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ENTER CAMPUS POETRY CHARACTER CONTEST I PAGE 3 Vol. 23, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 17, 1946 Next· Semester Enrollment IncluCles Gold Bug Offers Prize In Poetry Contest Thirty-Three Returning Veterans, As Former Hill Men Register To Sel'ect WMCs Best Student Bard The second semester of the school other colleges are W. R. Merriman, Holloway, Makosky, Marshall To Be Judge. year 1945-1946 will bring to our of Barton, Md.; Joseph Ward, of Tribute .•. campus many new faces. The Jist Short Hill, N. J.; and Edward V. In Competition Commemorating Poe's Birth will include five women and approxi- Troccia, of_Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A tribute was paid to the Western mately fifty men, it was announced by The following are returning veter- Maryland College mathematics de- Saturday, January 19, 1946, marks the 137th anniversary of Miss Martha Manahan, Registrar. ans: Joseph Wilson '45, C. Frasier partment when it was reported that the birth of Edgar Allan Poe. It also marks the beginning of a Four girls have completed their Scott '43, J. Allison Conley '45, Rob- Kenneth Volk, one of the veterans Poetry Contest sponsored by the Gold Bug, in commemoration of registration and wil] enter the fresh- ert Grumbine '45: K. Douglas who is returning to complete his edu- this poet to whom we owe the name of the Western Maryland pub- man class. They are as follows: Betty Beakes '46, Bernard A. Jennings '43, cation here, was the only cadet from lication. The contest will extend from this day until Friday, Feb- D. Kahn, from West Hampstead, N. Adam H. Slyeofskia '43, J. Donald a group of 2000 ASTP students who ruary 15, on which date all poems must be in if they are to be in- Y.; Mary E. Becker, Baltimore, Burroughs '44, Z. Charles Ebaugh made a score of 100% on a term cal- cluded as entries. Maryland; Carol Krebs, Nutley, N. '42, Robert Mathias '45, Donald Sulli- culus test administered at the Uni- Feeling that much potentia! talent J., and Louray Wagner, also of Balti- ~van '44, David Young '44, Sigurd versity of Chicago where Mr, Volk Miss Helen Brainard is in existence on the Hill and also more. A former student, Jean Shane- Jensen '44, Allen Sklar '45, Kenneth studied for two terms. realizing a need for a Poetry Corner man, will return/to complete her Volk '45, Eugene Adams '44, John Makes Piano Debut in the paper, the Gold Bug is offering sophomore year. Miss Krebs comes as a prize of $5.00 to the student who assistant nurse, filling the vacancy On WMC Stage writes the best poem, as judged by left by Idona Mehring, who will grad- WMC·Little Symphony To Present Dr. Fred G. Holloway, Professor John uate at mid-winter. On Friday, January 18, Miss Helen D. Makoaky, and Dr. Thomas F. Mar- Of the men entering in February Concert Brainard will give her first Western shall. Five other poems will be se- has been complet- Twelfth Student-Conducted whose registration Maryland piano recital at 8 P. M. in lected by this group of judges ed, nine are freshmen, three are The Western Maryl~nd College Lit- regular director of the Little Sym- Alumni Hall. Miss Brainard, who is a worthy of honorable mention. transfers, and thirty-three are veter- tie Symphony will present its twelfth phony. graduate with honors from Oberlin ans who once attended WMC. Homer annual mid-winter concert in Alumni The following program will be pre- College, received a fellowship to • A wards, February 28 Earil, Garden City, N. Y.; Franklin Juilliard School of Music in New The winners will be announced in assembly March from the Ballet Van Nostrand, Middle River, Md.; Hall in an January 21, program 11:30 on sented : Heroic Rodolphe, and Excerpts York City where she studied piano the February 28 issue of the Gold Medea, at J. Monday, Charles Rahter, Harrisburg, Pa.; A, M. iTom the First Movement, Symphony under Jose! and Rosina Lhevinne. Bug, and the six winning poems will Gordon Groby, St. Alban's, N. Y.; Since then she has played many con- be printed. Carroll Wallace, Baltimore, Md.; The program will consist of out- No.1, C. Saint-Saens, conducted by cerescor all kinds. At one time she Any Western Maryland student is Louis Pietroforte and Kenneth Tay- toured the South and Middle West as eligible to submit as many as three a lor, Philadelphia, Pa.; John Adamo- ~!~~!~g ;:~:B~~::o::r:~:::~~~:~ ~~~~a G~e:~~~sD;::t~~~te:~e ~~~Z; member of a trio. On another tour poems in the contest. An entry must vich and R. Zlonkewice, of Glen Ly- and arranged by N. DeRubertis, Mus. • Fetes Romoinee, F, Foudram, and she was accompanist to Felix Sal- be enclosed in an envelope with the on, Pa., are the new freshmen. D. The orchestra will be entirely un- ChrifltmM Day, from The OrganiB~, mond, a British 'cellist. student's name, residence, and class Ballinger '46, Richard Henefer '44, der the direction of student conduct- C. Franck, conducted by G:ace Jemi- Miss Brainard's program will be as on the outside and placed in a box George Norman '45, Alec Resnick '45, ors-six senior girls, music majors son, Cranford, N. J.; Wedding 1Ifarch follows: which will be in the book store begin- George Stephens "45. and members of the conducting class ~~:Or~h:o~~~~ete~o~~ ~!~\,e~~t!~ ning Saturday, January 19. Those who have transferred from taught by Professor Philip S. Royer, Centreville, Md.; lIfarche RWl8e (RWl- English Suite G Minor ....._ ..._.B( man March.) , L. Ganne, conducted by Prelude • Place Names On Entries . Names must be Q.ttached to Allemande Freshman Attends Conference On Enna Young, W~stminster, Md.; Courante entry but if, in an~~ase, the author Berceuse, from the opera, Don Cssar de Bazan, J. Maeeenet, and Introduc- Sarabande does not wish his .rame to be made University Of II/inois Campus tum to Act IV from Carmen, G. Bi- Gavotte public, it will be withheld. Gigue zet, conducted by Jane Dudderar, II When' entries are received a num- Aclclresses, "Town Hall" Discussions, Interest Group. Union Bridge, Md.; The Celebration Sonata C Major Op. 53" Beethooen ber will be assigned to the potltry of of Spring from the opera Hamlet, A. each student writer; no names will Make Up Program To Promote Student Movement Thomas, conducted by Mary Louise Allegro Con Brio Moderato appear on the poems handed to the Molto Largo--Allegro Alexander, Taneytown, Md. committee of judges. By TED QUELCH Intermission III .Must Be Original The Tbird National Methodist,Stu- songs. Dr. T. Z. Koo, secretary of the Kreisleriana .. .._._ .. ...Schuman71. dent Conference was held at the World Student Christian Federation Organists To Present FOUl:Phantasie Stucke The poems that will be considered campus of the University of Illinois delivered an address on "The Ade- a Historical program IV in the contest must be original with from December 28, 1945, to January quacy of the Christian Faith in Sevilla _..__._. ._.__.. Albeniz the student who submits them but may topic. 1,1946. Crisis" on Sunday night. At 4:15 P. M., January 22, Miss La Soiree dans Granada_ ..-;._Debuss1/ be written on any written Entrants any may submit at poems It was a delegated conference Monday night was devoted to giv- Audrey Clendening and Miss J aeque- .Sacro-Monte .._ __ __Turina time in the past provided they have whose representatives were selected ing the group an idea of what the -Iine Blick will present an historical WMC's new concert grand also is not previously won prizes or been ac- from the Wesley Foundations, col- mission situation is now and what organ recital in Alumni Hall. The making its debut on the Hill at this cepted for publication. leges, universities, and theological we, as students, can do. Men directly program will be as follows: recital. The piano, a Mason and Ham- Margaret Statler is general chair- seminaries of the Methodist Church. associated with the mission fields of Three Verses from the lin instrument, has been purchased man of the contest and the publicity Approximately fifteen hundred per- Airiea, the Philippines, India and "Te Deum" _. ..._~ .._.Anonymous with the aid of funds received from sons were in attendance. Europe gave us a first-hand idea of (Tu Patris, Tu Devicto, Judeo last year's faculty play, "Arsenic and is being provided by Helen and Louise Jack Shirley Ridgeley, Leese, It was sponsored by the Depart- the situation in their particular place. Crederise Old Lace". Neville. ment of Student Work of the Board After this meeting, Richard Ellsas- Published by d'AttBingant, Paris of Education of the Methodist sen, nineteen-year-old organist, ren- 1531) Church, •acting in cooperation with dered· an organ concert. He is concert Pavanne (1563-1666) Student Criticizes WMC Attitucle other agencies of the church, and act- organist for John Wanamaker's, New Veni Creator_._Titelouze ing as the agent of the Methodist Stu- York. Jacques Champion de (1602-1672) For Impeding Honor System Plans dent Movement. In closing, a Watch Night Com- Chambormieres The program of the conference was munion service was held at mid- Chaconne divided into three related areas- night. On Tuesday' morning, matters Louis Couperin (1626-1661) -By SALLYMOFFETT platform addresses, "town hall" dis- of business at hand were presented Elevation For the past four months here at I've gone to install it." \Ve have kept cussions and creative interest hours. and a service of worship closed the Francois Couperin Le Grand Western Maryland we have heard ourselves so busy with trivial things, These were all based on the theme of conference. (1668-1733) vague rumors of an earnest desire to and have neglected thinking for so the conference, "Christianity Meeting Audrey Clendening institute a working honor system. The long that we experience a feeling of the Crises of Our Time". Toccata per I'Elevazione Women's Student Government bas inadequacy when we come face to Two morning sessions were devoted SCA To Sponsor Movie Frescobaldi (1593-1643) conducted many informal discussions face with a serious probJem-and we to '~town haU" ,forums where a topic "Spanish Main", a technicolor Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne in order to bring to light the ques- love itl We resent anyone who tries was thoroughly brought to light by movie romance of the high seas, will Buxtehude (1637-1707) tions and opinions of everyone in the . to stir us to using our lives to a more addresses of three 01' four experts in be sponsored at the Carroll Theater in Jacqueline Blick student body. There have. been Gold valuable end, We laugh at the person the field. Following these, the .topic Westminster by the Student Christian The program is made up of music Bug articles explaining the honor who does. We care only that our was opened to the group. Written Association, on Tuesday evening., composed by organ masters of system as it operates on other college neighbor thinks us a "good Joe" be· q~estions were accepted from the del, January 29 (last night of first semes- France, Germany, and Italy during cnmpuses. Tentative plans have been cause we like the same things he egates and presented to the experts ter). the pre-Bach period. sophomore, and made for further steps toward the likes. Miss Clendening, to answer. Two showings, at 7 and 9 P. M., are completion of a code which we can Our humdrum existence becomes Our afternoon sessions all were de- scheduled for this picture which co- Miss Blick, freshman, are both stu- calI our own-but the fact remains merely a "rat-race"--each of us try- voted to "creative interest hours." stars Maureen O'Hara and Paul dents of Miss Grace Cordia Murray. that unless we can overcome the ing. to impress his neighbor with the Many topics and problems vital to Henreid. hypocritical attitude maintained by thoroughness of our agreement in college Christian groups and students UMarch Of Dimes" many, our honor system, if it becomes tastes or inconsequential matters, and were offered. Each group had a per- Tickets at (0 cents have been dis- a reality, will be merely a formality each of us completely oblivious to any son well versed in his field to lead. An tributed to salesmen In the various , Announcement has been made that to which we publicly subscribe but question of importance unless its con- opportunity for the delegates to hear dormitories and can be obtained from the Men's Student Government and privately sneer. sideration will enhance our reputa- some famous musicians and speakers any of the "SCAMP'S" (SCA Mern!. the Women's Student Government Perhaps you and your roommate tion. Thus the cover becomes more was presented in the evenings. bership Personnel-leaders of the will cooperate in sponsoring a ":March have discussed the possibilities of an important than the contents, and "a Bishop G. Bronley Oxnam deliver- dormitory groups.) of Dimes" on the ·Western Maryland honor system functioning here at rose by any other name" would not ed the first address on the topic "The The night of January 29th will be a eampus. W.M.C., ·and have shortly turned to smell as sweet, because nobody would Crisis of Our Time." On. Saturday "free night", so all students can at- Representatives will contact stu- that new record or to the hunt for bother to delve into the contents or evening Roland Hayes, tenor, gave 8. tend the movie. Proceeds from the dents in the dormitories to receive someone going to the Grille. "I guess note the scent-so completely has concert consisting of classical music sale of the tickets: wlll go to the thei! contributions. it would be a good thing, but I cer- semblance crowded out essence. and .Afro-American religious folk- World Stude~t Sen:iee. Fund. tainly hope that they wait until after (Continued on page 3, column 2)
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