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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., Thursday, October 19. 1944 Drama Director Boosts Varied (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) (Cont. from page 1, col. 4) body through routine exercises. The Seminary team consists of Experience acquaintances, discussing current is- second goal. The church choir will In conjunction with this thought, Russell, Flora, Mc'lntosh, Green, sues, and furnishing good fellowship. be the predominating factor here. intra-murals are again to be accentu- Korkley, Cummins, Skidmore, Sbtsa- The cabinet includes Ruth Miles, Helping 1\11'. Buckingham in official eted. Teams will be fonned in the ler, Shessley, Stewart, and Cum- (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) president; Lillian Jackson, Kitty plans for the year are Fred Morgan, various gym classes, and football, mings. Floyd Gatjen is manager of department is a graduate of Emerson Waring, Jane Beall, Grace Jemison, boys' vice - president; Ver-nelle Ports, basketball and soccer will comprise the Seminary team. College and Boston University. Miss Nan Austin, Shirley Snyder, Virginia girls' vice-president; and the secre- the main activities. There will be an Great hopes have been expressed W ntts has studied at the Yale Drama Voorhees, Bob Adams, Bob Harrison, tary - treasurer, Catherine \Varing. extensive basketball season due to the about the campus for a freshman School and the Central School of Fred Morgan, Earl Morey, Warren The counselors arc John Dorsey and fact that the game seems to be known team. The freshman class, having by Speech in London. In 1933, she re- Roberts and Carroll Doggett. Dr. Grace Jemison. to more students than is football and far a plurality of men, should be able turned from England to fl1l a position and Mrs. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Mrs. soccer. Basketball will probably be to turn up an excellent team. There is as state director of dramatics under Evelyn Wenner, and Miss Ruth Ben- played from November into the early no reason why a freshman team the Emergency Rehabilitation Ad- son were "Camp counselors". Personal Invitation days M April. During warmer weath- should not enter the competition in- ministration. She directed 'he Anvil (Cont. from page got a cabinet er softball, handball, tennis, and golf • itiated by the Wesleyans and the Playhouse in Winona, Minnesota, af- taste At the retreat the cooperative living. 1, col. 1) of practicing will be played, Seminary. The next week or so should ter transforming a blacksmith's shop An outgrowth of this was the pur- course of the day. It is almost essen- A certain amount of emphasis will see the actual formation of such a into a theater. A total lack of facili- tial that every man have a boutton- be placed upon corrective physical ed- team. ties in Dover, New Jersey, led her to chase by the S. C. A. of stock in the nicre of lettuce leaves or some other "Co-Op" store in Westminster. ucation this year. It is believed that All this leads us to a note of sym- convert a morgue into a playhouse. home grown flower. it may be able to playa great part in pathy to those alumni who look back Here she produced six important Two main goals ar-e in view for the Sadie's announcement reads: "Them correcting certain types of deficien- on the days when W. M. C. chal- plays during a season and twenty- Sunday School in the ensuing year what must dress for the occasion ain't cies. A program will be worked out lenged U. of III., cleaned off the grid- five one-act plays at intervals. under the able direction of Har-ry welcome. We deaar to keep this Dog- from the medical records by Dean iron with Dickinson, and held her Buckingham. patchy." ~ The first of these objectives is the W ~~:~a;~s c~;0~~~a~~~17t;;~hD;!:~;:ean~~ o,~~ e ;:: :~::~:~ :oOO:I~!~~S~fthanks Socialists Quote Party furthering of the knowledge of the Already, competition has been to those who are trying to recapture Bible. A series of local speakers, The Gold Bug ~!~~e!n~e:::e~e:I~;a~s~m1~at~e :!~~some of the "Hail, Western Mary- Aims For America some of whom will be men from the community churches, is planned. {Cent. from page 2, col. 2) of this writing, two games have been ~::d::,~r~i~a~i~: :~:o:;~a::~;.~ cut is (Cont. from page 3, col. 3) A greater understanding and ap- played. On Wednesday, October 11, preciation of religious music is the student suggestions and criticism to the Wesleyans tied the Seminary, six and not handed over to big business. the staff at regular meetings. Mem- be to six, and on Thursday, October 12, Hershfeld Tops Frosh The exploitive industries must and Prima Ballerina Of bers of the Council are: Gloria Ma- the Seminary was defeated by the controlled by social ownership, thias, Vernelle Ports, Peg Thompson, victorious Wesleyans twelve to zero. Class In Record Of not by autocratic administration of a Bob Adams, John Dorsey, and War- The two teams hope to play every bureaucratic state. Metropolitan Opera ren Roberts. Wednesday and Thursday. Placement Exams Norman Thomas, socialist presi- Also new this year is the practice The probable team of the Wesley- dential candidate, suggests; (1) pub- Starred October 24 of permanently assigning a reporter ana consists of Buckingham, Morgan, {Cent. from page 1, col. 2) lic corporations operated through di- (Cont. from page 1, coL 3) to each organization and department Morey, C. Doggett, p. Doggett, Har- A. Ray, R. Christine Royer, Sarah rectors representing consumers and Sweden, Greece and the late Duke of of instruction on the Hill, to insure rison, and Dorsey" the various categories of workers in complete coverage of all campus E. Smith, John T. Spicknall. Kent. Her numerous New York ap- English: Raymond H. Bcnnighof, each such industry; and (2) growth pearances have included an engage- A "town survey", in the form of a of consumers' on the cooperatives Sattrday Evenings Frederick J. Brown, Catherine Doro- G. Rochdale Plan. He maintains that a ment with the Ballet Theatre at the series of feature articles about places Opera House. Metropolitan J. Buhrman, Buckel, Madeline of interest in the city of Westminster thy O. Catheli, Dolores J. Ewen, Mary postwar tax program must not be The eminent Russian-born pianist will offer to Western Marylanders the To Be Time Of Alice Herahfeld, Marian Meredith, used to support the big business sys- Sergei Malavsky began his career in opportunity to become better ac- of social tem and hinder the growth Fern A. Ray, Helen A. Wright. enterprise. China. In this country he has toured quainted with the local community. Variety In Fun Jean Reading: Raymond H. Bennighof, The right of workers to organize with the Russian NBC Imperial CBS, and Singers, for broadcast and E. Brant, Frederick J. Brown, and to bargain collectively must (Cont. from page 1, col. 5) Catherine G. Buckel, Mary Alice restored and protected and to accom- be been the musical adviser for motion each week's program, with a sincere Hershfeld, Marian Meredith, Fern A. plish this, they demand the social pictures, and the current Broadway l\\t~'IIRlW~~OIl success, "Helen Goes to Troy." attempt being made to make each one Ray, John M. Rittler, R. Christine ownership and cooperative operation ii.ecause of the opening of the opera different from any of the others, and Royer, Sarah E. Smith, Gilbert V. of large scale farming. season, Svetlova is on a limited tour WAR BONDS Wharton. thus holding the attention and inter- Miss Anna L. Jones, Miss Mary of the East. The Community Concert est of the entire student body in the C. Equality and Fraternity of Association is proud to have succeed- venture. Alice Hershfeld, Miss Gladys Sause, Races ed in securing an engagement with and Mr. Gilbert ranked V. Wharton Following the regular program sufficiently high in the Biology place- In Indiana, Thomas, the socialist her. SMITH & REIFSNIDER for Saturday evening, there will be representative, defied McNutt's mar- Dates for the other two concerts, Incorporated dancing to the melodies of a jukebox ment test to be excused from taking tial Iaw: in Florida, he fought and ex- the association announces, are: Feb- LUMBER-COAL until the house mothers call in their general biology. posed the Ku Klux Klan; in Arkan- ruary 5, the Nine-O'clock Opera Com- MD. brood. sas, he faced planter mobs in behalf parry in "The Marriage of Figaro"; WESTMINSTER. The members of the SAC, which is of the sharecroppers; in New Jersey, April 16, Dalles Frantz, concert- sponsoring Saturday's affair, and he fought and licked Boss Hague on pianist. George's Restaurant which will cooperate with the other Red Cross surgical dressings the issue of free speech. organizations on the campus in fu- Open seven days a week ture programs, are Dean 't., Forrest will be made in the Home Econom- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Free, Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Mrs. ics Department, Old Main, every Margaret & Earl's 24 hours a Day Nina Veale, Mr. M. C. Raver, Ruth Wednesday evening between 7 and 9 p_]\f_ Miles, Ruth Hausman, and Earl Mo- Students' Center rey. ~ 'Veal' a washable cotton dress, Phone 214-W we cater to the If you're still undecided whether to and a kerchief. SANDWICHES SOFT DRINKS PETE'S come over to Gill Gym about 7:30 on COLLEGIENNE Saturday night, take it from Bert GROCERY Harrison: Compliments John Everhart in our "Girls, if you're putting on too of Delicious much poundage because of the huge fHE COLLEGE BARBER Collegienne Shop steaks we've been having in the din- Ko~ed Club AND BOBBER on the fourth floor SOUTHERN DAIRY ing hall lately, come around Saturday night...and laugh it off." AT THE FORKS HUTZLER. BfDTH ERS ~ ICE CREAM CAST YOUR VOTE Cootes' Barber Shop f" DEWEY Two Barbers Thee. F. Shaeffer Carroll Theatre State Theatre "Unlimited Cuts For All" EAST MAIN STREET Master Plumber WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Space Contributed by Mrs. Anthony Club Plumbing, Heating, Tinning Contractor Thurs., Fri. & Sat., Oct. 19, 20, 21 Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 19-20 92 W. Main St. Deanna Durbin - Gene Kelly Jean Parker - Robert Lowery ''THE NAVY WAY" GRIFFIN'S Greeting Cards Phone 359.J "CHRISTi\IAS HOLIDAY" Westminster, Md_ Stationery fo' Saturday, October 21 and "Your Stop Downtown" Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 22, 23, 24 "LAND Dick Foran LAW" BEYOND SODAS-SANDWICHES Loraine Day - Allen Marshall Magazines CANDlES "BRIDE BY MISTAKE" Sun., Mon, Oct. 22 & 23 P. G. Coffman & Co. Opposite State Theater Compliments Wed. & Thurs., Oct. 25 & 26 "THE Wm. Bendix APE" HAIRY Times Building I.~~~~~~ Times Building Vivian Leigh - Robert Taylor John Wayne "STAGE COACH" J. WM. HULL, Jeweler DRUGS-SODAS of ''W ATERLOO BRIDGE" Tues. & Wed., Oct. 24 & 25 COSMETICS The Store of New Fashioned !~: Lynn Barie - Benny Goodman Double Feature T. W. Mather Fri. & Sat., Oct. 27 & 28 & Fri., Oct. 26 & 27 Successor to Cassell's Thurs. "SWEET "CALLING DR. DEATH" and Jewelry and Old Fashioned UNRIGHT 0 & . AND LOW DOWN" HI VA, GOOD LOOKING Honesty 5, 6, 7, S Wm. Haden East Main St. Phone 9 Sons Coming-Nov. Joyce Reynolds Saturday, October 28 WestmJnster. Md. WESTMINSTER. MD. "JANIE" "THE LAST HONEYMOON"
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