Page 42 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 42
The Gold Bug, Jan. 16, 1947 Women Reject Proposal Four Fraternities Receive New Members Grapplers Start By MSG Of Unification Dan Welliver, and Stew- New Season Interfraternity Schedule League 1947 Interfra.ternity Of Student Governments ects(~~n~i:~~:!ti!ne ~f ~h~initi:?tion :r~n';:::et:: ketball schedule is as follows; Bas- Unification of thc Men's and Wo. ~~::,ittee, are redecorating the club- mo~~~~~~e BS!~~, ~~!~kJ~~d~:::~: Jan. 20 Gamma Beta Chi va. Alpha men's Student Governments, a pro. Gamma Tau posal discussed by the .M:SGat a meet- ea:t~;:!~~i~;~ ~~~T~e:rl~~~;~~ James Kiehne, Edward Elliot, Walter low~;tO~;~i~~~cfa~~:s~' X.l~~~~~)the 23 Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Delta Pi ing of 25~embers Friday, January Sibiski, Calow Pettit, Stanley Brewer, team has a good nucleus and is strong Alpha 10, was rejected by a two-thirds ma- Donald Denny, Simon Tullai, Julian William Weber, Lee Carter, Lloyd in some weight classes it lacks expert- 27 Gamma Beta Chi vs. Pi Al- Wagner, Edward Robert , jority vote of the Women's Student Dyke, Jim Hackman, John Gruber, Rogers, George Spittei, Al Wildber- ence and will stand to forfeit ten pha Alpha Tom Croft, Doug Weaver, Jack Spick- points each match because no one is Cushen, Government. Other problems consid- nall, Len Zawacki, Frank Stephenson, gel.', Peter Callas, Paul Miller, Cliff filling tRe 121 and 128 lb. classes. 30 Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Delta ered at the meeting of the men on Pi Alpha - campus included the automobile re- ~~~m;;g~~:~~: ;~i~;o~i:,a~~:, R~d~~;~~;,e, J a·~::rg;re~r~;:~:: rZo~~:;• Larrimore, Kern Co-eaptatns Feb. 3 Gamma Beta Chi vs. Delta striction and the recreation room reg- gell, Harry Schreck, John Sgariglio, Austin, John Austin, Foard Tarbert, ~apt;~~~~ngJa:~~:~~;:;;:San~i~il~:~~ Pi Alpha ulations. Jeff Smith, Al Malone, Ernie McFad- Jesse Kagle, Rowe Moore. """",,, ....... 6 Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Pi Further meetings were planned in Alpha Alpha which solutions of the automobile is. ~;nB~~~,~~:I~~r~;~~ ~~~~;e~r~~~~ PI ALPHA ALPHA: Ralph Bar- ~~;~s::il1 :~!:::ti~~~y~ndI~aira~;::~! Second Half sue will be discussed. Jerry Ginsberg, Tom Fletcher, Robert rett, Roy Diehl, William Cook, Henry scholastic competition, Larrimore was Feb. 10 Alpha Gamma Tau vs. Gam- Before the holidays the MSG pass- Fink, Jim Formwalt, Fred Eckart, ~a~~~::;l' ~~~~:~l L~~~:~i;,K~::;:~undefeated while Kern is the South ma Beta Chi ed an amendment which proposed uni- 14 Delta Pi Alpha va. Pi Alpha fication of the Men's and Women's ~~:r~~h:~lI~:aU:,k ~~b~~~~~~~ ~:~~ Beck, Donald Egner, Ober Herr, At~~~~i;s~1~~;V:~~h~:h:;:~O~lI be Alpha Student Governments. In order to be ny Kalus, and Dave Patten. ~~;~~asSi!~~~~:: ~~le::erSa~~~~:~~: Ned Masenheimer- in the 136 lb. class, 17 Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Gamma enforced, the amendment required a ALPHA GAMMA TAU' John Wally Raubenheimer, or Ralph Gold- Beta Chi two-thirds majority vote hy the Wo- 20 Delta Pi Alpha va. Alpha Frederick Norman men's Student Government. The pro- Blades, William Carr, Brill, Hu~h Bur- ~::~e~a~~~;I~~m~:n~;~d;~h~~a~~~~ ~an'h~n "5h5'l'b4.5.Iqbu·,'dlaa'n"dRJ"Wh'nMS"I~:~' Gamma Tau ue. "'".., geas, Coates, posal was not accepted by the WSG. James Cotter, John Dorgan, Joseph lion, George Coulter, Donald Bailey, in the 175 lb. slot. 24 Delta Pi Alpha vs. Gamma Beta Chi Culotta, '========== The organization did agree, how- Fowler, James Hankins, George Han- Charles Fleming, Joseph 28 Pi Alpha Alpha vs. Alpha ever, that closer cooperation between kins, Kenneth Haugh, Richard Hawn, John McGrew, and Bill Bowman. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTIS'ERS Gamma Tau Kidd, James William Charles Kern, the two governments is necessary, al- Leonard, Robert Logan, Gruver Mar. though unification is not. Al Resniek ' and George Norman, who represented tin, Ned Masenheimer, William Por- the MSG'S proposed amendment, plan- ter, Ted Randall, Robert Shoemaker, John Silber, Delmar Wareheim, Sher- ned a futurc joint student govern- ment meeting. The Student Government would like 3. Empty soft drink bottlcs should to restate the recreation room rules be placed in the containers provided and regulations as many of them are for them. being violated. 4. The recreation room must be 1. Music is permitted 4 ;30 p. m. to kept clean. 10 p, m. weekdays; 12 p. m. to 11 p. If the above roles were followed by m. on Saturdays. everyone, greater convenience and 2. Smoking in the dancing room is comfort would be made possible in the prohibited. CIGARETTE ~~&M FEATURED IN COLUMBIA'S NEW TECHNICOLOR PRODUCTION "OOWN TO EARTH." Colonial jewelry Company 32 W. MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 303 JAN. 15-16, WED. AND THURS. JAN. 14·15, TUES. AND WEp. "LOVER COME BACK" "WILD BEAUTY" George Brent Lucille Ball Lois Collier Don Port,er YOU'RE COOKING WITH JAN. 17-18, FRI. AND SAT. JAN. 16-17, THURS. AND FRI. GAS, ADELE, WHEN Double Feature "DECEPTION" Bette Davis Paul Henreid "DRESSED TO KILL" YOU SAY Janet Blair 'TIGER WOMAN" JAN. 18 SATURDAY 1fiq5aP/I JAN. 19 TO 21, SUN. TO TUES. "COMING AROUND THE "SISTER KENNY" MOUNTAIN" Rosalind Russell Alexander Knox Gene Autry JAN. 22-23, WED. AND THURS. JAN. 19 TO 21, SUN. TO TUES. "KING'S ROW" "CROSS MY HEART" Ann Sheridan Robert CUmmings Betty Hutton Sonny Tnft_s JAN. 24-25, FRI. AND SAT. JAN. 22, WEDNESDAY ''RENDEZVOUS WITH ANNIE" "PR~URIE BAD MAN" Gail Russell Eddie Albert Buster Crabbe Faye Harlow JAN. 23-24, THURS. AND FRI. JAN. 26 TO 29, SUN. TO WED. ''THE SPIDER STRlKES BACK" "BLUE SKIES" "THE SECRET OF A Bing Crosby Fred Astaire SOCIETY GIRL" Joan Caulfield JAN. 25, SATURDAY JAN. 30-31, FEB. 1, THURS. TO SAT. "DRlPI'ING RIVER" ''TWO SMART PEOPLE" Eddie Dean Lucille Ball Musical Western
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