Page 52 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., May 16. 1946 Organizations On Hill Choose New Officers For Next Year (Cant. from page 2, col. 1) Hurrah! You've made it! With too big." What's worrying us Juniors that day, like those of today, were your goal' ever before you, you have most is how we can possibly fill your Spring brings out the ballot box in Eleanor Pearson, vice-president; most of the organizations on the Hill. Jackie Kilham, secretary; Anne Cain, the "prophets of doom", spreading cast off the green ignominity of fresh- shoes-you've given us so much to manhood for the golden glow' of sen- dark clouds of gloom to dim the lovely live up to. Newly elected officers take over and treasurer; Chris Royer, Alumni sec- glow that gold was spreading over prepare for the coming year's activi- retary; Addie Crow, chaplain; and the land. iorhood. So, from the Juniors to the Seniors ties. Binkie Dexter, sergeant-at-arms. Excuse'the elegance of the langu- -Congratulations!! Ya done noble!! is a from the past Our heritage 1. No Saturday e wesley Groups Inter-sorority officers include Kay rich one, but it comes to us not with- age, but the book says that these Notes: 2. Obtained from classes. in farewell tributes are to be elaborate- basking The Wesleyauettes chose only one Wheeler, president; Lee Beglin, vice- out cost for we must still pay for the ly worded. I'm trying my best. Here the sun on the classless officer, the president, Shizu Yamagu., president; Jeanette Milholland, treas- folly that accompanied ~t. Much of goes-Seniors (is) (are)' a wonder- days from Tuesday noon chi. The presidential office of the urer, and Joanna Hauver as social the cost would not have had to be ful institution. Shucks, this isn't get- on. Weelyans will be held by William director. borne had the voices of those ide- ting anything said. 3. Multiple choice. Merriman, as determined by the elec- • Argonaut Society alists who were able to see beyond the 4. These notes are result of tions of May 13. To come to the point, you deserve The Argonauts have elected Mar- horizon of the present day and into everything "elegant" that could be "the term paper rut." • Four Sororities garet Statler as their president, Ar- the future were heeded. But the ma- said-you were kind to us as "the SHIRLEY SNYDER, As for sororities the new line-ups lene Chen as vice-president, Anna jority of men are like cattle-c-they verdant freshmen"-you were toler- Junior Class President. are as follows: Iotas' president for Lee Butler as secretary, and Fred have no individual minds, but a ant of us as "the silly sophs"-you the coming year is Joanna Hauver; Brown as treasurer. mass-mind, a crowd-mind, and aTC have been pals with us as juniors. We the vice-president, Betty Schmidt; unable to comprehend anything be- thank you! Compliments secretary, Frances Bartley, and treas- • Men's Student Government yond their own, immediate needs. of urer, Mary Wright Silvey. Mary The men on the Hill chose Al Res- They are moved only by emotions and You've seen a lot of changes in BONSACK'S your years Hershfeld and Dot Santini were nick for the president of their stu- hate change because it is contrary to Western Maryland in been here all you've dent government. Representatives here. Whether ac- chosen as sunshine officers and Fonda convention. Yet men like Dr. Hutch- the time; or whether you were one of SODAS LUNCHES Boyer was elected to record the his- cording to classes are as follows: ings cry out that they must be moved those excused from classes by Uncle Seniors, George Norman, Bob Grum- tory of the club. Phi Alph elections bine, William Sires; Juniors, Al Con- by means other than I emotion, and Sam, you've done a great deal to keep SMITH '" REIFSNIDER named Lee Beglin as president; Mar- ley, Jesse Sturky, Roy Carter; Soph- they must accept change if the future up that "good old Western Maryland Incorporated ian Stoffregen as her right hand is to he brighter than the past. spirit." Thanks again 1 LUMBER-COAL woman; Joan Johnson, secretary; and omores, Edward Johnson, Gordon It is true that Dr. Hutchings did WESTMINSTER, MD. Janice Divers, treasurer. Kitty Brown Groby, Charles Carter, not expound on the method of bring- The book also says that an article is the new Sergeant-at-arms; Betty • Doltn Pi Alpha ing about a program of adult educa- of this type should be elevated with a Powell, the new chaplain. Pat Patter- Reports from the fraternities indi- tion. To condemn him for not doing so quotation, but the only one I can Compliments of son is the Alumni secretary for cate that the Delta Pi Alpha is stupid, for it would be utterly im- think of is, in the words of Fats '46-!47 and the sunshine messengers ("Preachers"), have elected Sig Jen- possible for anyone man to do so. Dr. 'Valier, "I hate cha 'cause yer feet's Westminster Laundry for the Phi Alph club are Mary Ruth sen, president; N. J. Wolfsheimer, Hutchings was not making a propo- Phone 328 O'Kelly, Pidge Taylor, Lou Paris, and vice-president; Charlie Chlad, secre- sal, but was offering a challenge. And Naomi Harper. The officers of the tary; George Stephens, treasurer; it is incumbent upon us to' accept it. John Everhart Sigmas are: president, Jeanette Mil- Walter Dorsey, seegeant-at-arms ; We arc now -cu the threshold of THE COLLEGE BARBER holland; vice-president, S h i l' ley Jack Ammon, chaplain. another Commencement. Many of us AND BOBBER Radio Electronic Service Jones; secretary, Anne Little; treas- The Sunday School ejected as its will soon be leaving our college days urer, Betty Shockley; sunshine mes- 1946-47 president, Janice Divers. She behind us, but in doing so, if we fail AT "!HE FORKS 14 West Main Street senger, Eleanor Shilke ; inter-sorority will be assisted by Lillian Lines, sec- to accept the responsibility the future representatives, Jean Murray, Lyle retary, and Betty Blades, girls' vice- places upon us, our days here were in SELL AND REPAIR Johnson; Sergeuut-at-arms, Sarah president, and Ed Hammersla, boys' vain. It shall be part of our task to For Commencement Clothes Martha Moore; and Alumni secre- vice-president. The councilors will be see that those idealists who are labor- RADIOS tary, Arlene Chen. The Delts have Gordon Groby, Ted Quelch, Irma ing to hetter mankind are not scoffed For Commencement Gifts elected' Kay Wheeler as president; Eney, and Mary Childs. at, but exaulted and obeyed. For all your vacation needs Telephone 703 Remember HUTZLER BIUfHERS @: Howard and Saratoga Sts. Baltimore, Maryland Phone: Saratoga 1234 COl\IPLUlIENTS OF Barnes Appliance Service The Carroll Gardens Bendix Home Laundry All kinds of Electrical Appliances Serviced and Repaired Speed Queen Washers and Ironers Save With Safety 45 EAST MAIN STREET At The WESTMINSTER, MD. Phone 793 Rexalf Drug Store Old Spice, Friendship Garden, Cara Nome, Orloff and Run Right to Berganot Toiletries READ'S Listen to the Jimmy Durante. Garry Moore Rexall Drug Radio Show every For Fine,Cosmetics, Toiletries Friday evening and aU your 9:30 p, M., WCAO and DRUG STORE NEEDS WFMD SCHMITT'S 15 E. Main Street, REXALL DRUG STORE Westminster, Md. 55 E. Main St. Phone 298 Carroll Theatre· State Theatre WEST,l\:IINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. THURSDAY, MAY Hi THUR., 'FRI., MAY 16-17 "LE,'ITER FOR EVIE" . ., VOICE OF THE WHISTLER" Richard Dix Lynn Merrick Marsha Hunt John Carroll also "SENOR ITA FROM TIlE WEST" FRI., SAT., HAY 17-18 SATURDAY, MAY 18 "GlRL OF THE LJl\IBERLOST" "GUNNING FOR VENGEANCE" Dorindo Clifton Lbren Tindoll Charles Starrett SUN.-TUES., i\IAY UI-21 "HIT THE HAT" SUN.....,...THURS., MAY Ul-23 Judy Canova Ross Leonard "ZIEGFIELD FOLLIES" All Star Cast WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 "RHYTHM ROUNDUP" All Star Cast FRI., SAT.-MAY 24-25 "HOODLUM SAINT" THUR., FRI., MAY 23-24 \Vi!liam Powell, Esther Williams "HOUSE OF DRACULA" AngeJa Lansbury Lon Chaney Mar-tha O'Drescoll
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