Page 34 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 34
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 28, 1946 Cap's WHEN At one time or another in every college year Caprice most Western Maryland students find themselves should be kept on a'Iesel of difficulty with the or- iginal one. Three reasons may be advanced to on an "infirmary-bound train," The friction from support such a statement: 1) In most cases it is MUSES By Don Capobianco the wheels of the train has been ever increasing not the student's fault that he ended up in the until this student-faculty-infirmary problem has infirmary; 2) The material that the test covers The recent student demonstrations become one of importance. The matter has been will be the same; 3) The student, being ill while CALL in Egypt, apart from their bearing on discussed among students-among faculty, but it in the infirmary and having all his work to make British and world politics, should seems to us that both sides of the question have up upon his departure from there plus his daily have one startling effect on American never been brought into the open enough to en- work, had no longer, probably not so long a time, college students in general and West- able any cooperative action on the problem. to study for the test than those who were given ern Marylanders in particular: the The crux of solving the problem, in our opinion, the first examination. The poems print- students of foreign nations seem to lies in the development of a more human and un- If the solution to the problem lies in the direc- ed below are the command a greater respect from their derstanding attitude among both the students and tion of more human understanding between stu- fellow-countrymen and are looked up- the faculty. dents and faculty, we offer the suggestion that winning entries on with more dignity than what we A trip to the infirmary for the student is not discretion should be used on the part of the fac- in the Gold Bug here in America do. The Chinese are all a "bed of roses," Upon his release he finds ulty in giving make-up tests. Most professors exemplary in their treatment of stu- himself faced with many difficulties. One of the know their students well enough to enable them poetry contest. dents, who have in turn, been a great chief obstacles that confronts him is this very to look into any suspicious recurring situations, motivating force in salvaging China Jack of understanding upon the part of some of But such students who go to the infirmary over from the merciless ravages of other the faculty. This feeling fortunately does not pre- and over again to be excused from taking tests FIRST PRIZE nations. They have been successful if vail among the professors, but there are al- are the exception rather than the rule. Therefore for no other reason than that they, as ways a few dark spots into which the student one aid in attacking the problem would be in the NIGHT-MIST students, have been exalted rather walks when he walks out of the infirmary. faculty's knowing their students and their habits than scoffed at. One of the views held by certain of the faculty more intimately. Night obliterates hard things One of the reasons for the lack of is that many students who head for the infirmary Much of the trouble lies in the fact that the And rounds sharp contours prestige of the American student, it are not really ill but are merely looking for a nice faculty has no way of knowing when a person is In her spilling darkness, seems to me, is that he is too often quiet corner where they can relax for awhile and in the infirmary until the person himself makes it Making each ugly edifice governed by a negativistic philosophy be free from taking a few tests, known to each professor. Negligence of many stu- A mystic chapel to a god; 'while on the campus. That is to say We will admit that there are a few students dents in this matter often causes delay for sev- Each crawling piece of flesh the stress is placed on what he should who have such a feeling, and we see need for im- eral weeks before the professor is finally notified. Left indistinct or undiecernable, not do rather than what he should do. provement at this point, but we believe that these Because of the numerous difficulties that confront And therefore beautiful It is not a unique philosophy in that students are far in the minority! We do not think the faculty after such delay, we believe that a As imagination will insinuate. we can trace negativism even unto the that it is right that the great majority of students system is needed whereby each professor is noti- Mosaic Code. However, when student who are forced to go to the infirmary because fied day by day of the members of hie classes who A street lamp hangs in nothingness, reaches the college level he has they are sick should be made to suffer for this are in the infirmary, Its bursting glow depicts each particle reached a point where he should begin small number who are law-breakers. It is not possible to solve such a problem in one Of mist, curling down an empty Another attitude, growing out of the first, that street, to think and act for himself, and to is held by some of the faculty-an attitude that column of written words, but we do believe that Filling in each crevice of the stone continue to treat him as a child is not a step can be taken toward a solution by merely And overflowing; helping him mature. If we are to as- makes the infirmary trip a costly one for the stu- bringing the problem into the open, instead of sume a position of dignity and im- dent (the cost being the lowering of a grade!) is leaving it a question to be discussed only behind Swirling in a light portance in the world, we must first that if a student misses a test while in the in- closed faculty and closed student doors! It turns and drifts back toward the sea, gain it on the campus. firmary, that test should be a certain degree more Thus, in conclusion, we ask but one question: Leaving damp footprints for the difficult than the test given the entire class while Other causes in the retardation of the student was ill. We fail to find a fair philoso- "Why can't the students and faculty of Western recognition can be found in the over- phy behind using this practice as a general rule Maryland rid themselves of the suspicious and dawn. -CHARLES BROOKS,'47. the infirmary, often unfair attitudes surrounding emphasis of the collegian's idiosyn- for make-up tests, as is the case with some of the and through greater human understanding on crasies and collegiate athletics. The faculty. both sides, makq a journey to the infirmary for press and, more recently, the radio If these members of the faculty do not chose HONORABLE MENTION have tended to stress these and adum- to give the student making up work the same test, the student who is ill and the professor whose class is missed, a more pleasant experience?" brate the academic aspects of college it is their privilege to change it, but the new test SOLITUDE life. That it is natural for these me- -THE EDITOR. What I need is that solitude of diums of expression to give precedence thought, to the unusual, the spectacular, and That loneliness sublime that drives the exceptions because they captivate Campus Personality Seltzer away the public's fancy and imagination .,t:/lha, (!J", BlUJlno.? The populated cares of well-worn Day more readily than droll academics and In shades of night. And in my mind scholasticism does not detract from half-caught, the fact that they have harmed the By Daphne Clarke The care-free dreams, so much American ecudene's status in his com- desired and sought, munity and nation, If we are to im- At last begin to form, and there they prove our position and maintain our Some people have it, and some pee- humanity who happen to travel with (Now what does she mean by stay, her. (And she lets this slip-" es- " good "1) The expression she uses ~:~es~r~;d ;:di:~~tle::::;:alo:ec~~~ ~~: :;n:~~se~~! ~~~d~~~e ~:~tz~rlt~~ pecially sailors. I met the cutest guy most frequently is "Good Honk." Until lay God's soft caressing minstrel nition of the other aspects of college in this case, being the unknown rae- a few week-ends ago.") And incl- And although she'd never admit it, it Of sleep its miracle on me has life. tor which makes one capable of being was easy to see that another of her wrought. a success in whatever one does. All favorites is Edie Bowling, her room- My sleep possesses therefore much her life Mindelle has been outstand- mate. more peace Engagements ing in her educational career as well too. She has her little eccentricities, Because of my brief evening's Of course; as her social achievements. She can't stand people who are solitude, she'd never tell you that, but looking late, or people who profess to be some- And I awake much more refreshed Miss Vernelle Ports to at her list of accomplishments, it's thing and really aren't. She has a next morn, easy to discern that she well deserves .j. G. Long her election to Who's Who in A7neri- weird habit of suddenly deciding to as My daily work to do, with renewed do something and doing it, just lease Miss Marianna Murray to can Colleges a.nd Universities. In quickly. (At least, that is Edie's On life, because I let no soul intrude Harold Lewis high school she was senior class story. Mindelle says she always Upon my thoughts before the night president, and an active participant knows ahead of time what she's going was born. in dramatics. During her college days to do; she just doesn't bother to tell -RAYMOND BENNIGHOF, '48. achieved she has the And THE GOLD BUG business and advertising positions of of people until the last minute.) It's a HARMONY manager then there is her nick-name. the Gold Bug, viee-presldent of Iota close run between Bromo and Alka. Olllei,.! Rtud~"t new'paper of 'We,tern' Ma!"J' Gamma Chi sorority, Trumpeter, sec- One's about as good as the other, for The glitter of the golden chain as it ia1ld Conege, publi.hed semi·monthly. on T1mr.dlY, during O.tober, NO"ember, Janu retary-treasurer of the Camera Club, they both bubble just as Mindelle twirls around the brown, bony Iry, February, M~rch, ~nd ....pril, .nd monthly and membership in IRC and the Col- does. fingers during Septemb~r. Decembt)r, and May. En· lered •• second clIO•• malter AI Weotrn;nlt.r lege Players. Bromo (pardon-l mean Mindelle) The sensuous shadows playing Post office, under the .....t of March a, 1879. But Mindelle's personality lies not has certainly left her mark in the around the lamp post where he only in the leadership field. She has history of WMC, We associate her lingers I4ssociaied Colle6iale Pre!> many other traits, perhaps not so sig- with math (her major), and Iota The broad black and beige plaid nificant, but definitely adding to that Gumma Chi, and the Trumpeters and shoulders heaving lightly with Di~trih"tor of MINDELLE SELTZER she seems to have. every breath Colle5ia1e Di5es1 something pastimes are directed Her a million other thin~s, and I, in par- The penetrating eyes that are as cold to- favorite ticular, remember marvelous her Subscription Price $2.00 a Year ward the beauties of nature-walking dentally she's very partial to Bell monologues, about Mergatroyd and and black as death -tn deep, untracked snow and falling Bottom Trousers. Draw your own the lady who wanted to buy a stove. The dull green peg pants draped over Editor-in-ChieLMargaret Statler, '47 back in a clean, crisp, fresh haystack. conclusions. Yes, some people have it, and some narrow hips and long limbs News Editor.... Jean 'I'ull, '48 (" Now don't get the wrong idea "- Her other all-time favorite songs people don't. And no one will argue Meeting suede shoes and velvet shad- Feature Editor Mary Davies, '47 quote Mindelle.) She enjoys travel- are Stardust and Green-Eyes. She's the point that Mindelle is one of those ows where the lamp light dims Copy Editor ..... Fern Ray, '48 ing alone and talking to the passing always ready to hear a " good" joke. lucky few. The bulging hip pocket indicating a Make-up Editors, Don Capobianco, '46 hidden treasure of some kind .Charlea Brooks, '48 The red line traced by the cigarette Typing Editor ..... _..._.~nne Klein, '47 Just For Fun By Selly Schmic/, on the blackboard of darkness behind Business Manager, The look of anticipation as the girl Mindelle Seltzer, '46 "The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year, formed that love is an intoxicating thing; it is made in passes lazily by Advertising Manager, It'll too warm for whiskey and too cold for beer!" the still of the night. And thumbing through some notes The whispering whistle answered by Lucy Jane Stoner, '46 The English professor who quoted his own version of taken by a cute little brunette (resident of Albert Nor- a long low sigh CirC1Jlation Manager, The Death 0/ the Flo1(!f.lrs should hang his head in shame man Ward) I found the following: "A coupe is something The rhythm of their bodies ambling John Barnes, '48 to Mr. William Cullen Bryant as well as his American boys and girls go out in. First they coo a little and then slowly out of sight Contributors: Dorothy Anderson, AI poetry class! (Why Dr. Marshall, you're blushing l) they pay." Together disappearing into the dark- Resnick, John Dorsey, Irma Eney, Bill Then there's Prof. Makosky, whose favorite spoonerism All in favor of moving the Hurt classroom to 7th green ness of the night. Cook, Lenora Hoffman, Marian Mere-- is one he tells on himself when he was a boy;- Going into come spring, say, "Aye!" -BERTHA BRITNER. dith, Daphne Clarke, Bettye Benson, a neighborhood grocery store to buy some jelly beans he We'd like to know what brought up the topic of illegiti- Mary Elizabeth Todd, Louis Pietro- asked the proprietor for belly jeans. mate dogs in one of the Modern Language classes, not forte, Mary Childs, Betty Schmidt, It seems that the subject of beer came up in the con- long ago. FEATHERLACE John Conover, Doris Hines, Bill Mer- versation between two faculty members. The one, express- There has been some criticism of the demonstration of I walked into the world of feather-lace riman, Betty Baker. ing tolerant views on the subject, inquired of the other the poor sportsmanship at the "home" basketball games. Where crystal minds are unperturbed Student Advisory Council: Jean Shir- (who had never indulged) if he thought there was any Therefore, with the conference play-offs scheduled for this By such a thing as space, ley, Joanna Hauver, Josh Ensor, harm in trying anything once. "Just' a, just' a . week, just a gentle reminder to students that WMC is Where all are one Marjorie Caseen, Mary Alice Hersh- wouldn't wanta try suicide!" noted for the good sportsmanship in the behavior of the Race. feld, Helen Ml1es, Ernie Doherty In a lecture not so long ago the Poly-Sci. class was in- rooters. Are we agreed? (Continued on page 4, column 4)
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