Page 28 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 31, 1946 Veterans Pace Team In Conference Games (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 5) with profound disgust. He finds peo- By'MARY CHILDS (Cont. from Page 3, Col. 2) ple today too encompassed by busi- The library, where many of us broader understanding of one anoth- rora by the lop-sided score of 64-27, . ~:~~\~t~:::~:~::;~~s and nods his ness to enjoy the pleasures of the spend so much of our time, willingly er, a United Nations Series has been muses. He longs for his own little or otherwise, is steadily acquiring published. Of this series our library ~::~edf~~;oa~:h 2~fpOi~~: fo:::r~:~ C. Granden looks upon the world twenty-four room cottage by the sea books of current interest to everyone possesses The Netherlands, by Land- vaders. All the fans who overlook where he can further his literary am- on the Hill. heer, and Czechoslavakia, by Kerner. some of the boys looked dead on their bitions, contemplate upon the philoso- More or less to start us off, last The Japanese Nation, a social study feet. Secondly, Coach Ferguson, phy of the immortal bards, and im- summer the library received a num- of the people by Embree: and Shinto, knowing of the weakness of the bibe in the wines of life and Bacchus. ber of books from the Jewish Chau- The Unconquered Enemy, by Ballou, Mounties, let the boys try some new We may well say of him: tuaqua Society. This has greatly will help us to better understand the offensive scoring plays, Coach Fer- "Minever Cheevey, born too late, rounded out the library accessions on inner mechanisms of the country we guson also used every man on his Scratched his head and kept on Jewish religion and literature. Among are trying to aid. General Marshall's squad, over three teams, as 16 thinking. a list of approximately twenty books Report and A tomic Energy by Smyth Green and Gold players entered the Miniver coughed, and called it fate, are: are other books of current import- game. At Emmitsburg, on January And kept on drinking." The Hasidic Anthology-Newman ance. 29, the Terrors again play the Mount- A Hiatory of the Jewish People- The Wilson Era, 1910-1917, by Jo- ies. Margolis and Mark sephus Daniels, a record from an in- February 6, Johns Hopkins meet Compliments Memoirs of My People through a side seat of Wilson's success as pre- the Terrors in Gill Gym. February 9, of Tho'U8and Years-Schwartz sented by the only surviving member the Terrors travel to Washington to BONSACK'S /r;wish Pioneers and Patriots- of Woodrow Wilson's cabinet, will be again clash with the powerful Ameri- Friedman of interest to certain history stu- can U. quint. February 13, the fast- SODAS LUNCHES ThfJ Jew in the lIfedieval ll'orld_ dents, as will The Racc8 of Europe stepping Loyola Greyhounds come Marcus by Coon. But if I remember my fresh- from Evergreen to meet the Terrors SMITH &. REIFSNIDER Selected ReligioU6 Poems-Gabiral man biology correctly, the last book in Gill Gym. Currently the Loyola Incorporated Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature (2 is also a new one for the biology shelf. lads are just about the hottest team LUMBER-COAL vols.)-Halper M08quitoe8 of North America by Ma- in the Conference. The Terrors, we What We Jews Believe-Cohon theson; the Spastic Child, Fischer; A hope, will cool them down. _ WESTMINSTER, MD. A book of positive interest to those Manual of Physical Therapy; The \ who have just completed a certain Principles of Anthropology, Chapple Compliments English course is Milton'8 Regali8m and Coon; Tho Story of Penicillin, Theo. F. Shaeffer of by Ross. News of a mysterious per- Sokoloff; and The lIHcrobe's Chal- son and a great poet, taken from lenge, by Eberson are among the MASTER PLUMBER The Carroll Food Market chaotic and elusive manuscripts are many new books added to the biology 92 W. Main St. 90 W. Main St. offered in a new book of Emily Dick- department's shelves. Phone 359-J inson's Poems, Bolt8 of Melody, ed- Westminster, Md. ited by Todd and Bingham. Krutch's John Everhart Samuel John8on, addressed to the lay- I S(J}uvuUe!L • • • Compliments of man J ohnsonian, introduces a very THE COLLEGE BARBER different slant on the life of Johnson (Cont. from Page 1, Col. 5) Westminster Laundry AND BOBBER and his biographer, James Boswell. Phone 328 AT THE FORKS Poet to Poet by Peterson and Lynch committee, Betty Baker and Ann is very aptly named a treasury of Stevens; alumni secretaries are Grace golden criticism and contains selec- Bevard and Polly Higgins. The thir- Expert Photo Finishing Enjoy tions from the Song of David up to ty-nine Iotas will hold an alumni Kodachrome and Kodacolor BOLLINGER'S the work of Yeats. It was unusual to- chapter meeting at the Park Plaza Service note that the research work on Hotel in Baltimore on February 2, Headquarters for Everything HOME MADE ICE CREAM Shakespeare and the Actors, by 1946. The reception will be held at Photographic Convenient Parking Space Sprague, was confined to libraries in five P. M. and following the banquet Authorized Eastman Dealers Seventy Comfortable Seats this country since English libraries at six P. M. will be the important One-half Mile South of were inaccessible. This book covers business meeting. Davidson Photo Finishers Westminster the stage business as well as the The above-mentioned sororities di- Baltimore BLvd. plays: spatched their bids on Wednesday, Route 140 Many of the new books, appropri- January 30, and these bids will be ac- ately enough, are concerned with such cepted on Friday, February 1, 1946. topics as Ame.rica'8 Place in the WorU, by Peffer. This presents a Expert Jewelry, Watch and J. WM. HULL, Jeweler checkup on America's present status Optical Repairing in view of the nation's entire history. Successor to Cassell's With the idea in mind that we cannot Colonial Jewelry Co. COMPLIMENTS OF expect a better world after this year 32-34 W. Main se, The Store of New Fashioned jf the United Nations do not have a Westminster, Md. Jewelry and Old Fashioned Phone 303 The W. H. Davis Co. Honesty Compliments of Times Building East Main St. A. N. ,Keeler Run Right to Cootes' Barber Shop Westminster. Md. Jeweler READ'S Two Barbers 92% East Main Street Westminster, Maryland For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries East Main Street and all your Davis Typewriter Co. Greeting Cards Heagy Brothers DRUG STORE NEEDS COMPLIMENTS 32 West Main Street Stationery BARBER SHOP 15 E. Main Street, and Four Chairs-Quick Service Westminster, Md. OF Westminster, Maryland 24 W Main St. Telephone 585 Magazines , Charles Carroll Hotel Expert repairs on all makes P. G.Coffman Co. William F. Myers Specialists typewriters and adding ma- Times Building in Sons, Inc. Cold Finger Wave Permanent DELICIOUS CHICKEN chines. PORK PACKERS Machineless and Machine DINNERS SAUSAGE Permanent Waves MANUFACTURERS phone 395 State Theatre Liberty and Green Streets • Carroll Theatre Westminster, Maryland Lowry Beauty Shop WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER. MD. Office and Plant- Phone 458 I Adjoining Post Office Thur., Fri., Sat., Jan. 31 to Feb. 2 ) Thurs.,_Fri., Jan. 31, Feb, 1 Ryan Marie Mcjjonald-Dennls O'Keefe Jack Oakie - Peggy SPIRIT" "THAT'S THE "GEllING GERTIE'S GARTER" Remember your valentine all Sat., Feb. 2 'Flowers for Every Occasion Buster Crabbe year 'round with perfumes, 73cnkn/.J "STAGECOACH OUTLAWS" sweets and other lovely gifts Stewart N. Dutterer Sun., Mon., 'I'ues, Wed" Feb. 3 to 6 Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 3, 4, 5 Bob Walker - Jean Porter Ros Russell - Lee Bowman from FLORIST Keenan Wynn "SHE WOULDN'T SAY YES" ICE CREAM "WHAT NEXT, CORPORAL Wed., Feb. 6 HUTZLER. BroTHERS ~ Pennsylvania Ave. HARGROVE?" "TRAIL Kerby Grant OF VENGEANCE" Phone 350 Baltimore, Maryland Thurs. & F:t:i., Feb. 7-8 Claudette Colbert Thur., Fri., Sat., Feb. 7, 8, 9 If It Is Borden's Ray Mllland - Jane Wyman "IMITATION William Warren OF LIFE" - It's Got To Be G~od Philip Terry Short: a "must" see Lives" "Hitler "LOST WEEKEND" GRIFFIN'S COMPLIMENTS OF Sat., Feb. 9 Tex Ritter "ENEMY OF THE LAW" Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., BORDEN ICE CREAM CO. Sun., Ice Cream The Carroll Gardens Feb. 10-14 Lauren Mon., Tues., Feb. 10-12 - Charles Boyer Bacall Westminster, Md. Phone 261 Robert Montgomery - John Wayne "CONFIDENTIAL AGENT" Wed., Feb. 13 Donna Reed Ritter "THEY WERE EXPENDABLE" ''THREE 'rex IN A SADDLE"
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