound reason- operation than any "political and class You're right "Me"-they're not worth the most sensible way of provid- this end is reached, prophesy a sud- ing behind their protests. An example system" sorority could ever accom- it. Affectionately, often), ing command of the stuff of the den lullIn hostilities along the absence of this may be seen by the inactivity plish. ME TOO. course, but the regulation does front. of the faculty on the problem of an absence system all during last year. We believe, however, that the faculty should be commended in their at- ~ tempts to make the system understood With a careful movement the man self. Radio announcer, clerk at an Society is never fair to anybody. He Charles, but Helen wasn't with me by the students this semester, and the body appreciates the entire student straightened his tie and tucked his embassy, something out of the ordi- knew that Society caught one up in then." (Continued to page 6, column 2) pocket handkerchief further in. In nary! He did have a mild look of its dragnet and imprisoned one. Only The man in the next booth started the mirror he could see whether they importance. the stoutest of hearts can rip through because he thought the bartender were just right or not. Then with a About two minutes later, the man, the net, he thought. He looked at was watching him. But he was wrong. neutral face he drained the glass of still looking at the mirror, saw a most them again. The mirror reflected their He took a long drink from the glass whiskey and soda and asked the bar- handsome woman walk in. She was happiness. If her husband were like and pressed closer to the back of the •• tender for another. While he went to stunning. Immediately, he toyed with the business man at the end of the booth. Only incoherent words were fix the drink the man looked into the the hope that she would sit by him at bar, then she had her right to this coming through: incoherent as far as mirror again. It reflected a medium- the bar. Maybe she would change little heaven. conversation was concerned, but very sized, dark-complexioned person with his life by doing so. But she was al- He noticed that they were moving meaningful to two in love. Warm nondescript clothes. The man turned ready moving across the floor towards closer into the booth, where. they phrases flowed between the two lovers. Exams are over. Now Time, his gaze away; he didn't want to look the young man in the booth. Sbe couldn't be seen. With envy he WOD- Laughs and promises filled the ail' the faithful father, and Sleep, at himself. moved with quick but g-raceful steps. der'ed what lovers of that sort ialk around them. They remained like that the blessed healer, have dis- He looked towards the other end of The young man rose, took her hand, about. What is it they supply each for fifteen minutes. " persed the black clouds of gloom the bar: a stout, neatly-dressed man then pulled her down to the seat. other to make themselves happy? He After what sounded like a kiss, the from the burdened minds of was stirring his drink. His face was With what seemed to be intense de- wanted to know. Gradually an in- couple got up and walked towards the youth. Begone ye thoughts of heavy with expression. Business per- votion he kissed her. Her face reg- satiable desire to know their secrets door. They walked gaily; he held her graves and guns, of suicides and son, the other man thought, with sales istered moving happiness. Then she crept over him. At first it was dis- arm in a way that expressed all the term papers, of tenements, mur- running badly. Or maybe the chil- returned the kiss, sensuously. WitJ:l- tasteful to think that he could be an affection he had for her. They went del'S, barroom neurotics, chem dren were sick. Maybe he was just out delay they began to talk. She eavesdropper, but the desire gnawed 'out laughing. disgusted. The dark-complexioned was most enthusiastic over whatever away. If he moved to the booth next The man in the booth gazed after finals, corpses, .bullet-holes, man brought his eyes to the center of she was teIling him; and he was re- to them they would not be able to them. He realized that loneliness was blood puddles and Makosky the bar to where a soldier was sit- plying with Innocent smiles. Her see him. Turning on the stool he crawling into him. As his head sank tests! Now may the sound of ting. Why don't they give him a unl- -conversation was accompanied with plotted his. path. Then, taking his a little, he wondered why this world laughter resound in the Grille; fonn that fits, he thought. The bar- artful gestures. After ordering drinks drink with 'him, he headed towards bad never prepared anything like that now may the merry crackle of tender laid the drink bafure the man he took up the vibrant talk. They the door, over to tIle other side of the for him. • chewing gum be heard in the in nondescript clothes. After paying laughed, and content seemed to pour room, and down towards the couple. Sullenly he looked at the bar. The Carron Theater; now may the he turned back to the soldier and from them. As he approached the booth they oc- business man and the soldier were midnight oil shed a warm glow wondered why, why must there be The man at the bar returned to his cupied he lowered his head and with deep in a pleasant conversation; an- upon the joyous bridge table. quickness slid into the booth next to soldiers? drink and tried to pic~ure their lives. them. other couple had entered and were The Gold Bug hails the dawn The girl was look- sitting at the bar. He stirred, then took a drink. He Was she a well-paid designer, whose He sat there quietly for over a ing at her male with a twinkle in her of this new era of joy and light. recalled once being in a forest at greatest design would be hers and minute before attempting to listen to eye. The bartender was humming as In order to encourage this hap- night when a Boy Scout. He had the young man's lives! Had they their conversation. After checking he mixed their drinks. py movement and give it a fit- thought. then, that that was how it met recently, or not? Or were they He turned back to himseli, and felt ting welcome to the Hill, we was before humanity made its appear- married, to others, that is, and were that no one at the bar was noticing wish to announce that the Gold ance on earth. It was tranquil and holding a tryst in this bar? Yes, that him, he laid his head against the It the loneliness throughout his body, Bug short story contest is here- wooden back and strained to hear. his mind. A depression pounded upon sensible then. Once again he looked could be it: she had a husband; he wasn't very audible at first, but grad- him; a mental nausea was welling up by being extended till tomorrow into the mirror and saw a young, had a wife. The idea sent an odd ually snatches of chattel' began to inside him. He yearned for some- with the stipulation that all fur- neatly dressed man walk into the bar. feeling running through him. He felt seep through. He heard her say, " and thing to cling to. ther entries be of a humorous The young man surveyed the room, as that, even though they were happy, Helen almost refused to." It died With a weak grasp he raised the nature. The hilarious winner if looking for someone, then took a they were violating the rules of life. out. He was talking: "But dearest, glass to his lips>; then he slowly set will be announced in a forth- booth on the opposite side of the room. This wasn't fair to society. But had it isn't as. if it can't be done; you've it dOWJlwithout drinking. He stared coming issue. Remember-no graves allowed. what's his story? the man asked him- society been fair to them? Society. tried all this before." "I know, at the glass. It was empty.
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