Page 35 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 35
The Gold Bug.. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 28, 1946 PAGE THREE Mason-Dixon Tournament Starts Tonight Well Known Big Green Athletes Terrors Face Gallaudet Cagers In This Corner • Pay Supreme Sacrifice In War In Tourney Opener At Loyola By N. J. Wolfsheimer GALLAUDET COLLEGE will furnish the opposition for the SPORTS ~DITOR By AL RESNICK Western.~aryland cagera tonight in the opening rounp of the sixth TONIGHT IN BALTIMORE the "IT IS AN INDESCRIBABLE joy to be back on the campus again" ::I~?~~~~~~d.CoG!~:~~~ebi~s~~1~~1l tournament, at Evergreen, sixth Mason-Dixon Conference bas- said a returning veteran to me recently. Only a veteran or a person who has ketball tourney will get under way been denied something for a long time can really appreciate an Ex-Gl's feel- . Three other ~ames ...are also carded for the first night of the tourney, and once again the Terrors will be ing. As a frie.nd of mine put it most admirably, "You must go through the WIth Johns Hopkins facmg Washington at 7:50 P. M., the pennant winner represented by a strong team. 'ljhinga rain to appreciate the sunshine." University team sq~aring off against Randolph-Macon at 9 :10 P. will certainly go much for Bruce Fer- M~ny of our for~er classmates and predecessors here at Western Mary~ M., while Loyola m~ets Catholic U. in the final game of the night, starting at guson and his team jf Al Jacobson is land Will not be coml~g back. They left the Hill when their country needed ~~~:~4:~::~on~mel"lcan U. won the league race and also the playoffs in the able to return to action, but at this them. They gave their all; they gave their lives so we can continue to live writing there is some doubt as to his as we desire. Gallaudet defeated the Green Terrors twice this season, handing the playing since he had a case of the Thirty-five heroes shall not return. Of these, a few had been outstanding Green team a 43 to 35 defeat in Washington and then in the return game in measles this week. It is too bad that p~rsonalities on the campus in the field of sports. There were such men as ?i1l G.ymna.sium th.e Blue Bulls outlasted the home team by winning 54 to 51 they could not have waited until next Jim Draper, common~y known as "Bull." He played baseball and basketball. week to show on Jake since he is a and was an outstandmg football player. After his graduation he was fresh- ;~n:n g:::~l:~X:i~~~~p~~I=::ee:. fi~~S~:~et:~:et~S:;: i:i::u,::~sP~::' a:i~~i;e~ vital cog in the Terror hardwood ma- man coach under Charlie Havens and then joined Dick Harlow at Harvard. over American U. Randolph-Macon, the Eagle's first round opponent, was chine. Here's hoping that he is able to Draper played pro-football for the Baltimore team in the Dixie League for t~e only other conference team able to turn the league winners back. make the tournament. two years in 193,6 an~ 193_7. !n 1939 "Bull" took over the athletic department .1941 First Tourney American U. was twice defeated by :~:1;~::~!~~:s. diedIn Walter Reed Hospital, following an operation JIm Tournament was The Mason-Dixon underdogs in the regular season and initiated in 1941 when the first four it is also againlst the law of averages Another well-known athlete who teams held the tourney in Johns Hop- for the conference winner to win the was killed in action w!!:s Pete Mergo, kins Gymnasium in Baltimore. Loy- tournament. Loyola did win both Dear Boss; class of 1945. Pete played four years ola, Washington, Mt. St. Mary's and titles in 1942 as did American U. last Last week I really started of football along with Bill Shepherd, season. Here is how the Mason-Dixon slow, but my velocity increased Bruce Ferguson, and Draper. The Western Maryland were the four Terrors won teams have won both events since the like the shattering of an atomic gridder hailed from Plymouth, Penn. clubs playing and the Loyola 39 to 38. the event by beating tournament was initiated in 1941: bomb. This week I am going all Captain Joseph O'Leair lost his The following year saw the event Regular Season Tournament out in selecting the entire Ma- life on Bougainville on November moved to the larger gym of Loyola at Loyola 1941 Western Maryland son Dixon Tournament win- 29, 1943. Joe was a member of the Loyola 1942 Loyola ners. Watch out for my upsets. class of 1939 and was very well- Evergreen and the number of teams Washington 1943 Gallaudet Here goes: known on the campus for his variety invited to the tourney increased from Catholic U. 1944 Mount St. Mary's First night: of activities. In the field of sports he four to eight. As in 1941 the Grey- American U. 1945 American U. Randolph-Macon to upset boxed and played a good game of hounds and Western Maryland met in the finals, hut this time the regular The last few road trips of the bas- American U. golf, aside from being a standout season winnera-c-Loyola, were not to ketball team have been very well fol- Johns Hopkins to beat tackle on Havens' football teams. be denied the pl~yoffs and defeated lowed by both the student body and Washington A class mate of Joe's was Edward the men from Westminster. the alumni. In this writer's opinion Loyola to beat Catholic U. "Frosty" Peters, who lost his life on more people have been following the Western Md. to take D-Day in Europe. He was a member • Gallaudet Won in 1943 Division. the 10;st Airborne team around the circuit than in tor- GaUaudet of "Frosty" played three years of var- The Mason Dixon in 1943 sawall mer years. Semi-finals: BRUCE FERGUSON the first four teams of the regular Joe Kittner, who was picked on the Johns Hopkins to lose to sity football and was elected captain season defeated on the first night of All Maryland football his sophomore Randolph-Macon of the team in 1938, in which year he the tourney and GalJaudet, the eighth year just before entering the army, Western Md. to top Loyola made the "All-Maryland" team. He I Mason Dixon Conlerence I place team for the conference season, expects to return to the "Hill" next Finals: also played basketball. Royce Gibson defeating Delaware, for the cup on September. Joe was selected by the Western Md. to win from Fin{l.l Standings the final night of the playoffs. Dela- Associated press in 1942 as the out- Randolph-Macon. transferred here W Avg. ware finished seventh for the season. standing sophomore lineman in the Zip's record to date: from Boston Uni- U. --......--_ ... 1. L In 1944 Catholic U. won the season State of Maryland. Won Lost Pct. versity and grad- American 2 .846 and later went on the NCAA tourney Walt Piavis states that his brother 4 2 .666 uated with the Loyola "'------- 13 .813 at Madison Square Garden, but wag George, who was a varsity guard dur- Yours truly, class of 1942. Johns Hopkins 8 .571 not able to win the Mason-Dixon GaUaudet _._---_ ..__ .. ing the 1943 season, will be back at "Hoot" was a 9 .563 Tournament since Mount St. Mary's Western Maryland next fall. Slowly, good end in foot- Randolph-Macon .500 was stocked with Naval V-12 trainees but surely the old Terrors are reo hall, and always in Delaware Maryland ___ , o .500 and bested the Cardinals in the post- .375 Western a team player turning or plan to return and Hoffa season event. Field should be the scene of some Grapplers Start MoD GIBSON basketball. Ro- Washington 11 .353 Last season saw the American U. good games next October and Novem- land "Butterball" Catholic U. ____..____.. .333 Eagles winning the regular season Bridgewater ber. Tourney Next Week Blanchette, class of 1945, played on .166 and coming back also to cop the play- Carlo Ortenzi and Sig Jensen have the undefeated freshman football Mount St. Mary's ____ .000 announced that they are willing to HOWARD PHILLIPS, Al Resnick, team of 1941. His plane was lost in a offs, being the second team ever to the Atlantic in the same season. while returning win both titles from take on all oomers on . the handball and Bill Anderson will represent Loyola was able to capture the season courts of Gill Gymnasium in doubles Western Mar~land in the. Nint'L._An- mission in Europe. Don Bohn, young- Women Beat Bullets in 1942. compet.ition. nual Mason-Dixon Wrestlmg Tour-ria- est brother of Fred~ lost his life at and tour-ney of Delaware, which Halle, The University 19, 1945. Germany, on April ment. The grunt and growl contest is While on the campus in 1942 he play- Twice In Basketball finished the season with an even split scheduled for Saturday, March 9, at ed varsity football. in four games, will not participate in Homewood, Baltimore. SIXTEEN WMC coeds were guests the tournament since the conference Many of the Mason-Dixon colleges To these former athletes from of Gettysburg College last Saturday Maryland and many Western other will be at a distinct advantage in the Terror men we owe a tremendous debt when two basketball games resulted has a ruling that a team must play at least six league game; before it is tournament as they had completed an of gratitude. We shall not forget in victories for "Western Maryland eligible for the tourney. entire wrestling schedule. The Ter- them. We shall endeavor to' make with 23 to 18 and 20 to 15 scores. rors however, go into the tourney un- Western Maryland a place to which Arrangements for future games e Jacobson Sick tested. both here and away are being made The Terrors will be hard hit if Al Phillips will wrestle in the 155 they would have been proud to re- by basketball manager Bertha Brit- Jacobson, the third high scorer of the pound class. He had quite a bit of turn. ner ....Girls making the G-Burg trip team and a good defensive player, wrestling while in the Navy and were : Mary Lou Stephens, Betty does not recover from a case of the should be in good condition. ) Keckler, Margaret Ruppenthal, Ruth measles in time to play the tourne- Resnick, the 175 pound grappler, is __ Terror Scoring ~ and Reba Wentz, Jean Baker, Gladys ment games. Jake has been a bit cog a former JEA finalist in Baltimore I _ Sause, Theo Jones, Betsy Taylor, An- in the Terror machine and no doubt and should be in excellent condition Pts. nette McMahan, Norma Keigler, Kit- Coach Bruce Ferguson is "s\veating after the basketball season. The most Gamo" 62 G 1M ty Brown, Wilma Steele, Bertha Brit- him out". IS experienced man is Anderson, who ner, and Betty Baker. The defeat that Western Maryland will wrestle in the unlimited class. In the decisive game of girls' bas- tacked on to Washington in Gill Gym- Bill formerly wrestled for Patterson " " ketball played on Tuesday evening, nasium was the first time that the 5TRNLEY BENufl/IIJIN Park High School in Baltimore prior " " " " the sophomores came through in the Terrors had turned back the Shore- " " " to his entrance into the service. final quarter to win the school cham- " " " Down in Clearwater, Florida, ex- The 1942 tourney was the only oth- " " " pionship from the freshmen by a 25 to men since 1942. Terror Stan Benjamin is fighting for er Mason_Dixon tournament that the " " " 23 score. The probable starting lineups: an outfield spot with the Cleveland Green Terrors entered and that year " " , " WESTERN Indians. Last season Stan played saw Guy Reeser at 145 pounds and " " , . " " , All girls should watch the gym hul- MARYLAND GALLAUDET only part of the season with the Allen Cohen in the unlimited class an· letin board for notices concerning 23 Piavis F Holcomb 10 Tribe, but he did knock the pill for an nex championships for Western , volley ball practices to start soon. 19 Adamovich F Cuscaden 5 average of over .300. The year before Maryland. 21 Zlonkevicz C Witczak 12 he was one of the big guns in the " G Schumacher 6 championship Baltimore Oriole club. Cootes' Barber Shop' ::;~~~p"n G Massey 3 Benjamin was a three letter man eollet;eea~ Time of Game 6.30 P. M. Place: when he was at Western Maryland in Two Barbers _ Evergreen, Baltimore. the late 1930's, playing football, bas- East Main Street ketball and baseball. MONDAY, MARCH 4, IRC 7 to 8 P. M. Lee Lodge, who tossed in the win- College Players 8 P. M. Compliments of ning bucket for the Green in the 1941 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, SCA 7 P. M. SMITH & REIFSNIDER basketball tournament, has been FRIDAY, MARCH 8, Plays, The Flattering Word, Suppressed De8ires, Alum- Incorporated T. W. Mather & Sons transferred to Germany after being ni Hall, 8:15 P. M. LUMBER-COAL Westminster's Department Store of stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga., for SATURDAY, MARCH 9, Aloha Dance, Gill Gym, 8 to 11:45 P. M. Good Service and Values over two years. MONDAY, MARCH 11, Le Cel"l~leFrancai8e, 7 to 8 P. M. WESTMINSTER, MD. The wrestlers engage in the Mason- Dixon tournament on Saturday, Play, Ma.dwme Butterfly, Alumni Hall, 8 P. M. Compliments March ninth at Johns Hopkins gym- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, SCA 7 P. M. John Everhart nasium. The ~rapplers have been Marjorie Little, Voice Recital, Levine Music THE COLLEGE BARBER of working under the coaching of Bill Hall. 8 P. M. AND BOBBER BONSACK'S Anderson, who will wrestle in the un· FRIDAY. MARCH 15, National Symphony, Alumni Hall, 8 P. M. limited elass. AT THE FORKS SODAS LUNCHES
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