Page 9 - TheGoldBug1944-45
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Libriary Hestern Maryland College Md. PERSONALITY REPORTERS MAKE LAMADRID TOWN SURVEY PAGE 2 'PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 22, No, 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 2, 1944 Third Oak Leaf Cluster And Yea Terrors ••• Actual Race Scheduled For Citation For Courage Are Baugher, the there will time be an old- Bo Sadie Hawkins Day, Nov. 11 For first since Presented To Lt. Mendell fashioned "pep-rally" in Alumni Hall next Friday evening, Novem- ber 10, immediately after dinner. Bugle Blowing, Starting Line, Strict Rules Are Involved After previously being reported missing in action, Lieutenant The yells, cheers, and songs of In After.Lunch Cross Country Dash Of L'll Abne" Carlton E. Mendell, Jr., former WMC student, class of '45, has now former days on the Hill will be re- been officially reported as "safe and in neutral territory," after vived in an attempt to regain No later than twenty-five minutes past twelve on the after- crash-landing in an airplane operating from the Eighth Air Force some of the college spirit of yes- noon of Saturday, November 11, the Sadie Hawkins Day race will Bomber Station in England. teryear. officially begin and there will be a starting line outside the dining Lt. Mendell, fiance of Jeanne Cork- Also on the program for the ral- hall for all of the males who feel that they would especially like to ~~~d '~~kw~a:'e~~~:~rn~:ar:::~~ and captain of the soccer team, re- ly is a special prevue of what avoid Sadie and her be-apinstered sisters. call will be sounded by A bugle the well-dressed Dogputcher will Medal for "Meritorious achievement" ~;~:dt:~Sr:~:~~t:~e~~n~h~ielun:e~:~'[. wear, and how he will act, on Sa- Delong Will feature Judge Hawkins, and the visible race in bombing attacks over Europe. for men will then begin-running He is married to Jane Fraley, a die Hawkins Day. must be kept within the Dog patch WMC grad, and has a brothel', Lt. This pep rally is one of many franz Schubert Set John C. "Nemo" Robinson, who also campus activities being planned area which extends as far as the edge of what used to be the Western \~ent to Western Maryland. by the Wesleyans, including root- In Nov. J5 Recital Maryland College campus. Lieutenant Joe C. Newcomer grad- ball games being played between The annual dance which is spon- uater from the Sixteenth Unit the Wesleyans and the Seminary Professor Alfred de Long, bass- sored by the Gold Bug will be held every Thursday afternoon. bar-itone will be heard in an all Schu- in Blanche Ward Gymnasium be- Lt. Newcomer, Any Western Marylanders not bert program in Levine Hall on the tween the hours of eight and eleven Brunswick, IUd., intimately acquainted with the col- night of November 15, 1944, at 8:00 P. M., Saturday, and the chairmen P. M. This recital is first of musical lege yells and songs are heartily I advised all that one needs to know -partment on the Hill. a song cycle Blizzard, Mammy Yokum Seltzer, Yokum for the dance will be Pappy events Sponsored by the music de- handbook their to bring along with them, since they con- Winnie Bak- citizens, and Dcgpatch The lVinteJ' Journey, tain er, Barbara Richter, Dono- Patricia including compositions twenty-four during the coune of a pep rally. product of the genius of the inimit- of these people will be at the ~ll able master of beautiful melodies, van, and Mary Va. Webb. Franz Schubert, is Professor deLong's dance dressed in Dog-patch style, and Dewey Wins In choice for this year's presentation. they will serve as judges at the con- test This cycle of songs was composed best-dressed the for Dogpatch Campus Election' in 1827 and in them Schubert reaches characters of the evening. board, there In to this addition the zenith of his musical ability. The twenty-four poems with words by will be a group of faculty members By Landslide Wilhelm Muller clothed ineffably gloom? from WMC with their "hail' let down" sad. are has these Schubert who will visit the community for the poems with music of everlasting qual. evening for the purpose of seeing to Minority Party Backed By His citation read in part: ity. it that the marryin' up places arc courage, coolness and skill displayed Group of Eight Students The songs represent Schubert at his not too legal. These visiting judges by tbis officer upon these occasions vary best, and they will be sung in will be Mammy and Pappy Earp, reflect great credit upon himself and Thomas E. Dewey polled more than Mammy and Pappy Marshall, and the Armed Forces of the United a two-to-one majority over 'Franklin :;~~:h;ha~~~~rde~:.t~;~het~i~;:: ,,~~: Aunt Wenner. States." D. Roosevelt in the recent campus greatest song writer that ever lived." An admission charge of seventy- Other former Western Maryland Lt. Wm. C. Robinson straw vote held under the auspices of The appearance of lIfrs. Juliet five cents drag, fifty cents stag will students now distringuishing them- the Gold Bug, to reveal public opin- Alexopoulos as accompanist to Mr. covel' the price of kick-apoo-joy juice selves in the Armed Forces are First- ion on the Hill regarding the forth- de Long will be another feature in the and preserved turnips or a reasona- Lieutenant William Robinson, who was a high school teacher in Fred- coming election. program. This performance will be ble fac-simile of each. recently graduated from AAF Navi- erick before entering the army. Students and faculty were given her- musical debut on the HilL Mrs. If there is a good reason for com- gation School at San Marcos, Texas; Ensign Charles O. Harris received an opportunity to designate their Alexopoulos is It graduate of East- ing in clothes other than those of the First Lieutenant Joe C. Newcomer, a commission in the Naval Reserve choice for the Presidency of the Unit- (Cont. on page 4, col. 3) (Cant. on page 2, col. 4) who was commissioned in the Army, and was designated a naval aviator ed States, with the final tabulations and Ensign Charles O. Harris, com- at Pensacola, Florida, recently. While as follows: Stage Crew, Directed By New missioned as a naval aviator. a student at Western Maryland, En- Thomas E. Dewey, Republican " Lieutenant "Bill" Robinson, for- sign Harris was a member of the 64-12% mer sports editor of the Gold Bug boxing and basketball teams. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat Dramatics Head, Now Building 31.18% Victory Bond Drive Opens Norman Thomas, ~ocialist were ,1.70% Entire "Junior Miss" Set cast of 170 ballots A total in the election, with Mr. Dewey re- Step cautiously while venturing around the north corner of On Hill Tomorrow Morning ceiving 53 votes, and minor candidate Old Main-an able arm may suddenly reach out and drag you into Roose- President 109 votes, the domains of Miss Ruth Beth Watts and her stage crew. These velt Norman Thomas receiving eight industrious souls have invaded the ground floor of Old Main to take Extensive Plans Being Laid For Contest And Show; votes. over what was Western Maryland's first dining room, and then In order to obtain campus reaction became a laundry room. Still later, it fell to mechanical drawing Local Aim Of Sixth Campaign Is Ambulance to the political campaign as it enters stooges, and now-to a scenery crew! The Sixth War Loan Drive will begin on the cafnpus tomorrow its final stage, the Gold Bug pub- ~~~~~~~~~= morning and will continue through December 16, in conjljnction lished a special election page in its d&~J~;~~~ i:I~~s~\aou:~ ~h::~i~~:~~~ with the National War Loan Drive.ja committee consisting of Mr. last issue, presenting the pr-inciples and manual labor. If you are lucky Here, hold this pan for me!" There I T. K. Harrison, Don Capobianco, and Lillian Jackson has an- expressed in the platforms of the Re- enough to get into this place without nounced. publican, Democratic and Socialist With pan in hand I skeptically War bonds and stamps will be sold parties. watched what they were doing. Huge in the college bookstore each day of Three Major Events In Although it is true that only a wooden frames were all over the the drive, with sales being credited to small percentage of the college stu- place. These were being covered, and the dormitory of the bond-buyer. The M.usic Department dents will have the privilege of cast- will eventually be painted to serve as dormitory purchasing the greatest ing e , ballot this Tuesday, the time walls for scenery in the play. The amount of bonds and stamps during Set for School Year is not too far away when the college crew calls them "flats"; I call them the drive will receive a cash prize to student of today will have lin impor- walls. add to its dormitory fund. Three major musical programs will tant voice in the government of his Nails were being hammered, glue ·War bond captains have been ap- be presented at Western Maryland own community or state. was being smeared. There was gab- pointed for each dormitory to super- during the current scholastic year, \ bing galore, and what a mesa! with the Budapest String QUartet, the vise the sale of bonds and stamps dur- National Symphony Orchestra, and The room still holds traces of older ing the drive in each dorm. These in- violinist, IRC Dance And days. There is one free aisle w:ith a clude Dennis Blizard, Ward Hall: Mr. Robert Rudie, concert hedge of piled up mattresses, beds Shirley Snyder and Jane Beall, scheduled to give concerts in Alumni Round Table folded and stacked, trays neatly piled, during the year. Hall at intervals B'anche Ward Hall; Janice McKin- and chairs wllich gave way under a ley, McDaniel Hall; and Mary Da- The world-renowned Budapest few extra pounds. A whole corner is vies, Albert Norman Ward Hall. String Quartet will open the series Hold Interest donated to a parking space for about Lieutenants have been assigned to with a recital of Chamber music in 20 wooden buckets, floor brushes, each section in Albert Norman Ward Alumni Hall on the evening of De- A "White Elephant Dance", the mops, and a charming commode filled Hall, and to each floor in the other cember 8. first of its kind to take place on with extra little springs fallen out of dormitories, to assist the captains in Mr. Rudie will continue the series the Hill, will be held in Blanche Ward bed springs. By the door there are a promulgating the sale of bonds, and of programs with a violin recital oi Gym on Saturday night, November Miss Ruth Beth Watts number of coat hooks, but don't let in the actual sale of bonds in the col- classical music, early in the second 4, at eight o'clock, under the spon- them fool you-instead of coats, two lege bookstore. semester. sorship of the International Rela- being put to work, what a sight will chandeliers, lights and all, are coyly The goal set for the drive on the The National Symphony Orchestra tions Club. ' greet you! I got the wrong door the resting here. campus is the sale of enough bonds of Washington, D. C., under the di- Collectors have been appointed in first time, but fearful of losing a pes- The pillars once here for beauty, and stamps to sponsor the purchase rection of Dr . .Hans Kindler, will pre- each dorm to conduct a door-to-door sible worker, Miss Watts frantically now serve as wonderful aids in prop- of a field ambulance to be presented sent its ninth annual concert at Wes- quest for discarded jewelry, books, motionedrne to the next door, ran to ping up these items plus many other to the United States Armed Forces. tern Maryland in Alumni Hall on the purses, all white elephants. which will open it for me, and all in the same undescribable gadgets. This i! a great (Cont. on page 4, 001. 1) (Cont. on page 4, col 8) (Cont. on page 4. col. 2) breath gasped. "Want a job? (Cent, on page 4, col. 4)