Page 30 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 14, 1946 Campus Pe;sonality Voorhees Iud tlj04 tljf4H, The first editorial from behind a newly-ap- By Betty Schmidt pointed editor's desk almost always seems to as- sume the character of making a statement that the new editor does not intend to "attempt the By Mary F. Davies I do not; sing of cabbages and kings; Future's portal with the Past's blood-rusted But of our Hill and profs and lighter things. key." However, such a glorified and profuse "Jimmy" is her nickname and ;t I hope to go into the foreign mis- The sum of which, or so it seems to me presentation of a policy that is to be so revolu- I'll be lucky if in May I get one C. tionary and different from the past editor's pro- had its origin in a s.tartling manner. sion field, preferably in India." In answer to a number of requestscfor a column de- gram does not seem to us to be necessary or valid. Back in the days when garbage col- • Editor-In·Chief voted to the witticisms and faux pas of professors during The changes outlined in such an editorial are sel- lectors made their rounds with In spite of the fact that she hadn't lighter moments in their occupation of "professing", I dom policy changes of the various editors, but in horse-drawn wagons, Virginia Voor- worked on her high school paper or have been asked to scout around for the above-mentioned reality are nothing but reflections of changes in hees was a very little girl: When that she wasn't majoring or minor- (witticisms) and pass them on to you as they were told to the aspects of campus life itself or merely differ- someone asked her what her name ing in English, Jimmy became inter- mo. ent interpretations of the ideals of any good pub- was, she replied with the first name ested in working on the Gold Bug, .Naughty, Naughty! lication staff. that popped into her mind and that and in 1945 she became editor, pro- Let's start off with the pun of the week which was made We do not feel that any such change of policy is happened to be the" name she'd heard gressing from the ranks as copy edi- not so very long ago by on unsuspecting prof in a cer- necessary with the retirement of Miss Voorhees. the garbage collector call his horse. tor, assistant news editor, news edi- tain economics class. It seems that the lecture was cen- Taking the paper over at a difficult time when it From then on her family tagged her tor, and finally ·to the top position. tered aro·und foreign exchanges, and the professor, in or- was without the backing of an all-important with the nickname "Jimmy". She is also membership chairman of der to illustrate the point he was trying to make, began sports page and at a time when the spirit of the e Plstol Collection! by saying, "Now let's take for example this Big American campus was at one of its lowest ebbs in the his- For the first ten or twelve years of firm of Turner and Seymour .. " But that's all the tory of the college in not only sports but in almost her life it was appropriate, f01· Jim- farther it was taken. just then, because with the grins and every campus activity, she deserves a "pat on the my was II. tomboy. "Among my fav- snickers of the students came the dawn, and with the back" for a job well-donel l orite toys was my collection of guns dawn came the effusive apologies of our embarrassed and Criticism of the paper that she was putting out that included II. water pistol, pop slightly red Prof. Hurt. every two weeks was rampant. As various organi- gun, cap pistol, and Buck Rogers By golly now, let's go on to somethin' else! zations on the Hill attempted to bring back the gun," she smiled. She liked climb- OThe Truth About Professors old Western Maryland life into the fields of their ing trees, too, and often scrambled I know we've all wondered at one time or other just interests, the Gold B~tg stood behind these groups for II. high limb where she would sit what the favorite after-class pastime of the faculty is. by publishing the news they were making. Too with a book, reading. "I've gotten 'I'hat: is, besides devising almost-impossible-to-answer much religious news in the Gold Bug!! Too many over my tomboyishness somewhat", Virginia Voorhees test questions and grading the sad results of the same; recitals of the music department headlined on the she explained, "and at present my but it was very subtly revealed several days ago when front page!! So the criticism ran as each organi- hobby is crocheting-with mittens SCA, a member of IRC, the Wesley- Dr. Whitfield, in American history class, jokingly re- zation came to the foreground! and baby bibs my specialty." anettes, Argonauts, and was chosen buked the students for their frequent references to "teach- The criticizers not only did not seem to take for Who's Who Among Students in er's. pet." "Teacher's petl Teacher's pet! That's all I into consideration that perhaps the groups that .Half And Half! American Colleges and Unive1·sitie8, hear! Of course teachers pet!" were making the headlines were the only ones Jimmy was born in Chautauqua ."Her Police Record!" • Where There's A Will There's A Way who were really carrying on activities in which County in the western part of New Being a preacher's daughter h~sn't Miss Parker, in a recent lecture informed the class that the entire student body was invited to partici- York and grew up simultaneously in prevented Jimmy from coming into back in the 1930's she wanted to introduce a course in tap pate, but they also on many occasions did not re- New York and Pennsylvania. This contact with the long arm of the dancing into the curriculum, but, the administration, fer their criticisms to the places where they could was because the church in which her law. During the Christmas holidays throwing up their hands in holy horror, would not hear to be given proper attention and remedied. father was minister was in Penn- she arrived at a small town near her such a thing. In order to delude her adversaries the We do not wish to create any misunderstand-r sylvania, just a few blocks from the home to "discover that the last bus course was entered in the new catalogue under the title of ing. We are not advocating a non-criticism policy parsonage in New York. At pres- had already left for Monessen. The Elementary Rhythm! . on the part of the students. The Gold Bug wel- ent Jimmy's home is in Monessen, desk sergeant in the police station • Habits comes criticism of any of its aspects that are not Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. "It's where she went. for assistance was Mrs. Schofield of the home economics department leaves representative of the entire student body. The a hilly place-our street has steps unable to get a cab, so the police in us in a more serious frame of mind with the clever state- chief aim of every staff has been to be the honest instead of II. sidewalk, and automo- that town drove her across the r-iver ment that "a habit is like the word itself. Drop the "h" vehicle of student opinions and activities. But biles aren't permitted on it because to the outskirts of Monessen where and you have "a bit"; take away the "a" and "bit" re- "rumors and rumors of rumors" are not very it's so steep," she said. she was met by that police force mains. Drop the "b" and you still have "it." helpful to a staff that is trying to follow student $ First And Last! and convoyed safely to her home. That's all the puns for now, but before I sign off I'd desires in its policies. They are usually contra- Jimmy attended McKeesport High "It's a good thing our neighbor-s like to dedicate the following to the Campus Characters dictory and not definite about any clear-cut ad- School and although she was the were in bed or they might have been of two weeks back: vice. last to receive her diploma she rank- surprised to see the minister's One brisk February afternoon a grandpapa bull, a In order to avoid situations such as Miss Voor- ed first in her class of 90l. daughter arriving at 3 A. 1\1. in a papa bull, and a baby bull went out for a stroll in the hees faced, we should like to acquaint the stude~~s WIlen she first came to Western police car!" she said with a smile. country. They had not gone very far when the with t\VOmethods by which they may make crlti- Maryland, Jimmy planned to major Besides crocheting, Jimmy likes bull became tired and sat down to rest. The papa bull and baby bull kept on walking, however, enjoying the beauties cisms and suggestions to the persons who are in a in chemistry, but in her junior year poetry, music (particularly Tehai- position to make use of them. . she became a sociology major. "I'd kovsky and Wagner) and good food. of nature and breathing in the cool sweet air. Finally, The box that is being used at the present time rather work with people than test She doesn't like a lot of ceremony becoming a bit sleepy, the papa bull lay down under a for the Gold Bug poetry contest entries will be tubes," she smiled. "I'd like to do and emphasis placed on surface ap- tree to take a nap. But the baby bull ran on and on. changed into a contribution box into which stu- graduate work in religious education pearances. "1 also· dislike procras- The moral is: A little bull goes a long way!! dents or faculty may place suggestions, criti- and social work and qualify for tinatlon, possibly because it's one of cisms or feature and news writing for considera- teaching when I finish here. Then my own faults," she admitte~. tion bf the Go~d Bug staff beginning Monday, liFe With Factor February 18. Another means of contact between the student body and the publication staff is DeclicateJ To Dr. Spicer through the student advisory council. Cap's Caprice What we desire most of all is to make the Gold By P-40 Bug a newspaper that westernMarylanders may All teachers are human, so they keep telling us, and read with interest and not With the feeling of By Don Capobianco need some encouragement in their difficult jobs. I've disgust-"Just the same old thing.!!" We noted in the last issue of the No.". It is gratifying to know that elected myself to do some back-slapping. Credit has been For us this will be a less formidable task than Gold Bug, with some bit of pleasure, not all Marylanders are given to given to the gym teachers for their work in physical edu- for any other staff of the past three yea~s .b~cause that we were paid a somewhat dub- make rash statements. cation, and also to the English, music, and what-have-you with the return of veterans, campus activities are ious compliment by being informed professors who have been turning out such promising stu- on the upward march. A revived sports page is in that our column has created a FRATS dents. However, nobody has yet sung the praises of the Now that some of the old members the making as witnessed in this issue, a!Jd the little interest even in such far off mathematics teachers, heroes of the bisected angle and the paper is beginning to fill its columns with ac- places as India. Mr. Fred Holloway, of the Hill's fraternities are back, quadratic equation. Defenders of the theorem and the counts of many other new activities afoot. Jr., was gracious enough to write they are anxious to get the clubs or- corollary, they stand unproclaimed. I think that if we We ask WMC students for their support and and offer us his wholesome criticism ganized again. Bob Beglin is doing could understand them, we would admire them and their cooperation. We ask that all criticism be oper: and and invaluable opinions on how to a good job of getting things rolling. purposes in life. I'll try to depict a typical day in the life constructive. We ask that all students contribute put our "talents" to good use in the Already all four frats have the pres- of a typical math teacher, Mr. Adjacent Theta. worthwhile news and creative material for pub- paper. We are humbly grateful for ident selected and members to the He wakes up bright and early every morning about lication through the suggestion box. such sagacious advice. In his criti- inter-fraternity council. A petition II 4.025 o'clock (6:30 to us laymen), and immediately As we look backward into the Past, we do not cism, however, Mr. Holloway erred in has been filed requesting the reop- jumps out of bed and begins his morning exercises by see a "blood-rusted key," but ~h~ key. t~at has one respect: I do not suffer under ening of the club rooms. At pres- taking the cube root of the distance from here to Jupiter opened all the doors of journalistic trammg and the illusion that I am the "savior" ent, unfortunately, two of the club in kilometers, converting the result to rods, and factoring experience for us! As we look ahead, we see a of Western Maryland College. If rooms are being used as class rooms. the reciprocal into its prime factors. Being a little disap- Future when we may look with even greater anything, it would be quite to the con- To get the "frats" started off on the pointed, because this never comes out even, he decides to pride than at the present time upon not only ot;'r tral,), of this. A savior, Mr. Hol- right foot these rooms should be re- drown his sorrows in a hearty breakfast. After having publication, the Gold Bug, but on every activity m loway, is one who is inspired by some converted. If this is impossible, we had three fried cotangents, siney side up, a thick piece of the Western Maryland campus! great cause and has high ideals. I would like to suggest, as a tempor- hypotenuse sprinkled thoroughly with indices, and a cup -THE EDITOR. have found no cause to be inspired ary measure, that at least one be of hot coefficients, he finds he has developed a severe case by, and as for my ideals, we shall given back and then to compensate of Theta-Theta. He had forgotten to change the sign for the loss of the other, the use of THE GOLD BUG not discuss them. this the old Hospian Club room for a while removing the brackets. Mr. Theta, or, as his this condition, After remedying J do not mean to imply that Official student newspaper of Western Maryland Col- column has not been devoted to some while. to schedule, intimates call him, "Jacent", decides to take a stroll If all goes according lege published semi-monthly, on Thursday, during Oc- purpose, however. Among our ·sev- through his Victory garden to see how his ellipses, para- tobe~, November, January, February, March, alld April, eral objects has been to give !'ome the fraternities will be back in work- bolas, and radicals are doing. As he walks down the gar- and monthly during September, December, and May. En- stimulus toward creating greater ing order and have bids out for new den path, he falls down of! his secant after slipping on a tered as second class matter at Westminster Post Office. members before Spring vacation. As under the Act of March 3, 1879. school spirit when it was at its FOon as it is practical the inter-frat- mixed surd left there by his young daughter, Omega, who nadir and to lend some recognition to hod been playing with a set of simultaneous equations he Subscription Price S2.00 a Year ternity sports activities as well as had gotten her for Christmas. Instantly, he calls for his the proverbial uncferdog in time of the usual, will be commenced. . Margaret Statler, '47 need. We have met with a small wife, Abcissa, who immediately soothes Mr. Theta's ruf- News Editor '. !t. Enrique Lamadrid, '46 measure of success in both endeav- HOUSING PROBLEM fled temper by saying, "Now, now Jacent, don't become Ass't. News Editor .. Jean TuB, '48 The national housing shortage is radical and get yourself into a frustrum. After all, you Feature Editor Mary Davies, '47 Your letter was of interest to me were once a monomial yourself." Being appeased by the Spor.ts Editor... .... __.N. J. Wolfsheimer, '47 in another fashion, Mr. Holloway. ~::~~va~~~~n~~lt :yn::~::l ~: ~~~ sympathetic understanding of his wife, he cheerfully goes Copy Editor Fcrn Ray, '48 Last year when a bili for the im- men who are married have been to work in his garden, pulling out all the improper frac- Make-up Editors Don Capobianco, '46 provement of the waterworks in Bai- searching, and searching in vain, for tions, cultivating the small logarithms, and pruning the Charles Brooks, '48 timore was put to the voters to vote a place to live in town. So desper- larger ones. Typing Editor ATJ"e Klein, '47 upon, one of Baltimore's Congres- ate has become their plight, that Since time and space do not permit, we must leave Mr. Business Manager Mindelle Scltzer, '46 sional representatives made this bril- they are now casting various en- Theta here, and discuss him some time in the future. As Advertising l\Janager Lucy Jane Stoner, '4(; liant remark to his constituents: "1 vious eye~ even at the Management long as you got the point, this will suffice. Circulation l\Ianager . . _:!9hn Barnes, '48 know ·nothing about water, but vote House. By the way, what was the point?
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