Page 26 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE1WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md •• January 31, 1946 THE GOLD BUG Campus Personality Dorsey Constructive Criticism Omeia] ,Iudenlne",.paper·of We.ternM8ry· "PIzeJeduee.J.? " Urged By WMC'er !rh:r'd~;~le~~rin~UbJi:t~h~r,·N'::~:':b~;,IY·J.n':,~ ""1. February, Much, and Apri\, Bnd monthly In Letter To Editor during September, Deeemb~r. and May. En By Mary F. Davies ,"red &$ ."oond cla.. motter at W•• tm;n.ter Kanchrapara, India Post office. under tb. Act of March B. 1879. January 3, 1946 Subscription Price $2.00 a Year From breaking up Christian En- knocked the surveying teacher's teeth He is majoring in sociology and deavor meetings to studying for the out. "It got so no matter what hap- economics, makes pretty good grades, Dear Miss Editor: Editor-in-Chief. ministry is a rather long way. but pened, I always got blamed for it," and works hard in many extra-cur- Yesterday I was fortunate enough Virginia Voorhees, '46 that's how it happened with this he confessed. ricular activities. He is president of to receive the December 6 issue (If Managing Editor, week's campus personality, John Dor- the Men's Student Government and the Gold Bug, my first copy in almost Margaret Statler, '47 sey. "I was a brat," he said, "and 1 the Wesleyans, vice-president of the two months. The paper was interest- News Editor, Enrique Lamadrid, '46 loved to play mean little pranks such IRC, publicity chairman of the SCA, ing as always, but at the same time I Ass't. News Editor Jean TuB, '48 as unscrewing light bulbs in Christ- a member of the Sunday' School cabi- was quite disappointed to see that Feature Editor ..... Mary Davies, '47 mas trees along 33rd Street in Balti- net, the Student Activities Commit- some of your contributors are still <:opy Editor ..... Fern Ray. '48 tee, and is one of the seniors chosen to harassed by the same "phobia" as has Make-up Editors, Don Capobianco, '46 represent Western Maryland in been the case for several years. It Charles Brooks, )48 e Cen't Understand Women Who'8 Who in Amt'1'ican Colleges and seems they are openly criticizing the Typing Editor Anne Klein, '47 "Until, I went to high school, my UtliversUies. policies of the college, destrnctively Business Manager, grades (as well as my conduct) were rather than constructively. Mindelle Seltzer, '46 pretty bad," John remarked, "mostly e lndependent and Determined There appear periodically articles Advertising Manager, P's and F's." He attributes this, in Very independent, John once tore condemning the policy of the admin- istration toward the "cut" system, the Lucy Jane Stoner, '46 part, to the fact that he was never up his report in front of the princi- honor system, various organizations Circulation Manager, able to get along with women teach- pal of the junior high School he was John Barnes, '48 ers. "I never get along with women attending. Although he has a great on the Hill, the college athletic pro- Contributors: Milly West, Helen anyway, though," he added. "I just deal of determination, he likes to hear gram, and others, without offering a I am sure program for improvement. Lavin, Barbara Sowers, Marian Mere- can't seem to figure them out." both sides of a story before making a that there are very few, if any, mem- dith, Luther Sies, Fred Holloway, Jr., John attended Baltimore City Col- decision one way or the other. He is Helen Frantz, Charlotte Suddith, lege and liked best its swimming pool straightforward himself and likes bers of the administration or faculty governing regula- who believe their Mary Childs and proximity to Eastern High. He "people who don't beat around the tions are infallible or without im- better the a little Student Advisory Council: Jean Shir- got along there, too. "For with first bush, but come out and say what they provement. Actually, I know they wel- the teachers ley, Joanna Hauver, Josh Ensor, ,have to say." come constructive criticism of their Marjorie Caesen, Mary Alice Hersh- time, we saw eye to eye. I guess may- • Missionary Aspirations" program. feld, Helen Miles, Ernie Doherty be I'd changed a lot," he grinned. John L. Dorsey When he finishes school here John The articles are the identical of the ."Dorsey Did It!" army "game"-gripe, cause ill-feel- At the beginning of his sophomore hopes to do missionary' work for For a year and a ha1f after gradu- year, John, tired of college life, awhile, possibly in India, before at- ings, and it stops at that. In the army ation John went to Hopkins, studying wanted to join the Army. Flunking tending a Seminary. it is next to impossible to step ahead first chemical engineering (because out of school seemed a good way to do For his spare time he likes best any further but not so at college. WMC Spirit ... "that's what the fellow next door it, so he failed or got D's in all of his eating, sleeping, or "fooling around There is nothing to be gained by bhts student or that seeking to get a few took") and then switching to electri- with mechanical drawing and making courses except ROTC, but this didn't The improved college spirit cal engineering. He still liked playing work out as he had planned, so the posters." He also likes bull-sesaions, backers and "griping" at 8011 that noticed recently on .the Western practical jokes, but no one thought it next year found him at WMC with lacrosse, swimming, poached eggs on takes place. The most noticeable ex- Maryland College campus is a was very funny when he almost the intention of becoming a minister. toast, and people who are on time. ception is the article on the honor most gratifying indication that, system. Every year the Gold Bug after many months, college life S.O.P. has been to run articles on this is slowly attaining some sem- for two or three issues a year-this blance of normalcy. An Increas- one offering constructive plans on the erl enrollment, more men than system is a fine gain. WMC has owned for a long Though he is certainly a talented time, and the promise of a fun For- the first time since 1942-43 What many persons do not seem one diamond ring from Arlie Mans- writer, Mr. Capobianco seems to suf- sports program have aroused a Western Maryland has taken on a to realize is that the importance of berger, detracts from the "dignity of fer from the illusion that he is the new measure of life on this semblance of its former self. "At collegiate sport lies not in the num- a college paper." "saviour" of Western Maryland. I did peaceful campus. , last!" is the sigh everyone offers up. bel' of victories that can be won, Famous last statements: "If I ever not see his article on the SCA, but the Several developments t his Once again WMC is able to lift its but the amount of sportsmanship got engaged, I'd give the sorority assumption (which is always a dan- year have been helping to boost head in the realm of college sports that can be manifested. It is on Ten pounds of candy." gerous thing) from Mr. Cowan's res- ~olleqe morale: the attainment and hope to regain its old position the battlefield, not the athletic field, Favorite expression in McDaniel ponse is that he offered nothing be- - of the co-ed game and dancing in the Mason-Dixon Conference. Al- that victories count. Reception Room: Ahem (made as if yond the usual gripe. It would- be a. rooms; the movement by the ready the basketball team bas start- There is nothing that call hurt an you were clearing your throat). help to all if Mr. Capobianco gave his sophomore class to revitalize ed on the upward path of winning, athlete more than to be faithful to Happy birthday, Britner. services by bringing forth a definite school activities; the pep ral- but winning games tells only part of a team, practice with it, work with Ber-tha program for improvement. This is not lies growing out of that move- the story. jt, help it grow and then be kept on .Turtles! to say he is the only such writer but ment; the basketball games; the bench for the remainder of the this is the only Gold Bug I have at and the recent influx of veter- .The Faithful Few season. We are sure that Coach Attention Mr. Cowan: hand. ans and new students to im- We have had a dire shortage of Ferguson realized all this the other Once upon a time two large turtles I thereiore offer this suggestion to prove "the ratdov=-all have con- men on the campus, especially men night when he sent the men in. He and a little one went to a bar to would-be-fault-finders. Be for e you tributed to make students won- who were able to engage in inter- should be commended for this and it quench their thirst with a mug of blossom forth with flowery phrases on der if this is really the "same old 'collegiate sports. This was the sit- would do us well to follow suit. sarsaparilla. As they began to drink "what;'s wrong" discuss the situation place." uation at the beginning of the year. it, one of the large turtles commented with fellow students and in your We hope that the high spirits However, we did have a few boys in- that it was raining. After a lively dis- mind, formulate an alternate pro- will keep up. A new semester is terested in sports and they started cussion, it was decided that the little gram, and then make it public. This beginning, 'with the incentives a basket-bali team. These boys Enter Poetry Contest! turtle should go home for their um- is the surest and most intelligent way for making the most of one's went over and practiced faithfully, brella. The little turtle demur-red, to adequately bring about construct- college time. Present indications working as hard as they could to As the poe\ry contest concludes its afraid that if he went the big turtles ive improvements. School spirit and form a team that they could put out second week, many poems have been would drink his sarsaparilla. But they loyalty are sadly Jacking at the pres- ~~a~i~sc~~:i~i~: t~h~fs:;~g~~~= on the floor to compete with other received as entries. The Gold Bug convinced the little fellow they would ent-to create further dissention and ively to a new hig-h, and that colleges. It was not an easy job, for staff invites and urges every student leave his sarsaparilla alone, and he misunderstanding is to but undermine this year will see Western Mary- they well realized that the other to place his entries in the box in the started after the umbrella. th~se principles in which Western land well into the most vigorous colleges commanded a manpower post office before February 14. Three weeks passed, and finally one Maryland was founded-to construct- and effective stage of her career. which we did not have. The pros- of the big turtles said: "Let's drink ively aid and build is a part of the democracy for which we fought and pects Jf_ winning were not great, yet the little guy's sarsaparilla." On Leaving ... they were willing to train just so I am undoubtedly sticking my neck A new editor takes over with that Western Maryland could have Another flagrant case of ingrati- th::~~'~ S:i~entheth!~;!~~ "s!helet,:a~; out for verbal brickbats (you can't the next issue of the Gold Bug, a team in the league. ~~;e t~:m:h~:r~:a~~~~; it." get to me for anything else just now), and we want to wish her the the past two years Herb Doggett From down at the end of the bar but I offer this and the solution men- best of luck as she assumes her .Ingratitude!! has been leading the college cheers. near the door, a shrill voice cried: tioned as constructive criticism. I'm new duties, Now that the new men have come Herb did this voluntarily. While Herb "If yon do, I won't go after that um- sure that I don't stand alone in my As.we leave the editorship, we in, the team has been greatly is far from Be. Baugher, he did the brella." beliefs. feel a certain amount of relief, strengthened. The new men, being best he could and was instrumental January Reader's Dige8t. Sincerely, to be sure, to be free of the re- more experienced and older, have in promOting school spirit at a time -Capper's Weekly-reprinted in FRED HOLLOWAY, JR. sponsibilities of the office, the taken the limelight and the old team when it had reached its lowest ebb. criticism, headaches, late hours has been somewhat adumbrated. So Last week, however, word came that and all that enters into those much so that the other night when Herb's cheering was "too sugges- hectic "Gold Bug weeks". We do the coach sent some of the old team tive" and he should be eased out as realize, however, that we are in to play, we heard some sighs of a cheer-leader. Herb fs a pre-minis- leaving behind a great many lamentation and condemnation from terial student and a boy with high satisfactions and pleasant ex- the bleachers. This we consider to ideals and high morals. The idea FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, Evening of Poetry, Dr, Fred G. Holloway, Levine periences. be the height of ingratitude to those that he was acting' in a rather Hall. We treasure the friendships who gave their all at a time when obscene manner has cut him very MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, IRC, 7-8 p, M. made through Gold Bug con- it was most needed. deeply-so deeply, in fact, that he tacts, We shall never forget the has lost practically whatever spirit TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, Frances I Bartley, Voice Recital, Levine Hall, congenial people with whom we he had. 8 P. M. have worked-students, faculty WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, Ba-Thatle, SCA play, Alumni Hall, 6:45 adviser, printer, and all who has been all-important in at- .Thanks To Herb P. M. Hopkins vs. Western Maryland, HOME, 8 P. M. have made our term as editor tempting to keep the Gold Bug THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, Organ Recital, Edna Haller, 8 P. M., Alumni valuable and enjoyable. We have up to the high standards set by In' any event, Herb, we would like Hall. learned much through the Gold our predecessors. Any measure to cast our ballot of thanks to you FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, Argonauts Tea, 4 P. M., Lounge. Girls' Basket- Bug: much about the manage- of success which we have and we are sure that there are many ball, Gill Gym. ment of a college paper, and achieved has been due to the in- others on the campus who will join SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, Basketball game-Western Maryland vs. much about human nature and terest, willingness, and team- us in doing the same. American U. AWAY. behavior. For these, too, we are work of these people. For their Every now and then. we hear some grateful. dependability and splendid aSM of our readers express the desire for MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, French Club, Lounge 7-8, Lounge. We would take this opportun- eietance throughout the past more gossip in the paper. But to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, Angelene Collins, Recital, Alumni Hall, 8:15 ity to express our gratitude to year, we wish to say a public say, for instance, that Tillie Sloan P. M. our fellow staff members, both "thank you" along with our went off and got married on the last WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, SCA, Baker Chapel, 6:45 P. M. Basketball on the editorial and the business "good-bye" . day of the semester, as she did, or Game-Loyola vs. Western Maryland. HOME, 8 P. M. staffs. Their fine appreciation -THE EDITOR. that Ellen Piel was the recipient of
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