Page 39 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 39
The Gold Bug, Jan. 16, 1947 Letters NewSystemAliowsMaximumOFT woWeeks Voiced. .•. 10 The Ee/itor (Cont. from page 2, column 3) Dear Editcr: OF Class Absences EliminatesMoney Fines Dadaistic principles in that a very l Unaccustomed as I am to public let- definite picture may be drawn from ter-writing, I venture now to associ- The regulations of the absence system as drawn up by a faculty committee it. Perhaps one may suggest that it ate myself with that group of rrus, for the second semester are as follows: Faculty Member Explains belongs to the impressionistic school trated college politicians, armchair A. Regulations applying to all students of thought. Again, it is entirely pos- generals, etc., who write letters to the 1. Attendance is required at the first meeting of a class. Failure in this Provisions Of Cut Plan sible that this neo-Dadaistic move- editors in an effort to achieve some ad- is regarded as a phase of late registration and is subject to the fine ment is actually a pseudo-Dadaistic justment of an unfortunate state of therefor (two dollars). The absence is also counted in the total men- For Second Semester movement. At any rate there is a big affairs-such an effort usually com- tioned in paragraph .C. 2 below. difference between the two schools, as ing to a bad end. I feel, however, that By Dr. William Ridington may be shown by printing a little in the present case the intelligence 2. Attendance is also required during the last seven calendar days of a a The Gold Bug has asked me to poem by Tristan Tzar-a, the leader of preceding the day or half-day semester and during immediately and innate courtesy of the group to holiday and the day immediately following a holiday. Absence at comment on the way the absence rules the original Dadaists which has which I appeal leaves no question of to take effect with the second semester no title, thus: the final result. such times will be counted double, (except for illness not involving A e ou 0 youyouyou i e ou 0 absence from Westminster). wiII ,work. We note that all money youyouyou 3. Attendance is also required at the time of announced tests. Respon- fines have been eliminated and that drrrr drrr drrr grr-r grrr grrrrrrr to two up sibility for getting the announcement rests with the student. Pen- absences are permitted in contrast to bit of green duration flutter weeks' class meetings alties are determined by the .teacher in charge. in my room the one week rule of this semester. A B. Regulations applying to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who during the student may be absent on the so- aexiiiieaouiiiibelly previous semester have attained an average grade of B or better and have called five dollar days and may miss shows the center I want to take it not received a grade below C in more than one semester hour of work more than two Saturday classes in ambran bran bran and restore ("Dean's List"). center of the floor any course if he restricts his absences 1. Attendance at class sessions is voluntary except for cases covered in at other times. beng bong beng bong Section A. In the case of laboratory work each instructor should be There are no longer excused ab- But, in criticism of Tzara's little jew- consulted as to his own requirements. sences as a part of the system. The el, it does Jack the breadth of mean- 2. A student loses his place on the'Dean's List if at mid-semester he has fact of excessive absence from class ing and the beauty of thought as a grade of D or below in more than one semester hour of work. is considered the pertinent fact, and shown by the pseudo-Dadaistic poem Regulations applying to all students who do not qualify for inclusion in not the reason for the absence. The of J. R. G. And yet there is little need to point out these obvious facts to the section B. double count provided for certain ab- intelligent reader, or if there is, just sences is the only point where the 1. Attendance at all possible class sessions is considered highly desir- go back and read Rogers' again. able. In case a student is absent from a scheduled class or confer- student ne~ds to see that his record is There probably will be a deluge of ence or laboratory period, it is understood that the work must be properly counted. To avoid the double criticism from the gentle readers in count the student's ap- name must made up, subject to the requirement of the teacher in charge, and relation to these two poems and to the student is expected to make arrangements in advance in regard pear on the infirmary list, or in the the comments about them probably to this whenever possible. case of day students satisfactory evi- running to the effect that, "It all dence of illness must be presented to 2. Students may be allowed a maximum of absences in each course equal the absence committee. In the case of stinks", or "Who the hell cares ?" or to two weeks' meetings of that course, regardless of the reason for official college trips the instructor in "I don't understand it", "It lacks pur- the absences. charge will report to the committee on pose", and any number of other rele- Responsibility for saving allowed absences for athletic events, field absences the names of. students in- vant remarks. In defense one might trips, etc. rests with the student. When a student ~ccumulates more volved. The Dean's List remains with than two weeks absences in any course, the Eornmittee on Absences privileges as at present. ~~~~~::~d aei~~~:s:n~nOfc:~Vt~~~~~::~ will notify the registrar that the grade for that course must be listed (Editor's Note: The above is the literature. Either one will be bene- as incomplete. This grade of "I" may be removed only by a test de- first of two articles written by facul- ficial depending upon what is put in- signed to occupy at least a full period, or by a mo:e. taxin.g require- ty members in explanation of the to it. Thus we conclude--and don't ment. It is considered a breach of good college cit.iaenship to take newly adopted absence system. The forget, "Damn the Reds.'" wilful and unnecessary absences. Students who persist in such action second article which will appear in will have their college situations subject to review and to appropriate the January 30 issue of the Gold Bug , A quotation by Adam Sly. disciplinary action. will be written by Professor John D. 2 A common phrase used without 3. Saturday absences beyond the second in any course. will be counted Makosky, head of the English depart- thought whether justified or not. double. All double absences will be counted single If caused by an ment. The articles are being published in Ringing Out Sororities ? official college trip such as sports or if due to illness not involving the hope that students and faculty name should absence from westmtneter. In this case the student's appear on the college infirmary list. will be more willing to cooperate and "In the spring a young man's fancy Dear Editor: to attempt to make the plan success- lightly turns to thoughts of ... " But I have been a sorority member fOJ:. We have taken on an exclusive loy- ful if they fully' understand the sys- a year and a half. During that time I permanent some of these hurts must alty rather than a campus loyalty. tem and all its provisions plus the since it was kinda warm for Decem, ber, Dan Cupid very capably stepped have found that-from a selfish point be. We sit in our bull sessions-pardon theory lying behind the maintainence into old Santa's boots. of view-the experience has been And what dumb reasons! A girl is me--cow sessions-and pull apart the of any absence system.) There is quite a formidable list of somewhat profitable. I have fonned a member of a racial or rtligious engagements. Evelyn Benson, '47, and several close friendships which, in all minority, doesn't have a closet full of members of other sororities. Our probability, might not have been pos- "sharp" clothes, weighs too much, is a elections are all full of dirty politics. Graduate Record Exam Ken Volk, '47; Anne Cain, '47, and Bob Rhodes, '49; and Dot Kullmar, It is a well-known fact that most vot- sible had there not been the common constant dean's lister, goes with a ing is determined by sororities. And '49, and Harry Yingling, '47, have bond of sorority "sisterhood". Also I boy that somebody in the sorority dis- Is Offered February 3-4 provided grist for the Western Mary- have enjoyed numerous social func- likes, doesn't wear enough make-up, if anyone is given a job that she real- Graduate students and seniors an- mill. Others went off- tions through the sorority. attends SCA regularly, is just not ly doesn't want or feels incapable of ticipating graduate work will be given land marriage their choice of mates, campus for well-known, or rooms with somebody taking, she has to take it anyhow- But now I wonder if it's really who is "nobody". Or just doesn't ap- for the glory of dear old Pi Omicron an opportunity to determine their na- among them Shirley Snyder, '47, to worth it. Is that little bit of good peal to somebody. Or (as in most Tau. tional collegiate standing by taking a Jack Garver of Hagerstown; Mary worth all the harm done by the exist- cases) just no reason at all. These I will admit that sororities at Graduate Record Exam to be given in Jane Collerd, '47, to Eddie Schanck ence of sororities on the campus? excuses sound very silly. They are. western Maryland are not as harm- two sections in Science Hall, Room of Westminster; Donald Lewis, '49, to Of course the most flagrant. wrong But for each one I have mentioned I ful as those in many colleges, but I 210, on February 3, at 1:00 p. m. and Norma Jean Konig of Baltimore; is done to those who don't g"!t bids. can name at least one girl who was still feel that they do not justify their February 4, at 8:30 a. m. Requiring Betty Dean, '49, to Alfred Dillow of Whether a girl cares to join a soror- kept out of a sorority. And those are existence. This is not solely my own one half-day each, the first test will Hollywood, Maryland; and Charlotte ity or not, she is certain to be hurt if the standards by which we judge just opinion but that of everyone to whom be in general academic subjects, the Brown, '49, to Charles Harvey Peltz second in the major field or fields. she is not bid. Besides meaning that what lucky girls we will. grant 'the I have spoken on the subject. If this of Sparrows Point. she will be left out of many campus rare and inestimable privilege of our feeling really does prevail on campus, Candidates for the exam must fill in Wedding bells mingled with Christ- Hauver, '47, activities, it means to her that she is oh so desirable frlendahip. I think that some definite action application forms, obtainable from Dr. mas bells for Joanna '47; John Elliot, D. S. Sanford, Room 212, Science Hall, and Herb Doggett, But this sorority business seems to either disliked or ignored. I'm sure me to be harmful not just to individ- should be taken. which must be mailed not later than '49, and Janet Gilbert of Arendts- With love (toward all), that we can't guess how deep or how uals, but to the campus as a whole. Me. January 17, 1947. ville, Pennsylvania; and Deloris Hartke, '45, and Floyd Thomas, '50. A/.o;u;
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