Page 26 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 26
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., February 1, 1945 Of To eap' &. eap'lice By Don Capobianco We are faced with the unpleasant task of I John Delvecchio, news editors who have resigning from the editor's desk of the Gold consistently done good work willingly; to Madame Editor: Bug, and as we give up the position, we find Henry Lamadrid for never having failed to The current war has for some I find this column particularly dif- ourselves in a mood for reminiscing, and at young people posed a distressing ficult to write ... the reasons being the same time for looking forward to a very be at the typewriter or at the copy desk, de- problem, that of resolving their duty varied, many and space-filling. pending upon where the need was greater. in the presence of the demands of this afternoon (Tuesday) at approxi- promising future. Mrs. Nina Veale, Mrs. Evelyn Wenner, government on the one hand and the mately one twelve and a half I made We firmly believe that although it has not Mr. Edgar Royer and the Times Printing teachings of Christianity on the oth- the sad mistake of wandering in the always achieved its goal, it is the goalof this Company have through their cooperation er. Some on principle find no in- grill, if for no better reason than to superable difficulty in taking up arms procure an ice cream cone. To my dis- student publication to represent that which and encouragement 'made even difficult times while maintaining a Christian posi- may I saw seated at one of those is best at Western Maryland College-the seem bright. tion. Others find no workable com- over-sized toadstools, the tyrant who best in the way of school spirit, the best in We hav'e a separate word of thanks for promise and give themselves to un- edits this periodical. the way of cooperative working, the best in Mr. Milson C. Raver, for we have needed his yielding pacifism. Still others unable Upon my entrance her whole face the way of thought expression. In the past advice and assistance often, and it has never to kill reconcile their duty to their lighted up by a glowing baring of four years, in positions from reporter to been denied. state and their conscience by parti- teeth ofttimes called a smile. Sweetly editor, we have tried to keep this major ob- cipation in the medical services. she rasped in a low roaring whisper, jective uppermost in our mind. Perhaps the most important word of Perhaps we may assume much of "You're going to have your column in thanks which we can say should be directed pacifism flows out of a strong relig- right after dinner tonight, aren't Now, as it comes time for us to give up the to the former editors, Isaac B. Rehert and ious conviction related-in our coun- you? There is no, real rush for it l •• " duties, the hardships, the privileges, the Alvin H. Levin, for it was their enthusiasm try at least-to the teachings of Being naturally timid I muttered a pleasures of the office, we wish to share with Christ. We hasten to acknowledge faint "yes" for I feared to tell this the incoming staff and with all Hill enthu- and love for Western Maryland and the Gold the possibility that some in deepest ominpotent being that I had planned Bug which first impressed us. sincerity may find in the teachings to spend a quiet afternoon lying in siasts thoughts on three main topics: review, There are those who are seldom seen or of Christ a mandate so strong and bed to make a pretense at sleeping. appreciation, and challenge. plain against killing as utterly to pre- heard and yet who are all important to the .Fears Tyrant On the first topic, we think back over such production of the paper; without them there vent their participation. Indeed it is makes I returned to my tumbled-down articles as Mr. Makosky's of 1944. We could be no publication-the members of the our boast that our government to com- not the least official attempt shack torn between two desires; one weren't being radical when we presented business staff. Dennis Blizard and Margaret pel conscientious objectors to kill, being to try to sleep and the other to this article; we were attempting to provoke Fredrich, business and advertising man- but respects their convictions. Some really sleep . I find myself doing serious thought. We like to remember ar- conscientious objectors unwilling to neither ... I must get this column agel'S respectively have done much for the written etsewtse the wrath of that ticles written by A. S. T. P. men who were Gold Bug directly and indirectly. We would stultify themselves in idleness or entered have slave driver would be down upon writing so that in spite of a half military, not have them go 'unrecognized-their con- make-work programs, It would seem a the medical corps. me. . . . but on the other hand, I half civilian population, all Western Mary- tributions have been many, varied, and most natural step that Christians have not given up the sleep idea, land attendants could function as a unit. great, and they deserve commendation for uri- either .... In fact, I have reached a able to kill because of brotherly love compromise and that is to write my We try to remember such articles as Dr. their meticulous records on financial stand- should bind up the wounded in the Reports from the bat- name of love. column while lying in bed. T. M. Whitfield's editorial, printed in the ing. tle zones testify at once to the excel- I find it rather hard concentrating last issue of the paper; we hope we have All members of the staffs, from 1943~1945 on this for there are a few outside made clear that every student on the campus have cooperated with us and have made hon- lence of the service rendered, and to a courage the who carry of those disturbances which are not conducive is theoretically a part of the Gold Bug staff, est efforts to think always in terms of stretcher rather than a rifle. This is to good column-writing (as you will all agree by now), nor is it conducive and should feel it his place to contribute "W.M.C. first"; for this we are grateful, and not, of course, to suggest that all, or to sleep or I'd try that .... Right ideas, criticisms, suggestions. this is the reason that we can look forward even the majority of, the medical now I am enjoying a beautiful clari- We think of many evenings in the office to '45~'46 papers. corps men are conscientious objec- net recital ... it goes something We reveal our beliefs about the papers to tors, but only a recognition of the like this . . . do re mi fa so la ti with typewriters being' hammered, with worth of their service and the splen- do ... do re mi fa so la ti do . various sounds coming forth to break the come. They will be equal to any that wehave dor of their devotion. do re mi fa so la ti do.... Hark! monotony,-even 0 c cas ion a I cries of seen on the Hill i-they must be, for the staff But what must one believe of those He's changed it ... now he is play- "Charge!" is capable and willing. 'Such a combination who in the name of religion refuse to or to give blood, ing .. do re mi fa so la ti do . cannot fail. aid the wounded to ridicule the efforts choosing rather do ti la so fa mi ra do. Thinking of the office brings us directly to wiII come to be respected part two: appreciation. We owe much to The Gold Bug of Civilian Defense and devoting .Musicians Mary Virginia Webb, who, as managing edi- and enjoyed; we are eager to see the future themselves to C. O. projects of less It is really very stirring music . accomplishments. urgent nature than that of defending stirring half the dorm into going tor, has devoted endless hours to finding and the stete t It is no solution of one's down and inviting this soloist to make compiling news; to Virginia Voorhees and problem to recall the heroism of oth- a meal of that carved sliver with er objectors. For the individual de- holes in it .... But wait, he is not bating within himself a course of soloing anymore. He is now being ec- conduct, the responsibility is individ- companied by a glorified bugle on the ual and cannot be shifted. next flight ... three windows over Campus Personality Griffin May we be permitted to suggest to it must be Harry James or an such a person, if any such read this, unreasonable facsimile for he is play- hHM.e,A1~, dJ.!UenJ that the teachings of Christ are also ing "The carnival of Venice", SOUl' very plain in the matter of inaction. notes disregarded. .Recall the fig tree that was con- The R.O.T.C. must have met today BY SHIRLEY SNYDER demned,-not for killing anyone for since Tuesday is a regular d~y for violating the Sabbath, but merely gathering the cohorts ... but that for failure to bring forth fruit. If is not what drew me to the conclusion "The happiness of love is in action; pervised the building of three dams Mrs. Griffin took three and one half we may paraphrase a parable spoken that they met today ... what really its test, what one is willing to do for and irrigation systems, and eleven years of advanced medical work, prior 1011gago to one who sought to learn inspired that thought is the blue- others."-Lew Wallace. model villages. While he was thus to her three years of work in the his duty, if we may present it in lapelled General in the hall WHO IS With this key, we open the door engaged, Mrs. Griffin started medical Kentucky Mountains, while connected modern dress, perhaps the teaching PUTTING HIS ONE SQUAD into the life of Mrs. Griffin, who, since work in the area. With the Mahara- with the Home Missions Council. will be the more poignant. ARMY through the paces. her arrival on the Hill in September, jah's approval and financial backing, The following seven years she A certain man went down from 1943, has endeared herself to us. spent as a lecturer and teacher for Antwerp to Bastogne, and fell among • General Disabled In her starched uniform and perky the National Council of Churches. the enemy which stripped him of his He is giving them the manual of little hat, we know her as our "Angel After the death of her husband in uniform, and wounded him. and de- .. weapons consisting of of Mercy", who has helped us get April, 1943, Mrs. Griffin blessed We,,- parted, leaving him half dead. And brooms, golf clubs, and a chair leg over our sniffles, our head-aches, our tern Maryland College with her ar- bv chance there "carne down a certain recently removed from its original homesick feelings. The major part rival. priest that way: and when he saw him, place on the bottom of the chair to of our cure was due to her willing he passed by on the other side. And provide this gallant knight with a smile, telling u-s she would help us. .Adopts Son likewise a conscientious objector, formidable weapon so that he too Her sons, Don and Jim, were grad- might participate in the battle of .India Bound uates of W. III. C. Don is now pastor when he was at the place. came and Western Maryland. I have just been Mrs. Griffin began a long time 'ago at the Rosedale Methodist Church in looked on him, and passed by on the side. But a certain Medic, as other informed that maneuvers have been to help people. After her wedding Washington, D. C., and Jim is a med- he searched, came where he was and called off the General was just in 1914, she and Mr. Griffin turned ical student. I disabled he called for an about their backs on the safe ease of a nor- Her daughter, Beulah, is a Lt. (Continued on page 6, column 4) face and his adjutant spun on his mal life, and sailed for India in Jan- (j.g.) in the U. S. Naval Reserve, and heel, smiting the General with a uary, 1915. Mr. Griffin was to be the holds the important position of Liai- driver. son Officer with the Communications The Maestro Arturo Srrrithensmal tz has director of agriculture in the Chris- Division in San Francisco. written a symphony which will tian College in Allahabad. For three Andrew Chi, also one of our alumni. and one half years, Mrs. Griffin de- be played at the opening of the voted her services to a Leper Hospi- is her adopted son. During his sepa- new symphonic music hall of the tal. At that time there was no cure ration from his parents, who are in On the crest of a hill Eastern Shore Transit and Traction, for leprosy, but since that time, a China, Mrs. Griffin has been a moth- r stood alone one night. Trihedral Transportation Company. doctor working in that same hospital GRIFFIN er and adviser to Andy, who is now Drifting upward from the valley Brother Smith will be glad to hum a MRS. BELLE getting his master's from Columbia Came the voices of humanity. few bars of it for you with or with- discovered the eure. she started a dispensary for the treat- University. Hate. . envy .. strife- out asking him. • Starts H05pital ment of patients, and for work in • A Friend Always Useless enmity . .Cap Capers In 1919, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin sac- prevention of bubonic plague, small- And what makes Mrs. Griffin even Guns ... tanks .. Planes- I find this increasingly difficult and rificed the modern conveniences o~ pox, and segregation of lepers. Her more wonderful, is her hobby-young The inadequacy of might. .. defeat laborious 50 I think I will 1'011out of the city of Allahabad, and moved work was not in vain, for today there people. She gets so much from us, Disillusionment. offspring. .. death- Slaughter's this bed-bug's paradise in order that into a native state-a state ruled by stands in that spot, a hospital and a she says. I might go in and sprinkle myself an Indian Maharajah-a state where school for nurses, with three full- I am sure that what we students Quiet followed. with a few drops of used and chlori- no white man had ever been before. time doctors. can give Mrs. Griffin is small tribute r watched the stars and wondered nated water in what we fondly call a Now do you know why "nothing in- After eight years of doing good in for the services she so gloriously ren- If the final word had come. shower .... If you are bored by this teresting ever happens to me?" It all India, the Griffins and their two chil- dered to the people of India, China, Then the stillness seemed to whisper. time _just recall that this is Cap's happened to Mrs. Griffin. dren born in India. returned to the and Kentucky; and for being our "Lo. I have overcome the world." Caprice and he is capering .. In that native state, Mr. Griffin i5U. State!!. nurse, and above all, our friend. W.M.R.
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