Page 50 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 50
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 16, 1946 Along The Way Iud q.0IJ,q.un Student Governments Reveal Ideas A Serious Senior S.tin, I BY BETTYSCHMIDT OF Students, Faculty From Poll the D.C. Heath Publishing About Adopting So-called traditional editorials do on the "faraway HiJI"-prayers that A few weeks ago a salesman rep- Honor System not please us as we look up from our they may gain some of their hearts' resenting position on the hard editor's chair desires, the serving of six meals a Company was on campus. When his By Henrietta Jones and then as we look at the copy day, the establishment of modern turn came to interview Prof. Hend- ' Student combined Men The Women's and made spread around tls-"Farewell, Dear Gold 811g and Aloha offices, with pri- rickacn the salesman inquired if he G"~ernment. wi.1l to make known the reeult. fac"lly me"'ber" were of tho.e available to The us. He,.., are the r~'ult" two·6lth", Seniors!"-"Ninety to Get Degrees" vate desks and telephones for each of used the D:C. Heath Freshman Hand- of t~" poll of opinion. on the introduction of .d~ocates of an houor SyStem at '1'". M. C. 8" -"Juniors to Honor Seniors With the staff members, and many other book. ~onor oy.tem at 'Yeolern M..ryl ..nd Col outnumbered ~hose opposing by ..bout Z In I. Rose Cup Ceremony!" The last issue crying wants that are readily visible "No, I do not," replied our profess- i:·~~);":h~I;~~~rtt~db~c~!~~~~!::,pi~.~oo~:h::r~~ ~e roll~ge os,an~~h~;,~l~~~~~!~~;;v;;er~~~~te·if:,: of the system di'""owal entrance of a paper naturally is and deserves to our beloved seniors since they have or quite vigorously. "It has too many • St.udent Reactions to be a senior issue, but we hope that been fighting for the same things" mistakes in it." And picking up the Avproximotely 375 student. con'plied with ~~~~\~;J~l~~h~;~~:u~~1~::d:i~~0"v~~~Si;: m;E~ consider Court the seniors will excuse us from the since their arrival at the institution! handbook, he proceeded to point out a ~I~~~ere~~~~~\~'.:.~~i~~. thf~ltq~j,~tio;e~dir",;f ?~ ully·admim"tratlO~·stndent unanimous. That fRculty to oaoh case wao .lmost "gush and goo" of Dewey farewells! If our learned loyal leave-takers number of errors to his visitor. "I bonor system ~t; 'V. studenlo thlln ot the perceo&- member. ~.p .... entatiY"s do not wish to chonse stu them,elvea M. C., " lerger don't blame you a bit for not using for "ystem honor ~ge of the women ri~nt men the We just wanted to say that we will only keep foremost upon their .tudents ca' t~cir vote in luor of it. COUrt '" shown hy thc,r voting for .!I1dent hope that all the western Maryland consciences those two precepts that we it," offered the enlightened salesman. 1'he so'~'e '·at,o of approxim ..teTy Z l(t 1 pre election and .tuden! government. pre.ident- fa f"c"Tty f8~or '~,lcd member 01 tho '" one .igning of an Only order. in thot honor graduates of the class of '46 will en- have offered to them so generously, The next week Prof. Hendrickson Illeg~~r a~o~ Ps';.';,rd:~~it;ecf,:'.:dedOll~[:iren!rilu~:: ~.~~~. faculty appointment of .ta1ont. to the D.C. Heath joy complete relaxation and loafing we will be proud to say to others and received a letter that from the Handbook "e's 10 hove the .'gnature of their name" Most laeult.y memherll ,·ou,o in favor of an saying himself, pledge system for the rest of their natural lives! to ourselves and to them that they represent,. .y.ten: on of a their test. compli"nce with honor expre.sing Iiolit.ed to scholastic work with the honor Opinion was that. we are not I.he opinion 'o"'e After all, look at the hard work that were graduates of fair Western :~~IJu~'~o~~in~h:e;~:es~'" a:~ti~h~r:f~ r~t~er sharply d,vidad (1) the question of .. yet. reAdy for the broader, moro incluai~e they put behind getting that piece of Maryland r Hendrickson should se~d in the cor- codesy'tern.e.g., the tapping 01 a pencil to .chola"l!c·social honor sysu,m. Failure of the wa" discovered ,,'on couroe ln wllic~ c~eating p;:roem~h:~c~~! sheepskin. Why should they not lay Procrastination is a great evil in rections. Prof. Hendrickson sat him- ~:~~~~::'co~~~~ter~ i~I~"vt~:. of " court with rep· out over both expulsion and ',,"pension, with as appronl mony vot"d aside all work from here on in? And this world of ours-an evil of which self down before his typewriter and r.esenI8ltve. of t.he fao.ulty. the Rdminist ... tho latter two almost the same m,m· bernf,·otea.Saveralprofe""ol""expressedt.he andthe.tudentbodYlnconaiderCllch t,,,,,. if they are challenged about leading at least 100'/0 Qf us are guilty! Now arming himself with the Handbook, i"dividual case "8 voted "gainst it. Some opinionthat.eaeheascahnuldbetreatediodi· i. concerned. ,·idual1y as far as punishment a preferenco such lives, they can always use the' some people may call the above five he began to type up the errors! "f ~o"rt Ihodi88enters.toted of students, and for one a entirely compo.ed sheepskin as a symbol of their great paragraphs merely another form of The following Saturday morning he HHdent. fa"ored h",·ing a studont council with o willlngnesa To Report to report accomplishment in life, which is procrastination-which they probably rushed excitedly into the English of- "facul1.y"ovi"er. olection Bnd using student \\"A8 The wi1l(ngnes. to one in 5 CUO 01 cheanog four ag-re d~C,"ioM. finding". and general recommen flingers. Here's to a life of flowing they will fulfill all the purposes of a $41 income-tax bill. • Only Scholastic Work 01 Rnhonor dation" t~"t to the adlninietraHon. Two profes.or. they thought "tntod pl..n was tn the be,t A preference for the limitation trnstwort~y rosebuds! traditional editorial without such an Better luck next time, professor! oy"t..", to oohol".tic work TRther than the ~ssuma that. their until students ere are proved other- they And honorable w". WELL? WHY NOT??? (You see, editorial ever being written! i"Glu~ion of social for albir. t·he genu~1 recorded t~e by ,,·i'e. "The hig thing nc~o"d i. ",,,,,, only A. t.he bnllotlDg. policy to this is the last issue of the paper for We would like to extend particular In this our last issue for the year ,chool should follow as ,'oted pUhl.hment. for lobe "ecured.byiacultytrusting.tudeni.aand students merihn<; trusting." "tudenla lor suspension more cheating. One profe.sor this year so we fear nought in asking farewell and gratitude to the three we must not neglect Prof. Hurt for he with fines for clas""" missed than for ..ny ties of tho inslructor felt i1 to be Ihe further duo 01 to wOrn the .tudents such a question, feeling certain that faithful senior members of the Gold has been a constant source of infor- the consequences of disbonestyin his depart· by the time fall rolls around this mas- Bug staff who have kept beside US" mation throughout the semester and :~~~.t: :~dm;~nt;:t~c~ o't~~~t t;~o;:o~Fgc~~~~~~ terful editorial will be forgotten and right up to this final issue in the de- we shall allow him to bow out (until such no collusion. plsgiari~inll". etc. Ono etti no one of the slave-drivers or of the tails of publishing this paper-Don- next year when we hope we'll hear tude toward reporting thusly, a ...iolation of Ihe honor all slated S)'l'tem was '.J belie~e that responsihility meeker lesson-learners will be able to aId Capobianco, our make-up editor, from him again) with this one: Have students own must nctions 1) nnd assume replltntions U far lor ao voice a reply!!) Mindelle Seltzer, our business man- any of you seen the latest poster the hon.strisconcerned;Z) recognize that honor The second idea with which the ager, and Lucy Jane Stoner, our ad- -- Travel Agency is using to is a port of all !ife aclivity--notjust toward teats: al" ~) a,"llme a oonMru~ti ...e atlitude graduates should concern themselves vertising manager. Learning in many advertise Samoa? On it is the picture Some students lelt Ihat. it. was more " l",r~l!t lock of honor in other "tuden!". This ,,"o"ldinyoh-eelforttohelpRlIhehonorable (without more than an Epicurean in- of our cour-ses that all things have a of a native girl and the words, 'Don't rt·o(e""M"re"pon.ibilitylo""ethat;chellting ~~mpu. ritizeno-not; tryin&" to oaleh people hi" tarest, however!) is the daily prayers general and a specific purpose, we sec you want to see Samoa?' doe" not ,hat go the on in profes'ors classroom and up sng· on -and punish tbem" ~ested tighlo,n offered for the poor remaining flock no reason wlty all things should not their proctoring- of tests. Se~eral expressed • Recommendat.ions for have a general and a specific dedica- .. n~m"" de.ire of those publio con"icted announcement of as the " 0" the basis of these finding" the Student che&hng of Scott if Frazier Don't be surprised t~e following wi.h to make tion. If this is not possible, we will starts to punctuate his everyday con- rllrt 01 the. punishment. helping to A few ,ugg""1ions who GoYernments administration. consideration the stude-nla reC. the of lor the ommendation" and the student t~.t roun.elmg f.culty. and the do it, at any rate, and will say that him preferable rhut"" were punishing and th ..t .upport of an honor helicve posters, pictures ) ea,pJe~ this issue is dedicated in general to to' versation with signs-that visualaids "·~r~ hand~d "not in willingne"" on 01 10 report question cheeked re \\'~ "r.M.C. i.• not. l·el. wholeheartod enougb system to .t"dents .t A fBirly ~qua1 numb~~ homemade "nn"and "ure·· the all the seniors and in particular t~~:m~ f,:~~rd"n;~~t i;~e "~a<:::~'; o~h"~~Or!'h;J: class has gone to his head, I've heard. <;orclingtheir a cheater. of ~heating etand on the qnestion BY DON CAPOBIANCO Cap, Min, and Lucy Jane! And by the way, Scotty, how do you ::;i;h ,,~~~~~:a1~~~1 ?~:;~:.If The :~:':r~~ii~kn flrmu ... nte time that the sit11,,\ion. in an Ht pITort to control So, in conclusion may we say that memhers th~ certain faculty western- Maryland will continue with- spell "political?" was recorded b)' one 'tudent thst he .Ir"ariy maintain high .I~ndard. in Ihi. Ie· Recently, Dr. Hutchings, president out the seniors just as it has done in ~l,';~~~~s '\oun~~~e f~:.~"";eo;!:t't "o~dt!=~"ler~~~ gard .hould l,apen \,r~, I~el depoaited thot. professor. in "dop~ of the University of Chicago, made a the past-seniors may carry with Graduation day is not far off, and 1Hm An~t~rr .11gge.tion fa~ored the club I"l)
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