Page 31 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 31
_______________ _:Th:.::::.,..:G:::o:::ld_:B:;u::g:..,W,;:.:":::"::.:rnMaryland College, Westminster, Md., February 14, 1946 PAGE >HREE Veterans Make Terrors Gain In League Playoff Race With In This Corner Green Terror ThreeVidories During Last Two Weeks By N. J. Wolfsheimer ~uture Bright SPORTS EDITOR Loyol. Tops Green By Fight For Fifth By Al Resnick I Mason Dixon Conference I I was more than pleased to see the 45 To 43 In Fast Game Place Gets Hot Green Terrors in action against For three years, since 1943, West- Standing of the teams western Maryland's Terrors, aft- Johns Hopkins' Blue Jays last Wed- ern Maryland College has been Loyola's Greyhounds grabbed an W L Pct. el~ dropping their first six confer- nesday night, for it was the first forced to minimize its inter-collegi- early lead against Western Maryland American U. 8 .888 ence games, have moved back to take time in three years that I was able ate athletic program, because of mil- last night in a fast basketball game Loyola 12 .857 thr-ee victories out of their last foul' to see the Green and Gold club play itary necessity. Our male popula- at Gill Gym and stayed ahead all the Johns Hopkins .600 -games. on the hardwood. To, say the least tion, limited to 300 men in normal game, winning 45 to 43. Gallaudet _ .615 They have proven themselves, a it was also good to view them in a times, has been very small through The Terrors threatened in the sec- Randolph-Macon ._. 3 .429 real threat as they upset third-place win just as I did in February 1948 these war-torn years. Many of our ond half and came within two points Washington 5 .385 Johns Hopkins and only lost to U11- when they defeated Catholic Univer- athletes have been leaders upon the shortly after the second session Western Maryland., 3 .272 defeated American U. by four points. sity in Gill Gym. battlefields of the world. Some started, only to have the Hounds pull Bridgewater have returned; some shall return; ahead by twelve points at one stage Catholic U. :~:~ The most outstanding fact about the Not enough praise can be given to some will never return. These men of the game. Jacobson and Walt Pia- .000 team is its ability to come through the bru;;ketball team for the wny that vis pulled the home team' close to Delaware _ .000 when the chips are down. they have been fighting for the carried the spirit of the Hill with Loyola in the final four minutes, but Mt. St. Mary's ... To get in the play-offs, the Ter- basketball games in the past few them. Reitz had his club stall the ball and rors will be forced to play alert ball weeks. What they lack in finesse The first semester of 1945-46 saw Western Maryland lost the fight in their last five games. The Green they more than make up for in fight very few men on the campus. A against time. Frosh, Sophs Lead team will face Johns Hopkins, Wash- and spirit. The game against Hop- small trickle of vets began to return The victory pulled Loyola closer to ington, Bridgewater and Catholic U., kius was a dilly from start to end and among them was Charlie Hav- league-leading American U. and did Femme Basketballers the last-named twice. and despite the faet that the Ter- ens. Charlie came to the campus aa not help the upward swing' of the rors won by six points, the margin II student in 1926. In that year Dick Terrors. With the playing off of the final .Playoffs a Toss-Up was never more than four points Harlow transferred his gridiron tal- g-ames in the basketball season, var- Opce a Conference team has reach- most of the night; even then the ents from Colgate and brought Hav- sity and junior varsity players will ed the play-offs, previous records of Blue Jays were generally in the lead ens with him. Harlow's protege Dear Boss: still have some games to look for- tossed out the until the last few minutes of play played 011 Western Maryland's un- Wish me luck in my new ward to. wins and losses are rousing melee of In window. the and that is when the lead really defeated team of '29 and was men- venture. At the- present time I Invitations have been received beautiful basketball, it is often the counts. The contest against Ameri- tioned on several All-American have a perfect record with no from Gettysburg and Notre Dame can U. in 'Vashington must have teams. Following his gradua tion he wins, no losses and no ties. Ex- for games, swimming, and dinner at underdog who rocks the favored year's been just as good, but yours truly played pro-ball for the Pittsburgh cuse me for starting a little their colleges, and they have been giant. This according to Mason-Dixon boys the play-offs, was unable to see that one, If Yellowjackets and then assisted Har- late, but my "Uncle" needed me. invited here by the WAA. Bruce Ferguson's boys can keep up low, who remained here. Here is the starter: The first game of the season was who've seen all the teams in action, the good work perhaps we will be Mr. Havens became head coach in Western Maryland to beat between Senior and Freshmen "A" should be one of the best in years hearing the bell in Smith Hall ring 1935 and has a record of 27 wins, Catholic U. - teams. A close game resulted in a with everyone having an opportunity out once more as it did in March of 30 losses and 4 ties. This is a good Johns Hopkins over Delaware 21 to 18 victory for the Fr-esh team. to take the title. 19,11 when the Green Terrors won record considering the high class of West Virginia over Washington The next game between Senior Because of the large number of. the championship, also under the opponents we have met. and Jefferson and Sophomore "A" teams, provided men on the basketball squad, plans coaching of Fergie. Another very well-known member Muhlenberg to beat Navy excitement for all and victory for the have been made for a Junior Varsi- of the coaching staff who returned to NYU to trounce Manhattan Seniors with a 21 to 12 score. As ty to play JV's of other colleges. .Spring Notes the Hill after several years of ac- Western Maryland over Wash- a preliminary to the men's Johns Two weeks ago the Big Green vis- By the time that spring rolls ttvc service with the Army is Bruce ington Hopkjns game in Gill Gym, Senior ited Emmitsburg to wallop Mt. Saint always Mary's team. The Mounts around, the college should once again Ferguson. Bruce entered as a stu- My record to date: and Junior "A" teams, after a hard try hard but they just were not able have a full schedule of events. Prof. dent in 1931 and was blocking back Won Lost Tied Pct. working time came through with a 12 Hurt has high hopes for a good ten- for Bill Shepherd, who WIIS national o 0 0 .000 to 12 tie. Senior forwards were Theo to stop the victory hungry Terrors. . nis team since he once again has high-scorer in 1934. Perg played on Yours truly, Jones, Milly West and Doris Boone, Johns Hopkins came to Gill Gym such good players as Ken Volk, Sig HE FORKS SODAS LUNCHES Baltimore. Longwell Ave. WESTMINSTER, MD.
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