Page 23 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Nov. 14, 1946 Terrors In Final Grid Games Of Season As Dickinson Devils Are Met At Carlisle And Mount St. Mary's On Hoffa Field Def~ated Hampden-Sydney Green Leads State Teams And Randolph-Macon With 4 Wins, One Loss Conference I in the meeting on Hoffa Field that I Mason-Dixon year, his passes backfired when Mike Phillips intercepted two and ran for . touchdowns. As a running mate he p," , . has Jerry Miller, a speedy and dan- before the afternoon is over. Carlton lI-1ffldell a a gerous back who may spell trouble Blocking back has played good ball this year and will start against c Western Maryland rules slight fa- vorites but the boys from Carlisle are ~:~~s~~. G~:;s:~:~~ed every contest this year and scored first touchdown of. en~a7~:ri;:b~~::~O~a~~ t:p:::S~~~ tough and it will develop into an In- teresting session. scores, Charlie Havens' band of grid- iron warriors invade the stronghold .Play Mounts November 23 In This Corner of the Red Devils of Dickinson Col- The Mountaineers from Emmits- lege this Saturday. The following burg will help the Terrors ring down Dickinson One Of Toughest Foes week the Terrors close their current the curtain on the 1946 football ac- tivities when they visit the local oval Mt. St. season when they entertain With Ace Backs Miller, Rehor Mary's on Hoffa Field in their first on November 23. The Mounts far have in not been too successful thus meeting since 1942. con- the three the season, dropping By N. '\1. Wolfsheimer e Never Lost Hamecoming Game George Nonnan tests they have played to date. The By virtue of the 38 to 6 trouncing Senior guard is listed for starting home team will again play the role of (Sports Editor, The Gold Bug) .. handed Hampden-Sydney on Novem- assignments at Dickinson and Mount favored, but the lads from the foot- ber 2, Western Maryland kept a St. Mary's after playing good ball all hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains western Maryland's gridders will be facing one of their toughest foes of the current season when they meet Dickinson this Saturday at Carlisle, Pa. clean slate in never having lost a usually play their best game when Like the Terrors, the Red Devils will enter the game with a record of Homecoming tilt, and rang up the they meet the Green and Gold. four wins in five, but the defense of Dickinson has held much better than largest number ,of pOi.nts in one game cobson who tallied twice and picked Nevertheless, the only Mt. St. since they swamped little Shenandoah Western Maryland's since they have bad only 25 points scored against them. up 140 yards along the ground, the Mary's victory since 1921 came in On the other hand Western Maryland has allowed their opponents 62 points, College in 1936. From the opening Terror offensive worked as smoothly. 1939, when coached by a former but has scored 102 points against the 50 points that Dickinson has picked kickoff it was evident that the home as it has in any game. O'Keeffe and Western Marylander, Jim Draper, was situation. of the master team up this year. Terror backs found it a fine oppor- Walt Piavis also crossed over into they upset the dope-bucket and Definitely a marked man on the Biddle Field grid this Saturday will be paydirt, with Corrado adding to his grabbed a 21 to 6 win at Emmits- Doug Rehor, the spectacular passer of the Red Devils. In 1941 Rehor com- tunity to f~tten up averages as Art season's total booting two extra burg. In the last two games however, pleted 101 out of 202 passes to lead all the passers in the country and was O'Keeffe powered over for two touch- points, and Giannelli a single one. only three points have separated the picked on the Little All-American team. This season in addition to having downs and dropkicked an ext.ra point • Uniforms Missing two teams in each battle, both Ter- the passing of Rehor, Dickinson has little Jerry Miller as a runner and con- for a total of 13, snd H ank ._eorrado, Dickinson presents the local outfit ror victories, 24 to 21 on Echo Field and Leo Joe Giannelli, Walt Piavis, in 1941, and 3 to 0 on the local grid- sequently has a well balanced attack and no longer can the opponent of the Lathroum each tallied once: Buford with their last big test of the season. iron the next year. Devils play for strictly a passing game. With the cancellation of their last The only loss that Dickinson has suffered this season was a 19 to 7 defeat Zephir placekicked for one point. game because of a uniform mixup, by Washington & Jefferson. The Generals have had an in-and-out season, but Line play was also outstanding as the Carlisle club has had a two-week Baby Terrors in their last outing they beat the once-strong Carnegie Tech eleven 48 to O! they held the Tigers to a net ground layoff and should be set to go. The Win or lose in the next two contests, it will mark the first winning sea- gain of five yards. Red Devils have lost only one game son for Western Maryland since the 1938 season when they w'j)ll five, lost two e Jaeobson Gains 140 Yards this season, that to Washington and Play Tomorrow and tied one game. Thus far in the current campaigns the Terrors have scored Continuing in their stride, the Jefferson, and this being their Home- 102 points and that too, is the highest total that the Green has been able Havens' aggregstion chalked up coming fray, will be out to make it Meet Johns Hopkins to amass since 1938 when for the eight games the team tallied 109 points their fourth triumph in five outings, tough for the Terrors. while the opposition picked up 64. • by lacing Randolph-Macon in a Ma- The Pennsylvanians' big gun is the On Hoffa Field Al Jacobson, due to his sterling effort against Randolph-Macon when he son-Dixon encounter by a 27 to 0 throwing arm of Doug Rehor, who In an effort to bring their picked up 140 yards by running, now has the best average gain among the score. Once again the Green and Gold also pitched against the Green before up to the .500 mark, the Junior record Var- Green Terror backs as he now has a 6.2 average for the 37 times that- he found themselves completely in both schools dropped football for the sity will tackle the "B" squad of has carried the ball this season. charge and but for several penalties duration. I~ 1941 he was honored by Johns Hopkins tomorrow afternoon Art O'Keeffe and Hank Corrado share the lead for the most ground the score might essily have been being placed on the Associated Press in a football game on Hoffa Field. gained by rushing, as each has 256 yards to his credit. O'Keeffe also leads higher. Paced by sophomore Al Je- Little All-American team, although The last two games played by the the passers since his completions have amounted to 102 yards and Jacobson Terror "8" team resulted in defeats, has tossed the ball for 90. as they took it on the chin from Get- The Mount St. Mary's game will Booters To Play Maryland Away; tysburg 18 to 6 in a contest that saw mark the final grid appearance for the Green outgain the Bullets. Then O'Keefte, Sig Jensen, Bart and George at Williamsport the Dickinson Junior Norman, as they are all seniors. 'I'hese Bullets At Home In Last Games College thumped the Baby Terrors to men all played for Western Maryland TERRORS BEAT FROSTBURG 8 to 0 ON TUESDAY the tune of 30 to O. before the war and also had a big hand Mike Phillips, the yearlings' coach, in the return of football to its high plane Western Maryland's up and coming soccer team will seek its fifth win is trying to get help from Charlie Ha- at Western Maryland this fall. of the season tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 p. m., when it meets a battling vens for the Hopkins tilt since many A blow that is more to the moment Gettysburg squad on the local turf on the seventh fairway. of the JV gridders have been sitting The Bullets will be doubly anxious to take a victory back home to G-Burg is the fact that Joe Kittner will be out since this is their last game of the present season and they will be out to on the varsity bench in the past few of the picture for the remainder of the inflict a loss on the home team as revenge for their early season 18-6 loss to weeks. season. When he was hurt in the Dela- ware game, it was thought that he the football team. Battlefield squad of Captain the would be able to resume activity after a will be Eugene Ries who is the right that this tilt promises to be a close one filled with a great deal of excite- few weeks rest, but the knee injury was aggravated in practice this week. Kitt- wing. Although the Gettyshurg boys ment. ner was picked on the All-Maryland have not compiled an impressive rae- The home team, after what might team in 1941 and his playing meant a ord, it must be noted that they have be called a slow start, has progressed lot to the team since the squad is small tackled quite a tough schedule. They greatly to collect a very pleasing set and an experienced man is of great have beaten Bucknell, lost to Penn of scores with early losses to Haver- State, Swarthmore, Navy and Rut- ford and Loyola and wins over Salis- value. At present Bill Kern has been gel'S and tied Hopkins with a last bury State Teachers, Washington shifted from center to tackle to take up minute goal. The only basis upon College, and Delaware and II tie with the slack in the tackle slot, and will whieh Western Maryland and the G- Hopkins. probably see action in a reserve capacity burg booters can be compared is the • Versatile Line J06 Kittner this week. Hopkins encounter, which would say Led by the stellar line play of Ernie McFadden, Ken Volkart, and Joe Touch. Football League Title Thompson, center forward, who have compiled three goals apiece, the team- has begun to roll up their victories. A Undecided Until Last Game dependable line of halfbacks whose at centre half, is Tom Price leader flanked by Tom O'Leary on the right and Homer Earll on the left, has By AL RESNICK functioned very effectively through- Ken Volkart Veteran lineman is tied for scoring FLASH: Preachers and Bachelors as they have one extra game to play. out the season. lead of Terror boaters. play to 7-7 tie yesterday The Gammas f~ce a Herculean task • Hopkins Game 1 to 1 With three games remaining to be and must down .the Preachers and Two persons who deserve as much After playing the role of underdog played within the next week, the Frat Bachelors On successive days to win if not more credit than the others are for three periods, a rejuvenated team football t:tle remains undecided. With the title. The Gamma Bets meet the the big guns of the" back-backfield," with an inspired line pushed their a national league baseball finish, the Preachers on Monday, November 18, Bill Merriman and Jack Spielman. lone marker across in the waning champs may not be crowned until the and the Bachelors on the following They both have played a powerful minutes of the fourth period after last day of the season. day. brand of ball all season and have been threatening throughout the last ses- Only a single point separates the The Bachelors Club defeated the the big reasons why the opponents sion. The score was made by Joe Gamma Bets and the Preacher Clubs. Black and Whites 13-7 on November have failed to score a good many Thompson on a ball that hit the goal The Bachelors hold the key to the 7 to leave the cellar for-rthe first time more goals. post and bounded into the net. title as the Blue and White team this season. In a hard 'fought contest In what was perhaps one of their The Blue Jays field~d a very im- must battle both contenders this which remained undecided until the Jack, Spicbmll most impressive starts of the season, pressive aggregation which held the week. An upset victory over one of closing seconds, lanky John O'Hara, the Green lind Gold came from be- Terrors In awe 'til the line broke the the contenders could very easily Bachelor end, caught one on the end- Terror goalie has II very goOd goal hind 1n the last period to tie a good spell in the quarter. Hopkins throw the title the. opposite way. The zone to give tbe Blue and White Club average this season as team is figbt- Hopkins team 1-1 at Homewood laat soared on a penalty kick. by Karl Ps- (Continued on 'page 4, column 2) Preachers ~tWJ.",.",~vored position • "13-7 win, ing for Mason-Dixon ho.ll.o!~. Frlda;y. .
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