Page 41 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 41
The Gold Bug, Jan. 16. 1947 in This Corner Cagers Next Play Shoremen; Boxers Open Campaign • Dickinson.Tilt Is Postponed At Penn State Saturday By N. J. Wojf," (SpOTts Editor, The Gold Bug) By Fred Holloway, Jr. By James C. Elliott starting posts. Three freshmen, Shel- This weekend marks the time that The 1947 edition of Western Mary- don Altfeld, David Myers, and Howard the Western Maryland teams must get 1Mason-Dixon land boxers, under the capable coach- Shannon are competing for the 125- down to the point of winning, for "Hot ing of Sigurd Jensen, will make its pound slot. The 145-pound position Stove League" is definitely over. On debut Saturday when the Terror mitt- will be filled by either sophomore Jack men travel to State College, Pennsyl- that day the hoopstera meet the Share- L::,. Pet. vania, to exchange blows with Penn Eccles or Bob Dubel, one of the team's men of w'ashington College on the late-joiners. In the 155-pound class Chestertown floor. Washington is al- a t!l! State. either junior Dick Palmer or George It will mark the first appearance ways hard to beat and they seldom a Green team in the ring since 1943, of Spittel, a freshman, will get the call. lose on their home floor. The Terrors will be at a slight dis- 1 .500 and the starting "eight", consisting o Fighters At Penn State 5 2 .285 of only one pre-war collegiate scrap- advantage in that Penn State, always .000 The boxers travel to Penn State for :2gg per, is certain to show three freshmen a power in intercollegiate boxing cir- the first of three Eastern Intercollegi- 6 starters and perhaps more. cles, has already engaged in one ate Boxing Association meets. Led by FLASH - Western Maryland gained • Ortenzi Champ in 1942 match, testing Miami U. (Fla.) last Carlo Ortenzi, the 165 pound cham- first place by beating Catholic U. 48 to The lone veteran of Eastern Inter- week. Coach Jensen hopes, however, pion in 1942, and Ernie McFadden, 37 last night. ccllegfate ring wars, Carlo Ortenzi, that what his charges lack in experi- who fought at the University of Vir- The basketball game originally has been elected captain of this sea- ence they will make up for in eondi- should take care of themselves. They scheduled for tomorrow night has son's leather-throwers and will repre- tioning. The squad has been working meet a strong Nittany Lion team that been rescheduled for next Friday night sent the Terrors in the 175-pound hard daily and appears ready to make the trip. lost to Miami by a 4% to 3% count at 8:30 p. m. There will be a prelimi- class. Carlo has moved up from the and will be out for revenge. nary game between the junior varsi- 165-pound division whieh he ruled in Bill Anderson's grapplers will trav- ties of Dickinson and Western l\1ary- the East in 1942. Packing a wallop in el to Gettysburg to test the Bullets land at 7:00 p. m. Al Jacobson either mitt, he is looked upon by Coach junior varsity in the first meet for • Good Material On Team Jake is a standout on the basketball Jensen as one of the more potential each team. Western Maryland, after initiating floor now that football is over. point-getters of the squad. · Intramural basketball gets started the season with a 47 to 35 verdict over I Others who appear to have won Monday when the Gamma Bets meet Gallaudet in a Mason-Dixon encount- a decisive triumph. With smoother starting ber-ths for Saturday's clash tire Bachelors. The fraternity loop al- er, has not lived-up to pre-season floor play, however, the Terrors include freshman John Sgariglio, a ways has attracted much student at. expectations. Local teams, however, might easily have copped all three solidly-built ringman who will fight at tention and this year with the games have been in the habit of poor pre- games. 165 pounds; 135 pounder Ernie Me- carded for 7 p. m., more people should holiday starts and then reaching top • J ncobson Leads Scorers Fadden, a junior who saw r-ing- action have free time to watch the contests: form when the new year settles in. Coach Ferguson as yet has not been in the Navy programs at the Univer- The Black and Whites and Preachers There is fine material on the squad able to hit upon a first team combina- sity of Virginia during the war; will swing into action in a double- and by all rights they should be able tion and has been juggling his lineup freshman Joe Corleto, who will carry header on Thursday evening. to shake their slump and produce a in an effort to obtain a fast-moving 215 pounds into the heavyweight tilt, and Fletcher Ward, a sophomore who Fergie's basketball team was hurt winning record for the year. outfit. Pacing the scorers are Al Ja- greatly when Leo La throum and Bu- In two pr-evious tests from outside cobson with 25 points, Walt Sibiski is expected to see action in the 130- with 22, and Paul Zionkevicz who has pound division. ford Zephir dropped out of college last opponents, the Green and Gold have • 125 Pound Class Undecided week. Although neither was on the not fa~ed so well. Taking advantage swished the cords for a 19 total. Joe A battle exists for the three other starting team, they showed much of sloppy ball handling, the University Thompson, Walt Piavis, John Adamo- promise and probably would have -of Maryland cagers were able to pin vich, Al Paul, Carroll Wallace, Al Res- lot of action, and when they hit their Grapplers Travel broken into the starting lineup before a 49 to 39 loss on the local team at nick, and Joe Macie, have also seen a too long. Also both were good backs College Park, and the Quantico Me- on the football team. Lathroum scored rines poured through 63 points for a stride wilt be difficult to stop. The hoopsters were hurt when Leo two touchdowns during the past sea- wide edge over the Terrors' 42, the Lathroum and Buford Zephir with- To Meet G-Burg following evening. In the latter fray drew from college last week. Both • Legion Plays Tonight the Westminster team rallied to with- had been impressive in workouts and By 'Vayne Cowan Down at the Westminster High in one point midway of the second games and probably- would have seen With their flrat match of the season School Gym Joe Kittner's American half, but the Leathernecks hit a much action this year and in future only two days off against Gettysburg Ca1"l0 Ortenei Legion basketball team has battled "couldn't miss" streak and sewed up on Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. on Terror light-heavy, intercollegiate itself into first place in the Baltimore- the Bullet home mats, Coach Bill An- champion in ]942, has been elected Carroll County Basketball League. In- With Th. Gre.ks derson is rapidly whipping his start- captain of the team. cluded on the roster of the Westmin- ing lineup into shape. ster team are Carlo Ortenzi, Hymie The Terrors will meet a strong To- Gammas Meet Bachelors Dervitz, Art O'Keeffe and Ken Mon- Washington College aggregation on JV Courtmen Have roe, all from Western Maryland. the home mat next Wednesday at 3 night at 8 :30 they test the second p. m. in Gill Gym. This match will be 12 Game Schedule the Monday In Frat Opener place Reisterstown team-the only the first scheduled Mason-Dixon con- team in the league to defeat ference test for the Green and Gold. Western Maryland's junior varsity American Legion. By AI Resnick • First Match Of Year courtmen have been working out since • Three On All State Interfraternity basketball competi- The Gamma Bets will build their Saturday's match with G·Burg will early December in preparation for Three Westen. Maryla.nd griddel"/J team around Ken Volk, Ken Volkart, serve as a warm-up affair and will their twelve game schedule. were honored: by the Touchdown Club tion again returns to the campus af- Harry Yingling, Doug Beaks, Sandy have no real bearing on the standing Jy.nior varsity contests have been of Baltimore Monday when they an- ter a four year interruption. Always Noble, and Harold Hammagren. of eitber team in the respective scheduled as preliminary to all the nounced their All Maryland football one of the major sports in frat com- The Bachelors will floor the most leagues. The Battlefield boys always varsity's home games. In this way team, for the 1946 eeaeon: Sig Jensen petition, this year will bring un- experienced team which includes Stan field a rugged mat team and will like- the student body will be developed at end, J!!... Corleto at tackle, and Kulakowski, Red O'Hara, Fred Mi- ly follow up past tradition this year. for future varsity action. The terror Hank Corrado at fullback were chelfelder, and Art O'Keeffe, who Despite the gloomy aspects of two yearlings will accompany the varsity picked on the first team. This is the played on pre-war varsity basketball unfilled weight classes Anderson is basketballers on several of their trips first time that an official All State team as well as Curt Laupheimer-, a still looking upon the coming season lo play preliminary games. tea'Tn has been picked since the 1941 former junior varsity man. with some amount of confidence. Mike Phillips, season. A II the men selected plus the Not much is known about the team Those weight classes yet unfilled are who was a mem- coaches will be guests of the Touch- which the Black and Wbites will floor. the 121 lb. alld 128 Jb. classes, the two ber of the 1946 down Club at a bal1qltet on January According to Pi Alpha Alpha men, the (Cant. on page 6, column 4) football coaching 24 at theE11wrson Hotel. other frats can expect some stiff staff, is handling competition from their team. Charles Women Only the team. Phil- Burkins will captain the team and lips has no sct will have Fred Holloway, Roger first team as yet, Table Tennis Saltzgaver and others on the team. Hoopsters Set and it will vary he believes The League is divided in two halves, that winners of each half will meet in a from game to If either half ends in For Season Play Starts three game series to determine the Mike Phillips game as players championship. develop and show a tie, the winner will be decided in a promise. The junior varsity has been First round play in the 1947 Col- single game playoff. Now that the basketball season is practicing with the varsity, and it is lege Table Tennis Tournament will under way, the \VAA is making plans no· secret that Coach Ferguson is games with Notre for intercollegiate start for thirty pJayers tonight on Dame, St. Joseph's, Salisbury State planning to include some of the play- various tables on the campus. Zip Goes Out On Limb ers in his varsity program. The tourney, sponsored by the Gold A?·tO'KeefJe Teachers, and Gettysburg Colleges. The junior varsity squad is com- Basketball for class teams practice Bug, will be an elimination affair. In doubtedly the stiffest battles in many Dear Boss: started last week. A fine turnout of posed of Jack Spicknall, Bill Seibert, Its been a long long time since I the first three rounds two out of three years. freshmen promises to offer stiff com- Frank Stephenson, Jerry Burch, Len games will decide the winner. In the Each fraternity recently strength- last predicted in the Gold Bug. III petition for the upperclass teams Zawocki, Ed Elliot, Dan Bradley, and semi-finals the winner must win three ened with many new pledges finds fact, this will be my first attempt at Practice is scheduled for freshmen on Al Bright. Jack Spicknall saw varsity Here's for this time. basketball. out of five contests. itself with an abundance of ma- Bachelors to win frat basketball Wednesdays and Fridays and for up- action in '44, and the others have high The first round matches must be terial. Several of the club teams will title perclassmen on Tuesdays and Thurs- school or club experience. Bm Seibert played by Thursday, January 23, and have former varsity and junior var- days. Makeup practice is on Monday is known to Green Terror football the second round matches by January sity players. Ken Volk or Art O'Keeffe to be afternoon. fans. finalist in Table Tennis Tourna- 30. The competition which is under the ment The preliminary games will start at First round pairings: direction of the Interfraternity Ath- Western Md. to lose to Washington During the month of December Ar! O'Keelfe (bye) thirty-five Western Maryland girls 7:00 p. m. letic Council will begin on Monday, College wielded their badminton rackets in an Schedule ~~~~~~~;;}::t.;i~l~~~'~lbi~~ January 20, when the Gamma Bets Western Md. to defeat Gallaudet elimination tournament to determine Jan. 21-0pponent not named yet Tom DoH!!Ie ,'g. Ro.~er Salt'gnver meet the Bachelors. According to the Delaware to defeat Johns Hopkins the winners for each class. The indi- 24-Dickinson, home Jnek Spieknall vs. Jim Formv;:alt Council there will be an A and B Paul Kaelzel ,·s. Xed Masenhelmer Maryland to lose to Washington- viduals who finished with top honors 25-Gettysburg, away Jo,hua Zin ~s. Carron Wallace League. The games will be played in L.. K~n Yolk (bye) are as follows: freshman, Virginia Feb. 5--J ohns Hopkins, home Dick Palmer vs. Joe Wilson Gill Gymnasium at 7:00 o'clock. McFadden, Ortenzi and Corleto to Clayton; sophomore, Norma Keigler; 7-0pponent not named yet Ernie Leap, Dick Palmer and Don win at Penn State juniol·, Betty Armiger; senior, Anne 12-0pponent not named yet Brohawn, who r~~~,~~~~v~~~i·~'~S.;D*:;·\\"n played varsity ball last Yours truly, Cain. The freshman class had two di- 15-Loyola, away Walt Sibiski ,·s. Joe 711ompson year, will lead the Preacher team into visions of play, and the winner of 21-American U., away Sig Jensen "s. Jerry Ginsberg action with plenty of backing from Division I, Virginia Clayton, played 22-American U., home Hy Dervitz, Charlie Chlad, and Sig Won L08t Pet. and deieated the winner of Divisioll 25--Loyola, home Jensen. 21 • .780 II, Alice Haagerup . 27-Johns Hopkins, away
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