Page 27 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., January 31, 1946 PAGE THREE Terror Quintet Hits Stride; Campus Characters Chalks Up Two Victories By Charlie And Cap By LUTHER F. SIES Aided by a talented group of cagers While not playing brilliant ball, the "CAP" who have entered Western Maryland little Puerto Rican showed some snap- "A mall said to the universe; that the Bar was his first calling .. Brooks was an active charter mem- Cap plans on graduating this May, after being discharged from the serv- py ball handling and good speed .. 'Sir, I exist!' yet if the annoyance and trivialities ber and a chief organizer of an or- ice, the Terrors have at last tasted Here is a brief run down on some 'However', replied the universe, ganization for world union .. He and victory. Coach Ferguson has built his of the new Ter-rors, At forward, 'The fact has not created in me of common associations disgust him his compatriots met often to discuss team about these veterans, Adamo- Walter Piavis w~o hails from Glen A sense of obligation!" to an obnoxious extent we will leave plans for the means to make this a him with this epitaph: vich, Jacobson, Paul, Piavis, Resnick, Lyon, Pa. He graduated from New- from War 18 Kind, Stephfll Crane. "Go, take your seat in Charon's boat; reality. They began a correspondence wallace, and Zlonkevicz, with Joe port High School in '43. He wa-s a society and Brooks was prolific with Thompson the only hold-over .. four letter man in H. S. While in the In the sixth century B.. C.. there We'll tell the hive, you died afloat." the pen .. But, as in all great move- Whether they're winning or losing Navy, he was sent to Cornell Col- carne to earth one Gautama Buddha, On A HOlley Bee, Freneau ments, something had to occur to these new Terrors make a pretty col- lege, Iowa, where he played both foot- who is said to have seen "the light" "CHARLIE" \ thwart it. One day, after holding a orful aggregation .... High scorer ball and basketball. while squatting under a Bo tree. "Minever Cheevey, child of scorn, meeting on one of the local curbstones in the last three games has been Wal- • Experienced Players And so it was that some 2,500 years Grew lean while he assailed the in Washington, Charles inadvertedly ter Piavi s, who has racked up 38 At the other forward, John Adam- later, on the twenty-eighth of Decem- seasons; left a bundle of his letters there . They were found by a conscientious points. .. It may be a coincidence ovich, another boy from Glen Lyon, ber, there descended from the gra- He wept that he was ever born, citizen who read them and turned but every time these new Terrors play who graduated from Newport H. S. cious heavens one Donald A. Capobi- And he had his reasons .." in Gill, Adamovich always seems to in '38. While in the service, he played anco, who spoke to the world upon On the ninth day of January, 1926, them over to the F..B.I.. An investiga- start the scoring with a dribble into basketball as well as baseball in arrival and said, "Sir, I exist" .. It in that frigid and blustering metrop- tion ensued and that ended the overt life of the organization. the right corner and a jump shot .. which he is also interested .. was then that the great god Bacchus olis of Covington, Kentucky, a child "Miniver scorned the gold he sought Jacobson always plays heads-up ball There are two new centers .. One is peered down from his reeling realm (1) was born. Its parents, lacking in and is a fair man on set-shots. Paul Zlonkevicz, graduating in '40, and chose Cap as one of his wander- originality, named him (having de- But sore annoyed he was without it Paul Zlonkevicz, a tall and experi- from Newport H. S., who also lives ing disciples .. termined that it was a him) Charles Miniver thought, and thought, and enced basketballer, teams with Alvin in Glen Lyon, Pa. Paul played basket- e Youthfut Drator Granden Brooks III.. When the babe thought, Paul, a better than average cager, to ball while in service in Colorado and opened his blue bloodshot eyes for the hold down the center position for the Perhaps it was this or perhaps it first time, he was shocked and want- And thought about it .." Ter~ors .... Wallace on the up- ~::l:ea':ho A~i~:~erince~~l~i~~re A~V~~ was some other unknown or insidious ed to return from whence he had After graduating from high school, swing looks better every game and graduated from Forest Park in '44. influence, but the infant began in come. But the O.P..A.., to be establish .. Charlie went to work for a summer- has the ability to play some smart While there he specialized in football, kindergarten to manifest marvelous ed in the year 10 of our Franklin, something he swore he would never basketball. basketball and lacrosse .. powers of oratory and demagoguery .. was not yet organized to .give him do again. So he came to college .. Being by nature an agitator for change he • Winning- Brings Rooters Another Forest Park boy is Allan He rose one afternoon from his ap- legal regress; so he stayed on, un- immediately set about on a campaign parent lethargy and hurled his little With the Terrors finally hitting the Jacobson, who graduated in '43. In blocks out of the window. Climbing happily at first, until he met his to change somethingc-c-It. mattered win column, the crowds who turn out high school he was a four letterman; nurse. From that day on, it is ru- not what it was just so long as it was lor the games have been increasing A good ball handler and nice on set upon a chair he delivered in a boom- change. He found a cause to espouse, rapidly. Odd that nothing brings on that's Mr. Jacobson. ing voice a lengthy oration directed a place to dance upon the campus .. He of institution .. against the tyrannies popularity like being a winner. Many Western Marylanders don't need Yet, in spite of such occasional out- first took up his pen for it and then of the college students have just dis- too much introduction to Alec Resn- bursts of genius, Cap managed to find followed with a petition signed by covered there is a basketball team on ick. He originally graduated from every student on the campus. Now the campus. Western Maryland stu- Forest Park and came to WMC.. his way to the great towers of learn- that the game room is established he of academic insptrac" ing, the center dents have every right to be proud of While here, he played basketball and tion, Western Maryland College.. And is restless, seeking new fields of en- the team their college is placing on football .. In the army, he had the op- it was here that his unparalleled love deaver. In his sleep he mutters some- the court, but they should be equally portunity to play basketball with thing about the Royal Grill (Home of proud of those other boys who played some pretty fast competition .. Always of comfort began to manifest itself the Bring Five Association) being too being Not content out their heart before the arrival of talking it up and trying hard-that's unscrupulously. downstairs to obtain far down the street for convenience's trudging with the vets. They were the fellows like Alec. the Sunday paper, he has the paper sake. Brohawn, Burgess, Leap, Palmer, and e Players To Watch boy send it up on a pulley to the win- One fine day this autumn, I all the rest who never quit trying. Some of the players to watch in the dow where he receives it every Sab- ambled into our room and found my • Interesting Opposition future games are Hobbs, Roche, Bar- bath morning. roommate lounging on the couch The opposing colleges that have thelme, and Bardelman .. Hobbs plays Cap lives in Hering Hall in a room propped up by several cushions-----as is traveled here to play in Gill Gymna- for Johns Hopkins and is the most far removed from the noise and at- usually the case with him-meditat- sium have brought with them some .highf y touted of all the Jays. Roche, mosphere of Ward Hall. He lives ing .. Thinking the boy ill I inquired eelorful lads. The fans w..m rGrr"mbcl' Bai-ehehuer- and Bafilelman play for there in academic solitude, as far as to the reason for meditation .. He "Bud" Linderman, towering center of Loyola. Allen Barthelme is the high away as possible from the trivialities looked up, and in a solemn voice said American University .. Roy Holcomb scorer in the state of Maryland with of the world. Said Donald, when "I have been smitten by Pegasus. I of the Gallaudet Blue Bisons, while an even two hundred points ..All these queried as to his views upon the glo- feel within me great creative activity here racked up 18 points and spelled boys have color and are sure to put rified common man, "I don't mind be- and I am endeavoring to express that the difference in the gruelling contest on a good show. ing equal to the common man as long which I feel in poetic verse .." After in which the Blsona shaded the Ter- January 17, at Gill Gym, the quint as the common man does not try to close examination of both his head rors. Mt.. Saint Mary's brought an in- from American U. walloped the Ter- be equal with me." and verse I was forced to agree that teresting little player in Romos.. (Cent .. on Page 4, Col. 3) Vacations for Cap are as dull as is he had been smitten-but the hoof of associating with most people. During Pegasus had taken on strange con- each such period he returns to his tours. little home town of Glen Head in Guess Who? Charles has a passion for privacy. Long Island where he mingles with mored that he and the doctors vied He stops at nothing to gain and re- the local officials and lends them his for her affections .. Perhaps this was tain this. In order to assure the mini- By Jean Tull advice upon anything and everything. prophetic in the role little Charlie mum of infringement upon it we Yet last summer he obtained, one way was to play in future years .. early last year applied for rooms in March 9 will see a gala occasion At 7:00 P. M.. February sixth, the or the other-let us recall the prag- the inner sanctum of Hering Hall. All Childhood was at best a necessary in em Gym, sponsored by the sen- SCA will present as its regular matic test-the editorship of two lo- evil to C.. Granden, as he was called went well for a while in the begin .. ior class. Johnny Moran and his wednesday evening service a one-act cal papers with which he poured forth in later years to distinguish among ning of this year, when suddenly fifteen ..piece orchestra from Balti- play entitled Ba-Thane. The cast of his views into the thickening stream Charles I and Charles II, until 1933, much to his dismay, one evening he more will provide a rhythmic ac- the play, which includes both semi- of society. It was then that he receiv- when he went to that great hub of noticed many eyes pe:ring over at us companiment to the dancing. His is nary and college students, is being ed a telephone call from a gentle lady the universe, Boston. Here life began from the environs of McDaniel Hall. the same orchestra that played for directed by Miss Dorothy Elderdice in congratulation upon one of his for the lad .. When he first arrived he With a haste that I have yet to see the Christmas Dance. of the seminary. Ba-Thane, which editorials. The poor soul had been spent his days listening to the great him excell, he darted over to the win- takes place in Burma, presents a pic- moved to tears; and so was Cap, for evangelists that spoke on Boston dow, shouted, "Sorry girls, that's all ture of a missionary family-its that night he again humbled himself Commons. He soon talked his mother for tonight," and whipped down the The Argonauts will give their an- trials and triumphs. Shizu Yamagu- and offered reverent prayer to his shade .. nual tea on Friday, February 8 at chi is chairman of this program. patron, Bacchus .. into buying a whole box of soap so Brother Brooks enjoys most in life, that he could have a soap box all his 4 P. M.. in McDaniel Lounge .. Invited The cast of the play is as follows: Donald is most desirous of attain- own .. After this he would spend hours next to a few other things, a good gas guests will be the faculty and all Gordon Worth, an American mission- ing, in the future, the rank of a law- on the common, orating from his soap attack .. It matters not whether he is students who are prospective mem- ary, John Vermilyea ; Virginia Worth, yer, whether or not the members of box, and all who listened marveled at on the delivering or receiving end of bers. Just for the record, the his wife, Kathie Naylor; Joan Worth, the law profession be "just-a some- what they heard .. it. To wit when asked in town by nu- Argonauts are those juniors and their daughter, Joyce Wright; Joe thing or others of society" as pro- This proved to be valuable experi- merous people if he is a pre-minis- seniors who for four semesters have Fox, an American oil driller, Ernest claimed by an eminent history pro- ence for C.G. for soon he was to go to (Cont .. on Page 4, CoL 4) maintained scholastic average of Twigg; Richard Ordway, an Ameri- fessor .. Washington .. In Washington,' howev- "B".. can newspaper reporter, Jack Mote; My roommate and I, although dif- er, he realized that he was handi- Committee heads are as follows: Ba-Thane, a young Burmese lad, Her- fering somewhat in stature, are much capped-for anyone who spoke th,e VerneJle Ports, Invitations; Grace bert Doggett; Ma May, Ba-Thane's the same in temperament. WE ARE and made sense, was shunned. It was Margaret & Earl's Jemison, Decoration; Winifred Bak- sister, Shizu Yamaguchi. . BITTER. We don't bother anybody, then that he realized that a change in er, Refreshment, The following Wednesday, Febru- and we don't like anybody to bother order was necessitated, and by the ary 13th, the program will feature us.. If we desire something necessary time he had reached high Bchool,Frere Students' Center the Reverend Mr. Ted V. Voorhees of for our comfort we obtain it in spite The College Players, under the Monessen, Pennsylvania, who will of disfavor of friends and associates .. Phone 214-W leadership of Miss Ruth Beth Watts, speak on the subject "Symbols in Perhaps that explains why we never Compliments of has begun a move to become an ac- Worship .." speak to each other-much less any- T. W. Mather & Sons SANDWICHES- tive college organization. Officers one else-in the morning .. When I SOFT DRINKS for this semester have been elected: A tea was given today at 5 P. M.. first began rooming with Cap, I dis- Westminster's Department Store of President, Lucy Jane Stoner; Vice- in McDaniel Lounge to give the new covered that he wouldn't say a word Good Service and Values President, MindeJle Seltzer; Secre- women students a chance to become until at least after breakfast .. Imme- tary, Betty Powell; Treasurer, Gloria acquainted with the Dean of Women, diately we became friends. Mathias; and Program Chairman, the housemothers, representatives of It wo~d hardly be fair to Cap's The Coft'man-Fisher Co. Barbara Richter. , the Women's Student Government, character not to mention that last Compliments of Projects for the year include tra- the Trumpeters, and various repre- year several personages of note upon Department Store veling to Baltimore to see plays at sentatives from the four classes. the campus were sincerely-attempting COMPLETE OUTFITTERS Ford's Theatre and bringing outside The new students, who were ac- to divert him from his course to the FOR ALL AGES Rutan Chevrolet Co. speakers into the meetings to lecture companied by their roommates, were Bar into the altruistic realm of the to the organization about phases of Betty Becker, Carol Krebs, Betty ministry. But, although he realized "The Best for Dress" dramatie art. Kahn, Virginia Bay, Wiletta For- that his abilities qualified him for a Westminster, Md. Watch for Latest The College Players consist of men. Other guests present were position in the clergy-and it cannot Models of Chevrolet juniors and seniors in the dramatic two returning WMC'ers, Jean Shane- be denied that he is needed-Brother Phone 102 art department. man and Martha Libis. Capobianco maintained his position
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