Page 7 - TheGoldBug1944-45
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., Thursday, October 19, 1944 PAGE THREE ELECTION Democrats State What Should We Believe? Republican Aims Immediate And In these times it is imperative that a well-defined play of world or- for tradition's sake, or shall we hold Reviewed From American citizens exercise their priv- ganization? Docs such a plan include to those traditions which aid our Postwar Intent ilege to register their convictions re- representation a program of ruthless progress? voter decide the "fourth Platform Talk Does In other words, ought the of all nations? intelligent government. In the midst he suggest garding In the ensuing paragraphs are of conflict and confusion, when our vengeance on the conquered, or is he term" issue on the basis of the Mr. Dewey opened his campaign by stated the essential points of the world has sacrificed its sense of val- interested in mutual cooperation? achievements of the preceding terms, taking the subject of foreign policy platform of the Democratic Party, ues on the altars of greed and hatred or on George Washington's refusal out of the partisan politics. He com- quoted from a pamphlet issued by the there is an urgent need for clear- Official Straw Vote Ballot to accept a third term? mitted the Republican l?arty to parti- Party entitled, "Platform Adopted by headed thinking on critical problems, Other problems which demand the cipation by the United States in a the Democratic National Convention the solution of which may bring Western Maryland Collegc same careful consideration include new world organization, grouped in 1944." peace or lead us in the future into an- peace-time conscription, reconversion for a council and assembly, and dedicated "The Democratic Party stands on ot~~~s;l~~a\:!::s~~~blems must be , President of the United States of industry from war-time to peace- to restraining any future aggression, racial time production, critical the ~:e:dec:i:~~;, ~::~li~~d a~nd:~·nta~~ faced by the American voter, if the Vote for one- problems, the extension of such social with a world court interpreting in- law. He sent his repre- ternational reforms as social security and social- peace, guarantee fuU employment and ~~:c;~:~~nW~~cht~~li~:~~;:\s'':\r~~: Thomas E. Dewey, Republican 0 ized medicine, the payment of war sentative on foreign affairs, John prosperity-this is its plat- a better world. The American voter the establishment of a fair Foster Dulles, to meet with Mr. Hull. Fa'anklin D. Roosevelt, bonds, and Together, they agreed that the pol- has a responsibility not only to vote, Democrat 0 system of taxation. The majority of "Beginning March, 1933, the Dem- but to vote intelligently. Intelligent the students on the Hill will not have icy of the new League of Nations ocratic Administration took a series voting demands a thoughtful coneid- Norman Thomas, Socialist 0 an opportunity to register their opin- would not be changed by the results of actions which saved our system eration of the issues involved in the ions on these problems at the poIls of the November election. Dewey of free enterprise. It provided social coming election. As college students, Another of the issues is the prob- of the nation, but the college student will support a world peace organiza- security, including old-age pensions, we must begin to do some intelligent lem of demobilizing the armed forces. of today is the voter of tomorrow. tion, but will oppose profligate Amer- unemployment, insurance, security thinking and to abandon a "follow- What> program does the candidate The Gold-Bug will sponsor an of- ican spending abroad, and will insist for crippled and dependent children the-crowd" attitude toward voting. suggest for the employment of re- ficial campus election, the results of on the right of small nations to par- and the blind. It provided federal We should not allow our'thinking to turning soldiers? Does he advocate which will be pubfished in the No- ticipate in international decisions. bank deposit insurance, flood preven- be governed by "catchy" slogans and adequate pensions for disabled veter- vember 2 issue. The domestic issues have been the tion, soil conservation and prevented political "mud-slinging", but rather ans, or will he allow them to become Clip the ballot from the paper, and real concern of the Republicans. The abuses in the security markets. It by the best available facts. plan to cast your vote for your party New Deal has succeeded in making victims of society's "charity"? What 0i: ~::e~~~r ::::! :::s:~ef::~S s:;u~e~o:r:~~~~: p~~::; What are the paramount issues to provisions does he offer fOl· soldiers a on Saturday morning, October 28 be- a serious mix-up in home politics. has Mr. Dewey, in his speeches, who wish to A. 11. and 12:45 t.ween 7:30 P. M., secure or continue for farm products. We· pledge the ~: :;t::rt:o c : :/ higher education \ ' in the ballot box on Old Main porch. come out for several alterations. At continuance and inpruvement of these which shall follow this war. As we Then there is the "fourth term" In the meantime, it is intended that Seattle, he advocated the retaining of programs. view the contending candidates, we issue. Shall we limit a president's students will have the opportunity the National Labor Relations Act for "The primary and imperative duty should ask such questions as the fol- term of office to eight years? Should to hear the thorough, correct analyses the repeal after the war of the Smith- of the United States is to wage the lowing: Is he interested in internn- we be interested primarily in the of the various parties, in an assem- Connelly Act, for the protection of war with every resource available to tional operation, or does he seek number of years a president holds bly, and it is our. desire to get a fair- labor's rights to collective ~rgain- final triumph over our enemies and to maintain our "national sever- his office, or is the more important ly accurate reading background for ing, and for making permanent the we pledge that we will continue to - eignty" at the expense of the question what he does while in of- the purpose of making students citi- Fair Employment Practices Commis- fight side by side with the United rest of the world? Docs he have fice? Shall we maintain tradition sion. Nations until this supreme objective At San Francisco, he pledged the shall have been attained and there- principle of government participa- after, to sec-qre a just and lasting tion in the nation's economic affairs. peace. Socialist Party Urges Peace Drive; Included in these are stabilization uf "That the world may not again be interest rate, the provision of jobs drenched in blood by international for aU who can work, and for the outlaws and criminals, we pledge to Advocates Economic Security Saturday. Oct. 21: join with the other United Nations Ail Western-- Maryland Talent ~:~~:~~:o:ff farm crops against price in the establishment of an interna- A. Winning Of The Peace lands now occ; Japan, hut Night, Gill Gym, 7:30 P. M. No At Los 4-ngeles,_ he proposed the tio~~i- organization ba~~d on the Unlike the two major parties, the to colonial territories under white admission charge. extension of old age pensions and principle of the scverejg n equality of Socialist Party has specifically stat- rule. Where guidance to such in- Monday, Oct. 23: survivor's insurance to all not now aU peace-loving States, open to mem- ed its peace aims. It summons thc dependence is necessary, it shall protected, assurance of medical ser- bership by all such States, large and American people to demand an im- be under international authority. International Relations Club, Mrs. vice to those who need it and cannot will speak on Wartime small, for the prevention of aggres- mediate political peace offensive 4. As a guarantee of good faith Alexopauloa McDaniel Hall Lounge, pay- for it, and additional forms of Greece, sion and the maintenance of interna- based on the offer of an armistice to and a condition of the success of aid for returning veterans. tional peace and security. We favor the people of the Axis nations on the any federation, the United Nations 6:45 P. M. OUl" government must be set up in the maintenance of an international foHowing conditions: must pledge themselves after the Paul Maynar-d organ recital, Alum- order. Mr. Dewey pledges to you, court of justice, of which the United 1. The peace should be organized establishment of peace to follow ni Hall 8 P. M. the following: States shall be a member, and the on the acceptance of two funda- the disarmament of the enemy Tuesday, October 24: "An Administration devoted to pub- employment of diplomacy, concilia- mental principles: (a) the equal countries by ending their own com- Initial program of the Westmin- lic service instead of public dicker- tion, arbitration and other like meth- rights of all peoples of every race petitive armaments and military ster Community Concert Associa- ing. ods, where appropriate, in the settle- to order their lives without subjec- conscription and working out inter- tion, Westminster High School, An Administration working in har- ment of international disputes. tion to any race or nation; (b) the national guarantees of mutual se- 8:15 P. M. mony with Congress. "We favor federal aid to educa- necessity that self-determination be eurity. An Administration in which the tion, administered by the States accompanied by organized co-oper- B. Economic Security With Liberty Wednesday. October 25: Cabinet is restored as a responsible without interference by the Federal ation, from which" no people, enemy, Poverty and joblessness cannot be Student Christian Association, Bak- instrument of Government. Government. We make it our first neutral or colonial, shall be exclud- conquered by private capitalism un- er Chapel, 6:45 P. M. An Administration in which you duty to assure employment and- econ- ed, and the establishment of politi- der the false alias of "free enter- 'Thuraday, October 26: will not have to support three men omic security to all who have served cal and economic arrangements for prise," which is extolled today, Ig nor- to do one man's job. in the defense of our country. removing the causes of war, set- antly or hypocritically by such di- Home Economics Club meets. An Administration which will root "We believe that racial and relig- tling disputes, guaranteeing securi- verse groups as the Republicans, tbe Friday, October 27: out waste and bring order out of ious minorities have the right to live, ity and conquering poverty. Democrats, the Communists, Wall Joyce Barthelson Recital. chaos. develop and vnte equallv with ail cit- 2. As a guarantee of good faith Street monopolists, little business, Levine Hall. An Administration which will give izens and share the rights that are farmers-and even- labor leaders. the people of this country value re- guaranteed by our Constitution. We and a condition of armistice, the Advocating social insurance, they Saturday, October 28: ceived for the taxes they pay. German and Japanese people must: believe in the world right of all men favor its extension and improvement, Campus ~lection Day. Students An Administration free from the to write, send and publish news at (a) replace governments guilty of endorse all possible help to returning may deposit ballots between' 7:30 influence of Communists and the and uniform communication rates and gross by deceit governments cruel in aggres- veterans, demand that the new pub- A. M. and 12:45 P. M. in ballot box domination of corrupt big-city ma- sion whose without interference by governmen- good faith reasonable confidence lic domain-the war plants now own- on Smith Hall porch. chines. tal or private monopoly and that that may be reposed; (b) withdraw ed by the government--- be used in Monday, October 30: An Administration in which the right should be protected by treaty. the struggle against unemployment Tri Beta initiation begins at Dean Constitution is respected so that the their military forces from all occu- "To these beliefs the I?emocratic pied territory and rapidly disarm; (Cont, on page 4, col. 3) Bertholf's home. liberties of our people shall be secure. Party subscribes." and (c) wherever possible, restore An Administration which will de- loot and give refugees a new eco- vote itself to the single-minded pur- "Wartime Greece" nomic start. Aloha Plans Proceed On Schedule; pose of jobs and opportunity for all." i (St. Louis Speech, October 16) 3. The United Nations, on their To Be Discussed part, must pledge themselves spe- Committees Already Functioning cifically (a) to free the European At IRe Meeting nations overrun by Germany; (b) Lucinda Holloway, editor-in-chief, Katherine Kaiser, chairman, Cassie Transfer Students ••• to help them guarantee their inde- is making plans for the publication of Schumann, Phyllis Myhre, and Jean Dr. Theodore Whitfield, advisor of pendence thr~ugh a Unit:ed States the 1945 A loha. She is being assisted Shirley. The eleven students who have the International Relations Club, an- of Europe or strong regional fed- by Catherine Waring, business man- Business committees will be an- transferred to WMC from other nounced today that the organization eration to supplement a world fed- ager, Donna Duvall, assistant busi- nounced later. They will include rep- colleges this year are Ada Thom- will open its fall series with a talk eration; (c) to refrain from inter- ness manager, and an editorial com- resentatives from each dormitory to as, Milford, Delaware; Arlene on "Wartime Greece" presented by ference in the internal affairs of mittee composed of the juniors and sponsor the sale of the Aloka.. Samuels, Denver, Colorado; Kath- Mrs. Juliet Alexopaulos in McDaniel nations thus freed; (d) to extend seniors who are acting as chairmen of Highlighted will be snapshots de- leen Naylor, Leonardtown, Mary- Lounge, October 23, at 6:45 P. M, material aid for immediate relief the various committees of publication. picting important college events and land; Miriam McCloskey, Roar- Mrs. Alexopauios is a graduate of and reconstruction of devastated The committees for the publication views of the surrounding countryside ing Springs, Pennsylvania; Edith Kent State University, Ohio, and countries without using such aid are as follows: lay-out committee: as seen from various sections of the Long, Emmitsburg, Maryland; Kansas Western University, and is as a weapon for political domina- Lee Stiffler, Earl Morey, chairmen, campus. Students having unusual pic· Sophie Jones, Cambridge, Mary- the wife of a native of Greece who is tion, (e) to reject all demands for Marie Wilson, and Pat Donovan; tures of college activities are asked to land; Mary Jane Harris, Cleve- working at present for the United Axis slave labor in tpe postwar feature committee: Peg Thompson, submit the negatives to the Aloka. of- land, Ohio; Evelyn D ash i ell, Nations Reliei and Rehabilitation world; (~) to decide ~oundary ~u:s- Janet Baugher, chairmen, Shirley fice. Mardela Springs, Mar y Iand; Division. Mr. Alexopau]os returned tions whlch do not YIeld to negotIa- Snyder, and Henrietta Jones; copy- Although the general divisions of John Mote, Wahpeton, N. Dakota; to Greece in 1938 to establish the tion by plebiscite under interna- editing committee: Leuda Venable, the yearbook will remain essentially' Max Bertholf, Westminster; and Pathological Division of the Chemical tional authority; (g) to turn away Alice Kuhn, chairmen, .Jean Ander- the same, the staff plans for new ex- Owen Arrington, Randallstown, and Agricultur(l Research Institute from imperialism by guaranteeing son, Margaret Statler, and Virginia periments in lay-.out .a,nd- style of. 1:faty~nd. -.- - write.-uPii..~___ - .. - in Piraeus. speedy self-government, not only_tp Voorhees; photography committee:
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