Page 24 - TheGoldBug1945-46
P. 24
PAGE FOUR' The Gold Bug, Western Matyland College, Westminster, Md., January 17. 1946 Faculty-Student Gatherings Inaugurate 'I Holiday Engagements, Weddings Reported Contact System By Dorm Groups The hours between the conclusion ices of the SeA as well as special (Continued from page 2, column 5) the general welfare of society. While (Continued from page 2, column 4) to study! projects. Through the group leaders, of the chapel service and the ten o'- news about the planned activitiel!l can ;'::.b~;:n:~::i~:::l~~:!::~~?~:::.~:~:,O;~:~:::7°:~£::':£; The reason1-Al landed! clock bell last Sunday night found It's been one and a half y~ars and something different going on around be conveyed in a thorough way to all Diddy is going to marry her Pfc. Western Maryland College end the members of the student body. sion brought on by the war. I !~ew:a:r:n: r:~:;e f::~ ti~:g:~~ct:~ Algar Zaepf at the beginning of the surrounding community. All members Fourth, for those special projects The American people have always our full productive capacities must be second semester. of the student body had been invited which require some basis for organi- hated. the yoke o~ go:ernmental sup- in operation. They are far from it, "Hear the mellow wedding bells, to faculty homes, and fourteen simul- zation! these "contact groups" pro- p.reSSlO.n,and hating It. they have re- and no one is gaining. Golden bells! taneous meetings were going on un- vide a convenient structure already in sisted It, sometunes actively as in the The editor of the Baltimore SU1I What a world of happiness their der the sponsorship of the Student existence. The clothing drive to begin Revolution, .and others more passively pointed out on January 15th that even harmony foretells!" Christian Asecctetion. February 1, will work through the as during the days of Prohibition. if the General Motors Workers got The beaming smile of Mrs. Daniel B. Stoner stoutly confirms those lines Those students, who were present dormitory groups under the direction Governmental control has been the the raise they were seeking by the heard an explanation of the ideas and of the weelevenettee and the coopera- order of the day all during the war. end of the month, it would take them of Poe's immortal poem. She was tor- but It was accepted out oi necessity mer-Iy Peggy who graduated Geary, reasons behind these gatherings, but tion of the SCA. Prayer 'groups, es- with much chagrin. Now that the war at least fifty-three' months to make this past August. Jean Eckhardt, al- fo,l' those who didn't attend, a brief pecially emphasized around Religious up what' they have lost in salary. umna of the Phi Alphs, and "Mac" resume of the objectives of the plan Emphasis Week, may be organized is over, its excuse for existence has What was lost in production cannot McWilliams have tied the knot. passed. The check on labor and man- is in order. from the dormitory, units, and a dorm agement seems to have vanished with very well be made up. The same sort Today Lil Jackson, our last year's l First, since the SeA is an organi- group can go in a body to the New it, and mild anarchy prevails. of thing applies to the other strikers. Gold Bug editor, is being married to zation belonging to all students and Windsor .Relief Center to work some There is little that can be done to Their main accomplishments appear Capt. Gruver Martin, of Baltimore. faculty members of WMC, the field of evening or afternoon. to be two-fold: Scarcity of saleable Perhaps Western Maryland should student-faculty relationships would These four points were embodied in check the crime wave at present ex- commodities on the market resulting Ap- seem to be a matter in which the SCA the explanations made by the leaders cept to increase police protection. can be in the continuance of high prices, and add an M.R.S. degree to its curricu- lum. From the looks of things there how- parently is little that could legitimately work. Improvement at the Sunday night meetings, along done to stop the spreading of strikes. by demanding higher wages, a fur- ever, the Hill does fairly well with- of these relations, b~ a better under- with a brief description of the broad- One thing should, however, be done, ther rise in prices. And so we are well l' "1 standing between students and thei~ er aspects of the SCA-the area, re- on the way to an even greater Infla- out it! professors is one aim of the plan now gional, national and international or- and that is to make labor unions re- tionary period ... which carries sponsible to the law. Individuals and under operation. This was particu- ganizations. After group discussions corporations must adhere to law, yet with it the threat of another depres- larly the emphasis on Sunday night, of the material presented, the remain. sion. Let us see what Congress is go- and reports attesting to the success of der of the evening was devoted to in- labor unions are irresponsible. In ing to do to prevent this dilemma ... the meetings in that respect have formal social fellowship. view of the vast power that is wielded but let us not be too passive in our come in on all sides. The dormitory groups will not hold by the unions, it takes on frightening observing. COMPLIMENTS OF to realize that they are free aspects Second, it has been felt by some regular sessions in the future but will to do what they please regardless of come together occa- only on special residents on the Hill that more stu- sions. Plans for further meetings Expert Jewelry, Watch and dents should be given voice in the Optical Repairing The W, H. Davis Co. SCA, in planning and taking part in with interested faculty members are Theo. F. Shaeffer Colonial Jewelry Co, in the making, along with other fac- the activities, in order to make more ulty-student activities. clear the fundamental idea that the MASTER PLUMBER 32-34 W. Main St., Student Christian Association is real- 92 W. Main St. Westminster, Md, ly a non-exclusive group, welcoming SMITH & REIFSNIDER Phone 359·J 'Phone 303 all who want to come to the services, Incorporated Westminster, Md. discussions, and all other events in LUMBER-COAL the SCA program. In order to "keep WESTMINSTER. MD. Specialists a finger on the student pulse", resi- John Everhart ;" Complimenu of dents of the dormitories have been TIlE COLLEGE BARBER Cold Finger Wave Permanent divided into groups, with a leader in Cootes' Sarber Shop AND BOBBER Machineless and Machine that group as the head of the unit. AT THE FORKS Permanent Waves Rutan Chevrolet Co. These groups are determined by Two Barben phone 395 floors or parts of floors in four dor- Eal!lt Main Street mitories, and by sections in Albert Lowry Beauty Shop Watch for Latest Norman Ward Hall. Their first func- Davis Typewriter Co. Models of Chevrolet tion Is to receive opinions, ideas, and Compliments of Adjoining Post Office suggestions of the students in their 32 West Main Street groups about ways - of making the Westminster Laundry Westmirl$ter, Maryland - Student Christian Association more Phone 328 what they want it to be and more Telephone 585 The Coffman·Fisher Co. William F, Myers' representative of a larger number of students. Flowers for Every Occasion Expert repairs on all makes Department Store Sons, Inc. Third, groups within the dormitor- typewriters and adding rna- ies offer a channel for more complete chines. COMPLETE OUTFITTERS PORK PACKERS FOR ALL AGES SAUSAGE publicity about. programs and eerv- Stewart N. Dutterer MANUFACTURERS FLORIST "The Best for Dress" Liberty and Green Streeu Westminster, Md. Office and Plant- PenlUylvania Ave. Stoner '& Hobby Phone 102 Westminster, Md. COMPLIMENTS OF Phone 350 Phone 458 c. R. Aldridge, Owner , INSURANCE pIns SERYICE We cater to the Col1egienne The Gore Motor Co. Westminster, Maryland Margaret & Earl's with new clothes for the New Year .•. in our gay young Students' Center COMPLIMENTS OF CoHegienne Shop on the ,Phone 214-W Fourth Floor The C.rroll Gardens SANDWICHES- HUTZLER.BIUfHER) @ Run Right to J. WM, HULL, Jeweler SOFT DRINKS READ'S Successor to Cassell's Baltimore, Maryland The Store of New Fashioned For Fine Cosmetics, Toiletries and all your Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty DRUG STORE N9EDS Carroll Theatre State Theatre Greeting Cards Times Building 15 E. Main Street, Stationery East Main St. WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md. .nd Thurs., Fri., Sat., Thur., Fri., Jan. 17, 18 Jane Frazee--Brad Taylor Magazines Jan. 17, 18, 19 "SWINGING ON A RAINBOW" Enjoy P. G.CoffmanCo. I J ames Craig-Frances Gifford Saturday, Jan. 19 BOLLINGER'S Times Building "SHE WENT TO THE RACES" Tax Ritter HOME MADE ICE CREAM 7301den4 "FLAMING ,BULLETS" Convenient Parking Space Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Sun., Mon., Tues., Jan. 20, 21, 22 Seventy Comfortable Seats ICE CREAM Tom Neal-Barbara Hale One-half Mile South of Jan. 20-23 "FIRST YANK IN TOKYO" Westminster COMPLIMENTS Betty Hutton, Barry Fitzgerald Baltimore Blvd. "STORK CLUB" Wednesday, Jan. 23 Route 140 William Gargan-Nancy Kelly OF "FOLLOW THAT WOMAN" If It I. Borden's Thur .• Fri., Jan. 24, 26 Charles Carroll Hotel Thur., Fri.; Sat., Jan. 24, 25, 26 Expert Photo Finishing Alice Faye-Dana Andrews Willard Parker, Anita Louise Kodachrome and Kodacolor It's Got To Be Good "FIGHTING GUARDSMAN" Service DELICIOUS CHICKEN "FALLEN ANGEL" Headquarters for Everything Saturday, Jan. 26 Photographic DINNERS Kirby Grant-Fuzzy Knight Authorized Eastman Dealers Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., "CODE OF THE LAWLESS' BORDEN ICE CREAM CO. Davidson Photo Finishers • Jan. 27, 28, 29, 80 Sun., Mon., Tue., Jan. 27, 28, 29 Jack Haley, Helen Walker, 49 Colonial Avenue Westminster, Md. Phone 261 Paul Henreld, Maureen O'Hara Rudy Vallee Westminster, Maryland "SPANISH MAIN". "PEOPLE ARE FUNNY" '-----_-----
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