Page 23 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 23
The Gold Bug, W~tern Maryland College, Westminner, Md., January 17, 1946 PAGE TI-1REE Terror Quintet Still Tryingi About 'The Mop' Plays American U. Tonight By Charles G. Brooks By LUTHERF. SIES Western Maryland's basketball' host quintet took a hard-fought I saw the Mop one evening this ticularly giving a good damn", as Then there is the goodly townswom- well as from her wild stories we are !:~;toh~al~:~~!:,d G~~~;s:ua:;~svi:sh~ ~t~e.On January 9, the Gettysburg, ;~~~~~ f~~~~n;~yM~~~;!l :~~kse:~~ asked to believe. But I suppose some an of the thriving little metropolis of l who has, on occasion, ington College, and Bridgewater. Be- a: :!:yin;:_~~d ~!~lo~:mT~ r;:~o!~ingly enjoying the fresh night air. are born to be humored, others to westminster Mop is the ugliest girl that stated cause of this, many Terror rooters, learned a lot of basketball just by She was walking with bare feet and laugh and many to be dismayed. who has ever attended Western Mary- as well as some of the Baltimore watching the classy Bullets' rnethodi- was robed in her pajamas. I don't And perhaps deep within the cog- land, and the Mop smiled, being de- newspapers, are beginning to make cal, machine-perfect offense and de- know why she had no' shoes on, but sirous of thanking her for the compli- ridiculing remarks about the team's rense. The only thing that the dis- her pajamas manifested extremely ment. Ah-h, sweet femininity! play. One Baltimore paper tagged com-aged Terror rooters had to cheer good taste and blended well with her One will never see her in the din- ~~:: ~~:~~~~~~~e~!p!;~i~o;S;:W~i~:h~ ~~~t t:l~~:d t~ne;~:~~:~t;e!~o~t. Ernie :~~d::i~;~ !i;:~ieve, was partially ing hall, for she claims to have a cer- tain regard for her stomach, thus ington College game called them The third loss. by the Terrors was necessitating food and drink from "listless": Tagging a "trying" team as suffered when they met \Vashington .Amazing! other sources. And until we received listless does seem slightly unfair. College at Chestertown on January It is rather difficult to remain at Western Maryland without becoming the latest dietitian, there have been • Observations 15. The Sharemen took the game, many who have earnestly desired the The cause of the Terrors' losses is 42-33. Familiar with their small aware of the Mop, legally known-x-I finances to purchase meals each day Welch. It is even Marjorie certainly not poor coaching. Coach court, the Eastern Shore boys rushed think-as difficult to know her without from restaurants. rather Bruce Ferguson has done a masterful to a 27·16 lead at half time but re- being somewhat amazed. I know of job in blending his available material ceived quite a scare as the Terrors .Almost In R.O.T.C. into a team and transfusing the fight- came to life just a little too late to few girls who change their hair to Last spring a few more people be- ing spirit into them. snatch the vicor y. Don Brohawn led match their clothes, especially with gan to wonder, a few more prayers such a varied and colorful wardrobe. Don Brohawn has tallied plenty of the Tenor scorers with 11 points, may have ascended aloft to pierce the points for Western Maryland ... Joe while the Shoremen's brother act, She claims that before she discovered holy sanct.itudea, and those of self- Thompson, even though not racking Jim and Gene Rook, had 13 and 11 the benefits of lightening her hair claimed holiness were louder in their up as many points as last year, looks points, respectively. with peroxide, she blackened it by condemnations when the Mop an- rubbing carbon paper over it. like a much better all-around basket- W:MC'S latest defeat was at the Perhaps one of the memorable nounced that she was planning to en- ball player.. . Burgess has been hands of the Bridgewater College things about the Mop is her imagina- roll in the R.O.T.C. in September. playing good ball generally, but had quintet last Tuesday night, by a Her idea would probably have worked a bad nihgt against the Bullets. . .. score of 48-33. The score was 24-21 tion; it is definitely vivid, and if all out had not the military staff of the Parker, hurt by lack of experience, at the end of the first half, with the of the many experiences she tells of college been revised. has improved greatly .... Ernie Virginians forging ahead in the sec- have not actually occurred she, at least, believes in them. In any event Leap has the knack of dropping in ond period to take the game by a corn- IILiterary Talents long rafter-scraping shots that thrill for-table margin. Brohawn paced the there are those who would claim that the crowd .... Engle and Schaeffer Green and Gold aggregation with 12 the pragmatic test of allYthing is, She has a talent for writing and does it work? And who is to deny that are capable subs and sometimes play points. she has reached the heights of a her scholastic efforts are comparative- exceptional ball .... Wallace, a new EXTRA ALIBI DEPT. Why ly high. Her literary abilities are sup- arrival on the Hill, appaJij!ntly packs are the boys losing? Lack of expert- campus character? plemented with some experience of a lot of potential basketball. In the ence and lack of height seem to be the .Mop At The Mount novel nature and her active imagina- Bullet game, he turned in some fancy chid cause for their inability to hit Before gracing Western Maryland tion. As a matter of experience she defense work before he was injured. their winning streak. ... On the ex- with her presence, the Mop attended was once forced to hitch-hike from He seemed more calm and composed pertence angle, only three men, Mount St. Agnes, where she led a Baltimore after missing the bus. Iron- ically enough, she was picked up by a than anyone else on the floor. Thompson, Burgess and Brohawn, group in prayer; for in truth that .Top-notch Team are returning lettermen. The other was the only way by which she could "l\Iop" noted and well-loved Bishop and a faculty member. As' a matter of imag- There weren't many college stu- boys hadn't played college basketball be persuaded to be present. Thus wheels of her ever-changing head ination or experience-who knows!- dents who came to the Western Md.~ before until this year ... - . Did you speaketh the Mop. I would hesitate to and it really makes little difference- Gettysburg game. It seems that even know that substitute Artie Cohen and hazard a guess as to why she went to there is some meaning or truth to her she will relate to you her story of be- traveling to South ambitions of if they didn't want to see their own regular Joe Thompson are the only the Mount, except that, as she says, America, becoming a close associate ing locked up in a Baltimore jail, ac- college team play that they would at men on the squad six feet or over. The she was beginning to get too old to of· Stalin, I_ivingas a bum, and having cused of being a- bookie at Pimlico. least have had enough energy to-walk average heigfit of the Terror team is play football anymore. She continued six children. I couldn't attempt to Her bail was reputed to have been OVer the hill to see the Bullets play. 5 feet 8'h inches-that's very short her 'athletics, however, and won for a- cor-relate these fancies. $26.50 The Gettysburg team is one of the for a basketball player! year the golf championship of Balti- finest ever to come from that school. • IN THE FUTURE. . Tonight more. They are undefeated in five games, the American University team, which Finally arriving at Western Mary- being one of the eleven teams in the is always one of the best in the Me- land, she has somehow managed to country with a perfect record. Unde- son-Dixon Conference comes to Gill remain here. There are some whose feated teams are Notre Dame, North. Gymnasium to play the Terrors. Sat- conventional and tied-down minds are western, Navy, Cornell, Yale, West u'rday, January 19, the Terrors meet shocked at the Mop's individualism, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18- Virginia, Tulane, 'Baldwin-Wallace, Lasala at Evergreen, and on January and there are others who are able to Mtss Braina:td's Recital, Alumni Hall, 8:00 P. M. Holy Cross, Gettysburg, and Georgia. 22, Gallaudet has a return engage- appreciate the contrast she sets, and SATURDAY, JANUARY 19- The high-velocity Bullets certainly ment with Western Maryland at Gill who have received a great many Poetry Contest begins. travel in fast company. Gym. smiles from her attitude of "not par- SUNDAY, JANUARY 20- • Lost Opener Sunday School, Dr. Shroyer, Baker Chapel, 9 :15 A. M. The opening game of the see- Morfett Asks Students To Consider MONDAY, JANUARY 21- son was with Gallaudet, away. .The Little Symphony Orchestra, Alumni Hall, 11 :30 A. M. 22- Honor Code As Serious Problem ~UESDAY, JANUARY Organ Recital, Alumni Hall, 4 :15 P. M. Clendening-Blick MONDAY, JANUARY 28- (Continued from page 1, column 5) violation is as beneficial to the viola- Continued from Page 2, column 1) An honor system imposed now tor as to society; and certainly we 'I'ri-Beta Meeting, McDaniel Lounge. 29- where they were strictly supervised. would amount to an hono, system in should be anxious to help our fellow TUESDAY, JANUARY Ends. First Semester In those days, more of the Ward name only. It would sound grand- rather than ashamed to do 50. Of "Spanish Main", Benefit WSSF. Hall delegation went to church be- "Western Maryland students have in- course, the ideal situation would be cause-, stituted an honor system-fine young for each individual to understand and WEDNESDA V, JANUARY 30- Begins. Second Semester "Surely churches are fairer to the citizens in the making at Western to act in such a way that an honor student nowadays, MarylandJ" How completely self-sat- system would be just as natural as eat- Convocation, Alumni Hall, 11 :30 A. M. speaker. "Youth Caravan SCA Baker Chapel, Mr. W. W. Delaplain, For college girls are often there, to isfied we would be, having the smug ing or sleeping, and not something -join in songs of praise; knowledge that we were getting credit that must be promoted. We obviously \Vork." And many a fellow owneth with half- for all tflat splendid action; and yet do not Jive in that Utopia, however, regretful sighs, 'being spared the effort and honesty it and must meet the issue as its exists, easily mold for ourselves here at That he goes in to worship-(some would call for. We would be just an- and if it does not please us, correct WMC an honor system embodying Compliments lovely maiden's eyes.)" other living example of the idealism it. Correction would necessitate all- those ideals, and through it mold of Some of the teachers here in 1920's of this world preached but not prac- other change in habit. We would have ourselves into finer persons. If we can _ laugh when they recall life in McKin- ticed. Recogn.ition that such- condi· to "buckle down"-give up the coun- BONSACK'S stry Hall, the first girls' dormi- tions prevail, it is in our power to try~c1ub way of life for a more seri- each find the will and courage to _be SODAS LUNCHES with others, and ourselves honest tory. Lights were turned out prompt- meet and to correet them. ous college life, one with a purpose. there is more than ample reason for ly at 10:80 every night. Five sec- .Must Live Ideals The insincere, bored-with-life, sophis- working whole·heartedly toward the which we try so bard to ac- tication onds later the halls would be packed If we have the courage to live our quire in college has been proved formulation of a code of honor. The Compliments of with girls wrapped in blankets, set- ideals, we can establish a living, will and courage needed have recently T. W. Mather & Sons tling themselves to study, as the hall functioning honor system based upon through experience to be of little im- portance in the matter of living. lights had to be left on in case of them. Certainly all of us will agree ~::~:ds~~a:n~:~t~~I~~yli:~IYc:~;:~e;: Westminster's Department Store of fire. that honesty is the best, if not the • Criteria Of Success students to develop our esprit de Good Service and Values Then there was the teacher who easiest, guide to living. Then why are. Dr. Warfield, speaking to us about corps. That same energy so forcibly lived under the theory that continu- we afraid to apply that honesty to Poland's future, said that the success used to build up our social life on Compliments cus rhythm in a building caused every phase of our life here at school? of the United Nations' Organization campus slJOuld and must be used to of taid building to crash ih. So, during The only reason is that we have be- in realizing the dream of Christian develop an academic system of which initiation, when the girls were forced ,come too slovenly, too lazy, and too brotherhood will be reached only by •we can be equally as proud! The Carroll Food Market to march through the corridors, she duIl to work for anything. The big- honesty, frankness, and a foreign prodded each one with her big black gest" task it would impose on us would policy based on ideals. If the world 90 W_ Main St. umbrella to get them out of step. be that of changing some of our hab- as a whole can attempt to base its ac· Benny's Kitchen Dancing? Why that was a sin, its in thin~ing and acting. tions on ideals, why can't we here at Bowl at the New with a capital "S". WMC put a few of our ideals into HOME_COOKED MEALS Modern Recreation Cheer up--the second semester will • Honesty Beneficial operation, and combine semblance bring some additions to help the ra- In thinking, it would mea'n that we and essence?! W_ Main St. Westminster, Md. Center tio along. Let's hope that it will also must realize tbat although a cheat Longwell Ave. bring some members of the old gang may live all his life fooling himself, • Mold Finer Persons and the return of the fratelCnities. the fact remains that honesty works Through cooperation, a little Baltimore Sun Agent Heagy Brothers But remember, "it droppeth as the to -our advantage always-honesty thought on everyone's part, an at- Myers' Grocery Store SHOP gentle rain from Heaven" _ wasn't with ourselves and in our dealings tempt to keep our ideals always in BARBER spoken of college spirit. It's up to with others. We must recognize that mind, and a bit of appreciation for Complete Stock Four Chairs-Quick Service us to make it. in an honor !System the report of a our QPportunity to learn, we could Handy to the Hill 24 W. Main St.
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