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Library Maryland College Vol. 21, No.1 WESTERN MD. COLLEGE October 21, 1943 President Speaks At Annual Convocation, Stresses Duty On Monday mor-ning, October 11, Service Unit System, ern Maryland Co!lege delivered his Fred G. Holloway of West- President Purpose Revealed Convocation speech which officially opened the new college year. At this The cadet system of the 3308th time, President Holloway welcomed Service Unit on the W. M. C. campus back to the college all of "the old stu- is similar to the system now in opera- dents", those who have previously tion at West Point and several of the been enrolled, and the new students, Officer Candidate Schools. It is the both freshmen and transfers. purpose of this system to give each The Army Specialized Training Unit, cadet. the opportunity to take eharg'e which started at the college on July of a. platoon, company, or a battalion the twelfth, the new Cadets who re- during his stay. In this way he will cently arrived, and the fourteen first Dr. Fred G. Holloway, addressing the seventy-sixth annual convocation ~f Western be able not only to demonstrate his year Advanced Western Maryland Maryland College. This was the first time In the history of the school that the balcony was leadership abilities, but he will Also, be R.O.T.C. men were all welcomed as able to develop these qualities. Hilled with students in uniform, cadets in the ASTP. These men were welcomed as were in this system each cadet gains con- .part of the regular student body. all civilian students. The address was delivered to 150 more students than ever before. fidence in himself as a leader of 1\ e More Students Despite War group of men. President Holloway stated that this- • Battalion Officers is a most unusual year in the history Even College. Maryland Fourteen Seniors Colonel To Review Surgical D,.ssings •.. positions and the responsibilities nt- of weatern we are in the midst of "the Listed briefly below arc the various though The women of the campus will Iaehcd to those positions. greatest war in history", there are Return From Military Groups meet on wednesdays from 7:00' to The battalion commander whose one hundred and fifty more students 9:00 .P. M. in the Home Eeonemics rank is Lt. Colonel, is the command- on the campus than ever before, and Camps On Hoffa Field Laboratory to make surgical dress- ing officer of a group to see that the the number of faiulty members has of 300 men. Among other things, been increased. ings of Dr. Evelyn It is his rcsponsibility under direction Western Maryland College upper- Adjutant's Call at 2:45 P.M. Satur- Mudge, Miss Martha Manahan, and cadets get all ennouncementq, get to the President said that this is not just classmen were given a happy surprise day, October 22, will mark the begin- lIIiss Helen Gray. This activity is be- classes and meals and receive their another college year. Since our coun- try is fighting a great battle, it is ev- last week when fourteen former mem- ning of a series of parades and re- ing conducted in cooperation with the mail. eryone's duty to do his best at what-· bers of the Western Maryland ad- views to be held by the military de- local branch of the Reil Cross in Second in command of the battalion job he attempts. The review this week will ~~~==.=~~~~ vanced R. O. T. C. unit arrived on the partment during the present term at Westminster. is the executive officer. He takes campus to complete their college edu- W. M. C. charge in the absence of the battalion e'Tralned Men. Essential cation which WIiS abruptly broken off - Harold Bauer Wi" commander, aud holds the mnk of The presence of an Army Special- Major. when they were called to active duty ~:tZ:f~~eS:r:~fi;:i~~e~!~:r~la;~I~ ized Training Unit is going to alter assistant to the commander Next last spring. ~llb:~~o ~~T~t. a~:l.~~:a~e~:~~~fi~~: Open Concert Year is the Battalion Adjutant who ranks the usual routine of the college. The The men, an of whom were juniors President said: "The same Govern- His duties II Captain.. last year, and who were athletic and ~~:d~l ;~s\!~l~t~~~lu~e~!~en:;o ::~ For Campus as of the administrative typc. are more ment that puts some men in uniform Among social leaders on the campus, left the other things, he gathers all reports to fight in the front line puts others eminent Three featuring concerts, Hill at the completion of the 1942-43 some of whom will form the band. musical artists, will be outstanding in uniform to pursue technical train- school year and wer-e placed in various e'Three Company Battalion in the series of musical activities of absences among the cadets. ing in the A.S.T.P. The same gcv- training camps to receive their basic The group will be m-runged as .a, planned for the entertainment of c01- .Company, Platoon Leaders ernment. that puts some in uniform training. Since the battalion is made up of battalion of three companies and Will lege and cadet students during the and sends them to college for techni- After a gruelling training period be continued as such for the remain- current school year. three companies, there are three com-.' cal training at government expense, of from thirteen to seventeen weeks, der of the term. Among these laking Harold Bauer, well-known pianist pany commanders, who are Captains. permits others to enter college as in which time they mastered the fun- a more active part in the ceremony and teacher will play in formal con- Their duties are the same as those of civilians to pursue certain courses of damentals of army life, and endured will be Cadet H.. S. Massie as a stu- cert on December 1. He will spend the battalion commander, except that study at their own expense. Neither the physical toughening-up process dent commandant, Cadet 1\1. L. Katz. two days on campus in informal lec- they deal with only a company. is an escape from duty. Both fill an for which the army is famous, the as acting adjutant, and Cadets A. S. ture and concert with the students of Each platoon is made up of thirty imperative need in our national life. fourteen sons of the Green and Gold Crawford, R. D. Fowler and W. M. the college musical department. men arranged in three squads. The "This sense of duty to which I re- WE're pleased when notified of their Bell commanding companies A, B, and The National Sympheny Orchestra, platoon leader is a Lieutenant. fer Involves all of us. No one es- return to western Maryland. Al- C respectively. under the direction of Dr. Hans Kind- .Cadet Officers Announced capes it. It will be the duty of each though several army camps, most of The review. provides an initial ler, will return to the college campus Cadet Officers for the week of Oc- and everyone, teacher, student, and them located in the South, are repre- period in which honors are presented, for its annual concert. The Symphony tober 17 are as follows: Battalion administrator to work to our highest sented by these men, they agreed and the reviewing officer inspects the Orchestra 'Will play in Alumni Hall (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5) and fullest capacity." (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) troops. Oll the evening of February 18. New Opera Somique will pre- Menl Run!! sent two one-act light operas on Dean's list . March 31, under the direction of En- College Men Face Terrible Fate As zic Dell'Oreftce. Performances of Senior Men Tenny, C., Adele "The Maid Servant" by Pergolesi and Mu- Sadie Hawkins. Day Approaches Beane, Wallen L. Thompson, Margaret A the "Secret of Suzanne" by Wolf- Geary, Joseph P. Webb. Mary Va. Ferrai, will be done in English. Gross, Emory F. sical accompaniment will be provided Are you a man! Are you alive and Not a barn, but Blanche Ward Gym- Harrington, William H. Sophomore Men by the famous Rath Striug Quartet. breathing? If you are that rare ani- nasium will be the scene of the merri- Henry, Paul W. Bennighof, David C. Annamary Dickey, Ruby Mercer, and Doggett, Carroll A Pompili Mataltesta of the Metropoli- mule, you had better beware. ment on the night of "women's De- Senior women Ensor, Robert E. tan Opera Association will sing with Are you a woman? Do you want light." Billingslea, Eliz, A. Friedman, Bernard the company. such an animal (purely rhetorical e Pr-izes To Be Awarded Clarke, Dorothy Holloway, William J. In addition to these featured con- question)? If Available Jones can't The spirit of the dance, neverthe- Clemson, Katherine Lewis, Donald E. ccrts, numerous recitals will be given help you, that indispensable insect, less, \vill be that of the famed Dog- Cook, Olive A. Morey, Earl W. by the faculty and students of the the Gold Bu.g will. It is holding its patch, with a toucb of Skunk Hollow. Dryden, Grace Roberts, Warren M. musical department. Student recitals annual Sadic Hawkins Day on No- The goals will be dressed as Daisy Forsytbe, Vivian V. will be in Levine Hall at 5:15 P. M. vember 6, and invites all the gals of Hall, Frances E. Sophomore Women on the second and fourth Tuesdays of Western Maryland to trap their men Mae (woo! woo!~Ed.) or Sadie Hawkins, and their captives will be a MacDonnan, Sabra C. Anderson, Jeall W. each month; the first of the series and drag them for the occasion. They reasonable facsimile of L'il Abner. Meeth, .Ann R. Bevard, Grace S. will be scheduled for November 9. At may take them to movies, to dinner, Morris, Thelma O. Brower, Barbara E. various times throughout the year, and to the big dance, or they may Prizes will be awarded for the most costumes. outstanding Rehmeyer, M~ry G Higgins, Eleanor M. advanced music students and faculty simply take them to the dance. Rice, Ann M. Jones, Henrietta T. members wiII appear in evening con- .No Turnip Preserves Neeet'l8a.ry ·.Committees Named Jonel5, O. Theodora Turnley, Mary M. For the benefit of the unlearned. The co-chairmen of the dance arf Kemp, Doris L. certs. Sadie Hawkins Day was started by Skeets Hauff and Peck Bond. Their Junior Women Knowles, Doris V. The College Choir, under the committees are: Publicity: Bob Ad- Andrews, Jean E. Mathias, Gloria L. direction of' Proi. Alfred DeLong Pappy Hawkins, the brain child of the ams and Mary Webb; decoration: the Naturally, Al Cappo cartoonist, DuVall, Donna M. Noll, Shirley J. will give its annual presentation of culture of Dogpatch must undergo Tom Bush, chairman, assisted by Fockler, Helen M. Ports, Vernelle C. Christmas Carols, and the orchestra, Dennis Blizzard, June Vogel, and Holloway, Lucinda E. Shauck, A. Winifred led by Mr. Philip Royer will be heard some changes when it falls into the CathCl'ine Ward; refreshments: Dot- hands of the Western Maryland bar- Kuhn, Alice R. Shipley, Nancy Lee at a spring concert. The Girls' Glee barians. Not a fiddle, but a juke box tie Rovecamp, chairman. Miles, Ruth 1- Vogel, June M. Club, under Miss Grace Murray, will Women, don't say we didn't try to Myers, Madeline E. Voorhees, Virginia G. present two p;'ograms-the first at will be the musical b&ekground for help you! Men, don't say we didn't preserves, the "goin's on". Not turnip Stevens, Ethel L. Waits, Betty the Westminster Reformed Church, warn you! Both of you had best get Stricldand, Marjorie J. Wilson, Marie E. lind the second in Alumni Hall in the but 7/5·cents per couple (/50 cents spring. lltag'), will be- the price of admission. runnfn'.