Page 24 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Nov. 14, 1946 World Student Service Drive Progresses Eleven WMC Seniors To Appear As Committee Aims For Goal OF $1000 In Who's Who Stue/ent Publication (Continued from page 1, column 5) Having served as president of her Western Maryland students and class for three years, Shirley Snyder faculty have begun the WSSF drive Another football star well-known is now its historian. She has also toward the goal of $1,000, it was an- on campus for other achievements as represented her class on the May nounced by Mary' Wright Silvey, well, Art O'Keeffe is president of Al- Court for the past three years. A chairman. pha Ganrma Tau, vice-president of member of the Trumpeters, the Argo- Mr. Theocharis Rendis of Greece the senior class, and is another mem- nauts, Phi Alpha Mu, and the Col- her of the cast of Janie. in his speech in chapel, November 3, :i" lege Players, she now has the lead in talked of the deplorable conditions ..U Al Resnick, capable president of Janie. existing in Greece which greatly ~.:. 11&. the Men's Student Government, is Another member of the Janie cast, hamper the student in his desire for """~~ '_' ~f~' Margaret Statler is editor of the education. His remarks brought to ;~:o s~~~~~ei~n b:~~:~'all:e~~::;l~~n:, Gold Bug, president of the Argo- mind how fortunate students are here . • •. ~~ ~ . '. ~ \.., ~:~~:n~:uH=n~ :h:~~~;rB~g ~~~ nauts, and a member of the Trump- in America. Greece, however, is only one of the , y '.~~. \: '.. ',I eters, and of the College Players. .war-stt-ieken regions. The fund will ;:.~~~n l'~ .:'.:~:e~a~~~~eth;a~~:;':fL:~!,;~:~~so Kenneth Volk is president of Gam- provide relief for 400,000 students in eo:: ~ -:, Housepresident~fMcDaniel,Mary ma Beta Chi and well-known as one 18 other ravaged lands. The goal :.:. . ."-",, ,'" _,_ • Wright Silvey is vice-president of 'I'ri of our star tennis players. WMC has set this year is $1,000. This \ -;_.:£.~" " ~ '~. ,.~ _ . ~tI~t!r~a:~~: ~ht: ~e~b::c:~t~~~ money will be used to feed 50 stu- dents for one month. College Players, and a potantial mem- SMITH 8:: REIFSNIDER Contributing is a small way for ber of the Argonauts. She was a students to show their appreciation transfer from Salisbury State Teach- for the educational opportunities of- ers' College, where she was elected to fered here in this country. Who'll Who as a sophomore. The following people have been Dodd, Virginia Dodd, Maradel Clay- chosen as WSSF canvassers: Ed ton, Mary 'Sanda, Phyllis Houck, Hammersla, chairman; Ward and Mary Childs, and Janice Chreitzberg; Hering Halls, Bob Dubel, Jim Leo- Albert Norman Ward, Gordon Groby, nard, Jim Ogden, and Bob Grumbine; chairman, Marshall Engle, Section 1, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Starkey, off George Carr, Section 2, Hugh Bur- campus; Charlie Fleming and Don gess, Section 3, Bill Eibr;, Section 4; Bradley, Gym; faculty solicitors, Cassell Hall, Carol Cromer, chair- Betty Powell, chairman, Doris Van- man, and Aileen McIntyre; day stu- sant, Mary Lou Parris, Charlotte dents, Marie Lawson, chair-man, and Goodrich, Kitty Brown, Eunice Ev- Mildred Shipley; and in Blanche ans, Dorothy Ruppert, and Janet Ward, Marian Stoffregen, chairman, Raubenheimer ; McKinstry, A. Row- Naomi Harper, Jeannette Milhol- an, chairman, Eleanor Price, Marian land, Beatrix Clarke, Beverly Hol- Auld, and Lois Sauter; McDaniel land, Betty Little, Martha Witter, Hall, Fonda Boyer, chairman, Mary and Jo Ann Brown. STAR OF THE CHESTERFIELD SUPPER CLUB AU NBC STATIONS Colonial Jewelry Company 32 W. MAIN ST. WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 303 ea/l/lO./l
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