Page 43 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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MiSS Helen Ohler Western Maryland College MAKOSKYON FAREWELL CUT SYSTEM EDITORIAL PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Vol. 24, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 30, 1947 Dance' To Honor Secret Queen OF Hearts Fern Ray Appointed Editor Junior Dramatics Black And Whites Feature On New' Gold Bug Staff . Class Rehearses Top Hatters' Band For Hop One-Act Plays Phyllis Houck Still Heads Business Managers; Celebrating Valentine's Day Eleven Others Receive New Appoinuments Three o~e-act plays will be offered By Jean Cohen by the junior dramatic art students Fern Ray, us newly-appointed Edi- under the direction of Miss Esther "Who will be Western Maryland's Queen of Hearts?" is the question tor-in-Chief of the ~Id Bug, will Smith on February 28, in Alumni before the Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity men and the elltire campus until Feb- head the newspaper staff, consisting Hall, at 8:15 p. m. ruary 15 when the name of the Queen will be revealed at a semi-formal dance of eleven members, beginning with the The piece de 1'c8istamce of the eve- in Gill Gymnasium from 8 to 11:45 p. m. issue that will be published on Thurs- ning will be The Devil and Daniel Featuring the music of the "Top Hatters," a twelve-piece band well known day, February 20, according to an an- Webstel', a fantasy by Stephen Vtn; in Baltimore, the event will have the double purpose of honoring St. Valentine, nouncement of Margaret Statler, pres- cent Benet. It was first produced as patrpn saint of sweethearts, and introducing to the campus the Queen of ent Editor, and Professor John D. an opera in New York and has sub- Hearts. Makosky, act' _,dviser of the publi- sequently been made into a movie, All The. Queen, yet to be selected, will be chosen by the student body, male cation. That Money Can Buy, starring Wal- and female, by voting on ballots distributed in the dining hall and collected Phyllis Houck, business manager, ter Hustcn ..•The version to be pre- during the assembly preceding the dance. Until her presentation at the dance, will be the only staff member who will sented here IS the author's own one- the choice is to be kept secret. retain her present position. The only act condensation. It is a tale from The details of the dance, handled by various committees, are under the other person on the staff at the pres- American folk-lore, set in New Hamp- direction of Frank Jaumot as general chairman. ent time, who will maintain a place on shire in 1841. In charge of transforming a bar- the new masthead is Lenore Hoffman, reu gym into a coronation hall worthy who will advance from copy editor to • Tentative .Cast , by Rupert To Speak of the romantic Valentine spirit is assistant news editor. The tentative cast as announced Winston Burroughs, who will have Ma- New managing editors to assist Miss Smith will include Robert Wright During Religious the help of the sister sorority, Sigma Miss Ray will be Edward Cushen, a thias as Jabee Mary, Stone, his Mary wife, Art Sigma Tau. as Silvey junior, and Jean Cohen, a sophomore. John Elliot, in charge of the or- and Emphasis Week Replacing Mary Alice Hershfeld, who O'Keeffe as Daniel Webster, Pred chestra and entertainment committee, leaves her position as news editor of Holloway, Jr. as Mr. Scratch, will also act as the Master of Cere- the Gold Bug because of her election Stanley Hamilton as the fiddler. The In order to etress the importance of monies for the evening. as Editor of the 1947 Aloha, will be men of the jury and the village peo- Christian ideals and beliefs to college for The Mary Childs, another junior. Tea Of Argonauts ple are still to be cast. If any of the students, "Relig-icus Emphasis Week", mental responsibility tacked the upon senti- hearts the red James Elliot has been selected as men students are interested in taking which is being sponsored by the SCA, bulletin boards is being shouldered by sports editor to aueceedN. J. Wolfs- To Be February 14 part, see Miss Smith, Room 209, will be observed from February 2 to helmer. Jack and Jan Rogers, who are Science Hall, sometime, in the near February 5. Bernard Jennings, in charge of pub- columnists fo!' the Gold Bug under Valentine's Day, February 14, is the future. The main speaker for the services licity. the present staff organization, will act date set for the annual spring Argo- Sir Arthur Wing Pinero's satire, of the week will be the Reverend The "strong-arm" or clean-up squad as feature editors to fulfil! the obliga- naut Honor Society tea. Invitations • English Satire Hoover Rupert, head of the ytuth di- will be led by Frank Ziegler. tions vacated by Betty Schmidt. and will be sent to all students having the Pla.ygoeI'8, will also be presented. It vision of the Board of Education of As it is to be a no-corsage affair, Daphne Clarke. Two freshmen, Betty rating of a Dean's Lister and to all deals with the age-old 1ervant prob- the Methodist Church in Nashville, just compensation is promised in the Lee Robbins and Theoda Lee Kempa- the faculty. The tea, at which Miss lem, to which is offered a novel solu- Tennessee. Mr. Rupest is well known form of refreshments. Admission uek, have been appointed as copy edi- Robb will pour as hes been the tradi- tion. The mistress proposes to send for his work with youth and the youth pel' couple is $2.00 including tax. tors of the newspaper in place of Le- tion since she has been adviser, will them all to the theater, with unex- caravans that he conducts each sum- nore Hoffman and Irma Eney. be held at 4 to 5 :30 in McDaniel pected results. mer. Daphne Clarke To Go (Continued on page 6, column 4) Lounge. The following cast has been select- Centering about the theme "Alive in . According to Margaret Statler, ed: the Master, George Wilson; the Such an Age", the program for the To England In March WMC Broadcasters president of the Argonauts, the object Mistress, Wheeler; the Kitchen the Cook, week will begin in the chapel service Daphne Clarke, feature editor of the Christine Royer; on February with of this tea is not only to encourage 2, and will ecntlnue Kathryn Maid, Plan Next Program the upperclassmen continue their honor Virginia Dodd; the Parlor Maid, a candlelight service in Bakel' Chapel Dold Bug, has left the Hill for the who have attained semester and in March will journey to this cli- to honor each of the following evenings, Koblegard; the House Maid, who was born in Daphne, the new but also to acquaint with the ser- On World Peace grades, Listers with the function and Marcia Hess; the Useful Maid, Lee maxing the observance Following the England. expects to make up the se- Anna England, Dean's vice Wednesday night. school. Mrs. W. W. Meeks, sponsor of West- fellowship of the Honor Society on the Beglin; the Odd Man, Jamcs Leonard. chapel service on Sunday night, which mester she in summer be able to By doing will this, g)'aduate • Sophisticated Comedy ern Maryland on the air, has an- Hill. If the Shoe Pinche8, a sophisticated ":vill be led by Adelene Hopkins and with the class of '48. nouuced plans for a broadcast on Mon- Arlene Chen, vice-president of the comedy by Babette Hughes, is the Virginia- Dodd, Fireside Fellowship All of Daphne's relatives live in or day, February 17. This program is Society and general chairman, has third Offering. In the words of Miss' will be held in the form of an informal neal' London, and she and her parents to be entitled "This New World of named the following committees: re- Smith, the play is "an interesting ob- reception for the visiting leader and her two Peace", and will be heard from 4:30 freshments and serving, Pa. Chatter- servation of various types of women", speaker. will stay with them during to keep a She intends visit. months t05 p.m. ton; decoration, Gladys Sause; enter- reminiscent of Clare Booth's satire, Efforts are being made to have Ru- diary of her daily activities while The cast fOl' this program has not tainment, Frances Bartley; and invi- pert speak to the Wesleyans and Wes- yet been selected. Anyone wishing to ations, Anna Lee Butler. The Women. will portray the hero- leyanettes as well as to make possible there. sociology and English major, Betty Little A take part in it may appear for audi- private conferences with him for any Daphne is kept busy with her many tions in Room 106 of Lewis Hall from Dr. Andr~ws Of Hopkins ine, Veronica Pell. Her sister, Laura students desiring them. A schedule 4. to 6 p- m. on Tuesday, February 4. (Continued on page 4, column 5) will be posted. (Continued on page 4) activities on the Hill. On Friday, January 24, a panel dis- To Speak At Assembly body on Monday, Febru- Grace Murray, WM( cussion was held on the topic, "Should Dr. Donald Andrews will speak to Faculty Member, Will Present a Girl Prepare for Marriage or a Ca- the student reer?" Bob Grumbine acted as mod- ary 10, at 11 :30 a. m. in Alumni Hall. eratcr., and the panel consisted of Dr. Andrews is at present head of the Organ Recital Featuring Wiele Variety Of Selections Shirley Starkey, AI Conley, and Aud- chemistry department at Johns Hop- rey Dixon. Miss Grace Murray will present an eled to Leipzig, Germany, where she kirche. coming to Western Mary- Before On Monday, January 27, Western ~~:~i~;~;e;~:~ ~~dd:r~~gh~~= l~:~y organ recital consisting of selections studied under the no\ed Ramin, who Maryland presented Tristarn, an ad- He graduated from Phillips Acade- from the Old Masters, Bach, the held the position that Bach once held land, Miss Murray taught at Thiel aptation of a narrative poem by Ed- my, Andover, Massachusetts, and Yale French school, and the modern school as cantor and rector of St. Thomas- College. win Arlington RoJ5'inson. The cast of University, where he later was ap- on Tuesday, February 4, at 8:15 p. m., this program included C. E. Clarke, pointed research assistant of chemis- in Alumni Hall. Miss Murray teaches Evelyn Clark, C. Russell Shaeffer, Jr., try. After fulfilling this position for organ, piano, and music appreciation Thomas Larson, Harry Adams, Cetb- several years, he obtained a fellow- 011 the Western Maryland faculty. erine Buckel, Jack Ammon, Charlotte ship to the University of California The pi-ega-am for Fehruury 4 wiI! Goodrich, Carl Moodey, and John National Research Foundation. In appear as follows: Blades, who also acted as sound effects 1925, he left ..America to study in 1. Grand Jelt Du Mage (16?-17?) man. Fred Brill was in charge of the Europe as a fellow of the Leiden In- ElevatiotL Couper in (1668-1733) music, and Mary Davies was assistant ternational Research Foundation, Dialogue._Clerambault (1676-1849) producer. Germany. Cha.eaune_Buxtehude (1637-1707) Upon returning to America, he be-- 2. Tocca:to in F .. -.._..Buch- came a fellow of the Bartel Research 3. Pastorale _ Franck Franklin Institute, Miel- Year Hop Foundation of He was later appointed 4. Chorale in A Minor Franck Philadelphia. to the faculty of Johns Hopkins Uni- Intermission Delta Pi Alpha's Mid-Year Hop is versity, where he became associate 5. VeNneland . . ._.__ .. _ Hanson this Saturday night, February 12 from professor and head of the chemistry 6 Fi"egide Fandeg .. _ ._..Clokey 8:30 to 11:45 p. m. in Gill Gymnasium. department, and was also named The Wind in the Chi'mney Carl Hamilton's Baltimore orchestra chairman of the chemistry laboratory. The Cat will furnish the music for this first In 1942, he was elected director of 7. An Angry Demon ....... .._..Clokey semi-formal dance of thc new semes- the University war profects labora· The organist received her degrees ter. Tickets may be purchased for tory. He has recently returned to his of Bachelor of Arts and Master of $2.00 in McDaniel office. previous duties as depa.rtment head Arts at Rochester School of Music in at Johns Hopkins. Rochester, New York. She then trav-
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