Page 22 - TheGoldBug1946-47
P. 22
The Gold Bug, Nov. 14, 1946 provisional members were; Eleanor Charlotte Collins, Geraldine Fraternity Council Soccer ... Tri-Beta Initiates Jesse Myers. Jacqueline Frizzell, Morris, and Prof's Puns Goodrich, . Professor Hurt is still pulling those States Rulings (Continued from page 5, column 5) Nine Members Marie Wilson, last year's Tr-i-Beta jokes of his. Among the latest is this: permeister late in the first half and president, has recently achieved the "Do you know what the definition of By ROBERT GRUMBINE held on for dear life until the visitors Nine new members were initiated honor of having her biology seminar a wave is1 Answer-An old salt in a The Inter-Fraternity Council of flnally scored. Neither team was able into the Alpha Mu Chapter of Beta on "DDT as a Stomach Poison for new shaker who goes down to the sea Western Maryland College exists to to score during the two five-minute Beta Beta, National Biological Fra- Honeybees" published in the October in slips. Pardon, I mean ships." overtime periods although the Green ternity, in a ceremony held at the 1946 issue of Bioe, a ejour-nal pub- ::P~~::e!h~ne~:!e~~l~ :~:t~~ !:~t:~n~ and Gold sparkle clearly outshone any home of Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, spon- lished four times yearly by the na- coordinating group among the four attempts of the Jays to score. sor, on Monday, October 28. Marian tional headquarters of Beta Beta Beta Miss Smith Directs "Jenle" social fraternities represented. On Wednesday the Terror boaters Stoffregen, Annabelle Glockler, Phyl- Fraternity. (Continued from page 1, column 1) During the following four weeks, traveled to College Park to play the lis Houck, Marie Lawson, Catherine Holloway, Jr., Frances Bartley, An- each fraternity will sponsor a smoker University of Maryland in a renewal Marshall, Mildred Ohler, Sally Smith, Tri-Beta holds a meeting, followed na Lee Butler, George Wilson, Betty in its clubroom inviting those non- of the soccer series that was ha1te~ Helen Walker, and Dr. Whitney were by a tea, every Tuesday at 4:30 p- m. Powell, Emajane Hahn, Stanley fraternity men, especially freshmen, by the war. The Terrapins formed' invited to become members because in McDaniel Lounge. The officers this Hamilton, Robert Mathias, Betty according to individual club regula- their team only a few weeks ago and they had averaged "B" or. better in year are as fellows: Janice, Blades, Anne Cain, Margaret Statler, tions. The purpose of these smokers they are still an unknown quality. twelve semester hours of biology, and president; Mary Wright Silvey, vice- Donald Bailey, Arthur O'Keeffe, Har- is twofold, first, to acquaint non-frat had accumulated forty per cent "B" president; Anne Little, historian; and ry' Adams, George Norman, James men with the various clubs and their Stuclents Practice Teach grades in their other subjects. A~ne Fullerton, secretary. Elliott, and James Cotter. members; second, to afford an oppor- Five provisional members were ac- tunity for the club members to meet In Montgomery County cepted on the basis of their interest non-frat men. Smoker invitat'ions are in biology and their scholastic aver- FOR RENT not to be confused with bids as these Dr. Bromo, superintendent of age of forty per cent "B" grades. The will be distributed prior to the Christ- schools of Montgomery County, has Theo. F. Shaelfer COSTUMES and FORMALS mas holidays and are to be returned made it possible for a program to be Master Plumber following Christmas vacation. carried out whereby four Western ~ - Dorothy Elderdice As agreed upon by the Council, re- Maryland seniors in education will 92 W. Main St. freshments and entertainment will be practice teach in his county. Janice Margaret & Earl's 75 W. Green St. provided at the smokers and at no Dtvers, Jewell Haines, Mary Wright phone 359-J other time should there be organized Silvey, and Bill Hall are those chosen Students' Center Westminster, Md. rushing. for this valuable opportunity. Westminster, Md. Phone 57 Remember-I. Don't be attracted Phone 214-W by the "big time" or "large talk" of any fraternity. 2. Don't hesitate to PICTURE FRAMES SANDWICHES- find out all you can about the frats made to order sorr DRINKS on the hill. 3. Don't pledge to a group Large Selection of in which you will be a misfit. Remem- ber that a fraternity and its associa- Mouldings 1)O~~jJJ~ tion are not for a day or a college Prompt Service term but for a lifetime. 4. Don't be misled. When the time comes for you T. W. Mather & Sons Flowers for Every Occasion to state your choice of fraternities, be ICE CREAM wise, look at things squarely and Department Store Stewart N. Dutterer from all sides. Discuss ~e frat situa- tion with your classmates---they will FLORIST CONVENIENT PARKING SPACE _ be the men with whom you will have 70 COMFORTABLE SEATS closest contact if you join the same Run Right to Pennsylvania Ave. fraternity. Be careful and don't be Y2 MILE SOUTH OF· WESTMINSTER drawn to the group which puts on READ'S Phone 350 the biggest front, but pledge to the BALTIMORE BOULEVARD fraternity in which you will be the For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries ON'ROUTE 140 happiest. and all your The main function of the frats is to sponsor fellowship among men DRUG STORE NEEDS RADIOS, FURNITURE, ...............-'.v .v .v~ through competition in scholastic 15 E. Main Street, standing and in intra-mural athlet- and Suggestions ics, dances, and social intermingling Westminster, Md. ELECTRICAL in the fraternity rooms. APPLIANCES fo' 1. Stoner Geiman RADIO_ELECTRONIC Holiday Gifts • SERVICE has ,able model Radios of . JOHN EVERHART 77 West Main Street Famous makes, COLLEGE JEWELRY- RECORD PLAYERS, ETC., The College Barber for immediate delivery KEY CHAINS RINGS Prompt and Efficient Radio and Bobber Headquarters for Candy LOCKETS MONEY HOLDERS Repairs Radio Electronic Service AT THE FORKS COMPACTS BABUSHKAS 14 W. Main St. Phone 703 Goldee's Goodie Shoppe BRACELETS CIGAREITE CASES CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Opposite State Theater Barnes Appliance Service FULL COURSE DINNER SHOP EARLY Compliments 11 A. M.-2 P. M_ AT THE Bendix Home Laundry 35c of All kinds of Electrical Appliances Serviced College Book Store and Repaired BONSACK'S Speed Queen Washers and Ironers Last chance to order your ••h...h••V....hV........h·h.....•...•...•...•...•.....•.........•...•.....•.....•...·N.·•• 45 EAST MAIN STREET SODAS LUNCHES WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 793 Personal CHRISTMAS CARDS STATIONERY Phone 300 J. WM. HULL, Jeweler MATCHES The Artcraftsman CARROLLEEN Successor to Cassell's After November 20 we will 80 EAST MAIN STREET The Store of New Fashioned not guarantee delivery Opposite Post Office Jewelry and Old Fashioned Individual Coiffures Honesty Beauty in its Entirety P. G. Coffman Co. Times Building 66 W. Main St. East Main St. Westminster, Md. WESTM,NSTER, MD. Westminster, Md. TAILOR-MADE GIFTS SPECIALIZES IN GIFTS FOR Save With Safety At The HEAGY'S BARBER SHOP COLLEGE STUDENTS Rexall Drug Store Benny's Kitchen Old Spice, Friendship Garden, FIVE BARBERS Cara Nome, Orloff and Where old friends meet Berganot Toiletries and like to ear Westminster's Most Listen to the Jimmy Durante- PACKAGES MAILED AND INSURED Garry Moore Rexall Drug Modern and ~nitar:r Shop Radio Show every Strictly home cooked food Friday evening ANYWHERE IN U.S.A. 9:30 P. M., WCAO and 59 W. Main St., Westminster "For the hair of those who WFMD care" AT. OUR EXPENSE Westminster 654-J SCHMITT'S REXALL DRUG STORE 24 West Main Street S5 E. Main St. phone 298
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