Page 25 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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LETIER TO CAMPUS EDITOR CHARACTERS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 23, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 31, 1946 Four Seniors Receive Diplomas At JJ O'Clock! Statler Named To Gold Bug Annual Mid-Winter Convocation; According to an announcement by Editorship As Other Staff Holloway Addresses Assembly Henrietta Jones; president of WSG, not be locked girls' will dormitories until 11 P. M. on Saturday evenings. Mid-winter convocation exercises through the years to come. The pri- This new rule goes into effect on Sat. Members Retain Positions were heJd at 11:30 A. M. on Wednes- mary 'purpose of a college education urday, February 2. day, January 30, in Alumni Hall. Dr. is academic. We must be diligent'in A new system of granting late Margaret Statler, class of '47, has been appointed the new Fred G. Holloway addressed the as- the pursuit of knowledge, Dr. Hello- leaves till 12 o'clock was also made editor-in-chief of the Gold Bug for 1946-47, it was announced by sembly of students and the mid-year way concluded, so that, as we go out known. Sophomores are to have four Mrs. Evelyn Wenner and Virginia Voorhees, advisor and present graduating class. This was the third into the world as graduates of West- late leaves each semester; juniors, editor of the publication respectively. The rest of the staff mem- mid-winter convocation at which de- ern Maryland College, we will be six; but those to the seniors are un- bers are to remain in office until the end of the second semester so grees w~re conferred. worthy of being called educated per- limited. as to give the new students and returning veterans an opportunity • Degrees Conferred to participate' in the journalistic activities of the campus . The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on Ruth Parks Calla- ed~~::hiSt:~e:hec~~;~ ;: a:~~:e h!~~ school journal, and she also worked han, Idona Elizabeth Mehring, Agnes Lyric Soprano Will Present Concert p 0 on the school yearbook. U pen her ar- Camcchan Wallace, and Marjory A. rival at Western Maryland she start- the Tuesday, February 12, In Alumni Hall Welsh. Although he was not here to ed working for the Gold Buo as a re- receive it, Paul Footen has earned porter and gradually occupied the po- degree of Master of Education. On Tuesday, February 12 at 8:00 appears with the Branscombie Choral \ sitions of copy, news, and managing The' program included the proces- P. M., the doors of Alumni Hall will on their various radio broadcasts and editor. With the issue of February 14 sional, "A Mighty Fortress", the in- again be opened to music lovers as concerts at the Town Hall and has she will be inaugurated into her new vocation by the Rev. John' B. Jones, the Western Maryland College Artist given many concerts on Long Island position. Miss Statler was a member class, and is the national anthem, the address by Series presents Miss Angelene Col- and in Upper. New York State for of last year's journalism of the College an active participant President Holloway, the conferring lins, lyric soprano. clubs, churches, hospitals, and van, of degrees, and the Alma Mater. Players, the Wesleyanettes, the Glee A featured part of the program ous other benefits and public gather- Club, the Aloha, and the Argonauts, ePre-war Conditions Stressed will include three arias from Johann ings. the honorary scholastic organization Dr. Holloway opened his remarks Sebastian Bach's "Wedding Cantata, - She is a graduate of OkJahoma PoI- by stating that the present mid-win- No. 202", which was arranged for lege for Women where she presided of the Hill. Also, she is the historian of her class. ter convocation was of unusual sig. Miss Collins by Miss Eleanor Gough, over her sorority Sigma Alpha Iota. Due to the changing conditions on nificance, since the war is definitely pianist. Miss Gough has featured gay She was there chosen to be listed in the campus these days, it was felt by at an end, and we are returning to waltz and gavotte tempos which are Who'8 Who in American ColleU88 those in charge of making staff ap- some semblance of pre-war days. in evidence through out the arrange- and Univer8itie8. While still in col- pointments that it would be unfair to There have been vast changes in the ment. The program will include the lege she appeared as soloist with the organize a new staff to run the paper past four years, and things will music and songs of such 'well known Oklahoma Symphony Orchestra. She for an entire year. All the returning never be exactly the same again. He and beloved composers as Schubert, will appear next in the Puccini Opera veterans as well as the rest of the pointed out that it is easier to de- Schumann, Faure, Hahn, Ravel and "La Rondine" directed by Wilfred students on the campus who are in- stroy than to build. Warfare has been Debussy. For a finale Miss Collins has Pelletier and is, at present, studying Margaret Stef.ler- terested in working for the Gold BuO a destructive force; education is its chosen a group of English songs. with Francis Rogers in the comple- may now consult the editor about the antithesis. We must accept a personal Miss Collins comes here from New tion of her third year at the Juilliard ing- had considerable journalistic ex- possibility of undergoing a period of responsibility at the beginning of this York City, where she is soloist at the School of Music. perience both in college and in high apprenticeship after which those new semester, and 'Wemust carry it Church of the Incarnation: She also Miss Collins is a winner of many school. As a student at Fort Hill writers showing greatest interest and auditions, -fnotuding : the Oklahoma High School, Cumberland, Md., she ability will be appointed to occupy the State, the Lone Star District, and the was news-editor of the Sentinel, the various positions on the staff. Clothes C.II I I I New York Young Artist Auditions of the National Federation of Music Campus Clothing Drive Anno'unced; appearances in concerts and on the Sororities Bid, Hold Social Functions, Clubs. 'She has. also made numerous radio in the southwest. Dorm Collection Begins Tomorrow Miss Eleanor Gough, who will ac- Elect Officers For Second Semester company Miss Collins, is a graduate of Cornell Colfege, Iowa, and has been By HELENLAVIN By MILLY WEST Paul Kaetzel. Seminary, Jack Mote. associated with the Philadelphia Con- As the second semester creeps upon and If, 'during your post-semester Faculty (collection will be made at servatory of Music as a singing us, we suddenly become aware of new Reese is 'their vice-president, Barbara Theo Jones is the secretary. 'cleaning spree, you discover you are the home), Gerry Harris. coach. She is now in her fifth year at and numerous changes on the camp- the possessor of any tight shoes, ov- Remember these basic rules: they the Juilliard Graduate School of Mu- us. Among these recent developments Richter was chosen as the treasurer; erly-baggy sweaters, unflattering-col- will make things easier for the Col- sic where she studies with Madame can be included the news of the wom- the "sunshine messenger" is Jeanne Kelbaugh, and the office of sergeant- ored clothes, out-of-date blouses, tight lection Center personnel: (1.) If the Olga Stokowski Samaroff. Her ar- en's sorority life. The nomination of at-arms is held by Jeanne Stein. The skirts, ereeseless trousers, rueeless article is beyond repair 01' satisfying the officers of three of the sororities overcoats, styleless shoes, ill-fitting use, don't donate it; (2.) don't COIl- ~::~e~~:ta~! ~:: ~~;Kstr~:::ri~:~ on our campus, Phi Alpha Mu, Sigma Sigmas, of whom there are thirty- socks, shaggy jackets, superfluous tribute spike heels, broken tennis especially for Miss Collins' appear- Sigma Tau, and Delta Sigma Kappa, two, are busily working in their club slippers, shoes, or hoots, rayon hose rackets, pencil stubs, ete, just to ance here at Western Maryland Col- has been made, but one sorority, Iota rooms, renovating and building. Since their sorority colors are scarlet and (since nylons are back!), obsolete get rid of them; (3.) make as many lege. Gamma Chi, does not replace its of- silver, these ambitious sisters are-dec- felt hats (they use felt for shoes in repairs as you can before putting As is the custom, students and ficers; they remain stationary in orating their clubroom following this China), shirts you never wear, GI them in the collection box; (4.) be members of the faculty may obtain their honored seats., scheme. clothes you're tired of looking at, pa- a little sacrificial in your giving even their reserved seat tickets in McDan- jamas, underwear, handkerchiefs, if it hurts-the person who gets iel Hall Office where the town people The vice-president of the \ Delta Although the officers of the Iotas ties that go well with nothing, suits what you give is in a position to ap- may purchase theirs for $.60. during the first semester moves up a remain the same, a little refreshing you'..e been trying to wear out, preciate it more than you'll miss it; step and becomes the president of the of one's memory can be accomplished dresses you-liked-the-day-you-bought. (6.) Don't put off your search 'til The Western Maryland College sorority during the second semester. by listing them, also. The president is but didn't-Iook-just.right-when_you_ tomorrow. Do it now! Artist Series includes outstanding the The position is now held by Sally Jane Dudderar, the vice-preaident, throughout musical programs got-them-home, accumulated belts, Worn 'em so long ya year. The Budapest String Quartet Moffett. Kay Wheeler is the new vice- Mlndelle Seltzer, secretary is Betty scarves and gloves, wool mittens, Hatem was heard on the Hill last semester, president, their secretary is Ginny Schmidt, and treasurer is Joanna blankets you don't want to carry Why don't ya do- Powell; Rose Lee Kuhns is treasurer Hauver. Other officers of the Iotas home, checkered jerkins, chumpy Natem? and the National Symphony Orches- and sergeant-at-arms is Dotty Wil- are: historian, Ellen Piel ; "sunshine tra will appear at a later date. jumpers, or anything you don't want der. Pat Chatterton is chaplain, and (Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2) or use that someone else can use and Eleanor Pearson continues in her of- and Organ And Voice Majors Scheduled does want, you'll have the chance to fice as the alumni secretary. The Dancing Class Brings empty your closet and drawers thirty-seven De1ts will soon be thirty- ter a "cozy" held in her honor on Sat- Students at the same time help the Clothing six, since Millie Segers is leaving af- Social Ease Drive, sponsored by the Wesleyan- To Give Varied Music Programs ettes, which starts tomorrow and eon- urday night, Fehruary 2. The instal- Every Tuesday and Thursday af- tinues until February 11. giving you Edna "Perk" Haller will give her ruary fifth, at eight P. M. in Levine lation of the new officers will be held ternoon at 4 :30 a dancing class is time to notify your parents: and let senior organ recital at 8 p. m, in AI· Music Hall. Mr. Oliver Spangler will on Tuesday, February 6. held in the old S.C.A. room on the them join in by sending the recovered umni Hall on February 7. "Perk", accompany her in the following: As their ruling officer, the Phi ground floor of McDaniel Hall. treasures: from their attic. who is majoring in mathematics as Alma del core_._._. .Caldara Alphs elected Grace Jemison as presi- The purpose behind these classes is Labelled boxes will be placed in a well as organ, began her study of Rugiadose, odorose .. .Scarlatti dent; Jane Beall as vice-president, to teach those freshmen and upper- conspicuous spot on every floor of organ manipulation four years ago Col mio sangue __ . .__ Stradella Jean Anderson for the position of classmen who are unable to dance to each dormitory and, to keep 'you from when she entered W. M. C. Nel cor piu non mi sentc.., ...Petsteltc secretary, and Doris Boone as treas- do ballroom dancing and jitterbug- forgetting or putting off your search, Her program will be as follows: Pleuras, pleurez, mea yeux urer. The office of the corresponding ging. one of the SCAMPS (SCA Member- Trumpet Tune ._. .__.i.Purcell ("Le Cid") .Massenet secretary is held by Milly West, that The dancing students have been di- ship Personnel) will aid you in a re- Concerto No.5 ......_Telemann o cease thy singing .Raehmaninoff of chaplain by Janice Divers and ser- vided into two groups. Mary Wright mindership capacity. Adagio The Christ is risen Rachmaninoff geant-at arms is now Evelyn Benson. Silvey and George Davis are instruct- In Blanche Ward Hall, you will be Allegro Moderato The tryst . ~Rachmaninof( Bidding "adieu" to Ruth Callahan, a ing the Tuesday group; Ruth Shuck- approached by Marie Wilson, Fran- Larghetto o thou waving grains_Rachmaninoff graduate of the first semester, at a hart and Eleanor Pearson, the ces Bartley, Betty Green, and Dot Allegro The dream .. Raehmaninoff banquet held at the Charles Carroll Thursday section. There are about Bolles. In McDaniel; Frances Moles· Prelude and Fugue in B Minor Floods of spring __.._._Rachmaninoff Hotel, the Phi Alphs are now forty- twelve members in eaeh class. worth, Kay Buckel, Mary Dodd, and J. S. Bach Ah moon of 'my delight_L. Lehmann seven in number. The Phi Alphs are A sound system has been set up for Millicent Hilliard. Albert Norman Choral in A Minor__ ._.... Franck Silent noon .__....__ .Vaughn Williams now actively collecting records which the class by Jay Cummings, who sup- Ward; Helen Miles, Fern Ray. Bar- Finale from Organ Suite Op. 6 The gypsy _. Luigi Arditi are sent to the Marine Hospital in plies many of the records. There is a bara Dodd, and Frances Inman. Ward Gunther Ramin Do not go, my love_Richard Hageman Baltimore. need for two more student teachers, Hall; Jim and Ernie Doherty, Ted Frances Bartley, a voice major, The dreamer Albert Hay Malotte Beverly Mulholland is the new as no off·campus teachers are avail- Quelch; and Josh Zia. McKinstry; will give a recital on Tuesday, Feb. We two together_Marshall Kernoehan president of the Sigmas, Mary Lou a.ble.
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