Page 51 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 51
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 16, 1946 PAGE THREE Western Maryland To Play Host To All Fraternity Softball Team Team Four Colleges In Annual Golf Tourney Carroll Wallace Preachers Pitcher Joe Wilson Bachelors Catcher Homer Earll Preachers First Base Delaware, Hopkins, Loyola And Maryland Ken Volk and Gamma Bets Howard Phillips (Tie) Bachelors Second Base Tee Off 8:30 A. M. Here On Saturday John Adamovich Gamma Bets Third Base THE SEVENTH ANNUAL Western Maryland Invitation Golf Tourna- Homer Campbell and Preachers .. John Elliott ( Black and White Shortstop ment will be held this Saturday on the Green Terrors' course. As in past years the event will be a thirty-six Ken votkart Gamma Bets Left Field threesome teeing off at 8 :30 a. m. Thus far entries hole affair, with the first have been received from Dick Palmer Preachers Center Field Delaware, Ernie Leap Preachers Right Field Maryland, team. Johns Hopkins and Loyola in addition to the Western Maryland The "bo~e learn ""U picked by the' caplaina of Iha lour fraternity teams. who Judging from the showing of the Terrapin team in the Maryland State ~.l~ct.d all·opponent IMms. Collegiates last month, the College Park team will probably be installed as the pre-tourney favorite. The 'I'er-ps plan to send a four-man team, consist- ing of Leonard Liebman, Bill Neish, Paul Herring and Bill Cassedy. Loyola's Greyhounds Racquet Swingers Meet Dickinson tion that has been playing have stated that they will enterr the same aggrega- they will send for them all season, meaning that the two Sattysiaks, Leonard and Bernard, Bill Strausbaugh and Bill Brown. On Terror~' Courts Saturday Loyola barely nugged the Terrors in the State Tourney by the margins of one strike and the Green and Gold divot diggers figure to make up for that when this tournament is run off on Saturday. Maryland finished second in Hurtmen To Face Johns Hopkins Ndmen that event, Navy being the only team to have a better score than the Old Liner~. . Here In Season' s F[nale Thursday ClIPt. Dick Hausler The last Western Maryland Invite- won their own tournament for the tion was held in 1941 and the Terrors first time that year. Hopkins, Loyola, IN THEIR NEXT ENCOUNTERof the Volk, Jensen, volkm-t and R-esnick. and Bucknell were the only other present campaign; the Western Mary- all of whom tr-iumphed in straight With The Greeks teams competing in that year's event. land netmen will meet the Dickinson sets. Kenny Volkart got revenge for Eddie Johnson, of the University tennis team this Saturday at 2 :30 p. his only loss of the season to Johnny of Baltimore, was medalist for the m. on the Terrors' courts. Smith when he turned the tables to Preacher, Bachelor Softball Game tourney in 1941 as h~ walked off with Led by Kenny Yolk, Sig Jensen, beat Smith hundily, 6-1 and 6-2. almost every collegiate golf honor of Kenny Volkart and Al Resnick, the The Green and Gold had previously by Postponed To Monday Afternoon the year. Dick Hausler, captain of Green and Gold tennis team swamped beaten the boys from Gettysburg the present Terror golf team, finished Dickinson's net squad last Saturday a 5-3 court here at Western Mary- By AI Resnick closely behind Johnson in that tour- on the Indians' courts by a wide 8 to land on Friday, May 3. The highlight nament as Eddie had a 145 and Dick 1 margin. Volk defeated his opponent, of thc afternoon was when the num the Gammas and the Black & Whites. scored a 146 for the thirty-six holes. Stonesifer, in straight sets by 6-3 and ber one doubles combination, Volk Interfraternity League This will decide second place. Thus far in the season the Terrors 6-4 scores while Jensen toyed with and Volkar t, fought an uphill battle The season has been highly suc- have won only two matches against his opposing number two man, Coop- to down Katz and Smith after they cessful. Large numbers of students collegiate competition, while dropping er, defeating him easily also in Slandin" vI I·h. T,am. have watched each of the games six. George washington won from Pe~. straight sets, 6-1 and 6-0. Volkart Delta Pi AlphR ..• \V\ 5 1.000 played with vivid interest. The Western Maryland twice, and the and Resnick took their matches in A'pbs Gamma Chi Tau . 3 2 2 3 .~OO games have been well played and ex- Green split even with Haverford, and 400 Gamma Bela three sets as did Jack Lechllter and Pi Alpha Alpha 0 5 000 cellent sportsmanship could be seen Loyola while losing single encounters Roy Carter. The only match lost to DEFEATING THE Black & White throughout each game. to Hopkins and Delaware. the Dickinson boys was the number Club 14-4 on Monday for their fifth The Inter-Fraternity Track Meet This Saturday will mark the last three doubles. straight victory, the Preacher Club will be held today. The Clubs will The Terrors lost. their first match assured themselves of the softball compete in the 100-yd. dash, tie 220- of the year last Friday when they championship for the 1946 season. vd., 8BO-yd. runs and one-half mile were outclassed by a strong aggre- Surpassing all other clubs in pitch- relay. The field events will consist of gation irom the University of Mary- ing, fielding, and hitting, the champ high-jump, broad jump, and shot-put. land by 8-1 in a match played here. met little opposition. Only in a single A tie exists between the Preachers in the Prn- H was in this match that Kenny Volk game was their supremacy question- and Black and Whites and this will ternity Golf tournament his first defeat of the year ed. It took a last inning home-run by also be finished this week. A tennis hands of Dewey Smith, re- Ernie Leap to break up a pitching tournament is also in the process, and cently dicharged At·my captain, in duel between Carroll Wallace and Lee three sets. This match also proved Landuer, of the Gamma Bets. will also be completed by the end of this week. fatal to the number one doubles team The season closes with a single On Wednesday, May 22, an AU- composed of the "two Kennye" game to be played on Friday between Star aggregation will meet the (Volk and Volkart) who lost their Preachers in softball. This should be first match in four attempts to the a lively and a hard-fought contest. Old Liners' Smith and Ed LaBerge. Hen Yolk This game wiJI bring the best soft- AI Resnick was the only Terror to In This Corner ball players in the college to the fore- come through with a win as he de- lost their first set 2-6 by winning ground against the league champions. feated Bob Grogan in straight sets the Iast two sets by 6-3 and 10-8. by a fabulous 13-11 score in the As both teams bucked the terr-ific By N. J. Wolfsheimer, first and 7-5 in the second. This wind at one time or another during Sports Editor present the schedule is seven games was Grogan's first loss in intercol- the course of the match, western and not as yet eight for the powers legiate competition since his recent Marylanders won their second match DIRECTOROF ATHLETICSCharles W. to be at Catholic University have not Ed Johnson discharge from the service. Also this Havens has announced that the Green fully decided on football. The Cardi- golf match at Western Maryland for was the best attended match of the on the 27th of April from the Uni- Terrors will embark on either a seven nals will have no difficulty in arrang- Captain Hausler, who will graduate of Delaware score. by a 6-2 versity year at "Western Maryland. This match was played on a wind- or eight game football schedule this ing a schedule, but they dropped in ten days as wiII Bob Beglin. . Last Thursday, the Terrors packed swept, court which found the specta- coming season, opening the season on football before the National Emer- Prof. John Makcsky, the Western up and ran up the road to Gettys- tors wrapped in blankets as the the fifth of October in Gettysburg. gency and the vast majority of their Maryland golf coach, will be counting burg where they laid siege to the players scooted around the courts in This will be the first football at equipment has been disposed of. This heavily on Hausler, Ed Johnson, expenditures large would necessitate fort and came home with a 6-2 vic- shorts with beads of sweat running Western Maryland since the 1942 sea- on a sport that has been deempha- Fred Holloway, Jr., and Bob Beglin tory. Leading the way again was off their brows, at times. Volk, son when the squad compiled a four sized at the Washington institution to score low this Saturday so as to record one tied Jensen and Volkar t once again turned won, four lost and of S. L. Byham. ever since Dutch Bergman left Catho- retain possession of the trophy. A has never under the coaching western Maryland golfer performances winning M-D Track Meet at in stellar sets as AI Resnick lost his i:l Included in the victories that year lic U. a few seasons after taking the won the medalist cup and perhaps straight team to the Orange Bowl. one of the U., firat and only match of the season. were Boston Guard, Dickinson, Mt. Curtis St. Washington College is the olde8t this will be the year that will be able players and Bay aforementioned Coast Hopkins Saturday Mary's. The one tie was a 14 to 14 opponent on the schedule for the com- to turn the trick. Marshall, and Franklin the Shoremen CARROLLWALLACE will lead the W.A.A. Elects game with defeats came from the ing season. Grid relations began with Hausler demonstrated in 1942 that 1~n1892, but there have the while track men into Baltimore on Satur- hands of George Washington, Mary- been manu breaks in the scheduling hewas capable of scoring low enough day to compete in the anntal Mason- New Managers land, Gettysburg and Delaware. of gan!.es with the Red and Black to win. Holloway and Johnson both to win the Dixon Conference track meet. In the fi1·St two week.fl of October since only twenty-sU!; games have have the capabilities get off to good if they tournament This will be the first time in sever- IN, THE FINAL W.A.A. board meet- the Big Green will face the two teams been played in all those years and the al years that the Green Terrors wiIl ing of this year the following officers that will prDbably be the toughest bacon went to Chestertown on only starts. A thirty-six and hole event is a hot-and-cold grind a grueling compete in the M·D tourney and were elected for 1946-47: Jo Hauver foes the Terrors will face during the three DCCasW11.8. golfer will tend to "blow" cold before President __.. despite the fact that Western Mary- en-til·e season- lVestern Maryland ha.s Hampden Sydney and Randolph- land is not entering many men in any Vice-President., __ ._. Gladys Sause been able to defeat Gettysburg only Macon, the two Virginia colleges on the tourney is over, so the consistent of the events, the results should be Secretary __.. Pat Chatterton twice out of the eleven times that the schedule, will be met for the first golfer is the one desired in such a tournament. rather satisfactory in Westminster Treasurer Sally Smith these two. ~olleges have met on the time in Terror gridiron history. since the Terror cindermen pulled a Hockey Manager Louise Reese gridirDn. Delaware completed two un- Stan Kulakowski, a letterman in Manager Basketball mild upset last week in Washington defeated seasons in 1942 and ShOldd football, basketball and baseball when in a triangular meet with Catholic Margaret RUppenthal hU1Jeanother stl"Ong team this coming he was here prior to the war was vis- Dear Ed: U., and American U. when the Big Volleyball Manager iting the campus last weekend and This just about finishes us Green was able to gain second place. Softball Manager Mary Lou Stephens The Terror 1946 schedule: intends to return next fall. Otts for the year and I must thank Marty Witter Wallace won the 100 yard dash and Tennis Manager Wilma Steele October: Ken Volk and Volkart for my record bringing the 220 yard run to pace the Green Archery Manager Dot Gamber I 5 Gettysburg Away c.· .,. ~~~;~:~f~~~ti~j way up. runners and was helped by Buddy Golf Manager . . Dotty Wilder 11 Delaware Away The pair have won 11, losing 3. Abrams, Ken Van Nostrand, Jack Hiking Manager ....Annette McMahan 19 Mt. St. Mary's Home ~. ... . teams, hopes to be For next time: Ammon, Tom Dalgleisch and Lou Badminton Manager_. Sus Dixen 26 Washington Away [ . . out of the army in Western Md. to beat Dick- Pietroforte who were all able to Since softball games will not be November: inson-tennis. place in the event and gain points for comyleted until this week, the winner 2 Hampden Sydney Home time to resume ac- Maryland to win WMC In- next fall. tivities Western Maryland. will be announced later. Results of (Homecoming Day) O'Keeffe was one vitation Golf Tournament. Present plans call for the track recent A game~ have been: 9 Randolph-Macon Away Won Lost men to enter in the 100 yard dash, Seniors 4.._. Freshmen 29 16 Dickinson Away O~Keeffe ~!c~~e i~u~~~~~~~! 12 8 220 yard, 440 yard and one mile runs, Juniors 2._.__. Sophomores 23 23 Catholic U. Home in the 1942 season and if the army Yours truly, in addition to the broad jump, high Seniors 1 ._.__.... Sophomores 7 (Pending) has not slowed him we can expect jump and shot put. Sophomores 10 Juniors 11 It is well for all to note that at much of him this coming season.
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